Into Unscientific

Chapter 752 The drama begins! (superior)


be honest.

As a neon person who spent many years with his parents in Northeast China as a child, Keisuke Sugawara's proficiency in Chinese is even better than that of many native Chinese people.

For example, he can recite many ancient Chinese poems casually, write thousand-word essays in classical Chinese, and even sing a cappella a few Song lyrics - the latter even many Chinese people cannot do.


At this moment.

After hearing Wang Anyi's words, Sugawara Keisuke's face clearly showed some surprise.

See you soon?

What the hell is this?

To know.

Today, the Diaoyu Islands are still in the hands of the other side of the sea, and Huaxia and Neon have almost no obvious maritime disputes. (Note: If there is no typo, the original name will be blocked. From now on, I will use fish instead of fish)

Nowadays, the main task of the Neon Maritime Self-Defense Force is to cooperate with the Seventh Fleet to check and balance the Mao Xiong Navy, and occasionally to protect the sea across the sea, or to go for a stroll in Bangzi's waters.

The main combat readiness task of the Chinese Navy is to use the opposite shore as the offensive target. Not only are the strategic goals of the two sides different, at least they are indeed different in terms of direction from north to south.

If nothing unexpected happens.

Wang Anyi and Sugawara Keisuke have said goodbye now, and I am afraid they will not see each other again for many times in this life - unless Huaxia and Neon start another naval battle.

Maybe many years later, when Keisuke Sugawara is old and writing his life memoirs, he will bring this past out of his mind, and then talk about this transaction with a calmness that sees through the world, and then that's it.

Therefore, Wang Anyi's words about "see you later" really made Sugawara Keisuke a little confused.

However, Sugawara Keisuke's surprise was only fleeting. After all, this kind of small verbal problem doesn't mean anything. Is it Wang Anyi's habit of not being consistent?

Just like Sugawara Keisuke's father would often end his speech with "nuohu", although even Sugawara Keisuke's father himself didn't know what it meant.

So Sugawara Keisuke quickly put this problem behind him and left the 101th ship with Sandor Hanprey.

After disembarking.

The two took the original small boat and returned to the Bailu-type destroyer they came from. The two fleets turned around and left the South Waterway with a tacit understanding.

Four hours later.

The Neon Fleet successfully returned to the Ojiga Town military port closest to the meeting point of the two sides, which was also the place where the Chinese fleet supply ship was previously refueled.

Just got off the ship.

Keisuke Sugawara hurriedly went to the duty room with Sandor Hanprey and contacted Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasumi Kurogane who was far away in Tokyo:

"Chief Cabinet Secretary, I am Sugawara Keisuke."

Kurogane Taimi's tone on the phone was relatively calm. Firstly, he had rich experience, and secondly, Sugawara Keisuke briefly introduced the transaction situation via telegram when he was on the ship:

"Thank you for your hard work, Sugawara-kun. Did you have any problems on the way?"


"You said in the telegram that the bug placement failed? What exactly happened?"

When Sugawara Keisuke heard this, his face showed a little gloom:

"Those Chinese people are keeping a close eye on us. Both the 101 ship and the oil supply ship have a large number of personnel on guard. We have no chance to make a move."

"Even the cabin we stayed in was inspected by the Chinese before we left, and even the water glasses we deliberately left in the room were returned."

"Even the calligraphy and painting of Sino-Japanese friendship that I gave to Wang Anyi was taken apart and checked by them. After the bug in the painting was discovered, my subordinates had no choice but to terminate the operation."

When Keisuke Sugawara said this, he was not only unhappy, but also had a strong sense of confusion.

Placing bugs on Chinese ships was a plan that Neon had made very early.

After all, the destination of the Chinese people is the Diaoyu Islands. That area currently has little to do with the Neon people, but it will be hard to say in ten years.

Neon people also understand the principle of preparing for a rainy day.

Therefore, they made preparations to install eavesdropping equipment on the ship very early. The mission of the eavesdropping equipment is very simple - it only needs to work once on the ship to collect some intelligence from the Chinese people during the detection of DYD. After they return to the Magic City Military Port, The local undercover agent can collect the signal through a specific wave frequency, and the eavesdropper will be scrapped.

Precisely because of the simple needs, Neon Man's eavesdropping equipment can be made very sophisticated this time.

To this end, they also found Zhongxi Gong, a well-known anti-war figure in Neon who was called a traitor in Neon, and wrote a copybook of "China-Japan Friendship" and placed a bug in it.

The result was unexpected.

Wang Anyi and others were very polite to Sugawara Keisuke after he boarded the ship, but the intensity of surveillance was ridiculously high.

Not to mention planting bugs, even when Keisuke Sugawara raised his head and yawned when he got into the tub, he could meet a pair of eyes on the skylight.

When leaving the ship, Sugawara Keisuke heard someone muttering something like "small", "can't see clearly", "shorter than Advisor Xu's roast chicken", etc., which always made him feel a little uncomfortable.

At the same time, after the eavesdropping device inside the copybook was placed in front of him, Sugawara Keisuke simply gave up the idea of ​​eavesdropping.

no way.

The Chinese people almost tell you clearly that they are on guard against them. The only thing Keisuke Sugawara has a chance to attack is the three OPEC oil tankers. But the problem is that these three oil tankers are bound for Neon, so there is no point in installing bugs.

Keisuke Sugawara is not a person who dares to face failure. After all, his main task this time is to ensure the normal conduct of the transaction, but what he is wondering about is how do the Chinese people know that they are capable of eavesdropping?

At this moment, Xu Yun, who was far away in Base 221, suddenly sneezed.


Sugawara Keisuke's answer made Kurogane Taimi frown slightly:

"What about the old white man? They failed too?"

The old white man mentioned by Kurogane Taimi naturally refers to Sandor Hanprey, and Sugawara Keisuke also nodded immediately:

"Well, although he didn't say it directly, judging from the way he looked when he got off the ship, he must have been discovered by the Chinese."

After speaking, Sugawara Keisuke paused and carefully added:

"Chief Cabinet Secretary, our judgment on relations with China seems a bit optimistic."

Black Gold Taimei touched her chin with her rough palm and said nothing.

He actually thought so too.

Not long ago, after China accepted Neon's free loan, many people in Neon believed that this was a sign of the easing of relations between the two sides. Some politicians even judged that the two sides would have the opportunity to establish diplomatic relations within three years.

The difference is that a very small number of anti-war politicians sincerely want the two sides to establish peaceful and normal external relations, but more people value China's huge market that has not yet exerted its efforts.

Now that Japanese cars have just emerged, if the interest-free loans between both parties can continue, it is entirely possible that China will become a dumping ground for Japanese goods.

But now it seems.

China's attitude towards Japan does not seem to be that close.

Is it the remnant of hatred from the war?

Or some other factor?

Black Gold Taimei thought of many things at once.

But then he came to his senses and realized that he was still on the phone with Sugawara Keisuke:

"Sugawara-kun, let's put aside the political issues for the time being. Let's continue talking about the news about the Chinese fleet."

"Where is the Chinese fleet now? Are our surveillance boats still following them?"

Even though there was a phone line between them, Sugawara Keisuke still stood at attention respectfully:

"Reporting to the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the three surveillance boats of the Self-Defense Force have been following the Chinese fleet at a distance of three to five nautical miles and have never lost track."

"According to the news coming back from the front, the Chinese fleet has arrived at an area 230 nautical miles west of the Zhendao Islands and is currently advancing steadily towards the Senkaku Islands."

Sugawara Keisuke's status is rather special, and he has many daily affairs to deal with, so he is not suitable to follow the Chinese fleet in person.

However, the voyage of the Chinese fleet is somewhat sensitive after all, so there will definitely be no shortage of surveillance boats from this faction.

Black Gold Taimei nodded and said with emotion:

"The Chinese people are very lucky, they found a good time."

have to say.

Even from the perspective of Black Gold Taimei, the Chinese people chose their time very cleverly.

The Diaoyu Islands are located between Neon and Treasure Island, and are a little closer to Treasure Island in terms of orientation. If the Chinese had done this in the past, Treasure Island would most likely send bombers to harass or even bomb.

However, now all four U2 reconnaissance planes on Treasure Island across the sea have fallen. China's air defense capabilities are a mystery. At the same time, the crisis in the Sugar Cane Country is about to break out. Under such circumstances, the other side of the sea will never allow Treasure Island to do anything to affect the situation. Action comes.

Black Gold Taimei even has a guess

This Chinese fleet might be a bait sent by Mao Xiong, hoping to induce Baodao to make some drastic reaction.

When the time comes, Mao Xiong sends troops to support China, and under the pressure from the Sugar Cane Country, the rhythm of the entire Pacific Fleet will be disrupted.

In other words.

From the moment the Chinese fleet left the port, no one dared to openly provoke a conflict, whether it was across the sea, on the treasure island or in Neon.

At the same time, if we raise our horizons a little higher and look at the entire modern history of neon, this is probably one of the few great opportunities.

Because this cabinet headed by Kurogane Yasumi and Ikeda Yuto is the only neon government after the Second World War that clearly wants to break away from the jurisdiction of the other side of the sea. Even the slogan of Ikeda Yuto's candidacy is that neon people must have independence. right.

No matter whether it is the neon cabinet in the past or the future, no one will dare to make a decision to conduct crude oil transactions with China without the approval of the other side of the sea.

In fact.

At this time, those who had the same idea as Heijin Taimei were the logistics executives of Baodao and the executives of the military garrison across the Diaoyu Islands.

Then Kurogane Taimi was silent for a moment, and then said to Sugawara Keisuke:

"In that case, Sugawara-kun, we will continue to work hard for the officers and soldiers of the Maritime Self-Defense Force."

"Please continue to monitor the course of the Chinese fleet, but do not take any action that angers the Chinese people."

"Even if they do something inappropriate, the garrison across the sea will argue with them. What Neon has to do is not to get involved in this matter."


Sugawara Keisuke quickly nodded, and then there was a trace of hesitation on his face:

"Chief Cabinet Secretary, what if the Chinese fleet approaches Okinawa?"


A trace of depth flashed in Black Gold Taimei's eyes. After considering for a moment, he made a decision:

"If it's just close to territorial waters, then don't worry about it."


This is a relatively special area of ​​Neon. The sea area to which the Okinawa Islands belong is what China calls the Ryukyu Islands.

According to the post-war disposal regulations made in the postwar Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation, the Neon territory was limited to the four Neon Islands, and Emperor Showa accepted these decisions.

However, Haidian managed the Ryukyu Islands through the "San Francisco Peace Treaty". At that time, Haidian invited not rabbits to the meeting but logistics executives. Logistics naturally agreed to this trusteeship proposal.

In addition, the rabbits were so poor at the time that they really had no ability to resist this hegemonic approach, so the Ryukyu Islands were administered by the other side of the sea.

In recent years, the people across the sea have gradually handed over the management of the Ryukyu Islands to Neon. However, what is special is that the aborigines of the Ryukyu Islands themselves do not agree that they belong to Neon.

This kind of resistance still occurs frequently even in 2024. Therefore, the real problem of the Ryukyu Islands is not the historical ownership of the Central Plains Dynasty, but that they themselves do not admit that they are Neon people.

Therefore, at this time Sugawara Keisuke mentioned Okinawa, and Kurogane Taimi decided to cold-treat it after balancing.

But Black Gold Taimei would not have expected it anyway.

The rabbits’ destination this time is neither DYD nor Okinawa

Then Sugawara Keisuke chatted with Kurogane Taimi about some planning issues and hung up the phone.


After hanging up the phone, Sugawara Keisuke leaned on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief.

The handover task has finally been completed, and the remaining matters may still have to be waffled, but in any case, they will not be related to the Maritime Self-Defense Force, right?

At the same time that Sugawara Keisuke and Kurogane Taimi were reporting, something similar that could affect human progress was happening in multiple locations on the planet.

For example, right now.

Within Asan territory.

A middle-aged man wearing a white hat, with brown skin and a high nose, but looking a little gloomy, was deep in thought in front of a map.

As the most well-known leader in the history of Asan, the middle-aged man still had many shining points in his early political career.

For example, he participated in proposing the Non-Aligned Movement and promoted the holding of the Bandung Conference. When the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were proposed, he was the glorious backdrop.

At the same time, he has been trying to eliminate the British colonial forces internally and re-divided the administrative divisions of Asan. Both his political ambitions and his methods are fierce.

However, perhaps it is precisely because the domestic policy is relatively smooth that the middle-aged man's character seems a bit arrogant.

For example, right now.

After staring at the map for a long time, he finally looked at a certain intersection on the map and showed a greedy and fierce look.

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