Into Unscientific

Chapter 736 The decision to broadcast a nuclear explosion live! (superior)

be honest.

Before today's meeting started, many participants actually had a rough mental preparation for the content of today's meeting.

After all, unified thinking before charging has always been the basic operation of rabbits, and in such critical meetings, some matters that have not been made public before will most likely be thrown out.

But even with this psychological expectation and the amazing arrangements before.

After hearing Li Jue's words, the scene fell into silence for the third time since the meeting began.

Even Wang Ganchang and Zhou Guangzhao, who would have two bombs and one satellite in the future, had their eyes widened at this moment, as if their eyeballs might fall out at any time.

Oh my god.

Live broadcast of a nuclear explosion?

After a while.

A middle-aged man with a round face slammed the table and stood up from his seat with a crash. He didn't even notice that the chair was being brought down to the ground:

"Director, I don't agree!"

This person is also an old acquaintance of Xu Yun. He is Huang Zuqia, the former leader of the light nuclear group. He is one of the famous "Eight Directors" of the Theory Department of the Ninth Academy. He is even among the academicians with the highest scientific titles in China. Be among the top batch.

Huang Zuqia's slap brought many scholars back to reality from their shock. The whole conference room was like a melting glacier, with the sound of water rushing:

"Director, I don't agree either!"

"Are you kidding? Such a major event is broadcast live? What if there are enemy agents sabotaging it?"

"That's right. And there is a risk of failure in the experiment - if there is no live broadcast, failure at most will bring shame to our theory team and R\u0026D team. Who the hell knows who Lu Guangda and Wang Jing are outside the base? But once the external live broadcast fails, That would be a disgrace to our country, and I never agree!"

"Absurd! Boring! Pointless!"

"Consultant Xu, you won't really have your brain kicked by a donkey, right?"

Many of these scholars at the scene were usually low-key and reserved, but at this moment, their necks were red and they were shouting various objections as if they were quarreling with others.

Some of them looked at Xu Yun angrily while talking - just kidding, the only person in the entire base who can come up with such an idea is this innate troublemaker who often comes up with all kinds of wild ideas.

Of course.

They have no personal grudges against Xu Yun. After all, Xu Yun's previous contributions to the base are obvious to all.

But in the face of this kind of issue involving principle, the status of personal relations has long been thrown to the Java Kingdom.

However, in the face of everyone's responsibilities, Xu Yun, Li Jue, Qian Wushi and others seemed very calm.

About three to five minutes passed.

After everyone had almost dried up their saliva, Li Jue just put his hands behind his back, and the expression on his face remained unchanged:

"What, you've finished spraying? Then can I say something?"

Xu Yun couldn't help but look up and glance at Li Jue.

be honest.

I don’t know if it’s because it was used in some tyrannical novels in later generations, but Xu Yun has never had a good impression of the word “aura”. He always thought that the so-called tyrannical aura was just nonsense in novels.

A lot of the so-called aura actually depends on a person's clothes and wallet.

But now that Li Jue, who was wearing a cotton coat, spoke like this, Xu Yun actually felt a somewhat suppressed majesty.

The originally noisy conference room scene became audible again.

Only then did Xu Yun remember that even though he was teasing Li Jue, the technical factory director, every day, he had actually been on the battlefield. He had been fighting a gun since 1937. In the first half of his life, he had commanded the Huaihai, Dujiang, Southwest, and Rongcheng battles. A true warrior!

The so-called tyrants of later generations may not have even killed a chicken, but Li Jue directly or indirectly annihilated more than a few hundred or even thousands of enemies?

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Jue really has murderous intent.

Then Li Jue looked around the scene, snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice:

"Comrades, I can understand your feelings, but have you overlooked one thing?"

"That is, the organization must have gone through detailed discussions before making a decision. If the capital can agree to this plan, it means that the capital has a basis for believing that the plan is feasible."

"But what about you? You make ridiculous assertions without even doing simple analysis and thinking. Are you worthy of being called experts and scholars?"


Hearing Li Jue's words, many scholars in the audience were stunned and immediately shrank their necks.


Although the capital has the final say on what the rabbits do, the capital does not have the habit of speaking out.

When it comes to major scientific research decisions, the capital usually conducts detailed expert discussions first, and only makes decisions after understanding the feasibility from multiple parties.

For example, the development of nuclear weapons back then.

Everyone knows the importance of nuclear weapons to a country, but even so, the capital still asked Li Siguang to lead a team to conduct a long-term mine inspection across the country, and only launched the project after fully demonstrating that uranium mines could be provided domestically.

To know.

At that time, many people disapproved of this approach, because at that time Mao Xiong had stated that it could provide enough uranium ore.

The subsequent historical trajectory once again proved the correctness of the capital's strategic vision - without the survey results of that year, the entire project would have been stranded after the bear experts withdrew.

At that time, ore exploration was countless times more difficult and complicated.

Same thing.

The organization didn't implement Yiyantang back then, so it's natural that it won't be too hot-headed to launch this plan now.

This is also the second time Li Jue mentioned the word ‘argument’.

In other words.

The organization has at least discussed the feasibility of live streaming.

Think of this.

Huang Zuqia, who was the first to 'break the defense', moved the corner of his mouth and said to Li Jue:

"Director, I'm sorry, I was impulsive."

Hearing this, Li Jue waved his hand indifferently at him. When he was fighting in the war, he didn't have many contacts with intellectuals, but someone with a more aggressive temper than Huang Zuqia could at least gather a reinforcement camp:

"It's okay, Lao Huang, please sit down first."

After Huang Zuqia sat back down.

Li Jue turned to look at Xu Yun again, and gently raised his chin towards him:

"Xiao Xu, since everyone has guessed the proposer of the plan, it's up to you to explain this matter."

Xu Yun nodded. Although he could not stand up from the wheelchair, he still tried his best to straighten his back:

"no problem."

Then he looked around the scene, considered for a moment, and said:

"Comrades, I have heard your discussion just now. Putting aside your extreme emotional bias, the issues you are concerned about can be roughly divided into three categories."

"The first is whether it is necessary to conduct this live broadcast. The second is what to do if enemy agents or hostile forces use certain tricks through the live broadcast. The third is the conditions for the live broadcast."

"The first issue can be broken down into two parts. The first is to essentially question the meaning of live broadcast, and the second is to worry about what to do if the atomic bomb test fails."

"Everyone, my summary should be correct, right?"

Many scholars present nodded.

Everyone was a little out of sorts due to emotional problems just now, and some people may have been a little too extreme with their words, but overall it can be summed up as the three issues Xu Yun mentioned.

Then Xu Yun raised a finger and continued:

“Let’s answer the second part of the first question first, which is the ‘shameful’ issue of the failed atomic bomb test explosion.”

"This is actually the most meaningless discussion point in my opinion. If this topic can become a point of doubt, then can I also ask what if a nuclear war breaks out one day and the atomic bomb we threw in the past stops going off?"

After saying this, Xu Yun couldn't help but shook his head:

"As experts and scholars who develop nuclear weapons, we must at least have confidence in our results, right?"

"If there is a risk, then we should avoid the risk completely - otherwise, what is our detonation test site used for?"

"With all due respect, there is no such thing as a margin of error when it comes to nuclear weapons."

Xu Yun's words are a bit harsh, but the truth is indeed the truth.

The reason why the Rabbits have set up test sites of various sizes in Lop Nur and the 221 base, including even a one-to-one cold explosion site, is to make the atomic bomb debug to its best before test explosion.

What is a one-to-one blowout?

It is a test explosion based on the same proportions and structure of the atomic bomb, excluding enriched uranium. The cost of an experiment is sky-high for today's rabbits.

Under such circumstances, if you still question "if the test explosion of the atomic bomb fails", you will really be sorry for the efforts of the 20,000 people at the base.


This problem has also appeared in the original history, and the scenario also has no error tolerance-this is a problem that occurred when the rabbits launched the first intercontinental missile.

In order to ensure the safety and success of the experiment at that time, the writer who met Xu Yun proposed a sixteen-character work policy:

"Serious, thoughtful, reliable, and foolproof."

The requirement to be foolproof is so high that one of the responsible comrades said on the spot that “nothing is 100% certain in science.”

The comrade was worried that if the intercontinental missile failed to launch or did not land at the intended location, it would most likely be intercepted by the other side of the sea. At that time, almost all the research data and results of the Rabbits would be open to the other side of the sea.

The writer said something that is very famous in the history of Chinese science:

"Science is based on logic, and being foolproof is not just a matter of idealism. What is foolproof? If everything you think of and discover is solved seriously, then it is called foolproof."

If you think that because there is no live broadcast, you can think that there is a chance of failure in the atomic bomb test, then this mentality itself is wrong.


Xu Yun then looked at the people present and found that many people had thoughtful expressions on their faces before continuing:

"Comrades, let's talk about the second part, which is why we need to start a live broadcast."

"The answer is also very simple - the most important significance of the live broadcast is not to make everyone famous, but to build national self-confidence at the public level."

Huang Zuqia was listening to Xu Yun's explanation seriously, but he couldn't help but be startled when he heard the words:

"National self-confidence?"


Xu Yun nodded heavily, with a hint of emotion in his eyes:

"New China has only been established for just thirteen years now. It can be said that it is completely destitute and full of waste."

"It is no exaggeration to say that many people have not yet escaped from the 'hardship' living environment, and they do not have a clear understanding of the international situation."

"But it is foreseeable that in the future, with the development of science and technology and economy in our country, we will inevitably have more or less intersections with Western countries, and Western culture will also take the opportunity to squeeze into our land."

Then Xu Yun paused, picked up a piece of light yellow calculation paper with nothing written on it from the table, and continued:

“Today’s people’s spiritual world is like arithmetic paper. It has a colored base and is not pure white, but it lacks substantial content.”

"If we fail to establish enough self-confidence and values ​​in the people before we merge with Western culture, this intrusive culture may become another form of invasion."

"And you want to add something to the paper. This nuclear explosion is obviously a perfect opportunity."

"Because this thing is easy to understand for civilians, it is not easy to promote it - if someone asks what an atomic bomb is, just say that it is a weapon used to blow up surrendered Japanese. Today, only four countries in the world have it."

"If the founding ceremony of the year gave the country the soul, then this atomic bomb test gave China a straight backbone. If we miss this opportunity, I am afraid that only the recovery of 4V can match it in terms of impact in the future. Compared."

To the end.

Xu Yun couldn't help but sigh.

Live broadcast of atomic bomb explosions.

It's an idea he proposed to the capital not long ago, one that might seem a bit fanciful in this day and age.

Even after the big leaders in the capital heard about it, their first reaction was "Is it necessary?"

But only Xu Yun himself knows how significant it is to live broadcast the atomic bomb test explosion.

Because this is also well documented.

Follow the historical trajectory.

Seven years from now, on July 20 of that year, a spacecraft named Apollo 11 will land on the moon, and an astronaut named Neil Armstrong will step into a crucial moment in human history. An important step.

We will not discuss the authenticity of the moon landing across the sea for the time being. After all, the impact of this matter has been finalized.

The moon landing process this time was broadcast live around the world.

At that time, NASA adopted the method of occupying radio communication channels for analog television signals to be transmitted down. They first used a small TV to display images from the moon at a rate of 10 frames/second, and then used a single camera tube black and white camera to shoot at 30 frames/second. Moon image on a small TV so that you can get a complete image every 3 seconds.

It is then recorded onto a video tape recorder, thus resulting in a 30 fps live image for viewing on home television sets.

At that time, a total of 600 million people around the world watched the live broadcast, and the reputation across the sea has since risen to a very high level. At that time, more than 300,000 people in New York alone chanted USA while marching in celebration.

In some modern American history books, many scholars also regard the live broadcast of the moon landing across the sea as the starting point for the sea to establish its dominance in scientific research.

At the same time, in addition to the live broadcast of the moon landing across the sea, the domestic Shenzhou 5 launch also had a live broadcast that year, which was also an unprecedented event.

The term national self-confidence seems a bit mysterious, but in fact it has always existed.

Everyone has a strong-willed mentality. The word itself is not derogatory, but it is not a good word on the cultural battlefield.

The best way to avoid people's desire to be strong is to become the strong person yourself.

Today's atomic bomb test explosion is obviously an excellent opportunity.

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