Into Unscientific

Chapter 696 Yuan Guoliang is here

"So Xiao Xu, what kind of Wagyu do you want us to cultivate in our country?"

A few minutes later.

After listening to Xu Yun’s introduction.

Lao Guo couldn't help but frowned, and the expression on his face looked a little shaken:

"Xiao Xu, is your idea reliable? I remember that beef cattle breeding also requires technology, right?"

"We can't talk to the Neon people and ask them to give us their breeding technology, right?"

"Well, that's definitely a problem."

Xu Yun nodded calmly and explained:

"But although we can't ask them for breeding technology - assuming they have it, we can definitely increase the quantity."

"Pile quantity?"

Lao Guo was stunned for a moment, but soon understood Xu Yun's thoughts:

"You mean that interest-free loan?"

Xu Yun did not speak, but gave Lao Guo a thumbs up.

To be honest, Neon these days doesn’t have much breeding experience. Their Kuroge Wagyu beef is purely accumulated over time:

in history.

For more than a thousand years from the Nara period to the Meiji Restoration, Neon people were prohibited from eating meat. If they wanted to eat meat, they could only feast in private.

Until the Meiji Restoration, Neon began to fully learn from the West, wearing Western clothes, learning foreign languages, and imitating Western living habits.

All my classmates who were Emperor Meiji in their previous life know this.

In 1872.

Emperor Meiji took the lead in eating beef with chopsticks, and eating meat became a trend.

The emperor eats it, the military eats it, and even ordinary people start chasing beef.

In order to meet the rising demand for meat of the Neon people, the Meiji government introduced many foreign cattle breeds and crossed them with the Neon native cattle breeds.

Finally, after eighty years of crossbreeding, the Neon people finally developed four varieties: black Wagyu, brown Wagyu, short-horned Wagyu and hornless Wagyu.

Today, these Wagyu cattle are still raised by families, that is, one household raises three to five cows.

So if you say that Neon people have breeding experience accumulated from long-term crossbreeding, Xu Yun will believe it, but the uncertainty of systematic breeding technology is just like the little hook of Yinghuo Shachima when he opened a new book. It seems that no one knows whether it exists or not.

Therefore, instead of breeding technology, Xu Yun directly focused his thoughts on heap volume:

Didn’t the Neon people give us an interest-free loan that can only buy their domestic supplies? Can’t we just use this loan to buy Wagyu beef?

Wagyu these days is just a type of beef cattle and is not on the embargoed list. There is no problem at all in importing three to five hundred head just because the country likes the taste of Wagyu.

Even the current Neon government is still thinking about how to export Wagyu beef. After all, there are too many Wagyu cattle in Neon.

With so much beef, you can continue to do it if the breeding fails once. Anyway, with the guarantee of Xu Yun's future vision, the Wagyu breeding project is destined not to terminate investment just because of one or two failures.

This is also one of the advantages of Xu Yun's time travel. As long as the project is selected by him, he does not need to consider the risk of being cut in half.


Xu Yun then briefly introduced the economic value of Wagyu to Lao Guo. Although Lao Guo was a science student, he instantly understood Xu Yun's idea after hearing about Wagyu's profit margins of several times or even ten times.

"I see."

After listening to Xu Yun's introduction of the causes and consequences, the doubts on Lao Guo's face finally disappeared:

"In this case, Xiao Xu, I will contact the capital later and replace these Wagyu cattle with another batch of local cattle."

"By the way, experts in animal breeding, do you have any recommendations?"

"Breeding expert"

Xu Yun thought for a while and quickly reported a few names:

"Mr. Tong Dizhou, Mr. Zhang Ziyi, Comrade Xuriqian, and Mr. Wu Changxin are all worthy of trust."

Lao Guo's eyes suddenly lit up.

Among the four names reported by Xu Yun, Tong Dizhou was the most famous. He was also elected as a member of the academic department in the same year as him. He was also a scholar who later received the title of academician.

Tong Dizhou was born in a peasant family in Zhejiang Province. Because his family was poor, Tong Dizhou dropped out of school for a time.

At the age of 17, with the help of his brother, he was able to enter middle school, and his admission score was the last.

Later, he fought back and studied hard, and was finally admitted to the Philosophy Department of Fudan University with the first score in the school, pioneered China's embryo research, and was finally elected as a member of the academic department.

Tong Dizhou's story was also selected into the primary school textbook of later generations, titled "Must Live Up to Your Strengths". (I’m not sure if it’s still there now or not)

But except Tong Dizhou.

Lao Guo is not very familiar with the remaining three names. To put it bluntly, Lao Guo has never heard of their names.

And the people whose names can be mentioned by Xu Yun are at least future academician-level elites in terms of ability!

In other words.

Xu Yun provided the country with a list of three top talents

If the country trusts them in key training in advance, it can at least shorten the time for them and the country by more than ten or even twenty years!

Think of this.

Lao Guo's heart was filled with the urge to go find Li Jue immediately.

However, he still maintained his basic rationality at this time and knew that the information must be determined accurately enough, so he asked Xu Yun again:

"Xiao Xu, what units do the three comrades you mentioned currently work in? - If you can't remember the specific units, you can also tell me the city where you work, your age and your place of origin."

After hearing this, Xu Yun thought for a few seconds and said slowly:

"Comrade Xuriqian is the youngest. I remember he is from Inner Mongolia. He is currently studying at Inner Mongolia University. He will probably graduate next year."

"Zhang Ziyi is a returned overseas student. I don't remember his place of origin and workplace, but he came back from studying abroad in Neon."

"So if you're looking for it, it shouldn't be difficult to locate it."

"But I don't know much about Comrade Wu Changxin. He is probably close to thirty years old."

Xuri Qian, Zhang Ziyi, Wu Changxin.

If Tong Dizhou is the founder of animal breeding in my country, then these three big guys are well-deserved pioneers of the next generation.

All three of them were selected as Chinese academicians in later generations, among whom Wu Changxin was Zhou Shan's father-in-law.

But on the other hand.

Xu Yun's knowledge of these three big guys is just that. If you ask them about their work units and positions in later generations, Xu Yun might be able to recall some information, but the information from this period is a bit overwhelming.

Xu Yun was able to remember Xurigan's place of origin and school largely because he was from Inner Mongolia. Xu Yun could not forget this rather special situation.

"It's okay. It's enough to remember two people."

Looking at Xu Yun who was a little embarrassed, Lao Guo waved his hand casually:

"It's much easier to find one person than three people, and the name Wu Changxin is much rarer than Zhang Jianguo and Huang Aijun."

"According to the age you mentioned, he has either graduated and is working, or is studying for a Ph.D. in school. We can always find him if we search according to the list of graduates."

Xu Yun thought about it, and it was the same.

After all, the number of domestic college students these days is much smaller than in later generations, and the Department of Animal Husbandry is not a particularly popular major, so it is relatively difficult to find people.

"Okay, Xiao Xu."

Lao Guo is also a decisive person. After learning the information he needed, he picked up the briefcase:

"I will report the matter of Wagyu and breeding talents to the superiors. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Xu Yun has no objection to this:

"Guo Gong, please walk slowly."

After Lao Guo leaves.

Xu Yun leaned back on the bed again and began to read "Postpartum Care of Local Donkeys".

But before Xu Yun had time to read a few pages, there was a noise at the door of the ward.

Xu Yun looked up and looked over.

After a few seconds.


The door was pushed open from the outside, and Yang Kaiqu was pushed in from the outside in a wheelchair.

See this situation.

Xu Yun quickly put down the book, smiled at Yang Kaiqu and said:

"Professor Yang, you are back."

Yang Kaiqu and Xu Yun have become "patient friends" since the day they arrived at the base. Although they have not reached the level of friendship, they are already very accustomed to each other's existence.

For example, Yang Kaiqu's condition has improved a lot recently. When Lao Guo and the others encounter something not very important, they will talk directly in the ward in front of Yang Kaiqu.

Yang Kaiqu will go for paclitaxel treatment every once in a while, and will return to the ward after the injection is completed.

Sometimes Xu Yun was busy late the day before. He was resting when Yang Kaiqu came back and would not complain after being woken up.

This is a relatively rare situation in hospitals in later generations, and both parties deal with each other with a very understanding attitude.

Hearing this, Yang Kaiqu nodded towards Xu Yun, and during the movement, the wheelchair was also pushed into the house from outside the door.

at the same time.

Xu Yun also saw clearly the person pushing the wheelchair:

"Hey, Teacher Yuan, Teacher Zhou, why is it you?"

I only see this moment.

The person pushing Yang Kaiqu's wheelchair was not his bodyguard An Shan (Yang Kaiqu was a member of the academic department and had a serious official-level treatment, and was equipped with a bodyguard), but

Yuan Guoliang and Zhou Kaida, whom Xu Yun had not seen for a long time.

be honest.

The moment he saw Yuan Guoliang's thin but honest face, Xu Yun's eyes turned red.

This is not because he is hypocritical, but because this big man's status in the hearts of later generations of Chinese people is too high.

After hearing Xu Yun's words, Yuan Guoliang waved his hand towards Xu Yun, making a gesture to say he would talk later.

Then he and Zhou Kaida pushed Yang Kaiqu's wheelchair to the bedside and carefully helped his teacher back to the hospital bed. After doing this, he said:

"Xiao Xu, good morning, today is the last day of the teacher's third course of paclitaxel injection, so Lao Zhou and I are here to accompany him."

As soon as Yuan Guoliang finished speaking, Yang Kaiqu glared at him on the bed:

"To be serious, isn't it just an intravenous drip? It has to be so formal."

"I know my body myself, why do I need you to accompany me? It's a waste of time!"

Yuan Guoliang laughed twice when he heard this, scratched his head and said nothing.

No matter what Yang Kaiqu thinks, as Yang Kaiqu's personal disciple, Yuan Guoliang must accompany him personally at this stage.

Xu Yun on the side nodded slightly:

"I see."

at the same time.

His eyes glanced at Yang Kaiqu quietly.

Xu Yun happened to be present when Yang Kaiqu first arrived at the base, and he still remembers Yang Kaiqu's state at that time:

At that time, Yang Kaiqu was lying weakly in a wheelchair. When his eyes were fully opened, the gap was not as big as his mouth, and he was weak when speaking.

To put it bluntly.

At that time, Yang Kaiqu's physiological state was not far different from the four words "Qi Ruo Yousi".

Not to mention that Xu Yun had been a patient with Yang Kaiqu for a long time and was very clear about Yang Kaiqu's early physical condition.

Also, if Xu Yun remembers correctly.

The original Yang Kaiqu in history will pass away on February 2 next year, which is only about three months from now. In theory, he should be very weak.

But since he went to Lop Nur for a while and Yang Kaiqu underwent three cycles of paclitaxel treatment, Yang Kaiqu's physical condition has been greatly improved.

Don’t say anything else.

Just the action of glaring at Yuan Guoliang just now was something Yang Kaiqu would never have been able to do more than three months ago.

Not to mention that he was speaking with a very strong tone at this time. Although his throat was still a little hoarse, it was much better than before.

In other words.

The effect of paclitaxel can be described as extremely perfect.

Thinking of this, Xu Yun couldn't help but ask Yuan Guoliang:

"Teacher Yuan, what did the medical team say?"

The medical team Xu Yun mentioned was the paclitaxel clinical team composed of Lou Zhicen and Tu Luming, and the target of treatment was Yang Kaiqu, a patient with advanced lung cancer.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Guoliang first tucked Yang Kaiqu into bed, and then said:

"The situation is much more optimistic than expected. The cancer cells in the teacher's body have been temporarily controlled."

"However, the specific treatment still depends on the follow-up research and development of targeted drugs. According to Director Liu Youcheng, targeted drugs will be available around February next year."

Xu Yun's face relaxed and he nodded slightly.

Today's 221 base is equipped with a CT machine, which can make a relatively basic judgment on metastases in imaging - especially in the case of late-stage cancer.

Coupled with the palpation of Lin Yu, an experienced Western medicine doctor, he can basically make a more accurate judgment on whether the cancer cells have been temporarily contained.

Of course.

The main reason why paclitaxel is effective is that people in this period do not have much tolerance for this stuff, but its validity period is actually relatively fluid or unstable.

Therefore, the drug that can truly ensure that Yang Kaiqu lives for a few more years is the targeted drug being developed by Liu Youcheng.

Now that the PCR technology at the base has begun to take shape, there is still a high probability that targeted drugs will be available in February.

If Yang Kaiqu is lucky.

Maybe he will survive until the day the neutron bomb explodes.

Just as Xu Yun was lost in thought, Yuan Guoliang spoke again:

"By the way, Xiao Xu, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

Xu Yun quickly came to his senses after hearing this and said:

"What's up?"

Hearing this, Yuan Guoliang looked at Zhou Kaida who was standing aside, and a touch of excitement appeared on his face:

"Xiao Xu, Lao Zhou and I have been appointed."

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