Into Unscientific

Chapter 657 The solution to nuclear radiation!

"Cat poop coffee?"

Hearing this word coming out of Xu Yun's mouth.

Zhu Guangya's eyebrows, which were already very individual, couldn't help but subconsciously raised twice, and there was a trace of obvious astonishment on his face.

He originally thought that Xu Yun would provide some kind of production process for protective clothing materials, or at least some new structures that could block radiation, but what Xu Yun mentioned was actually...

Cat poop coffee?

What kind of outrageous expansion is this?

Cat poop coffee.

Not an exaggeration.

In their era, probably 99% of the people in the country didn’t know what this was—including some senior leaders.

But Zhu Guangya is not among them.

After all, he had stayed across the sea for several years, and he had plenty of money when he studied abroad. Of course, this had nothing to do with Zhu Guangya's family, but related to some of Zhu Guangya's background when he studied abroad.

Unlike some other big shots, Zhu Guangya’s method of going to the other side of the sea was not to study abroad with Geng Geng money, but to be dispatched.

In 1945, a certain bald man envied the power of the atomic bomb and proposed that logistics should have its own atomic bomb.

So he sent three big bosses, Wu Dayou, Zeng Zhaoluan, and Hua Luogeng, to the other side of the sea to investigate, and asked each scientist to recommend two assistants to go with him.

At that time, the two assistants recommended by Wu Dayou were Li Zhengdao and Zhu Guangya.

However, after the inspection team arrived across the sea, they were told that the other party would not share any data on nuclear weapons. At the same time, due to some well-known changes in the country, the inspection team had to disband.

But the problem was that Baldhead's funds had already arrived in the investigation team's account at that time, and in order to obtain knowledge about the atomic bomb, Baldhead's funds were quite generous - after all, he had to manage some people.

Of these three commissioners.

Zeng Zhaoluan chose to return to China at that time, Hua Luogeng planned to visit the Princeton Institute of Mathematics, and Wu Dayou planned to become a professor at the University of Michigan.

So the three of them generously divided the funds into three parts and each went about their own business.

Then in Wu Dayou's group, Li Zhengdao chose to study at the University of Chicago after much thought.

So Wu Dayou gave him a large sum of money and a letter of recommendation, and Li Zhengdao successfully became a disciple of the big boss Fermi.

Zhu Guangya followed Wu Dayou into the graduate school of the University of Michigan. The graduate qualification was an advantage given to Wu Dayou by the University of Michigan.

At the beginning, Zhu Guangya actually only received some living expenses.

But a year later, Wu Dayou went to work at Columbia University. Zhu Guangya could not leave with him due to academic problems, so before he left, he left Zhu Guangya a sum of money that was more generous than that of Li Zhengdao.

According to Academician Zhu Guangya's recollection in 2006, that money could probably buy a quarter of the Hongkou Stadium land in Shanghai.

Therefore, Zhu Guangya was considered one of the most well-off international students at that time, if not one of them.

He can buy the books he likes at will, and often helps some classmates who have financial burdens.

Later, the reason why Zhu Guangya was able to gather 51 international students to write "An Open Letter to Students Studying in the United States" calling on overseas students to return to China to participate in the construction of the motherland was because at that time everyone did have a strong patriotic enthusiasm and had strong expectations for New China. Hope and shelter.

Secondly, Zhu Guangya has gained a high prestige among the international students through his long-term support, so he will follow suit only after he raises his arms.

So in a sense.

The bald head can be regarded as having contributed to the scientific development of China, tears.JPG.

It was the relatively affluent living conditions while studying abroad that made Zhu Guangya come into contact with and fall in love with coffee.

This hobby was even retained in China by Zhu Guangya - at that time, there were certain material preferential treatment for these international students in China, and Zhu Guangya chose instant coffee for all the preferential treatment quotas.

Therefore, Zhu Guangya is really no stranger to cat poop coffee.

Then he raised his head and glanced at Xu Yun. Although he was still a little confused, he still said slowly:

"Cat poop coffee. Xiao Xu, are you talking about the kind of ridiculously expensive coffee that is excreted after being eaten by civet cats?"

Xu Yun nodded to confirm his statement, and then continued to ask:

"That's right, Director Zhu, do you know how this coffee bean works?"

Zhu Guangya recalled the information he learned and said:

"If the information I heard is correct, it should be that civet cats like to eat coffee cherries but cannot digest them. After fermentation in the stomach, the coffee beans will add another flavor to their original appearance. ."


When Xu Yun heard this, he snapped his fingers cheerfully:


Cat poop coffee.

This is a kind of coffee that is very famous in later generations, but is extremely watery.

Its principle is just as Zhu Guangya said, it is produced by an animal called civet cat.

Civet cat is what Chinese proverb calls the big civet or Jiujiang civet, with a body length of 60 to 80 centimeters. There is an aromatic gland sac under the skin of the swallow, so it is called civet cat.

Cat poop coffee, along with Thailand’s elephant poop coffee, Brazil’s bird poop coffee, and Peruvian raccoon poop coffee, are known as the four most expensive poop coffees in the world.

However, many cat poop coffees in later generations were actually fake Robusta, and the number of real cat poop coffees is as rare as the female readers of this book.

His eyes returned to reality.

Knowing that his description was correct, the confusion on Zhu Guangya's face became even stronger:

"Xiao Xu, forgive me for being stupid, what is the connection between the cat poop coffee you mentioned and the prevention of nuclear radiation?"

"Hey, don't be impatient yet."

Xu Yun waved his hand towards Zhu Guangya and said:

"You'll understand if you listen to me."

Zhu Guangya could only act like he was listening.

Xu Yun straightened his body, organized some words, and then said:

"Director Zhu, since the topic is complicated, let's start with the concept of nuclear radiation."

"From a conventional perspective, there are three main ways to avoid nuclear radiation."

"That is to produce new radioactive materials for protective clothing, design some kind of equipment that can block radiation - such as a cover, and develop some kind of efficient medicine."

"The first two methods and the third method in a broad sense have too long cycles and are not suitable for the current situation of the 504 factory."

"But on the other hand, if a non-generalized drug appears, there is still some possibility of reducing radiation."

"Non-broad medicine?"

Zhu Guangya made a sound of doubt, but quickly reacted:

"Xiao Xu, you mean the natural ingredients that are anti-radiation?"

"That's right."

Xu Yun nodded, it was easy to talk to smart people:

"As far as I know, there are not many species in nature with natural radiation resistance, but if I had to count them, there are still a few."

"Among these types of species, there is one type that has the most obvious effect and is the best to extract."

Zhu Guangya's breathing became faster again:

"Which category?"

Xu Yun raised a finger towards him:

"Sodium alginate."

In the future life where Xu Yun traveled through time.

Due to the bad behavior of some countries, the concept of nuclear radiation has become much more popular.

And along with this popularity, there are also all kinds of ghosts and ghosts.

For example, in many families who love each other, you can see this type of news:

[There are more than 50 traditional Chinese medicines that can prevent nuclear radiation. Collect them quickly to protect your family’s health! 】

Below this type of news, you can also see more outrageous headlines, such as "There are more than 500 anti-cancer traditional Chinese medicines" and so on.


Some traditional Chinese medicines may indeed have a certain protective effect against nuclear radiation due to their ingredients, but they are far from reaching the level of miracle medicines.

Many times you may wear two extra pieces of clothing, and the effect will be better than these traditional Chinese medicines.

There is no denying that Chinese medicine is profound and profound, but if Chinese medicine is involved in everything, it would be completely flattering.

Among these soft advertisements, Houttuynia Cordata has been promoted to the altar.

For example, some marketing accounts will say "Houttuynia cordata is the only Chinese herbal medicine that can survive at the atomic bomb blast site", and "saved the lives of victims of the atomic bomb blast in Hiroshima", and "many top journals have proven that Houttuynia cordata has Anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-radiation miraculous effects] and so on.

To know.

When an atomic bomb explodes, the core temperature can reach tens of millions of degrees, and the temperature in the area near the explosion point can reach tens of thousands of degrees.

No living thing, including plant seeds, can survive at this temperature. Even the soil on the surface will vitrify at high temperatures, so "tenacious survival" is pure ignorance.

If plant seeds were carried by the wind after the explosion, it would be possible for vegetation to grow back at the explosion site.

But the problem is that not only Houttuynia cordata can grow in the nuclear explosion area. For example, if you search for pictures of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, you can see that the abandoned nuclear power plant is already surrounded by lush green, as green as the top of Aslan's head in Goli. .

As for the article that Houttuynia cordata saved the lives of Hiroshima victims, it came from the 6th issue of "Healthy Vision" in 1995, titled "Houttuynia cordata - the life-saving talisman of Hiroshima people".

That's right, it's another article compiled to take advantage of the public's mentality of admiring foreign things, and was later spread by various media that lacked discernment, leading to the spread of fallacies.

As for the remaining so-called top journals, this lie is easier to shatter.

Searching "Houttuynia cordata + clinical" in CNKI shows that clinical studies on Houttuynia cordata-related preparations are basically observational studies of dozens of cases.

Using the scientific name of Houttuynia cordata to search for clinical trials in the foreign database Pubmed, that is, Clinical Trial documents, there is no reliable document that is consistent with drug efficacy research.

So Houttuynia Cordata does not have any actual data support at least in terms of nuclear radiation, but it is quite effective in the treatment of oral mucosal inflammation.

If you have oral ulcers and you can buy Houttuynia Cordata (or ear roots) nearby, you can try it. After all, some oral ulcer patches now contain hormones.

among all current natural plants.

The only substance that actually has a certain degree of radiation resistance is sodium alginate, which comes from kelp or green seaweed.

It is a polysaccharide carbohydrate that is often used as a thickener and stabilizer in foods, and sometimes as a preservative.

But actually.

It has a good blocking and absorption effect on radioactive elements such as lithium, radium, strontium, and cobalt. Especially for strontium, the blocking effect can even reach 70%.

In the list of drugs for nuclear radiation emergencies updated by WHO on January 27, 2023, potassium iodide tablets rank first.

The second is chelating agents such as CaNa3 DTPA or ZnNa3 DTPA, and the third is aluminum phosphate and sodium alginate.

That is to say, in an emergency and lack of other conditions, you can try eating kelp or seaweed vigorously.

"Kelp or seaweed?"

While listening, Zhu Guangya suddenly thought of something:

"Xiao Xu, although there is no kelp in Qinghai Lake, I remember that there seems to be some kind of Trichophyton algae, right?"

Xu Yun grinned slightly:

"Yes, Cladophora is a standard type of green seaweed."

All the classmates who were the land lords of Xihai Province in their previous lives know this.

Although Qinghai Lake is a saltwater lake, it does not produce kelp—to be precise, basically all saltwater lakes do not produce this stuff.

On the other hand, you can see kelp and even sponge seals and sharks in freshwater lakes like Lake Baikal.

But on the other hand.

Although there is no kelp in Qinghai Lake, there is a large number of Cladophora algae, even to the extent that it affects the navigation of ships.

Although this algae sounds astringent, it is actually a standard green algae that can extract sodium alginate.

"Director Zhu."

Xu Yun then took a deep breath and continued:

"Although the anti-radiation effect of sodium alginate is not as good as new protective clothing and some polymer drugs, it is at least much better than Prussian blue."

"And it's easy to extract because sodium alginate contains a lot of -COO- and can exhibit polyanionic behavior in aqueous solutions."

"So as long as the seaweed is crushed and extracted with strong alkaline water, the colored calcium alginate is precipitated by calcium chloride, and then reacted with sodium carbonate and dried to obtain sodium alginate powder."

"This kind of process, let alone the capital, can be completed independently even with the current level of our base."

Mentioned earlier.

The reason why Xu Yun chose sodium alginate as an anti-radiation drug was firstly because its anti-radiation effect was really good, and secondly because its extraction process was very simple.

At the same time, Cladophora can be brought back by the fishing team when fishing. Even the base under current ultra-high load conditions can easily handle the entire process.


After listening to Xu Yun’s introduction.

Zhu Guangya was silent for a few seconds, then touched his chin:

"The process is indeed not difficult. If we hurry up and schedule it, we might be able to extract some finished products in the next two days."

"But Xiao Xu, whether this thing is useful is another matter. What does it have to do with cat poop coffee?"

Xu Yun smiled when he heard this and explained:

"Director Zhu, do you still remember the principle of cat poop coffee I just mentioned?"


Zhu Guangya was stunned for two seconds:

“Is it the civet’s stomach fermentation?”

"That's right."

Xu Yun nodded vigorously:

“Civet stomach fermentation destroys the coffee beans’ proteins, producing short peptides and more free amino acids, thereby changing the flavor of the coffee beans.”

“By the same token, according to some papers I learned about, experimental reports show that if Cladophora is processed through a similar process, sodium alginate’s barrier properties against nuclides can also be enhanced through the principle of increasing free radicals. "


Zhu Guangya immediately raised his brows, but soon showed a hint of embarrassment:

"But there are not many cats in the base, let alone civets - it is impossible to let Comrade Yuan Guoliang's Huahua bear the burden of this huge project, right? He is still a child."

Xu Yunze quickly shook his head:

"Director Zhu, you misunderstood what I meant."

"I just said that the process is similar to the principle of cat poop coffee, but I didn't say that civet cats are needed."

"The animal that can handle Cladophora is not a cat; it is"

"Native donkey."

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