Into Unscientific

Chapter 463 Boom! ! (Thank you Chen Zui for the leader who rewarded you!)


Looking at Hou Xingyuan and Carlo Rubia who walked out of the backstage and talked happily on the surface.

Suzuki Atsuto's mind suddenly went blank.

Isn't this style of painting right?

Why does CERN cooperate with the Chinese Academy of Sciences?

To know.

Although CERN and Kamioka Laboratories have an unresolvable hatred, the relationship between the two parties has deteriorated to the point where they are often unwilling to even make superficial efforts.

For example, at the physics summit on the charmonium particle held in Kuala Lumpur in August last year, two representatives from CERN and Kamioka Laboratory scolded each other for several minutes, and even nearly fought.

But on the other hand.

Although both sides wish each other to die.

But when facing the country of China, both sides will retain some tacit understanding that contains political overtones.

I won't say much about the Kamiokande Laboratory. I once introduced the release of pigeons from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.



At present, some CERN scholars have indeed given a lot of help to the Chinese physics community.

It can even be said that the reason why China's particle physics has developed in recent years is largely due to the scholars at CERN.

But it needs explaining.

When these scholars approached Huaxia, they basically communicated as consultants of their own universities, rather than as assistance through CERN projects.

This is somewhat similar to the commercial cooperation of European clubs in Chinese football. Nowadays, many European clubs will accept some young Chinese players for trial training.

For example, Atletico Madrid, Granada and so on.

These clubs are affiliated with UEFA, and UEFA did give some green lights on the process throughout the process.

But in fact, it is the club that really helps, not a joint organization such as UEFA.


CERN officials are quite repulsive to Chinese people. Although there are several postdocs every year—that is, postdoctoral fellows who are allowed to bring their families, Staff positions are rarely approved.

Although these four CERN experimental groups, ATLAS, CMS, AMS, and LHCb, more and more Chinese people are playing an important role.

But they are either in the postdoc mode, such as the cooperation between HKUST, Jinling University, Shuimu University, etc.



Carlo Rubia's move now is equivalent to UEFA suddenly announcing a strategic cooperation with the Chinese Football Association:

As long as Huaxia has good seedlings, they can be sent to Europe casually. We will help you cultivate them here, and you don't even need to consider labor certificates.

How can you say Atsuto Suzuki is not surprised?


The surprise was not only Atsuto Suzuki, but also Zhou Shaoping and Xu Yun who were a little angry because of Bruce Arnold's scoundrel remarks.

Then Xu Yun glanced at the main screen.

After noticing that the camera and sound receiver were moving towards Carlo Rubia, he quickly approached Academician Pan:

"Teacher, this is."

"As the saying goes, you can't put all your eggs in one basket."

Academician Pan pouted his chin in the direction of Carlo Rubia with a smile, and said in a low voice:

"The plan for CERN's next-generation collider has not yet been decided. The bigger the news, the better for them, plus some discounts promised by the Academy of Sciences. You can figure out the details yourself."


Academician Pan strode towards Hou Xingyuan and Carlo Rubia, and greeted them warmly.

Xu Yun, the little transparent, stayed where he was and scratched his head, with a dazed look on his face:

"What do you mean by that?"

Zhou Shaoping on the side was obviously much more sensitive than him in this aspect. Seeing that Xu Yun hadn't figured it out, he made a point:

"Xiao Xu, think about what project Neon has? It's related to the collider."

Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment.

After a few seconds.

He couldn't help but slapped his forehead, suddenly said:

"I see, Academician Zhou, you mean ILC?"

Zhou Shaoping patted him on the shoulder, saying nothing.

Xu Yun, on the other hand, glanced at Atsuto Suzuki with some belated awareness, and couldn't help feeling a bit of emotion in his heart:

That's what happened

It was mentioned earlier.

At present, the highest particle collision energy level is 10 to the 13th power level, which is 13TeV.

However, if high-energy physics wants to continue to develop, at least the energy needs to be increased to the Planck scale, that is, the energy level of the collider must reach the 10^16 power TeV.

In theory, beyond this energy level, new discoveries may be made in high-energy physics.

As for the gap between 13TeV-10^16 power TeV, there is also a very intuitive name:

Energy level desert.

The word desert is enough to explain everything.

Therefore, the field of front-end particle physics has been thinking about increasing the magnitude of the collider, and the first proposed device is called the International Linear Collider.

That is International Linear Collider, referred to as ILC.

It is a linear accelerator about 20 kilometers long, and its energy level can reach 50TeV.

At the beginning of this project, it was planned to choose one of CERN, Fermilab and Neon.

However, in 2020, it was successfully acquired by Neon, and the total cost was about 100 billion Huaxia coins.

Although Neon gave the ILC a yellow light in 22 years, it soon took it as a project to be built, and set aside an initial fund - there are rumors that the fund is about 5 billion Huaxia coins , but there is no real hammer, in short, the number will not be too small.

In other words.

For Atsuto Suzuki, he basically doesn’t have to worry about the handover and iteration of the Neon Next Generation Collider, as long as the project’s landing time is enough?

But CERN is different.

After the ILC was snatched by Neon.

CERN immediately announced a new collider project, called Future Circular Collider, abbreviated as FCC.

Its orbital length will reach 100 kilometers, with a magnitude of 100TeV, and a total cost of 180 billion Chinese coins.

However, this project has not been actually implemented, and the reason is very simple:

There is an energy-level desert in front of it. So much money invested in it may not have much effect.

So Carlo Rubia has been running around for this project all these years, and Huaxia has also done a lot of work-because Huaxia's infrastructure is solid and cheap, it is a well-deserved first choice.

And today's press conference?

Not to mention dark matter, if one more particle can be discovered—especially a TeV-level example, it will undoubtedly be a huge help to Carlo Rubia or the thousands of employees at CERN.

Carlo Rubbia could throw the report on the table of the Council of Member States, and say with a straight chest that this particle is a leftover pearl on the edge of the energy-level desert, and there may not be nothing in the so-called desert.

Perhaps there are countless oil buried under the desert.

Of course.

Just don't get stolen by the eagle.

This is something beneficial to CERN as a whole, that is, Carlo Rubbia must be positive in his position.

In addition, Hou Xingyuan probably promised some other conditions to Carlo Rubia, such as the discount mentioned by Academician Pan-this thing most likely refers to the project quotation.

Although the profit of engineering infrastructure is definitely not as much as that of equipment, it must be the bulk of FCC's total expenditure. After all, the underground equipment with a total length of 100 kilometers.

As Hou Xingyuan, the dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is easy to promise some discounts in this regard, and Xu Yun has no doubt that the rabbits still make money.

No wonder Xu Yun hasn't seen Carlo Rubia since just now, and the co-author went backstage to have a small meeting with Hou Xingyuan

Think here.

Xu Yun sighed without warning.

Although relying on CERN may be able to tide over this difficulty, in the final analysis, I still need to have an accelerator.

Then he glanced at Elder Yang beside him again, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

At that time, Huaxia planned to build a super particle collider, namely CEPC.

But during the discussion, there was a huge difference of opinion.

Among the industry insiders who support CEPC, the most representative ones are academician Wang Yifang, director of the Institute of High Energy Physics, and Mr. Qiu Chengtong.

The representative of the opposition is Yang Lao.

At that time, Mr. Yang wrote an article "China is not suitable for building a super large collider today", and used seven reasons to oppose the views of Mr. Qiu Chengtong, the winner of the Fields Medal.

Academician Wang Yifang read the article that morning.

So he wrote an article titled "China builds a large collider, today is the time" to refute.

Objectively speaking, both parties are actually reasonable.

Elder Yang's reason is very straightforward:

The magnitude of CEPC is 100TeV+, which is a recognized energy level desert, and the reality is not fiction. It is very likely that you will find nothing if you invest 200 billion yuan. It is obviously more cost-effective to invest 200 billion yuan in education.

Academician Wang Yifang’s opinion is actually quite reasonable:

It's not that the country can't afford 200 billion funds. If the rectification funds are tricky, at least 150 billion can be spared in five years, and the country can provide 50 billion. No one can guarantee that this kind of national important weapon will be useful, but it must be there. Without this Things could really be gone.

all in all.

Because of the differences in opinions, the relationship between Mr. Yang and academician Wang Yifang is extremely bad now.

At the same time, there are a lot of netizens in China who don't like Mr. Yang and academicians, so we can often see some netizens wantonly attacking the other side with the excuse of supporting one side.

Among them, Old Yang's ability to withstand stress is better.

After all, the criticisms he encountered did not last for a day or two. Mr. Yang, who was already 94 years old at the time, didn't have much contact with the outside world, and he was completely out of sight.

However, Academician Wang Yifang has had a hard time these years. He was at the peak of his research career at that time, and he often participated in various conferences and accepted interviews.

Fortunately, he led the Daya Bay team to complete the measurement of the neutrino oscillation matrix angle last year. This is the biggest contribution China's local physics community has made to fundamental physics so far in reality, and it can barely be regarded as turning around part of the word of mouth.

It's a pity that the barriers to this achievement are relatively high, and many people don't know about it.

The two academicians are both capable and devoted to scientific research. The current rigid relationship between the two is really regrettable and regrettable.

In fact, not only in the field of scientific research.

Among the web writers, there are many examples of top authors who are very stiff.

It can only be said that people are creatures with likes and dislikes after all, and two people with strong abilities may not be able to see each other.

And the other side.

After Academician Pan came to his side.

Carlo Rubia smiled heartily and took the initiative to shake hands with him:

"Hey Pan, haven't we seen each other for a few years?"

Academician Pan smiled back and saluted:

"It's been about six years, Mr. Rubia."

Carlo Rubbia arrived in Rongcheng relatively late. At that time, Hou Xingyuan and another veteran academician of the Academy of Sciences were in charge of welcoming him. Academician Pan was not present in person.

So the current handshake is the first face-to-face meeting between the two in several years.

After letting go.

Carlo Rubia glanced at Atsuto Suzuki in the distance, and soon turned his attention to the big screen:

"Pan, your staff has introduced the LHC signal into the background, and you can issue the activation command at any time."

A sense of gratitude appeared on Academician Pan's face appropriately.

Part of this gratitude is playful, but part of it is sincere.

Although CERN's entry is strictly speaking a mutually beneficial transaction.

But for Carlo Rubia personally, making such a decision still has to bear certain risks.

After all, if particles of the order of 923.8GeV did not exist, Carlo Rubia would definitely not have the best bargaining chip to convince the Council of Member States.

Of course.

This emotion was only fleeting, and Academician Pan's face soon became a little dignified.

Then he and Hou Xingyuan looked at each other.

After receiving Hou Xingyuan's signal.

Academician Pan pulled down his ears and said into the microphone:

"The staff of the LHC accelerator, now enter the final confirmation process before starting the equipment. If everything is normal, please reply with an executable signal!"

After a while.

A huge English word appeared on the screen:


This word was followed by a [^^] small emoji, which made the tense atmosphere of the scene a lot easier.

See this situation.

Academician Pan no longer hesitated, took another deep breath, and said:

"Power on!"

Following Academician Pan's order.

Tens of thousands of kilometers away.


The LHC collision control room at CERN headquarters.

A middle-aged white man with a shiny forehead simultaneously pressed the start button.

Boom boom boom——

Unlike other colliders.

As the highest-level collision equipment in the world today, the length of the LHC tunnel is also well-deserved first in the world-it is 27 kilometers long.

This time, the CMS, or compact muon coil, was activated, which is a general-purpose particle detector.

As the device boots up.

The mid-section of the CMS is initially filled with liquid helium to keep the superconducting magnets from exceeding their operating temperature.

Immediately afterwards.

A proton synchrotron begins to accelerate the beam of lead ions.

This is a small linear accelerator, black and hard but very thin, making a constant crackling sound-this is the sound of a superconducting magnet entering a superconducting state.

After a while.

A dense ion beam was ejected from the nozzle of the proton synchronous thruster, and directly penetrated into the warm cavity of the main acceleration ring that reached the operating temperature.

within 49 microseconds.

The main acceleration ring is filled with hundreds of millions of small particles.

Then soon.

The total energy in the ion beam reached the order of 600 megajoules, and it was launched from the injection port like a fully charged bow and arrow.

26 nanoseconds later.

The two ion beams collided fiercely.

well known.

The shape of the nucleus is approximately spherical.

But when the atomic nucleus is accelerated to approach the speed of light, its moving direction becomes very narrow due to the Lorentz contraction, and the shape of the system is ellipsoid when it collides.

Ever since.

Numerous pairs of ellipsoidal atomic nuclei traveling toward each other slammed into each other heavily.


Countless particles exploded instantly, and various basic particles scattered out.

If these ion beams are a civilization, then this is the day of civilization's destruction.

At the same time, because the energy level is much higher than the previous 11GeV collision, the event cutting of this collision is more obvious-because the higher the energy level, the higher the temperature.

Each particle collision can roughly cut out 100,000 events, and then the next stage of processing is performed by the graphics processing unit.

over time.

A trajectory jet of massive magnetic particles appears in the statistical background.

With the increase of chemical potential, the fourth moment appears to decrease first and then increase near CEP.

at the same time.

CERN is not idle either.

NCQ scaling of collective elliptic flow

Light nuclear yield ratio.

Critical Behavior Local Heat Equilibrium Coefficient

Dilepton yield.

These data are recorded one by one.

Although these data have little to do with the particles to be measured, they can provide reference cases for some other research - even CERN cannot afford to carry out collisions of this magnitude every day.


The last time a collision of this magnitude was carried out was 6 months ago.

10 minutes

15 minutes

20 minutes

over time.

The cases collected by CERN are becoming more and more sufficient.

Academician Xu Yunpan. Hou Xingyuan. Zhou Shaoping. Yang Lao. Wittenthooft Polyakov Higgs.

Even Atsuto Suzuki and Makoto Kobayashi, who was far away in Neon, stared at the live broadcast screen intently.

They are waiting for an answer.

If the experiment fails.

Well, although the press conference of the Academy of Sciences is still an unprecedented success, it is somewhat unsatisfactory.

Like a prisoner, the shackles around his neck are removed, but the shackles on his feet remain.

at the same time

Weiteng's prestige will also plummet.

But if the experiment is successful.

Then Huaxia High Energy Physics will be like Andy who escaped from Shawshank Prison, standing freely on the ground, spreading his hands, and embracing the sky to his heart's content.

25 minutes

33 minutes

47 minutes


At the 59th minute of the experiment.


A screened and enlarged list of cases suddenly appeared on the main screen.

The number note of the case table is .


According to the ratio of 100,000 events cut out by one impact, this is the 2300th or so impact in the sequence.

Don't look at this impact sequence is not big.

As mentioned earlier, 30 pairs of particles collide in a cluster, which is considered a very high proportion.

The moment I saw this case sheet.


All the participants stood up from their seats almost at the same time, leaned forward, and looked at the main screen with shock.

first row.

Atsuto Suzuki staggered suddenly, fell heavily to the nearest seat, panting heavily.

Higgs opened his mouth slightly with a surprised expression.

Academician Pan's left hand drooping by his side suddenly clenched into a fist.

Wei Teng's face froze, and was immediately replaced by a burst of surprise.

Xu Yun's eyes widened, and a blush appeared on his face.

only at this moment

On the case sheet on the big screen.

Near the interval of 950GeV, there is a .

Straight bulge!

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