Into Unscientific

Chapter 455 Completely different results (Part 2) (The derivation is over!!)


This moment.

Looking at the expression of the matrix factors in front of him, Xu Yun's expression was slightly subtle.


It's so weird.

Mentioned earlier.

Although there are still many unsolved mysteries in the current particle physics, it is far from touching the essence of the world.

Or to be more precise.

In fact, not only particle physics, but few fields are completely understood by human beings.

Not to mention the vast universe, we only understand 5% of the ocean alone, and humans know nothing about the underground:

The average radius of the earth is 6371 kilometers, and the deepest pit dug by human beings today is 12262m maintained by the SG-3 borehole of the bear kola ultra-deep drilling well.

Compared with the radius of the earth, the drilling depth is equivalent to the apple peel of an apple.

But on the other hand.

Although the depth of physics involved in the microscopic field is relatively limited, some basic concepts are fixed.

For example, an atom is composed of a nucleus and electrons outside the nucleus, and electrons are negatively charged in most cases, etc.

Another example is a deeper screw transformation.

The specific calculation process of the screw transformation is not the key point. After all, many people can't understand it when it is written. After all, it is more complicated and wastes pen and ink.

The key point of this thing is that although it has many processes, the formula corresponding to each process is fixed.

Just like the Coulomb force calculation in high school physics textbooks, just follow the corresponding formula to set the value honestly, without thinking too much.

Of course.

The formula used in the spinor transformation is obviously not the Coulomb force formula, but is called the transformation matrix.

This matrix is ​​a two-dimensional matrix, and the determinant satisfies the following conditions:


For non-relativistic cases, it is also required:


That is, (Uκλ)=(αββα), and αα+ββ=1.

The set of all transformation matrices (Uκλ) satisfying these conditions constitutes a Lie group, called SU(2) group.

So the definition of the SU(2) group is:

SU(2)≡{U | U∈GL(2, C), UU=I2×2, |U|=1 } (some people say character hydrology, explain here, 8 characters are a Chinese character, in fact, it was said before once I remember)

U in the above formula is the conjugate transpose matrix of U, so the more specific equivalent definition of the SU(2) group is:

SU(2)≡{(αββα)|α, β∈C, |α|2+|β|2=1}

See here.

Presumably some smart classmates have understood again:

That's right!

The manifestation of this matrix factor can have three independent actual parameters only under the condition of UκαUβκ=det((Uκα))δβα=det((Uκα))I!

And this situation.

It happened to be the expression of the second phase of the formula for rewarding the 1850 dungeon!


That is, that way can be divided into three stages, and the content of the first third is to deduce the Pangu particle. Or the copy reward of the dark matter particle.

not long ago.

After the Jinping Lab project ended and realized the value of that reward.

Xu Yun had deliberately spent some time re-discovering the rewards and researching the entire formula.

To be precise, the second stage of the formula was studied.

After all, compared with the first stage, the 'sense of fragmentation' in the second and third stages is more obvious.

That is to say, if nothing unexpected

The second stage also has an independent outcome or physical existence.

But unfortunately.

Compared with the relative intuitiveness of the first stage, the difficulty of the second stage is more than ten times higher, and the content is very complicated.

Even if Xu Yun spent a lot of effort, he could only tell that the description of the second stage was not a specific probability trajectory, but a very complicated scenario.

UκαUβκ=det((Uκα))δβα=det((Uκα))I is the most common mathematical response.

The word scene can be understood as a concept similar to electric field and magnetic field, but with a higher level of precision.

If you regard electromagnetic and magnetic fields as ordinary tile-roofed houses.

Then the scene in particle physics is equivalent to a hardcover villa, and the requirements in all aspects are very high, and all of them need to meet the standards.

all in all.

This is much harder than a single probability track.

This scenario cannot be reproduced without first finding a corresponding theory.


If Gauss or Riemann's thinking cards are used, there is a high probability that this part of the content can be cracked, after all, it is the real "God".

but the problem is

These two thinking cards are so precious, they are Xu Yun's most critical hole cards.

Whether it is emotion or value, it is not suitable for the second formula-unless this thing can play a particularly large role.

In addition, Xu Yun had to help with today's press conference during that time, so in the end he could only put this matter aside for the time being.

The result was unexpected.

At today's press conference, Xu Yun actually saw the second stage of response?

Could it be said.

The situation of the second stage is related to the particle of Pluto?

if you think about it

Well, it seems quite logical.

After all, the first-stage formula discovered the Pangu particle, which is the standard cold dark matter, and then triggered a series of subsequent disasters.

Then in the second stage, some unknown things intersect with Pangu particles, which can be said to be reasonable, even natural.

Think here.

The desire to explore in Xu Yun's heart suddenly became stronger.

He straightened his body and quickly started the calculation for the next stage.

Generally speaking,

Both the non-relativistic transformation and the relativistic transformation of the screw may be needed. In order to distinguish these two transformations, a dot "." can be added to the index of the screw to indicate that the index obeys the relativistic transformation.

Indexes without "." are subject to non-relativistic transformation, that is, the transformation matrix constitutes a SU(2) group, which is restricted by the equivalent meaning.

Then in this case, it is enough to calculate the mechanical momentum of the particle and the covariant derivative operator.

Another interesting thing to say.

The specific calculation process of particle data is actually not much different from the Coulomb force and Lorentz force in high school in principle.

It's just that under the superposition of conditions and frameworks, it has become another form.

For example, in the equation of motion of charged particles in an electromagnetic field, qUcFac is the four-dimensional force on charged particles.

This expression includes both the Coulomb force and the Lorentz force.

It's just that the Coulomb force and Lorentz force here are derived from the principle of least action.

Then add some geodesics, electromagnetic field tensors, inherent time and so on, and you will not even know the resurrection of Lorentz.

This is the same as the essence of a nuclear power plant is to boil water, but there is a gap of billions of points in expression.

But here we go.

It is not manpower but computers that are responsible for calculating relevant data.

Xu Yun quickly took the notebook prepared by the staff from the table, opened the Aurora system of the Academy of Sciences, and entered the calculated data into it.





After a while.

A very concise formula appeared on the screen:

Here we get a neat formula:


Then Xu Yun arranged a Laplace operator for both sides, and then began to find the corresponding regular space.

"The situation of the theory of relativity is affirmative, after all, the speed of light is constant."

"The magnetic vector potential has changed, 3.74.6 means that the mode is convergent and divergent."

"The quadrupole moment scalar has a dimensionless parameter?"

After seeing the quadrupole moment scalar data, Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment.

This particle is interesting

Mode convergence plus quadrupole moment scalars have a dimensionless parameter, that is.

In addition to the three quantities of mass, angular momentum, and charge, the other degrees of freedom of the 'Pluto' particle are limited.

See this situation.

The first reaction in Xu Yun's mind was a black hole.

That's right.

black hole.

Students who were a black hole or were sucked into a black hole in their previous lives should know this.

The black hole has only three free observable quantities of mass, angular momentum, and electric charge, and the other physical quantities of the black hole are all functions of these three quantities, and there are no other degrees of freedom.

That is to say, all the matter entering the black hole will lose all information, leaving only three physical quantities of mass, charge and angular momentum, and all other information will no longer exist.

Therefore, this theorem is also called the Sanmao theorem, that is, only the three hairs of mass, angular momentum, and charge are left.

The name of the theorem is actually quite elegant.

The three-hair theorem was first called the no-hair theorem by Wheeler, and the black hole was "damn little bitch".

Of course.

This is not to say that matter that only has mass, angular momentum, and charge is a black hole. Black holes are just a more representative example.

Except for black holes.

There are also particles such as leptons and π mesons with related properties, but black holes are relatively representative.

Just like when you say that there are 30,000 updates per day, the novice fisherman must be the writer in your mind, and then the slightly inferior Eagle and others.

Then Xu Yun continued to search the data in the aurora system, and found that even the dark matter of the Pangu particle did not meet the calculated scale.

At present, his state is supported by Dirichlet, and there should be no errors in the calculation link, so he can only continue to structure according to the existing data.

So he took a deep breath, regained his composure, and continued to check the mark.

regular space.

Connected regular spaces are uncountable, so the correlation index must rely on the Uresson Lemma.

That is, any two disjoint closed sets in a normal space can be separated by a continuous function.

A few more minutes passed.

Aurora system exported a summary item data:


This seemingly ordinary data is actually a modulus square operator expression derived from regularized coordinates.

That's right.

Modulus square operator expression.

That's what I said before

Y-axis data!

This moment.

As long as Xu Yun reports this data to Zhou Shaoping, and then expands it with the differential operator responsible for Zhou Shaoping, he can theoretically complete the Fermi surface calculation of the 'Pluto' particle.

Then Xu Yun subconsciously glanced at the two groups of Polyakov and David Gross who were nearby, and found that they were also typing on the keyboard at this time.

This means that they have also entered the final stage, starting to launch the final impact on the Fermi surface data.

At the same time, it is not difficult to see from the calculation paper on the desktop that they still use the limited-angle vector rotation as the entry point.


See this situation.

Xu Yun frowned subconsciously, and the strange sense of disobedience in his heart suddenly increased a lot.

But soon he shook his head lightly, bringing his mind back to reality.

Maybe I just think too much.

Theoretically, there shouldn’t be any problem with vector rotation with a limited angle. On the contrary, the matrix element of the operator he chose to rotate around the y-axis is logically far away.

Think about it now.

Maybe Zhou Shaoping originally considered the idea of ​​vector rotation with limited angles, but he only agreed to the direction of the matrix element because he couldn't deny it.

However, the rotation of the vector with a limited angle is also good, and the matrix element of the rotation operator around the y-axis is also good.

At this point, they have reached the final step, so there is no need to think too much about which is better.

If you hurry up, your side should be able to get the answer faster than the other groups.

Think here.

Xu Yun didn't hesitate anymore, and turned the notebook towards Zhou Shaoping:

"Academician Zhou, the modulus square operator expression has been released, please take a look."

Zhou Shaoping moved the laptop, glanced up and down quickly, and nodded approvingly:

"There is no problem in the process. The ideas of some steps are very subtle. He is indeed a genius who can prove Mersenne prime numbers. He is much better than an old guy like me."

Zhou Shaoping's words were not deliberately flattering Xu Yun, but out of feeling.

After all, these days, especially the new generation of physics practitioners, the level of mathematics is generally not particularly high.

There are very few that can really interoperate between the two disciplines.

Among all the existing physical directions, the mathematical requirements of astrophysics will be relatively high, after all, Riemannian geometry is involved.

Of course.

The so-called low level of mathematics here is the result of comparison with mathematics practitioners, not a popular major.

For a theoretical physics undergraduate who graduated normally, it is not a problem to beat ordinary people with mathematics level, it is not a concept.

Then Zhou Shaoping withdrew his thoughts and started the final data collection and calculation.

Xu Yun's performance was excellent, so he naturally couldn't hold back.

clap clap -

Although Zhou Shaoping is over 80 years old, he is fluent in using computers.

Lines of data were quickly entered by him, and the Aurora system connected to the Academy of Sciences' supercomputer was almost synchronously feeding back.

At the same time, because the notebook screen is in a vertical state, the screen image is parallel to the telephoto and close-range lens that hangs from the ceiling and locks the desktop.

So at this point, the camera can no longer convey the specific content to the audience.

In fact, it is not only the Academy of Sciences group.

The calculation process of others, such as Polyakov, Te Hooft, etc., also cannot be seen clearly because of the problem of viewing angle.

One minute

three minutes.

five minutes.

At the twelfth minute.

Zhou Shaoping's face suddenly relaxed, and he let out a foul breath.

See this situation.

Xu Yun couldn't help but asked:

"Academician Zhou, is the result out?"

Zhou Shaoping glanced at him, nodded slightly:

"Well, everything is going well. The data conforms to the parameters we calculated. I have sent the specific results to Professor Weiteng's backstage."

Although the telephoto lens lost its imaging effect at this time, the radio and microphone are still normal.

Therefore, Zhou Shaoping's words were quickly spread to the scene and the outside world.

After a while.

In the barrage of the major live broadcast platforms, a row of dense [666] flashed in an instant, and some of them were [Number One! 】

That's right.


Even among several computing teams on site, Xu Yun and Zhou Shaoping were the first to produce results.

A few more minutes passed.

The Dutch team led by Gerald Te Hooft also came up with calculation results and sent them to Witten's backstage.

followed by Polyakov

Anton Salinger.


David Gross.

Then came Atsuto Suzuki, who was coughing and vomiting blood, and this was also the last one in the team combination.

five minutes later.

Witten, the subject of this topic, is also the only scholar who independently calculates, and he also removed his fingers from the keyboard.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

at the same time.

The number of live broadcasts on major platforms also began to increase rapidly—this is because the audience also realized that the results were about to be released, and invited friends to enter the live broadcast room through online and offline.

Then Wei Teng calmly picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip of water, and said something through the earphone.

After half a minute.

Academician Pan came out from the backstage again.

But this time Academician Pan did not go to the first row, but returned to the podium, and said to everyone through the microphone:

"Ladies and gentlemen, you have been waiting for a long time."

"Now I am very excited to tell you the good news, that is, in the hands of Professor Weiteng, the key data calculated by all parties have been gathered."

"Now it is only necessary to carry out the preliminary verification, that is, to rule out false results, and then proceed to the final particle detection."

"The verification process is very simple, as long as several sets of results are compared with each other, it will not take too much time for everyone."

"Now, please wait a moment, Professor Witten, you can start now."

Academician Pan's last sentence was in English, so there was no need for simultaneous translation, and Witten understood what Academician Pan meant.

So soon.

He came to another terminal device and began to check the results.

As for Xu Yun, Zhou Shaoping, the scholars and media professionals on the scene, and the audience from all walks of life outside the field, they can only wait for the final result with peace of mind.

Even on the 666 live broadcast platform that had been carnival for a while before, the number of bullet screens is much less visible to the naked eye.

To be honest.

Everyone is a little nervous right now.

Although in terms of ability.

There are a lot of people who are stronger than Xu Yun in China, and although there are not as many people who are stronger than Zhou Shaoping, it is not impossible.

But at this moment.

Due to many environmental constraints, this combination of the old and the young has become the only representative of the Chinese physics community.

If they miscalculate.

Although there is no shame in having dark matter as the background, but there will be some embarrassment in terms of face and emotion.

It's like the finale of a New Year's Eve dinner.

Some places are dumplings, some places are braised meat with preserved vegetables, some places are scallion fish, some places are braised Fujianese, etc.

Taste habits may vary from place to place, but the emotion for the finale is the same.

If this dish is missing in any year, I will always feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

If you encounter some caring people and hopeless illiterates, maybe you will be charged with unwarranted charges and say that this matter is Jing and Kang shame. Wrong, wrong, it is Jing Kang shame.

This moment.

Even Xu Yun's parents who were thousands of kilometers away and knew nothing about physics realized the importance of Xu Yun and Zhou Shaoping's calculation results.

that's all.

Another five or six minutes passed.

Wei Teng, who compared the data, suddenly frowned, glanced at Xu Yun and Zhou Shaoping, then turned to Academician Pan and said:

"Mr. Pan, including my personal calculation results, there are a total of eight pieces of background data."

"According to the comparison of similar values, seven of them have the same results, and one has obvious differences, and this abnormal data comes from"

"Academician Zhou and his group."

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