Into Unscientific

Chapter 401 The last piece of the company's puzzle


Hence Tian Liangwei and Lu Xiao's exclamation.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the car was a little heavy.

When Xu Yun wrote novels in his previous life, he also mentioned these things to readers.

At that time, in the chapter, he also listed a list of overseas scientists who died unexpectedly before returning home.

Then there was a comment that touched him deeply:

【Every word is blood】.


All of them didn't seem to have any special names, and their backs were cruelly stained with blood.

what a pity

But soon.

Lu Xiao took the initiative to change the topic.

He looked at Xu Yun with a smile, and said casually:

"Dr. Xu, can you tell me about the current situation of your company?"

Xu Yun's heart trembled when he heard this.


Although under the lead of the Academy of Sciences, Lu Xiao successfully became one of the three 'compensation'.

But as a top research talent in the industry.

It is obviously impossible for Lu Xiao to completely tie himself to Huadun Biotechnology, a company that looks very immature, in order to return to China.

In order for him to be able to choose ALLIN's partner without any worries, he must at least be at the level of BAT.

So during the previous contact process, Lu Xiao and the Academy of Sciences had made an agreement:

He will only work for Huadun Biotech unconditionally for one year, after which he has the right to choose whether to continue to perform the contract.


As a living human being with the ability to think independently.

Lu Xiao's so-called "one year of work" also covers a wide range of flexibility.

For example, fishing for one year is a fulfillment of the contract.

Working hard is also fulfilling the contract.

Working overtime overnight is still fulfilling the contract.

Different mentality, efficiency and results are completely two grades.

Therefore, this conversation at this time is in a sense


It was not Xu Yun who interviewed Lu Xiao, but Lu Xiao who interviewed Xu Yun.

After Lu Xiao spoke.

The expressions of Chen Yunji and Tian Liangwei still looked normal, but there was a hint of concern in their eyes at the same time.

Lu Xiao is a well-known expert in biological intelligence, and is well-known in the industry for his capabilities in stereoscopic display technology and scene modeling technology.

It may be exaggerated to say that he is the number one in the world in the industry, but the number one Chinese is definitely well-deserved.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been worried that he wouldn't come back.

So although Chen Yunji's trip was really just to welcome his senior brother, if Lu Xiao really only fished in Huadun Biosciences for a year.

Then of course Chen Yunji would not let go of this good opportunity to come to his door.

And the other side.

Although Xu Yun attached great importance to Lu Xiao's problem in his heart, his face still looked very relaxed. This is one of the skills he has learned from Gu Qunqing during this period of time:

"Okay, since Dr. Lu is interested, I will introduce the current situation of our company."

"At present, our company has only conducted one round of informal financing, which can be regarded as an angel round. The equity structure is divided into four parts: myself, HKUST Innovation Fund, HKUST School of Life Medicine, and HKUST School of Physics."

"In addition, there is a small part of the option pool used for dividends, and there should be no follow-up financing in the short term."

"Now the company owns a production plant for fifth-generation imidacloprid products, with a total of twelve production lines. Including the management personnel of the factory, there are about 50 employees in this production."

"As for the company's headquarters, there are about 110 people in the clerical departments including personnel, finance, public relations, operations, network security, and customer service."

"In addition, there are 20-30 part-time students in HKUST, basically all master or doctoral students. This is a project we cooperate with USTC."

"In addition, the company now has two biological research laboratories. The person in charge of the laboratory numbered 001 is a friend of mine who speaks loudly, named Qiu Sheng."

"The person in charge of the laboratory numbered 002 is Academician Zhou Shan, who is now in charge of the breeding of local donkeys."

Hearing the name Zhou Shan.

Lu Xiao's expression suddenly became more serious.

Although Zhou Shan has now lost his academician title, he can be regarded as a "white body".

But for an insider like Lu Xiao.

Zhou Shan is still a respectable senior.

Then Xu Yun paused, glanced at Lu Xiao calmly, and continued:

"As of December last year, our company's monthly gross profit was probably in the early 1 million, occasionally reaching 2 million."

"However, with the outbreak of public opinion incidents not long ago, our products have been exposed to a large extent, and sales have increased greatly."

"Even after the retaliatory consumption, the company's monthly gross profit can be maintained at more than 10 million yuan-this is a short-term value."

"When we get the admission tickets in Europe, and with the increase in the frequency of cockroaches last summer, the monthly profit can conservatively exceed 25 million."

"In addition, we have two products, Yi'an Bacteria Toothpaste and Microbial Battery, which have already made breakthroughs. After they go online, they will increase some of their profits."

After listening to these words.

Lu Xiao's expression remained unchanged, but she began to think quickly in her heart.

It is different from knowing the information about Academician Zhou Shan.

This is the first time he has learned about the actual operating conditions of Huadun Biotech in detail - after all, Huadun Biotech is not listed, and nothing about its revenue can be seen from the financial report.

At least the situation Xu Yun introduced so far somewhat surprised him.

To know.

The values ​​mentioned by Xu Yun are all gross profit, which is fundamentally different from the concept of turnover.

In Lu Xiao's opinion, the first 25 million may be a bit of suspicion, after all, it is talking about something that hasn't happened yet.

This is the same as many novel writers say about Wanding women's clothing, and the horoscope has not been written yet.

But even if it is the lower 10 million, the accumulated amount in one year is enough to break through 100 million.

Although it is a bit philistine to directly talk about money, the financial health of a company often directly determines how far the company can go.

Knowing the financial health of Huadun Biotech now, Lu Xiao only cares about one thing

He straightened his body, his expression changed from casual to dignified, and said to Xu Yun:

"Dr. Xu, I wonder how much support the company can give me?"

The current main field of Huadun Biological Sciences is biased towards biochemical engineering, while Lu Xiao is an expert in the study of biological intelligence.

There might be no intersection between the two.

But it's clear that

At present, Huadun Biotechnology does not have a mature department or personnel for Lu Xiao to connect with.

That is to say, the company had to set up a new department for Lu Xiao, so the level of support was an issue that had to be discussed.

If only three or two kittens are given to Lu Xiao, the annual budget will be one to two million.

So no matter how good the company's financial situation is today, it is impossible for him to work wholeheartedly.

Facing Lu Xiao's question.

Xu Yun was silent for a moment, took out a document from his side, and handed it to him:

"Dr. Lu, take a look at this first."

Although Lu Xiao was puzzled, but out of politeness, he still took the document.

He pinched the upper corner to scan the pages and thickness before continuing to read.

But soon.

Lu Xiao's gaze, which was originally a little loose, gradually became serious.

After a while.

He raised his head slowly, and looked at Xu Yun with some joy:

"Dr. Xu, you wrote all these contents?"

Xu Yun waved his hand, shook his head very humbly, and explained:

"It's not all due to me. Our company's CTO Mr. Xiao Rong, director Wang Qingchen from HKUST, and teacher Liu Ligang from HKUST have all contributed a lot."

"If you have to say it, this is the crystallization of brainstorming and teamwork."

Chen Yunji on the side was a little curious about his senior brother's reaction, so he couldn't help but leaned forward and took a few glances:

"Letter of intent and project outlook for the preparation of Huadun Biotechnology MMR Technology Research Center?"

That's right.

The document that Xu Yun handed to Lu Xiao contained exactly what was written on it.

Content related to MR technology.

After all, Lu Xiao's major is scene modeling and natural interaction, which belongs to the orthodox category of MR.

HealthTOHO, which Microsoft and AstraZeneca became famous at the CIIE, is an application of MR technology.

And the halo rewards at the beginning also happened to include part of the MR technology.

Of course.

What the halo gives is not the mature technology, but some of the key nodes.

So before this meeting.

Xu Yun prepared such a material.

As for whether this material will appear to be quite different from Xu Yun's major?

do not forget.

Although Xu Yun did not major in computer science in his life, he chose condensed matter physics, which actually covers a wide area.

well known.

Traditional condensed matter has two themes:

One is the energy band theory based on the Landau Fermi liquid theory, with mean field approximation and perturbation theory as the main methods.

The other is based on Landau's second-order phase transition theory, which classifies phases with different symmetries through group theory, which can be attributed to different order parameters.

The latter studies phase transitions, symmetry breaking, and critical phenomena, and the introduction of renormalization groups further improved this paradigm.

The latter's perfect foundation can be divided into two aspects.

One is the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity.

It heralds the new physics of beyond Fermi Liquid in strongly correlated electronic systems, superfluidity in two-dimensional systems, and the superconducting KT phase transition reveals a third type of phase transition besides the finite temperature phase transition, prompting people to start paying attention to topological phases.

Another is the quantum Hall effect family.

In particular, the discovery of the fractional quantum Hall effect, and the paradigm of the quantum spin Hall effect as a topological phase, elucidate parameters that differ from the usual diagonal or off-diagonal long order.

The above is very simple and easy to understand.

And the quantum Hall effect.

It is one of the key directions in the fields of chips and VR, AR and MR.

Although for the vast majority of condensed matter students, they may only study a certain sub-direction in their lifetime.

But if you don't consider 'fine', but simply consider 'more'.

That is to say, considering the scope of involvement, condensed matter can almost have some connections with various scientific and technological fields.

What's more, in the document, Xu Yun only showed a small part of MR-related technologies.

He chose to keep some of the remaining professional knowledge that exceeded the "personal design" too much.

In addition, he did seek help from Xiaorong Wang Qingchen and Professor Liu Ligang, the most authoritative professor in the VR field of HKUST, so he was not worried about showing any chicken feet.

After all, the current MR technology is far from mature, and there are a large number of unknown areas that need to be broken through.

To use another metaphor that is closer to life to describe is

Lu Xiao is like a cook, while Xu Yun is a gourmet.

Now everyone knows that "fish" can be used for cooking, and it can be foreseen that this is a promising ingredient.

But knowing the prospect is one thing, mastering the specific cooking techniques is another - Lu Xiao only knows how to cook braised fish in soy sauce and scallion oil.

At this time, Xu Yun appeared.

He doesn't know how to cook, but he suggested some directions—for example, can we cut the fish into thin slices and cook soup with a lot of seasoning?

Xu Yun didn't come up with the finished product or specific formula, but the direction he mentioned gave Lu Xiao a lot of inspiration and inspiration.

Of course.

What Xu Yun gave in the document was only a small part of his thoughts, otherwise he would not have allowed Chen Yunji to check it out.

Then he paused, and hit the rails while it was hot:

"Dr. Lu, you may not know it, but the whole company is actually very welcome to your arrival."

"Although our company is currently mainly focused on biochemical engineering, the future span will inevitably go beyond this industry - for example, we are cooperating with the University of Science and Technology on the study of the ground state of isolated particles, and the supercomputing assembly that is currently in preparation, etc."


Before Xu Yun finished speaking, Lu Xiao interrupted him curiously:

"Dr. Xu, is our company still planning to develop supercomputers?"

Hearing the word "we" in Lu Xiao's mouth, the corners of Xu Yun's mouth curled up slightly, but soon he returned to normal again:

"Yes, this is also one of the company's plans for future development."

"Although it's cheap to rent out supercomputers these days, it's still not as good as keeping them in your own hands, especially when some commercial secrets are involved."

Lu Xiao nodded in agreement.

Nowadays, the core hours of supercomputers are generally only around two or three cents, and many up owners often rent core hours for rendering.

But for a technology company.

Owning your own supercomputer is equivalent to buying a house in the Chinese concept.

With supercomputers, this technology company is complete.

Then he thought about it and asked again:

"Dr. Xu, I'm curious, who is your company planning to customize supercomputers with, the Liu family?"

"The Liu family?"

Xu Yun's face darkened when he heard this, and a trace of disgust appeared in his eyes.

This trace of disgust is not aimed at Lu Xiao, but at the Liu family:

"of course not."

Speaking of the Liu family, few people in China have a good impression of them nowadays.

Not to mention that Xu Yun is still a member of the Academy of Sciences, and he knows a little more about some things about the Liu family than ordinary people, so he really can't give him a good impression.

But on the other hand.

It has to be admitted that the current Liujia is also the most important supercomputer manufacturer in China.

Until 2022.

Among the top 500 supercomputers in the world, there are 173 Huaxia supercomputers on the list, of which 138 are from the Liu family, accounting for nearly 80%.

But it needs to be emphasized that.

The Liu family's super is a standard trade, industry and technology model.

Because except for the Liu family, other suppliers use or have used their own chips.

And in most of the supercomputers, the cluster architecture used is still from Intel and Mellanox. The only technology listed as the core level of the Liu family is water cooling. Can you believe it. .org/list)

Then why does Liu's supercomputer account for a high proportion in China?

One is the water cooling mentioned above.

In the business world, performance and power consumption are always two 'attributes' that need to be considered.

The water-cooling technology of Liujia is currently in the first-class echelon in the world, and it only provides supercomputers through its own channels.

When the production cost is about the same, most merchants will naturally consider the Liu family.

Second, it was because the Liu family took over IBM's x86 server business.

Although the IBM server performance indicators include the most critical reliability, but to be honest, in the case of horizontal comparison, it still kills the current purebred domestic servers, such as thinkpad second Shenzhou.

So you will find that after the Liu family acquired IBM's x86 server business in 2015, its share of supercomputing began to increase significantly.

The last and most crucial point is.

Except for the supercomputer produced by the first company, other Huaxia supercomputer suppliers have been sanctioned-the reason given by Haidian is that it endangers national security because "supercomputers can be used for nuclear explosion tests."

For example, five supercomputing companies related to "Shuguang" and "Shenwei" were included in the sanctions list in 2019.

The "Tianhe" series was included in the "Entity List" as early as 2015.

Well, this shows that the * family is standing upright, and there is no reason for sanctions across the sea. Our Warwick should learn more from others.

all in all.

as far as I can tell.

If you want to customize supercomputers, there are not many companies in China that can avoid the Liu family.

but don't forget

Xu Yun has the artificial intelligence Mimi with a halo reward in his hand.

After upgrading the computing power module of the 1850 copy.

Mimi's computing power has increased by 1.14514%, and the computing power is close to 24290TFlop/s.

Even in the world's top 500, it can rank around 270.

So rather than customizing supercomputers, it is better to say that Xu Yun is just using a 'shell'.

Therefore, he can completely avoid the Liu family and go to work on another supercomputer by himself.


You don't even need to consider the server, as long as the chip meets the requirements on the surface.

For example, the Zhongke Cambrian created by Chen Yunji around him is a very suitable chip supplier.

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn't help but took another deep breath, and solemnly said to Lu Xiao:

"Dr. Lu, I can assure you now that if you are willing to join our company, within one month, the company will allocate at least a start-up capital of no less than five million Huaxia coins to you."

"In addition, every three months, there will also be five million funds in the account."

"In addition, although the company has not yet set up an MR R\u0026D department, we have reached an agreement with the University of Science and Technology. The manpower you need can be directly recruited from the University of Science and Technology—of course, if you want to recruit from the society or have familiar candidates, you can also feel free to Speak."

"Dr. Lu, this promise and the stack of intent documents are ours."


inside the car.

Looking at Xu Yun with a sincere face, Lu Xiao remained silent.

If I reject Xu Yun at this time, although due to the previous agreement with the Academy of Sciences, I can't leave immediately.

However, it is obviously impossible to approve the funds and authority that Xu Yun mentioned.

After all, no one is willing to provide too many favorable conditions for a passer-by who only stays for a year.

be honest.

Originally, his idea was actually very simple.

Just work in Huadun Biotech for one year, don't try to fish but don't do your best, just make one or two results that can bring two to three million profits and are worthy of your salary.

Wait until the one-year period expires.

He may go to the Academy of Sciences, he may go to the Cambrian, or he may go south to other companies.

In short, it is unlikely to stay in Huadun Biotechnology.

But after this conversation with Xu Yun

He hesitated.

Mentioned long ago.

Compared with AR and VR technologies, the popularity of MR is much lower.

This perception is not limited to the general public, but also includes many leaders in charge—don’t think that all the leaders of the Academy of Sciences are professionals, and office politics also exists in the Academy of Sciences.

Therefore, Lu Xiao had to consider a question:

If I rejected Xu Yun at this time, would anyone be able to understand the MR industry like Xu Yun?

The answer is obviously no.

I'm afraid even Chen Yunji, a fellow apprentice, can't do this.

Whether a superior has a common language, this is a situation that must be considered.


He thought of himself again.

After going to the other side of the sea to study for a Ph. D., he once lost himself under the temptation of life and money across the sea.

But then with the increase of age, with the improvement of experience.

He suddenly found out.

Abroad is actually not so good.

For example his rank.

His rank in Microsoft has not changed for nine years, and he has been stuck at Senior SDE, which is level 63.

The reason is because he is a Chinese.

Coupled with what he has seen and heard in the society across the sea in recent years, his desire to return to his hometown has become stronger.

Although Huaxia is still in the development stage, there are such and such bad things.

But it is your home after all.

At least you don't have to find a shop to pick your ears comfortably like you do abroad, and you can't do it comfortably.

So after the academy contacted me.

Lu Xiao agreed to the whole plan without any hesitation.

He left his hometown at the age of 25, and is now 43 years old, and has just stepped back to this land again.

Now money is no longer his pursuit goal, but the pure heart of serving the country with every fist when he was studying, which became more and more hot at this time.

Whether Huadun Biotechnology is backed by the University of Science and Technology, or a healthy financial situation, coupled with the promise made by Xu Yun, it seems that...

Still a great environment?

Think here.

A flash of determination flashed in Lu Xiao's eyes, she pondered for a moment, and stretched out her hand to Xu Yun:

"Dr. Xu, happy cooperation."

Xu Yun originally thought that it would take more effort to persuade Lu Xiao, but he was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

But soon he realized it, and quickly stretched out his hand again, and shook Lu Xiao firmly:

"Dr. Lu, happy cooperation."

so far.

The last piece of the jigsaw puzzle for Huadun Biological Sciences in the short term.

The splicing is successful!

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