Into Unscientific

Chapter 398 New Year's Eve

Although Lu Xiao is a talent that Xu Yun is eagerly looking forward to, even with AstraZeneca's assistance, his resignation procedures still take a certain amount of time.

Therefore, Xu Yun didn't expect Lu Xiao to return to China immediately, and after chatting with Tian Liangwei some more, the two parted ways.

compared to previous years.

New Year's Eve in 2023 will come earlier.

A few days have passed since the conversation with Tian Liangwei.

Xu Yun and others officially ushered in

lunar New Year.

be honest.

Although the flavors of various festivals these years have gradually become a little dull, the Spring Festival is still an important day that is indispensable for Chinese people.

Every Spring Festival.

A large number of migrant workers who work outside and relatives who don't move around very much will gather together to have a New Year's Eve dinner with different tastes.

Most children will be given red envelopes, and most elderly single men and women will be surrounded by relatives for a meal.

And southern Anhui, where Luzhou belongs, is a province with a large labor force output, so every Chinese New Year holiday, many people will return home from other places to spend New Year's Eve with their families.

So it is different from other first- and second-tier cities that will become "ghost towns" when the Spring Festival comes.

On the contrary, the city of Luzhou will become a little lively during the Chinese New Year.

"It's New Year's Eve again"

Seeing through the window a pair of elderly people downstairs who were pasting Spring Festival couplets, Xu Yun couldn't help but sigh in his eyes.

In fact, he is not the kind of little Wenqing who likes to mourn his age, but it is the end of the year, and everyone will have some feelings in their hearts.

If there is a precondition of not being able to reunite with family members, the emotion of this nostalgia will be magnified many times.

But soon.

Xu Yun's slight sadness was broken up by the crisp sound of pots and bowls colliding behind him.

He turned his head and found that Old Su was holding a stack of ceramic bowls with both hands, and placed them on the dining table one by one.

Xu Yun stepped forward quickly, rolled up his sleeves a little, and said to Old Su:

"Su Gong, let me help too."

Old Su nodded, and put the bowl on the table:


Hearing the contact sound of tableware and chopsticks, as well as the rustling sound from the kitchen, Xu Yun's movements couldn't help but also became a little cheerful.

Although I can't go home this year, I'm separated from my parents.

But now it seems that this New Year's Eve dinner will not be so lonely.

after awhile.

Old Su's sigh suddenly sounded in Xu Yun's ear:

"Xiao Xu, old man, how long will it take me to fully adapt to this era?"

Xu Yun raised his head and found that Lao Su's face, which had always been steady and calm, was full of confusion at this moment.

What Lao Su said about adapting is obviously not keeping up with the pace of life in 2022—in fact, Lao Su has now mastered the use of most electronic equipment, and Xu Yun watched him play Yuanshen that day.

So the adaptation that Lao Su mentioned actually refers to when he will have the ability to contribute to this era.

After all, for such an 'Oriental Da Vinci'.

Looking at the rapid development of human technology, but being powerless, it is too tortured.

Then Old Su sighed again, shook his head, and continued:

"The old man is reading and studying almost day and night, asking himself a question, and he has learned a lot of knowledge from the book."

"However, in the face of the vast knowledge, it is still like a drop in the ocean. I don't know when I will see the end. How lamentable."

Looking at Old Su who was obviously a bit tangled, Xu Yun was silent for a moment, then said:

"Su Gong, I feel that you are a little anxious."

Old Su was startled for a moment.

Then Xu Yun thought for a while, put down his chopsticks, took out his phone from his pocket and fiddled with it a few times.

Handed it to Lao Su.

Old Su raised his eyelids to look at him, reached out to take the phone, and read subconsciously:

". The first Jinshi, Zhining County. Moved to Jixian to manage and compile books. Ode to the museum for nine years, served grandmother and mother, adopted aunts and sisters, and dozens of foreign people. Delicious and happy, married in a faint. Wife Food and clothing are often not given, but they are treated like Yanru. The minister recommends Li Ding, the judge of Xiuzhou, to summon him, and promotes the prince Zhongyun, except to supervise the censor Li Xing.

After a while.

Only then did he raise his head again, looking at Xu Yun, his eyes seemed to realize something:

"Xiao Xu, this is"

Xu Yun nodded, affirming:

"Yes, this is exactly the content of "Song Shi Su Song Biography", which is your past."

Then he took a deep breath, looked at the kitchen calmly, and found that no one noticed here, and continued:

"According to the "Song History Su Song Biography", you worked as a librarian in the library of the Northern Song Dynasty for nine full years, and you never showed any impatience."

"In the end, he was summoned by the emperor, and he opened his mouth to answer any questions. In the end, he became a blockbuster and assumed the position of Prince Zhongyun."

"And now you have only been in this era for only a few months, why are you so anxious?"

Old Su continued to be astonished.


When I was alone back then, I was able to remain silent for nine years before erupting in the last day.

Now that I have a better starting foundation, why am I a little impatient?

Looking at Lao Su whose expression was changing, Xu Yun shook his head slightly in his heart.

As a reborn person, he can actually understand Lao Su's situation very well.

Although the "Xiaosu" who was silent for nine years in the Northern Song Dynasty and the current "Xiaosu" are all alone, they belong to the "commoner".

But at this time, "Little Su" has the experience and experience of the "Old Su" in his previous life, and his congenital spirit is a bit high.

There is an old saying in China, which is called once the sea was too difficult to be water.

After standing on a high level, it is difficult for a person's vision and mentality to return to their original appearance.

Just like adults looking back at their junior high school life, some behaviors and some conflicts with classmates in junior high school are really naive in the eyes of adults.

It was the same with Xu Yun back then.

So. He can somewhat understand Lao Su's state of mind.

Facing such a prosperous age of science and technology, Lao Su's idea of ​​wanting to show his own value is completely understandable, and even this kind of psychology is inevitable in a certain sense.

But again.

Knowledge is something that you can't get done with just a few mouthfuls of chicken soup.

It is impossible for you to yell that I have to study hard today, and tomorrow I will be able to deduce the wave equation of the particles-that way Schrödinger will have to lift the coffin.

Therefore, what Xu Yun can do is mainly psychological counseling.

Old Su's experience in his previous life is obviously a very effective catharsis agent. After reading "Song History Su Song Biography", Lao Su's face gradually returned to normal.

after awhile.

He let out a long breath, and a flash of relief flashed in his eyes:

"Xiao Xu, what you said is right, the old man is indeed a little impatient. Now that he has lived a new life, he is a little sensitive to time after all."

"Thinking about it, I still need to learn more from you. I'm still a fledgling at the age of 24. When I was your age, I had three sons."

Xu Yun was full of question marks:


Can this tmd drive to me?

Old Su, who was in a much calmer mood, obviously didn't notice the critical blow he gave Xu Yun. After his expression returned to normal, he suddenly began to care about some other small details:

"By the way, Xiao Xu, since it's New Year's Eve today, why didn't anyone set off firecrackers and fireworks?"

Xu Yun was still a little autistic at this time, and subconsciously wanted to ask Lao Su why he knew about firecrackers and fireworks.

But before the words were spoken, he reacted in time:

The Northern Song Dynasty did have firecrackers and fireworks.

For example, in "Tokyo Menghualu", the scene of setting off fireworks in the Northern Song Dynasty is clearly recorded.

In addition, Ling Zhen, the "Thunderbolt" in "Water Margin", is also responsible for making fireworks when he is not being reused.

So with Old Su's status, it's not surprising that he knows about fireworks and firecrackers.

Think here.

Xu Yun thought for a while and explained:

"Over the past few years, the country has banned fireworks in the urban area out of environmental protection and safety considerations—at least not in the urban area of ​​Luzhou."

"After all, a few years ago, there were many accidents in China caused by fireworks discharge or storage, and there were even many casualties."

"Of course, some villages and towns that are not under strong control are occasionally seen."

When Xu Yun said this, there was a sense of regret that he was not aware of.

to some extent.

Now that the taste of the year is gradually fading, it has something to do with the prohibition of setting off fireworks-this is a fact that no one can deny.

But from a national point of view, the disadvantages of open fireworks do exist, and there are too many lessons learned in this regard.

It's just that the perspective is different, and the situation is different.

And when Xu Yun was talking with Lao Su.

Suddenly a brisk voice sounded behind them:

"Here comes the chicken soup!~~~~"

Xu Yun followed the trend and looked.

Gu Qunqing and Weng Yujing were seen walking out of the kitchen wearing aprons and carrying a plate of steaming dishes.

That's right.

In addition to Xu Yun and Lao Su, there were Gu Qunqing, Weng Yujing, Qiu Sheng and Zhang Heguang who went out to buy drinks for today's New Year's Eve dinner—the guy who took Xu Yun and the others to visit the observatory not long ago.

Among them, Qiu Sheng and Zhang Heguang have their own projects to do, so they can only be forced to stay in the headquarters of HKUST as a widowed doctor.

Gu Qunqing simply stayed in Luzhou because he missed the best time to go home because he participated in public opinion incidents and related finishing work.

Anyway, he basically never returned to China for the Spring Festival when he was at Sanofi in the past, and his 'experience' in this area is even richer than Xu Yun's.

As for Weng Yujing?

From the time when the girl arrived in Luzhou, it was not difficult to see that she had no intention of going back to Jinling for the Spring Festival.

Considering that she didn't have any acquaintances in Luzhou, and that the girl had already joined the Huadun Biology Department, Xu Yun extended an invitation to her.

After getting together, the big guys summed up and simply made a division of labor:

Gu Qunqing and Weng Yujing, who were away all the year round, beat Xu Yun in a knife competition, so they were in charge of cooking.

Xu Yun and Lao Su are in charge of arranging the dishes.

Zhang Heguang and Qiu Sheng are in charge of buying drinks

After more than ten minutes.

Zhang Heguang and Qiu Sheng returned to Xu Yun's rental house with a box of Wangzai milk.

Another half hour passed.

A table of sumptuous Chinese food was placed in front of everyone:

Belly chicken, scallion oil Dongxingban, braised fat sausage, deep-fried prawns, boiled frog, fried rice cake

Of course.

With Gu Qunqing, a returnee, present, it is natural that chicken, a Chinese food that does not exist in Chinese food, is also indispensable.

After the dishes are served.

Everyone sat down one by one.

There is no need for seniority or inferiority for family dinners, and there is no need for priority or guest.

Everyone filled up the drinks, and Xu Yun led a clink of glasses, and the reunion dinner started like this.

Qiu Sheng is a person who is familiar with everyone. After starting, he quickly picked up a piece of fat intestines, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it a few times, and his eyes suddenly brightened:


Seeing this, Gu Qunqing couldn't help but smiled triumphantly, pointed to himself with his thumb, and made a gesture like I'm a bully:

"To tell you the truth, during Chinese New Year gatherings in the Chinese community, the braised fat sausages I make have always been popular, and many foreigners like to eat them."

Hear this.

Zhang Heguang, who was picking rice, put down his chopsticks and asked curiously:

"Manager Gu, can a foreigner eat fat intestines?"

"Of course."

Gu Qunqing glanced at him, looking very calm - he was often asked this question on weekdays:

"You may have heard a rumor that Europeans and Americans don't eat pig offal, but in fact this statement is quite different from the reality."

"Britain, Gaul, Italy, Germany, these countries actually eat pig offal—the part they really seldom eat is pig ears."

"In addition, when it comes to things that foreigners really don't know how to eat, you will definitely not be able to guess what it is."

Zhang Heguang immediately became interested when he heard the words, thought for a moment, and reported a few ingredients:

"Chicken feet? Folded ears? Fujianese? Or preserved eggs?"

Weng Yujing on the side thought for a while and added another answer:

"I heard that Europeans and Americans don't seem to eat fish heads?"

Gu Qunqing smiled mysteriously at them and shook his head lightly:

"No, the answer is melon seeds."

Then he paused, and only after everyone showed astonishment did he explain:

"Sunflowers, pumpkins, and watermelons are available in many countries, but except for China and the Iberian Peninsula, few countries eat melon seeds."

"Of course, the melon seeds I'm talking about are those with shells, that is, melon seeds that need to be cracked open with your teeth."

"There are all kinds of seeds in foreign supermarkets, but most of them are processed melon seeds, which are often found in biscuits, CEREAL breakfast or desserts."

Xu Yun on the side listened quietly, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise a slight arc.

As Gu Qunqing said.

In Europe and the United States, except for the Iberian Peninsula, almost no people from any country like it. Or can eat melon seeds.

When he was an exchange student at Cambridge, he was even asked to perform "Eating Melon Seeds".

The way old Americans eat melon seeds is to grab a handful and stuff them into one side of the cheek, move them to the front teeth one by one with the tongue, and spit them out after knocking them in the mouth.

For example, in the movie "Plane Detective", there is a scene where Jim Carrey spits out melon seeds, like a machine gun, with a lot of saliva.

In addition to melon seeds.

Other things such as chicken feet, preserved eggs, and fish heads have more or less markets abroad.

How many times can you believe that Zheergen is even the top selling chicken?

all in all.

With Gu Qunqing's warm-up, the atmosphere at the dinner table couldn't help being much more cheerful.

Everyone ate and chatted, and soon they talked about the planning for 2023.

Gu Qunqing had a cup of milk with Xu Yun first, then looked at Qiu Sheng and Zhang Heguang:

"If I remember correctly, the three of you, Dr. Xu, will be defending your doctorate next year, right?"

Xu Yun nodded:

"Well, the three of us are all from the same junior class. This year's defense should be around May."

"That's you, our astronomy department is in April this year."

Before Xu Yun finished speaking, Zhang Heguang raised his hand with a bitter face:

"That's why I can't go home this year, and I will start preparing the defense materials QAQ after the next year."

Zhang Heguang's teacher is a well-known academician Chang Jin in China. After the death of Academician Zhou Youyuan in 2021, Academician Chang Jin is the only surviving academician of the Academy of Astronomy at HKUST and also the director of the Purple Mountain Observatory.

Academician Chang Jin has very strict academic requirements for students. Even though the number of students in the Department of Chinese Literature is small, he still does not relax the original requirements.

Therefore, if Zhang Heguang wants to graduate smoothly, the difficulty is much higher than that of Xu Yun and Qiu Sheng.

Of course.

As a genius graduating from the junior class, Zhang Heguang's actual pressure is not as heavy as it is shown.

Looking at the good friend who is deliberately selling miserably, the corner of Xu Yun's mouth can't help but twitch slightly.

But after hesitating for a moment, he finally didn't speak.

He would have had an idea a long time ago, that is, to make the existence of Shenwangxing public through the hands of Zhang Heguang.

After all, the halo on him is really dazzling at present, and there is no need to worry about the lack of results in the future if there is a copy.

Therefore, it is the most suitable choice to hand over this interdisciplinary discovery to Zhang Heguang.

However, the timing didn't seem right right now, so after much thought, Xu Yun gave up the idea of ​​getting the vaccination first.

Anyway, God King is over there. With the existing observation technology, there is no need to rely on formula derivation and locking like in the 1850 copy.

To put it bluntly, finding the goal is actually a coincidence, and you don't need to invest too much energy.

Think here.

Xu Yun completely dismissed his original thoughts, looked at Weng Yujing who was beside him, and changed the subject:

"Xiao Weng, what's the situation with you, the Chinese New Year is still staying in Luzhou and not going back to Jinling?"


Weng Yujing scratched her hair carelessly, then groaned:

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that my mother is doing business abroad, and my father is running some important projects in other places. My grandparents live with my uncle, so I don't bother to go there."

Only then did Xu Yun understand.

I see

At first he thought that Weng Yujing was having trouble with her family, but then he thought about the situation when he accidentally contacted Weng's father when he was adding friends.

According to the situation during the conversation.

The relationship between Weng Yujing and her family should not be so stiff, that's what happened when they co-authored.

Then everyone chatted for more than an hour while eating, and finally drank the last drop of milk at eight o'clock.

There is no guest room in Xu Yun's rental house, and everyone bid farewell and left after washing the dishes.

After delivering the guests.

Xu Yun's heart suddenly moved, and he found a reason to return to his room.


Entered the halo space.

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