Into Unscientific

Chapter 384 The end of the good show!

Today's press conference is a live broadcast mode, and there is no delay in the whole process.

Therefore, as a participant before going on stage, it is naturally impossible for Xu Yun to look at his mobile phone on this occasion.

Therefore, he didn't know that when he appeared on the stage, there was a row of "scumbags" barrage, and a bunch of people wanted to eat their flesh.

He didn't know that in the first minute of his appearance, the number of viewers of the live broadcast on the entire network officially exceeded 20 million.

Of course.

Although he couldn't see those bullet screens, Xu Yun still had some premonitions in his heart.

For example, in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" at station B, Guan Yu was defeated in Maicheng and finally died at the hands of Soochow. The plot is extremely tragic.

Then when Sun Quan and others appeared on the stage, you could see the uniform "Soochow Rats" on the barrage.

Xu Yun reckoned that his current situation was probably similar to that of Sun Quan and others, or even worse.

Afterwards, he dismissed these thoughts and followed Lu Chaoyang to take his seat according to the order.

Zhang Rui sat in the middle of the press conference, with Gu Qunqing and Tian Liangwei on the right of Zhang Rui, and Xu Yun on the right.

As for Zheng Zu, the shareholder of the company.

Didn't show up today.

After all, there are other industries under the name of the new venture fund, and it is still a bit sensitive to get involved in this kind of matter. Naturally, avoiding suspicion is the main way to avoid suspicion.

After being seated.

A man in a black business suit walked to the podium at the front left of the seats.

This person is about forty years old, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, his hair is well-groomed, and his face is friendly and elegant.

He adjusted the microphone on the podium and said tentatively:

"Hey Hey hey--"


The sound spread throughout the conference room.

The middle-aged man showed a satisfied look on his face, looked around, and then slowly said:

"Respected guests, media friends, and audience friends in front of the major live broadcast platforms, good morning everyone!"

"I am Shen Jianze, today's host, currently serving as the assistant to the principal. Thank you very much for coming to the public opinion conference held by HKUST in spite of your busy schedule. Here, on behalf of HKUST, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you all!"

clap clap -

The audience soon burst into warm applause.

On some live broadcast platforms, various barrages have also appeared:

"How handsome!"

"Is handsome pot fencing?"

"University of Science and Technology has been tricked by beautiful men?"

A few seconds passed.

The applause paused.

Shen Jianze looked down at the speech on the desk, and continued:

"As we all know, HKUST has been established for 64 years, and it ranks among the national "Double First-Class", "985 Project" and "211 Project", and is one of the top universities in China."

"The school motto of the University of Science and Technology is 'Red colleges go hand in hand, theory and reality blend', in which 'red' is noble sentiment and quality, and 'specialist' is"

Shen Jianze first gave a brief introduction to the University of Science and Technology, which seemed rather boring.

But soon.

He changed the subject:

"In recent years, HKUST has vigorously supported alumni entrepreneurship, incubated and born a large number of potential emerging companies, covering various fields."

"Among them are iFlytek and Guodun Quantum, which have a market value of tens of billions, and there are also seedlings such as Huadun Biotech."

"Compared with established enterprises, 'seedlings' are undoubtedly more fragile and need more care."

"But sadly, some people don't expect the seedling to grow healthy and even want to uproot it."

"For example, in the past week, one of our 'seedlings' has been ruthlessly smeared, and a large number of related personnel, including the University of Science and Technology, have been subjected to extreme cyber violence."

"So today, the University of Science and Technology officially held this public opinion conference to the public to reveal something that you don't know."

"the truth."

"the truth?"

Hear these two words.

In the media seats below, many reporters were stunned.

As media practitioners, their sensitivity to words is much higher than that of ordinary people.

They are very clear about one thing:

For a press conference of this size, speeches will be prepared in advance, and every word has been repeatedly polished and proofread-except for the kind of "I missed my daughter's coming-of-age ceremony".

But at present, it doesn't matter whether it's an official or an artist.

When encountering smear incidents, the vast majority of the wording used to deal with them is "rumor refutation".

The elastic range of the word refuting rumors is actually very large, and the mood is relatively mild.

For example [this is the chat record and video of me and XXX] is to refute rumors.

[Don't follow the trend and listen to rumors] is also to refute rumors.

[I haven't done this, believe it or not, believe it or not] It's still a rumor.

Therefore, refuting rumors is a word that can be adaptive, that is, it does not necessarily have to be hammered to death, but mainly to express one's position, believe it or not.

But the truth is different.

There is no way out for this word in terms of writing. It is not something that can be exposed by a light sentence [After investigation, Xu Yun has never done this, please don't listen to rumors].

If you want to tell the truth, you have to take out dry goods and beat them to death.

Think here.

Many media people quickly sat up a little bit.


University of Science and Technology really needs liver

Looking at the people who were getting more and more serious, Shen Jianze's eyes flickered slightly, and he said again:

"Friends from the media, audience, now I announce"

"Today's HKUST Public Opinion Press Conference officially begins!"

"First of all, I would like to invite the general manager of Huadun Biotechnology, Mr. Gu Qunqing, to speak!"


The voice just fell.

Gu Qunqing, who was sitting at the table, stood up and walked towards the podium.

He made brief eye contact with Shen Jianze, and Shen Jianze temporarily retreated to the edge of the stage.

Gu Qunqing took his place, resting his hands on both sides of the podium, and nodded in a very grand manner to the audience:

"Hi everyone, I am Gu Qunqing, the current COO of Huadun Biotechnology. My English name is Aaron. I am 38 years old and unmarried. Ladies who are interested in a blind date can contact me."

There was a burst of good-natured laughter from the audience.

But immediately after, Gu Qunqing's expression changed:

"Okay, no kidding, let's get down to business."

"The reason why USTC held this press conference today must be clear to everyone. I won't spend too much time here on the summary of the previous situation, and let's start the topic directly."

"In terms of sequence, the whole matter should be divided into two phases - the 'quality exposure' of our company's products, and the so-called 'exposure' of the company's chairman Xu Yun. The order appeared earlier than the latter, everyone should agree with this, right?"

The sound of affirmation sounded again from the audience.

In the live broadcast room, there were also many bullet screens with the word "pair".

Seeing this, Gu Qunqing snapped his fingers. Having served as the VP of the Sanofi region, he seemed quite calm on such occasions:

"In this case, we will discuss it in two steps today. Everyone, please watch the big screen first."

The layout of today's press conference adopts a split-screen mode, which is divided into three areas:

In the center of the venue are seats for Zhang Rui, Tian Liangwei, Xu Yun and others.

The front position on the left side of the seat is the speaking platform.

On the right wall is a huge LCD screen.

There is also a small closed door under the screen, which is a temporary fire exit.

As soon as Gu Qunqing pressed the remote control pen, a screenshot of a Weibo account appeared on the screen.

Gu Qunqing circled the account a few times with the laser of the remote control pen, and said:

"The account that 'revealed' this incident first was called [Tiaotiao wants to be full], a pet blogger who is well-known on Bilibili and Douyin."

"She claimed that her pet cat 'Tiaotiao' accidentally ingested 'One Manchu Mie' and died of poisoning. Everyone should know about this, right?"

this time.

More people answered Gu Qunqing.

click -

Gu Qunqing pressed the laser pointer again, and the screen instantly flipped to another Weibo.

The content of this Weibo is very simple, just a paragraph:

[I contacted the community pet hospital today and spent money on the pet funeral process. Jump, there will be no villains in heaven! 】

This Weibo was attracted by the poisoning video of Jumping, and the number of comments also exceeded 30,000.

Basically, they are all blessings such as "going well".

Chen Shanshan, the cockroach girl in the audience, also took out her mobile phone and went to the homepage of [Jumping to eat] to check again, and found that the screenshots had not been tampered with.

There are quite a few media people who made the same move as Chen Shanshan. After confirming that there is no problem with the screenshots, everyone's faces can't help showing a ray of doubt:

What is Gu Qunqing planning to do with this Weibo?

Soon, Gu Qunqing on the stage gave the answer:

"Before proceeding to the next step, here I would like to emphasize one more thing - all the steps we have taken today are carried out with the cooperation of the public security department, and the whole process is legal and compliant."

"Please connect with our first guest today, she will bring us the first key information."

beep beep——

With the operation of the technician, the screen picture quickly turned into a connection page.

After a few seconds.

As soon as the screen lit up, a woman in her fifties appeared on the screen:

"Hello Manager Gu, hello audience friends."

at the same time.

The screens of the major live broadcast platforms have also been switched to the main body of the video.

"Director Yang, hello."

Gu Qunqing waved his hand at the other party as a greeting, and then said:

"Our time is limited, so I won't be too polite with you. Please introduce yourself first."

Yang Wenjuan obviously had a 'dress rehearsal' with Gu Qunqing beforehand, so she nodded neatly upon hearing this:

"Hi everyone, my name is Yang Wenjuan, and I'm currently the full-time director of the Animal Harmless Treatment Center in Shanghai."


She also picked up a work permit from the table and shook it twice in front of the screen.

Since the live broadcast screen has been switched to Yang Wenjuan's video window, the audience can see the above content more clearly than the live media:

Name: Yang Wenjuan.

Unit: Modu Animal Harmless Treatment Center.

Position: Director.

Job number: 0001484.

Then she paused for a few seconds, then said again:

"We are a public institution fully funded by the municipal government. Originally, we mainly dealt with incidents such as Husi problem meat and dead pigs floating in the Huangpu River to ensure food safety and city safety. Pet cremation was only for the small number of citizens. content."

"However, the above proposals specifically mentioned the issue of pet disposal a few years ago, and some citizens have expressed that they don't know how to deal with the aftermath of pets, so we have also begun to undertake pet cremation matters."

"Currently, the pet funeral process in Shanghai is generally like this - complete the farewell bath, lay flowers on the body, and encoffining ceremony in the community pet hospital or authorized pet funeral center, bid farewell in the farewell room, and send it directly to our center by special car for final cremation. "

"That is to say, we are the terminal of all pet funeral procedures here."

Wait for Yang Wenjuan to finish speaking.

Gu Qunqing nodded lightly, as if hearing about this business for the first time:

"Um, Director Yang, I have a question—is there a pet shop that will cremate in private?"

Yang Wenjuan smiled and explained patiently:

"Manager Gu, you should know that pet funeral is a new industry."

"As far as I know, there are indeed some informal and illegal businesses that cremate privately, so nationwide, the answer is obviously yes."

"But with the supervision of Shanghai, I have never heard of any black workshop that can live for more than two days."

Yang Wenjuan's remarks were actually wrapped up, and some content is inconvenient to explain clearly-animal remains involve biochemical issues, and small places may not pay much attention to them, but it is absolutely impossible for a place like Shanghai to allow black workshops to exist.

Only then did Gu Qunqing 'suddenly realize':

"So that's the case, then please continue."

Seeing that Yang Wenjuan picked up a document from the table, she raised it towards the camera:

"At present, about 20,000 to 30,000 pets are cremated in our center every year, with an average of dozens to hundreds of pets per day-this number includes dead stray cats and dogs."

"After receiving the coordination letter from the University of Science and Technology, we will start from January 10th to 12th. That is, from the recording time of [Tiaotiao wants to be full] to the release of 'Tiaotiao' funeral Weibo. The Pet Remains Registry was screened."

"'Tiaotiao' is a puppet cat that is not common among pet cats, so even in our center, we often only see it once in a while."

"According to our final screening, there was only one cremation record for a Ragdoll cat from January 10th to 12th, and its owner was a foreign couple."

"That is to say. The community pet hospital we cooperated with did not take in the dead 'Tiao Tiao'."


Yang Wenjuan showed the document to the camera.

She covered up the relevant information, but it was clearly visible in the document registration column that it was not an ID card, but a passport.

See this situation.

A single character appeared in the bullet screens on many platforms:

[? ? ? ? ? 】

in a neighborhood.

Wang Tong, who was in charge of retesting Xu Yunmeisen's prime number proof before, is also following the live broadcast with his girlfriend Zhang Ying today.

Hearing Yang Wenjuan's words.

Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help blurting out:

"Damn it, you don't really want to turn it over, do you?"

There are still many people like Wang Tong who can't help it. After all, what Yang Wenjuan said now basically means that the funeral Weibo of "Tiao Tiao wants to be full" is lying.

Although the funeral microblog has nothing to do with Xu Yun and a mantis, once it is falsified, it will undoubtedly expose a painful foot.

Of course.

Hard-talking people are more numerous.

In just half a minute, a large number of rebuttals quickly appeared in the live broadcast room and Weibo:

"What kind of evidence is this? Maybe someone went back to his hometown and found him cremated in his hometown community hospital?"

"Laughing dead ghosts know if Director Yang took the money, and the co-author took a document and said no, so why not?"

"One thing to say, the evidence is really not strong enough. You have evidence that can be hammered to death. What is empty talk?"

"Don't be tempted, everyone. Take a step back, even if she was full, she didn't go to cremation, does it have any effect on the facts?"

Shen Jianze, who retreated behind the scenes, has been paying attention to the feedback on the Internet. Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but smile.

These people are so naive.

The appearance of Director Yang is not just to prove that the blogger is not as simple as cremating a cat.

There is an idiom in Huaxia, which is called peeling off the cocoon.

Think here.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath, and said to Gu Qunqing through the earphone:

"Manager Gu, you can proceed to the next step."

Now 884 monthly tickets, if we can reach 1100 tickets today, we will add 50,000 more words this month!

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