Into Unscientific

Chapter 181 My roommate came from a thousand years ago (66K)

Chapter 181 My roommate came from a thousand years ago (6.6K)

be honest.

As a reborn who lived two lifetimes.

Although Xu Yun's thinking has also become a little younger due to his young body, he occasionally gets a little flirty.

But on the other hand.

His mentality and endurance have inherited the stability of his previous life.

Even because of studying hard for ten years, it is reasonable to say that his mentality is more stable than in his previous life.

In the past few days, many things that surprised him did happen.

But there are very few situations that really make him lose his composure.

But this time.

He broke this precedent.

Su Song.

Old Su!

Didn't he die within two years after he left?

Why do you travel through parallel time and space and come to the native world?

How should I explain it to him?

At the same time that Xu Yun was in a daze, Lao Su's brows became even tighter.

He looked around the room again, his eyes lingering on the phone in Xu Yun's hand and the computer in front of him for a few seconds.

Just as he was about to speak again, he suddenly realized something and stood there dumbfounded:

The last picture in his memory is that he is weakly lying on the bed, making the last exhortations with Xiao Zhao who came to the hospital bed—these are actually nothing, the key is that in the last few years of his life, his body In fact, it has aged to a certain limit.

Like the neck.

Generally speaking.

If he wants to look somewhere or talk to others, the whole process of turning his head takes at least two seconds, and at most three or four seconds.

His neck was like a rusty machine.

Every time you turn your head, it takes a lot of effort to turn it around.

But now.

Old Su twisted his neck left and right like a rattle, feeling the silkiness he hadn't experienced in decades.


He looked at his palm again.

I saw that the palms that were originally covered with wrinkles and looked like dry bark had also recovered their smoothness at this time.


It should be that every joint in the whole body has regained its youthful vitality.

Think here.

He couldn't help turning his head suddenly, and asked in a voice that was a little hoarse due to excitement:

"Xiao Wang, what happened to this...?"

Xu Yun also came back to his senses after being asked such a question, only to see him take a deep breath and put down the fruit knife.

He pulled the Xihao armchair he usually sat in front of Old Su, and motioned for Old Su to sit down.

On the other hand, he took this opportunity to sneak a few glances at Old Su.

When he was in the Su Mansion, he had met Lao Su's son, Xiao Su No. 6.

In terms of appearance.

When he was young, Lao Su and Xiao Su No. 6 had some similarities between their brows, and it could be seen that they must be the biological father and son.


It seems that in the nine years when Old Su was obsessed with the library and seldom went home, there were no tauren incidents.

Then Xu Yun was silent for a moment, and said slowly:

"Master, I want to tell you two things, but you have to prepare first."

Old Su glanced at him and nodded:

"But it doesn't matter."

"The first thing real name is Xu Yun, not Wang Lin."


Seeing the unresponsive old Su, Xu Yun swallowed, and continued to speak cautiously:

"The second thing is... I actually come from a descendant of the Song Dynasty nine hundred years later, and this is the era nine hundred years later."

finish talking.

Xu Yun stared at Lao Su closely, and kept glancing at the drawer where the quick-acting heart-rescuing pills were kept out of the corner of his eye.

I'm afraid that this big guy will belch again as soon as he comes back to life.

But to his surprise.

There was only a slight flash of bewilderment in Lao Su's eyes, and after a few seconds, his expression quickly returned to calm:

"I see."

Xu Yun glanced at him in surprise, and asked:

"Aren't you surprised?"

Follow his plan.

In order to convince Lao Su to accept the facts, he might have to show some electrical appliances or images to help prove it.

"Surprised? Of course surprised."

Old Su raised his eyelids to look at Xu Yun, then raised his right hand towards him, and he could see that the palm was clean and unmarked:

"But the old man remembers it very clearly. Not long ago, the old man was lying on the bed, and his time was running out. Even His Majesty came to see him off in person."

"At this time, the old man's consciousness is still there, and his body is as strong as when he was young. It is undoubtedly a different body."

"So this place is either underworld or heaven, or it is another era you mentioned, the latter seems to be more acceptable."

As he spoke, he paused, and his eyes locked on a hand-wrought optical microscope on Xu Yun's desk—after all, Xu Yun was a living creature all his life.

He pointed his chin towards the microscope and said clearly:

"So your identity is not a male actor, and Fenglingyue Shadow Sect was also fabricated by you, it doesn't exist at all."

"In fact, all you have is the knowledge of later generations, right?"

Xu Yun scratched his head in embarrassment:

"That's right."

Old Su sighed quietly, as if he had solved a certain mystery:

"No wonder the old man can't find out your identity no matter what, no wonder you have mastered so many weird skills, it all makes sense now"

"Nine hundred years later"

Old Su repeated the number again, and a hint of admiration appeared in his eyes:

"It turns out that after nine hundred years, people will be able to travel back and forth between ancient and modern times, and even bring the spirits of the ancients to future generations?"

"No no no!"

Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment, quickly waved his hands, and quickly explained:

"The current level of technology is far from reaching that level. It's just that the villain had some adventures and met you by accident."

"If it develops normally, I'm afraid it may not be possible to travel through time and space after thousands of years."

"I'll explain the specific situation to you later, do you think so?"

Old Su was taken aback when he heard the words, and then nodded thoughtfully:

"I see."

He touched the pulse of his left hand with his right index finger again, feeling the surging vitality in his body.

From the pulse point of view.

This body is probably only around 20 years old.

Then he opened his mouth, and was about to ask Xu Yun for a mirror to see his appearance.

But before he could say anything, another thing suddenly came to his mind.

His pupils shrank and his body stood upright.

I stuffed the question I was going to ask back into my stomach, and couldn't wait to ask Xu Yun:

"Then Xiao Wang, since it is nine hundred years later, what about Da Song? How is Da Song?"

Xu Yun was silent for a long time before taking out his cell phone.

Entered the words 'Song Huizong' in the search bar.

After a while.

The page refreshes.

Xu Yun handed it to Lao Su, gestured to the basic operation of the touch screen, and said:

"This thing is called a mobile phone, and the encyclopedia on it. You can treat it as a history book. What I'm showing you is the biography of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty."

Lao Su couldn't wait to take the phone, without any thought of studying this novel object, but quickly looked at the content.

Seeing this situation, Xu Yun added:

"If you want to see the content behind it, just slide down the side like this, by the way, can you understand the words on it?"

next second.

Old Su's actions answered Xu Yun's question.

I saw him holding the phone, his eyes locked on the screen, and he muttered:

"Song Huizong Zhao Ji, from November 2, 1082 to June 4, 1135, the master of Xuanhe."

".Under the decadent rule of the Song Huizong Group, the peasant uprisings in the Northern Song Dynasty were surging, and the Songjiang Uprising and the Fangla Uprising broke out successively."

". In the first year of Jingkang, the Jin army came to the city. According to Li Gang's words, he surrendered to Prince Zhao Huan"

"In March of the second year of Jingkang, Qinzong and Zhao Huan were captured by the Jin people. Jin Tianhui died in Wuguo City in the 13th year at the age of 54."

The encyclopedia describes Zhao Ji's life history in great detail, covering everything from his early experiences to his captivity to the north.

It is one of the rare applications worthy of its size.

Old Su just looked and looked, breathing more and more heavily, his hands and lips trembling constantly.

Ten minutes passed.

When seeing the words "Northern Song Dynasty perished".

Old Su couldn't hold on anymore.

Immediately, his hands were loosened, and the phone fell directly to the ground.

I saw tears in his rare eyes, his chest was heaving heavily, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Zhao Ji. Zhao Huan"


Old Su closed his eyes in pain, leaned weakly on the headrest of the chair, and a tear rolled down the corner of his eye.

Even when he was imprisoned by Wang Anshi and leaned against the cold and dark prison, he had never felt so sad and indignant.

Northern Song Dynasty

It just disappeared like this?

He knows that King Duan is frivolous, but there are not without examples in history that he was originally stubborn but became a generation of wise kings after he ascended the throne.

In his opinion.

Whether an emperor is good or bad, actually needs the guidance of the ministers.

Besides, based on the accumulation of the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhao Ji is a wise king if you don't ask for it.

Even if he is just a conservative monarch, he can continue Guozuo smoothly.

Therefore, he has always been unable to let go of the frustration of pulling Zhao Ji from the throne, and even died of illness because of it.

But at this moment.

He no longer has the slightest regret in his heart, and even feels that Xiao Zhao's actions are too cheap for Zhao Ji.

That's tens of millions of Song people!

Fortunately, in my original world, Xu Yun appeared.

After a few minutes.

Old Su opened his eyes again, stood up, and was about to bow down to Xu Yun:

"Su Zirong, the prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, the soldiers and common people who died in the Jingkang Incident at the end of the Song Dynasty, thank you for your kindness!"


Xu Yun had already made preparations when Lao Su got up, and quickly grabbed him, but he couldn't afford this salute from Lao Su:

"Let me tell you, we don't like this kind of ceremony anymore these days, and I'm just a young cynic doing what I can. You don't know that there are still people calling me a nationalist on pirated websites."

In the end, after Xu Yun talked about it, Lao Su finally let go of the idea of ​​saluting.

Then he sat back on the chair and pondered:

"Forget it, but Xiao Wang, you don't need to call yourself a villain anymore, and don't call me master anymore, just click, just click"

As Lao Su was talking, he suddenly became stuck:

If it was in the original time and space, or if his old body also came to this era, then he has many options.

For example, you can ask Xu Yun to call himself a junior, call him a little friend, and so on.

But now this body

Seeing his stuck appearance, Xu Yun quickly realized something, and said proactively:

"By the way, I was planning to tell you about this. Times have changed, and today's titles are different from those nine hundred years ago."

"Do you think this is okay? You can just call me Xu Yun, and I will call you Lao Su—now the word 'old' is also commonly used among friends, such as Lao Wang next door."

"In private, I'll still call you by you, but in public, I'll call you 'you'. What do you think?"

"The other thing is that you have to change the way you speak as much as possible. Now you don't like the kind of saying that you are talking about others. Even the ancient circles don't have this habit."

"Specifically, I will find a way to get a communication teaching disc of common vocabulary, and then you can learn it by yourself."

"Also, you should stay with me for the time being, don't go out easily, and don't call yourself an ancient person in the future."

"Our country doesn't usually engage in sashimi these days, but you are a super Hokkien native. If you don't keep it all right, some Guangdong experts like to eat Hokkien sashimi."

Xu Yun talked a lot, Lao Su nodded without hesitation:

"The guest is up to the host, and everything will be done according to Wang Yixu Yun's instructions."

Old Su's attitude seemed very cooperative.

The biggest difference between Lao Su and other ancient and modern characters is that he came to the afterlife after his death.

For an old man who has passed away.

To be able to live another life with a young attitude, and the reborn world is still full of unknowns, this is already a great fortune, and Xu Yun should naturally take the lead in everything.


Xu Yun snapped his fingers, then thought of something, and said:

"By the way, do you have any documents on you?"

If I remember correctly.

When Light Curtain mentioned Lao Su's information before, it seemed to have said that he had all the documents.

At this time, Lao Su was wearing an ordinary Anta winter coat. Although it was a little different from the ancient clothes, a few pockets were still very conspicuous.

Hearing this, he rummaged around, quickly pulled out an ID card and another booklet, and handed them to Xu Yun:

"But this thing?"

"You should say 'Is this the thing'."

Xu Yun corrected his statement, and took the ID card and booklet.

The ID card is on the top of the booklet, so Xu Yun looked at the ID card in this order first.

Unsurprisingly, there are two words written on the name of the person on the ID card:

Su Song.

In addition, the ID number is also normal, and the registered address is Tong'an County, Ludao City, Fujian Province.

If I remember correctly.

This should be Lao Su's hometown in history, after all, he is a super Min province native.

Then Xu Yun pulled up the booklet below.

As a result, the moment he saw the cover clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank:

I saw the words 'Huaxia University of Science and Technology-Student ID' written on the cover!

Xu Yun took advantage of the situation and opened it.

as expected.

On the photo column inside, there is a big head photo of Lao Su impressively.

Judging from the relevant information, he is still a physics student graduating from senior year this year! (Note: The age of Lao Su in the previous article was changed from 18 to 22)

Xu Yun raised his brows immediately.

Then he thought for a while, and gestured to Old Su to wait.

He picked up the phone on the ground, unlocked it with his fingerprint, and dialed a number.

After a while.

The phone connects.

Wang Qingchen's voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Hello, Xiao Xu?"

Wang Qingchen was the director of the Internet Information Office of the University of Science and Technology who helped Xu Yun check his IP address. When they parted, they left a contact information and added WeChat friends.

Xu Yun glanced at Old Su who said "how can this thing make a sound", and quickly said:

"Director Wang, can you help me find the files of the students in our school? My team is planning to recruit someone recently, and I want to find out about him."

"In school?"

On the other end of the phone, Wang Qingchen suddenly smiled heartily:

"That's easy, just send your student number or ID number."


"Okay, I found the information and sent you WeChat."

"OKOK, thank you, Director Wang, I'll treat you to dinner when I'm free."

A few minutes later.

Xu Yun received a file on his mobile phone.

He opened it through the decoding software that came with the phone.

After a few seconds.

A complete resume of 'Su Song' appeared in front of him:

Su Song, 22 years old, was born in Tong'an, Fujian Province.

His parents died in a car accident when he was young, and he was adopted by Qidian Orphanage.

Later, he was admitted to the Physics Department of HKUST with excellent grades. He is introverted and obsessed with studying, and the relationship between his classmates is relatively cold

"Graduated from HKUST Department of Physics"

After reading this resume, Xu Yun thought for a moment, and said to Old Su:

"Old Su, do you still remember the interpretation of Maxwell's equations?"

Old Su blinked, tried hard to recall, shook his head and said:

"no impression."

"What about the operation of SQUID?"

"I don't remember either."

"What about Guo Pinghua?"

"... I have a little impression, it seems that the old man is my classmate?"

After asking a series of questions, Xu Yun almost confirmed the situation of Lao Su's "this life":

First of all, there is a blank sheet of paper in terms of knowledge:

In addition to the knowledge I taught in the Northern Song Dynasty, the nine years of compulsory teaching and four years of college are basically for nothing.

In addition, the language communication is normal, and the memories among classmates are also there.

In terms of appearance, the possibility of the so-called "grandfather" can be completely ruled out, that is, the halo actually creates a person.

In the end, Xu Yun was not too surprised:

The easter egg that Yang Hui's triangle replaced Pascal's triangle has long proved that Halo has this ability.

Even in terms of influence.

Yang Hui's triangle is even more difficult.

Besides, things like traveling through time and space have been done, and "creating" a person is not too outrageous.

all in all.

There is good news and bad news for now:

The good news is simple:

Lao Su has already graduated from senior year, so he doesn't need to think about socializing with his classmates.

At the same time, it is not uncommon for fresh graduates to fail to find a job five months after graduation and stay around the school, but it is not uncommon.

bad news

It is that Lao Su currently has no traces of any modern knowledge system, except for the knowledge he handed over in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Even if he put aside all liberal arts content such as geography and politics, he still has a lot of knowledge to make up.

In addition, learning the communication and living habits of modern society is also a big problem.

But Xu Yun firmly believes in one thing:

With Lao Su's talent, these difficulties will not trouble him.

The only all-round geniuses in Chinese and Western history are Lao Su and Da Vinci, and Lao Su's talent is beyond doubt.

Maybe soon.

He could then expect Old Su to help him.

Of course.

The most important thing right now is.

Prepare another bed for Lao Su.

After all, two men can't sleep in the same bed, can they?

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