Into Unscientific

Chapter 139 Follow the network cable to urge updates! (big chapter)

In ancient China.

Jianghu nicknames are usually associated with animals or famous figures from earlier times.

Representatives of the former include Jade Qilin, Hunjianglong, Jinmaohu and the like.

The latter include Xiao Wenhou or Sai Rengui and so on.

However, although Xu Yun's "30,000 daily changes" is somewhat different from the above two default rules, it does not match some other scattered rules.

But considering that Xu Yun was not from the Jianghu, his intention was also to cherish the memory of the Fenglingyue Shadow Sect that had long since dissipated.

So after a little silence.

Wang Ting still agreed with his nickname.

The daily change of 30,000 Wang Xiaochun is finalized.

Anyway, the slogan is the slogan, this is just a good expectation, Xu Yun said that he is not panic at all.

As the saying goes.

Six thousand words is the limit of human beings, and one more word is the human body mutation.

In the next few days.

Xu Yun began to repeat this life of getting up early to practice swords, teaching Lao Su and others in the afternoon, and changing Wang Yue's medicine before going to bed.

In a sense, it's quite fulfilling, at least I can still adapt to this kind of life without mobile phones.

eight days later.

It is still Wang Yue's guest room.

"Three paragraphs, six quarters and four flats"

Xu Yun raised the mercury thermometer in his hand, and after seeing the reading clearly through the light, his expression relaxed slightly.

Turning around, he cupped his hands to Lao Su and Wang Ting, and said:

"My lord, Captain, congratulations.

Mr. Zhonghou's bacterial infection has been cured, and the rest is to recover from the physical injury. "

At this time, more than ten days had passed since Wang Yueli started taking the medicine. Xu Yun stopped the intravenous injection after observation a week ago.

It's just that occasionally, according to the recovery of the wound, allicin will be applied to the wound to eliminate the pus.

Although the gauze-wrapped wound on Wang Yue's chest was still terrifying, the surrounding abscess had completely disappeared.

From the perspective of mental outlook, the whole person has already been much better than before, and his energy and spirit have recovered a lot.

Even with Wang Ting's support, he has recovered a certain degree of mobility.

Of course.

There is obviously still a long way to go before recovering or going to the battlefield.

Hearing Xu Yun's final remarks now, Wang Yue, who couldn't wait, was overjoyed:

"Is it okay to eat mutton?"

Xu Yun shrugged his shoulders and looked at Lao Su who was beside him.

After all, compared to Lao Su, he is not a professional doctor, so he can only make some superficial judgments:

"You have to ask the master about that."

Old Su stepped forward to feel his pulse, pondered for a moment, then shook his head:

"What Xiao Wang said is right, Zhengru's condition is out of danger.

But lamb.

Don't be in a hurry for now, the old man thinks that everything should be stable.

Instead, I can drink some mullet soup first. Anyway, I have not lost my life. Is it not easy to want to eat mutton in the future? "

Hearing this, Wang Yue couldn't help but let out an annoyed cry, and the expression on his face instantly became depressed.

He bared his teeth subconsciously, as if he wanted to fight, but he didn't speak in the end.

After all, Lao Su came here as his elder, and secondly, he came here for his own good. He still understands this kind of truth.

Therefore, there is nothing to refute in terms of emotion and reason.

As for the mullet fish soup mentioned by Lao Su, it refers to the black fish of later generations.

The soup made from black fish is thick and white, which is very helpful for postpartum or postoperative recovery. It is a high-quality food supplement.

Therefore, in later generations, many starting point authors will cook a bowl of mullet soup to drink after cutting the book.

As the saying goes.

The spring breeze blows and gives birth again.

Then Old Su turned his gaze, put it on the thermometer in Xu Yun's hand, and said:

"Xiao Wang, can I show this old man?"

Xu Yun respectfully handed the thermometer to Lao Su, and then raised his hand with a cute .JPG expression.

He entrusted craftsmen to make this mercury thermometer a few days ago, and the cost is quite cheap.

After all, the principle of a mercury thermometer is actually very simple. To put it bluntly, it is just one sentence:

Because mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature, it is used as a material for thermometers.

In the whole process of making the thermometer, the most difficult thing is mainly the capillary inside the thermometer, theoretically, the thinner the better.

However, with the efforts of the craftsmen, this most difficult barrier was finally broken through.

Because it is different from the needle tube.

The capillary of the thermometer is a 'semi-hollow structure' in a certain sense, and it is enough to poke it with a thin needle when the glass is not formed.

As for Xu Yun's so-called "three paragraphs, six quarters and four flats", it refers to thirty-six degrees and four.

Xu Yun customized the number representing the tens digit as "duan", and the number representing the single digit as "engraved".

"Ping" represents the last digit of the decimal point.

Similar to ancient counting expressions, it is easier to understand than pure numbers.

Afterwards, Old Su took the thermometer and carefully looked at the scale on it.

Three paragraphs, six quarters and four flats.

Judging from his previous account for Wang Yue, this number is undoubtedly quite accurate.

Then he held one end of the thermometer and shook it lightly as Xu Yun demonstrated earlier.


The mercury will naturally retract to the bottom.

Then he took the bottom end again with his fingers.

Thirty seconds later.

Mercury expands when heated, and naturally rises a little more.

Old Su's pupils shrank slightly.

As a master of medicine, when Lao Su compiled the "Bencao Tujing", he saw the discussion of human body temperature in various ancient books more than once.

Although in actual combat, Chinese medicine can identify the condition of the human body through the pulse condition.

But this belongs to the category of 'li', and not all doctors can accurately judge the patient's condition.

Otherwise, there would be no such words as quack doctors.

But if you don't rely on the pulse condition and rely entirely on the feel, then it will be even more difficult to judge.

Especially in terms of precision:

For example, 36.7 and 37.2 degrees, it is actually difficult for the doctor to sense them only by touch.

Because doctors cannot guarantee that their body temperature is also normal, it is easy to misdiagnose.

In the medical concept, 37.2 degrees can already be regarded as a precursor to hyperthermia.

It may look fine, but it can flare up after nightfall.

Therefore, the 'thermometer' made by Xu Yun is as important as chalk from a medical point of view!

Of course.

Given the fact that mercury is toxic, the popularity of thermometers must have been a little stricter than that of chalk.

"Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Sect"

Old Su couldn't help muttering, what kind of sect is this?

In the past few days, it's not that he hasn't read the information.

However, among all the books he could find, none of the ancient books recorded the news of this sect.

But on the other hand.

There is a high probability that this sect exists:

Because apart from the hidden world sect, there is no explanation that can reasonably explain Xu Yun's ability.

Of course.

From a metaphysical point of view, the reincarnation of the gods and gods can also explain Xu Yun's situation.

But judging from a rational point of view, the identity of a hermit sect heir is undoubtedly much more reasonable than the theory of immortals and gods.

After all, in the thousands of years of history, there are too many lost things.

For example, the wooden kite made by Gongshuzi.

It is rumored that this thing can fly in the air for three days and three nights without any external force.

But now hundreds of years have passed, the skills of Gongshuban have long been lost, and future generations can only rely on their brains to make up the appearance of such strange things.

In fact, don't talk about Gongshuban, let's talk about Lao Su himself:

Who can guarantee that the objects he created, such as suction, will be known to future generations?

Time can erase everything.

Therefore, it is not unacceptable to have such a hermit and ruined ancient sect in history.

It's just that the descendant of this sect was a bit miserable, and became a plaything in the hands of some people, and escaped not long ago

Then Old Su took a deep breath and looked at Xu Yun:

"Xiao Wang, the various materials you mentioned earlier are almost ready, including the volcanic glazed stone you mentioned.

If there is no accident, in about two to three days, all the supplies will be ready. "

Xu Yun nodded clearly.

Soon after Xiao Zhao left the mansion, Song Huizong agreed to Xiao Zhao's request and approved a large amount of materials and funds.

In addition to the manpower and material resources that Lao Su himself possessed, it means that he had prepared all the material resources that Xu Yun needed within two weeks.

In terms of the efficiency of the current era, this time-consuming can even be regarded as a "miracle effect" concept.

And at the same time that Lao Su was talking with Xu Yun.

Outside Bianjing city.

Da da da--

Only at this moment.

On a large official road connecting Daming Mansion and Bianjing City from east to west.

There is a carriage moving fast and steadily.

The current dynasty is not only the most prosperous era of China's economy, but also one of the most developed periods of transportation.

For example, with the capital Bianliang as the center, the Northern Song court built "official roads" leading to Bianjing from various roads, prefectures, prefectures, and counties, and expanded to all directions.

Land transportation connects Xijing, Yingtianfu and Damingfu, and the road lines extend in a network.

A dense road traffic network extending in all directions has been formed.

Pedestrians can reach any place as long as they start along the official road, and travel is very convenient.

However, no matter how stable the official road is, it is still not as good as the national road of later generations, especially when the route is long, there will always be some stones or bumps on the road.

After the carriage had traveled for a certain distance, the wheels suddenly ran over a stone the size of a fist.

Affected by this foreign object, the carriage shook slightly. .

Although this degree of bumping did not cause much damage to the physical structure of the carriage.

But an old man who was sleeping in the carriage was startled by this, and slowly opened his eyes.

The old man rubbed his eyes, let out a breath through his nostrils, and said to the outside of the car:

"Hey, where are we?"

After a while.


The curtain of the carriage was lifted from the outside, and an old servant sitting next to the groom poked his head in and said:

"Master, Chenqiaoyi is more than thirty miles ahead."

"Chen Qiaoyi?"

The old man repeated the name and nodded slightly:

"I understand, you can step back."

Chenqiaoyi, formerly known as Chenqiao Village, changed its name to Chenqiaoyi when a station was set up in the Later Zhou Dynasty.

But even this small inn with only six rooms has left its name in the annals of history:

In 960 A.D., General Zhao Kuangyin of the Later Zhou Dynasty staged a mutiny in Chenqiao, "adding a yellow robe" and creating the Song Dynasty.

Known as the Northern Song Dynasty in history, Kaifeng was the capital.

And Chen Qiao was listed as the first volume of Song History, and it will be recorded in the annals of history forever.

In this day and age.

Chen Qiaoyi was responsible for a large number of government orders and military intelligence transmission tasks of the Northern Song Dynasty, as well as receiving and arranging the accommodation of passing officials.

And with the increasing number of visitors, the development of the town's commercial trade is promoted, and the market trade is becoming more and more prosperous.

In a sense, it is somewhat similar to Songjiang to Shanghai.

Wait another five years.

Song Huizong will also issue an edict to change the post station to "Xianlieguan" to commemorate the achievements of the ancestors.

However, the old man at this time is not an official, and he is not planning to go to Fangshi to do business.

To him, the three words Chen Qiaoyi represent another message:

At this time, he was only less than a hundred miles away from Bianjing.

Then he thought of something, took the accompanying package,

A letter was drawn from it.

In the past period of time, the old man was originally idle at home.

Sometimes I play with grandchildren, and sometimes I do calculations, which is fulfilling and leisurely.

If nothing else.

He will live happily for a few more years, and finally die of illness safely.

As a result, more than a week ago, he suddenly received an urgent letter from Bianjing.

Judging from the signing time of the letter.

It took only three days for the entire letter to be delivered.

Other than that.

The sender of the letter is also unusual:

This person is the former prime minister, the well-known young master of the prince, Duke Zhao Su Song, Su Zirong!

About forty years ago, the old man met this contemporary who was three years younger than himself.

At that time, they still took the exam together, and on the day the results were released, they were still watching a play next to a hot soup seat.

The result was unexpected.

Among the four people in a booth, two of them eventually became ministers, and one of them became a famous literary figure in the world.

Only he failed the ranking, and finally relied on his connections to become an ordinary ninth-rank Zuoban Dianzhi.

Later, I published "The Nine Chapters of the Yellow Emperor's Computing Classics and Fine Grass", which became famous in the mathematics circle.

Unexpectedly, Su Song still remembered himself, wrote a congratulatory letter and gave some gifts, and one of the old ginseng even saved his father's life.

further back.

The old man went to Daizhou to be an eighth-rank official, and he had some correspondence with Su Song every year.

Occasionally when I went back to Bianjing, the other party didn't dislike my identity, and took me to brothels and restaurants many times for dinner.

Therefore, in the past few years, the relationship between Su Song and the old man has been good.

When Su Song encountered some math problems, he would often write to the old man for advice.

But it really caught the old man's attention and made him eager to set off on the same day.

It is a few words in the letter.

[The old man has a new friend named Wang Lin, whose knowledge is extraordinary, the old man chooses what he says, Mr. Tongyu can read it carefully]:

".Yin changes to yang and remains unchanged. Heaven and Earth look at the quadrant."

". Square the first, square the tail, and double the product of the first and the last in the center."

".This person also doubted the origin of the method of prescribing prescriptions. He said that the number of prescriptions to be prescribed is listed, counting one by the corner, and increasing from the bottom to the first place, and stopping at the first place, and then counting by the corner as before. Of."

Then the old man moved his gaze down and locked on to the last paragraph of the letter:

"Shao Guangzhang said that today there is a total of 1,868,867 feet. Ask: What is the cubic geometry?"

"Wang Lin said, first place the number one on the basis of the actual business, and then place the number one hundred by multiplying the above business and the lower method, and then set the cheap one hundred. Multiplying the cheap is 10,000. After dividing the real, you are done."

"Recombine the above business one hundred times the lower method to obtain a total of two hundred, and multiply the lower method to obtain a total of 30,000. Then multiply the lower method to obtain a total of three hundred."

"Fang 1, Lian 2, and Xia 3 retreat ten."

"Again, after the first place's quotient, the second place of Fushang's number is twenty, and the multiplication method can be used to get a total of three hundred and twenty."

"A total of 36,400 people entered the party by taking advantage of the cheap, and ordered Shangshang to eliminate the real ones, and the remaining one hundred and thirty-two thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven."

"Furthermore, using the method of sub-shang's 20 multiplications to enter Lian, the total is three hundred and forty, and by taking advantage of Lian, the total is 43,200 feet.

"Also multiplied by the next method to enter the Lian, a total of three hundred and sixty."

This is a question related to the cubic root of 1860867 in "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic".

However, when the old man was fascinated by watching that day, he was surprised to find that

It's gone in the back?


The last sentence of "Wang Lin" is:

"If you want to know what will happen next, please move to Bianjingsu Mansion, Xiao Ke will sweep the couch to welcome you."

Ever since.

The old man picked up the package that day, called the old servant, and pulled out the carriage at home.

Coughing and coughing along the network cable, the official way, I personally came to the door to urge the change.

"One day, you will have a knife in your hand, and you will kill dogs all over the world!"

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