Into Unscientific

Chapter 100 Open a new copy!

In the mysterious space.

Looking at the second door in front of him, which was already full of knowledge points, Xu Yun's expression was a little dignified.

According to the situation of the previous 1665 dungeon, theoretically, at this time, I can easily step into the back of the door with a light push.

I don't know what kind of new world it is?

Is it still the 17th century?

Or 12th century? 6th century?

Or is it

Before AD?

But the excitement is the excitement, at this time Xu Yun did not push the door unprepared like Chu Ge.

He first exited the space and returned to reality.

Then go to the desk and pick up the paper and pen.

Two lines of words were written irregularly on it.

The content of the first line is:

Knowledge points, door 1, door 2,

The second line is:

Eliminate live broadcasts, papers, company establishment, and product production.

This is a habit Xu Yun developed when writing online novels in his previous life. Unlike many writers who use computers to write outlines, Xu Yun must use pen and paper to sort out his thoughts every time before writing.

Of course.

Due to the slow hand speed, most of the time, Xu Yun knew the plot of the day only two hours earlier than the readers.

The line of sight returns to the original place.

Among the two lines written by Xu Yun, the former is the most intuitive change of the two doors in the halo, while the latter is the cause of possible changes.

As for the reason why he chose to return to reality, it was very simple—except for the inside of the copy, the time flow in the space was the same as in reality.

That is, how much time passes in the space, how much time will also pass in real time.

So instead of staying in such a claustrophobic space, it would be more comfortable to return to reality.

Then Xu Yun thought about it, and ruled out the four words of company establishment first.

After all, the initial time of the establishment of the company can be traced back to a few days ago. At that time, Xu Yun did not receive any feedback on the increase in knowledge points, so this possibility can be ruled out for the time being.

As for the remaining papers and product production, to be honest, the probability is not very high.

It's not that the above two will not affect the production of knowledge points, but because the papers and gel bait products have not yet appeared in the public eye.

Yesterday, Morton had already replied to NAR with the external review comments of the paper, and no page fee was required for the papers solicited, so the whole paper has reached the final stage of publication.

But that being said, it is absolutely impossible for the paper to be officially released within a week or two.

The same is true for glue bait products.

Just like what Xu Yun said at the press conference, it is too soon to be officially released within a month.

Therefore, whether papers, products, and the income derived from products can have an impact on knowledge points still needs follow-up observation for a period of time.

In other words, the main reason for the change in knowledge points is, with a high probability——

Live broadcast of cockroach disinfecting!

Or to put it further, it is the social influence generated by the event!

The more people affected, the greater the number of knowledge points.

And this inference is completely consistent with the changes in knowledge points when Anta appeared in the previous Mavericks portrait.

Thinking of this, Xu Yun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the origin of the mysterious aura is still unknown, at least part of the operating mechanism of the knowledge point has been mastered, so that it will not be confused in the future.

Then he circled the words door 1 and door 2, and murmured:

"It's strange. Why did the knowledge points of the Maverick Dungeon only increase by 7, but the knowledge points of the second door increased by a whole hundred?"

After a while, Xu Yun suddenly thought of something, and wrote two more words:

property, overflow.

The former means that the attributes of the knowledge points of the two doors are different, and they cannot be compared with the same attributes.

Just like the currency system, the knowledge point opened for the second time in the 1665 dungeon belongs to 'ten yuan', while the second door is 'one yuan'.

Due to the difference in the conversion system, the deviation between the two is so outrageous.

As for the overflow guess, yes.

"A total of 107 points were given to the disinfecting live broadcast, and the second door that has not been opened was filled first, and the remaining seven points overflowed and flowed back to the first door, which is the selective priority issue, and the points attributes are irrelevant."

Looking at the two possibilities in front of him, Xu Yun's expression was a bit complicated.

If the infusion mechanism of knowledge points is the overflow type, then it’s okay to say that only 90 normal knowledge points are needed to reopen the Mavericks instance.

But if it is the first possibility.

Then it is very, very difficult to see Mavericks again.

Then he shook his head slightly, putting these things behind him.

Regardless of whether the knowledge points are overflowing or there is some kind of transformation mechanism, it is obviously impossible to meet Mavericks at present, so what should be considered at the moment is

The opening of the second door!

With the first experience, it is naturally impossible for Xu Yun to push the door recklessly this time.

I saw that he first opened the drawer and took out a small wooden box from it.

The wooden box adopts the opening method of pulling, and there are no modern industrial parts.

Then Xu Yun pulled the lid off the wooden box, revealing (Fang Hexie) the contents:

They were more than a dozen scattered pieces of gold and silver, the largest of which was no bigger than a fingernail and extremely irregular in shape.

The original bodies of these gold and silver were the gold and silver ingots that Xu Yun bought from Taobao.

These fine pieces of gold and silver are one of Xu Yun's trump cards this time.

As the saying goes, money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible.

In the long history of human civilization, except for the very early era of barbaric tribes, gold and silver can be regarded as the hard currency in currency in other periods, regardless of China or foreign countries.

With these pieces of gold and silver in hand, at least there is no need to be in the embarrassment of eating at Mavericks' house.

Other than that.

Xu Yun also prepared a simple tempered knife, a ceramic vial that looked like Suxiao Jiuxin Pill, a wig, and a pack of compressed biscuits wrapped in linen.

Many of the above objects use basic industrial technology. As long as they do not travel to the Bronze Age, theoretically, these things will not be forced to stay in reality like mobile phones.

I saw him carefully put away these things one by one, and put on a quick-drying bottoming jacket, and a down jacket for the jacket——according to the copy of 1665, the halo does not seem to have such a high shielding degree on clothing.

Otherwise the zippers and the plastic tips on the front of the laces should normally be left in place as well.

After preparing these steps, Xu Yun switched the surveillance camera bought online to the running state.

Although the time inside and outside the dungeon will not change, there is one thing he has always wanted to confirm the answer to:

Are you wearing your body or your soul?

Of course.

Maybe the frame rate of the camera can't capture the changes between moments, but anyway, there is no cost, so it is not a loss to try.

After everything is ready.

Xu Yun took a deep breath, returned to the space, and went straight to the second door.

With a heavy push, he stepped on the door and entered.

at the same time.

On the remote British peninsula.

Around 1960, in order to commemorate the famous scientists in British history, the Royal Society of England specially built a celebrity monument in the suburbs of London.

This moment.

I don't know if it was because of the soft ground, but the monument representing Robert Hooke suddenly trembled slightly.

It seems to be NTR again.


Why do you say yes again?

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