That night, after finishing the work, Oak lay motionless on the bed, fainted as usual, Dialect lay quietly, touched the female's arm with his hand, his eyes were a little empty , what happened recently? Every time I'm with Oak, I want him, doesn't it... Dialect's brain is getting worse day by day, his temper is getting more and more violent, and his body is getting worse day by day, but that doesn't mean he can't think.

My mind is in a mess, thinking too much will cause headaches and even vomiting.

I don't know why this happened, maybe Aubei was too sad when he got married and couldn't afford to be sick, so it was so bad.

Obey, you have become my heart disease. Ok, how could you drug me?

The female insects are all from beginning to end, and the dialect does not believe that Orc will... But when I think of the meaning of the emperor, maybe Orc is in a hurry? After all, prescribing medicine doesn't hurt the body, as long as you drink the tonic every day, the tonic! ! Drink three meals a day! Dialect suddenly felt that Oak was very disgusting, and his chest suddenly felt stuffy and almost fainted.

At this moment, a female worm came in and asked what the dialect needed.

The medicinal properties in the room have passed, and the dialect has also vented, so I will not be emotional about the insects I don’t like.

Diaoyan suddenly reached out and raised the female's chin. The female saw the anger in the male's eyes and was so frightened that she wanted to leave. He ordered him not to leave, and he went on the bed for a while, touching Oke's incomparably beautiful face, but there were other female insects under the dialect. At this moment, the dialect was extremely satisfied, and the pleasure of revenge was even more comfortable than doing it.

Afterwards, the dialect let the female stay to take care of herself, and the female is already a proper female servant.

As a dialect, let alone thirty, even fifty is fine.

Ok felt that his ability to keep his face straight was getting more and more innocent. After pretending to wake up, he even greeted the dialect without changing his face, and ate breakfast together before leaving.

Brandt sat in the cubicle early, drinking water, his eyes were clear, the method was mentioned by Brandt, the order was given by Orc, and the female worm was also the most powerful of Orc One of his subordinates, everything came naturally, and the other worms also held together like this, lest the male worm's pet/love fall on the other worms.

It's normal, but what happened to Orc was weird. After all, last night was considered to be two worms serving/sleeping together, and Oak even felt extremely disgusting. The liquid had all collapsed and splashed on himself, but what could he do? I can only be useless, and I am afraid that once Dialect finds himself awake, what should he do if he deliberately makes himself estrus? Is it possible to let the object that has touched other insects enter itself without washing it?

If so, Orc would rather die than be humiliated.

The biggest hurt in the world is not the death of the heart, but the death of the heart, and hatred. There are three bugs in the bed, but Oak has never thought about hurting the dialect, isn't it because he still loves it deeply?

At that time, Oak really wanted to faint, not to listen to those low voices, not to think about the passion of the dialect, not to mention the suppressed cries of his subordinates when the film was pierced open .

Give up? Brandt sneered: "Have I seen all the pictures I showed you? Who has been chosen?"

Ok sat down, took a sip of water, and said in a hoarse voice, "Fang Jian."

Fang Jian is young, only twenty-two, with fiery red hair and fiery red eyes like fire-breathing, even though it is only a male, the powerful females dare not look at each other, because Fang Jian's appearance and temperament are too detached, incomparably gorgeous, and show evil spirits. And more importantly, Fang Jian has no female master, which saves a lot of trouble.

Ok forgot, will Fang Jian like him?

Brant or Oak, they just want a good offspring, Fang Jian, just massage/massage/stick.

Fang Jian went out on a date with a congenial female that night. Who knew that she was drugged and carried to the palace for a ridiculous night, but she didn't know who was under her. When I woke up in the hotel in the morning and found a dated female lying next to me, I didn't take it to heart.

After reading all the information, Xi Ling clapped her legs and laughed, hahaha, hugged Aobe happily, her stomach hurt from laughing, ouch.

Obey hugged gently, afraid that Xi Ling, who fell backwards and forwards, would fall to the ground: "Would you like to stab it out?"

"No no no no!" Xi Ling was excited, his mouth stammered: "Aubei dear, he said it was your brother, how could he publicize such a shameful thing? ?"

Obey raised his eyebrows, what brother? Why don't I know ╭(╯^╰)╮hum~

For 99% of the bugs, only the younger brother born from the female father is the kiss, and the rest are bullshit. Ninety-nine percent of the females are one and the same, so the male and the father are the same. There are naturally many worms in a family, and it is also a competitive relationship. Unless there is no way to go, but the natural way to get together is the same. The resources are there, and if you don’t fight, you have to keep yourselves and be an answering worm.

It is actually quite difficult to be a responder. First, you have to follow the eyes of the owner, and second, you have to be smart. If nothing else, at least a rich life. If you can't think about it and don't have the ability, then there is only a dead end.

Xi Ling blushed and rubbed Aubei in front of her eyes, then slowly said the ghost idea: "Fang Jian is a wonderful worm, arrogant and ambitious, in our He even came to test me on the wedding day, don't be angry, baby, listen to me. This Fang Jian, who doesn't want to be under the insects, always looks bad at dialects, if you let him know about Oke..."

No need to go further, Aubei raised his mouth and smiled coldly: "You elf bug, so, Fang Jian and Dialect will not die?"

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend."

"That's right," Aubey continued.

"This matter must be concealed for Orc, and it must not be revealed to the public. It will be considered a success when Orc gives birth to the little worm."

"Yes, you are brilliant."

"That's right, don't look at who I am!"

"Whose hero are you?" Aubei deliberately provoked.

Xi Ling's mouth froze, and his eyes slid back and forth: "Yo, my darling is looking for a slap?"


Obey suddenly remembered what Xi Ling had said before, and suddenly felt a little unsteady. Does the hero want to have fun with things?

Xi Ling suddenly picked up Ao Bei and walked to the bedroom. Aubei exclaimed and hooked Xi Ling's neck, his heart beating like a drum.

The ups and downs were violent, and the kiss made his lips hurt.

Xi Ling peeled off the clothes on Aobe's shoulders, and quickly lowered his head to bite them away, leaving behind strawberry marks, and also / contained / lived in the beautiful Adam's apple.

Obey shouted "Ah~ah~", unable to control his mouth at all, and even more embarrassed.

One by one, the receded clothes were thrown on the ground, and some of them were obviously no longer able to be worn. It's not the wedding night, why are you doing it like this? Ao Bei was so terrified when he met Xi Ling, he lay down obediently and did not dare to stop him.

Occasionally, Xi Ling forced her to cry, her eyes reddened.

Aubei arched his waist, his hypersensitive body shivered, and hummed like a wounded little beast.

"Honey, call me husband."

Obey's bewildered eyes are a little confused: "Old ~ man~"

Xi Ling was super satisfied and lowered her head to kiss Aubei's lips. Too much stimulation, Aobe kicked his legs and was pushed into the water by Xi Ling, feeling that he was about to suffocate, and he was reluctant to push Xi Ling away.

The love of males is extremely precious, and the females of many families do not necessarily come with the males all year round. It is even more fortunate to be pregnant and give birth to cubs. . Aobe is very happy that Xi Ling can stick to him like this, and it is even more impossible to push the hero away. Besides, Aobe likes how Xi Ling is crazy for himself.

Look, his lust/fire seems to be spewing out of his golden eyes.

The wife was taken out of the water, the silver hair was all sticking to it, and the water beads were falling, but only Ao Bei was shy in Xi Ling's eyes, and he didn't dare to look at his shy appearance .

"I just want to take a bath first, why can't I bear it?"

Xi Ling muttered to herself, her hands were not idle, she took the shower gel from one side and poured it on Aubei's chest, rubbing it with her hands. The whole body was red. After a meal, Xi Ling was washing the entrance badly. The females don't need to be washed, but Xi Ling always has various reasons to bully it with her fingers, and she goes back and forth as fast as sex, forcing Obey to scream and move her waist. Together, it can relieve a little backache.

I couldn't stand it anymore, Xi Ling quickly washed his wife and took them out and put them on the quilt, took out the prepared bell from his light brain, and wrapped it around Aubei's beautiful fair ankle .

"This is?" Aobe didn't understand, just moved the bell a little, and the bell clattered. He was as wise as Aobe, and he was so shy that he wanted to faint. How can the hero! How can you play tricks on me? Aubei's eyelashes trembled fiercely, his chest jumped violently, and he looked at Xi Ling aggrieved.

Seriously, Aubei never looked at Xi Ling with such small eyes. Xi Ling suddenly became violent, separated his wife's legs, carried one on his left shoulder and the other on his right waist, and stabbed it to the end.

"Ah~ ding ding dong~ ah~ ah~ ding ding dong..." repeated.

After tossing for more than two hours, Ao Bei was exhausted, his eyelids were swollen, he closed his eyes and did not look at Xi Ling, this time he played too hard, his back was sore and his legs cramped, There is no feeling of numbness, it is almost the same as when I was disabled before. Xi Ling coaxed on the side, covered with a big quilt, and slept with his wife in his arms.

Obey: "I want to take a bath."

Xi Ling froze all over, patted his wife's back, and said in a surprisingly soft tone: "Good, sleep!" You can stuff Guoguo when you sleep.

A doubt flashed in Obey's heart: "What do you want?"

Xi Ling smiled wryly, thinking that my wife knows me so well, is it good or bad╮(╯▽╰)╭

Xi Ling didn't say anything. With action, she took out a soft fruit from the space and gently pushed it into Aobe's chrysanthemum.

Obey widened his eyes in horror and looked at Xi Ling in disbelief.

Xi Ling coughed twice, almost choking on her saliva: "What are you doing with such a big reaction? I just... I just don't want Mi Qingzi to flow out."

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