Delveka. Decos was in the stadium, looking at the neat rows of network virtual warehouses, now everyone understands! The two hundred virtual warehouses in front of you are probably for people like yourself to use for the game! Come to Germany. Decos understands that the virtual warehouse should transmit everyone to the Internet to compete! Although this kind of game won't hurt, I'm afraid there will be restrictions on the venue and equipment! This is the reason why everyone has not received the information about the rules of the game so far!

  Mikemei looked at the rows of virtual warehouses in front of him, and knew that this game might be going on in virtual reality! And this game might be more interesting! Who will I play against today? No matter what kind of battle, I will not be afraid, I will be a Yu clan who is good at fighting.

   Fox III saw the virtual warehouse in front of him, and at this moment, Fox III's handsome face couldn't help showing a slight smile. As expected, the game was played on the virtual reality network, as he had guessed. This way everyone’s equipment is the same, and I am afraid they are all weapons, Alfred Bona Demon Martial Academy, please arrange it in advance! Hey! The virtual reality network of the eighteenth level of civilization is really lifelike! During this period of time, I have also played several battles on the virtual reality network, and it feels like it is no different from reality.

   Fádik Fort Lun approached Lian Ling Di Cado, and the two nodded to indicate that the game was about to begin! Both of them waited quietly for the start of the game, and now Fadiq. Fort Lun kills and feels that they can stand next to her! Just wait quietly for the game to start at this time! Fadike Baolun Qiang calmed his mood and glanced at the beautiful figure beside him.

   Xiangzi. Yu Qiangang looked at the virtual warehouse in front of him, feeling excited. I'm about to start the game! Wait, then! This time I will be able to successfully enter the top ten. This competition is the best opportunity to prove myself.

   At this time, many people were thinking about the next game. The robot in the stadium is responsible for maintaining order. At this time, everyone's terminal has received the message, and the content of the message has only one number. Everyone has a number, and each number corresponds to a virtual reality warehouse. At this time, everyone in the stadium found the corresponding virtual reality warehouse according to their own numbers, and soon everyone entered the virtual reality warehouse.

When    Lian Ling Di Cado entered the virtual warehouse, he habitually ate a magic fruit. This is already a habit of Lianling Dicardo, which has been cultivated for many years! Lian Ling De Cado was directly transmitted to a jungle this time, and then some weapons appeared in front of Lian Ling De Cado, and a voice said: "The game will start in five minutes. There are available weapons in front of you, Nian Lishi. You can choose one weapon of mind, and the magician can choose one weapon, so you can choose two weapons. Please choose now.

   Lian Ling Di Cado chose a shuttle-shaped weapon among thought power weapons, which is a thought power weapon that is biased towards flight. When she was about to take down a mind-power weapon that was biased towards attack, she received a system prompt that she already had a mind-power weapon and could not take a second mind-power weapon! Lin Ling Dicardo nodded, yes!

   It seems that I can only take another ordinary weapon! So Lian Ling Decado went to the common weapon area and picked up a short knife and placed it on her body. As a result, the weapon column showed that the mandarin duck knife was a set of weapons, and there were two in total. It also reminded her that she has taken the weapon and now she needs to take other items? If there is no need, all items will disappear. Lian Ling Decado naturally walked to the other item areas to see what other items would be useful. There were a lot of things in the other item areas.

   Mainly some ropes and some field aids, Lianling Decardo took a piece of hiding cloth. Because only one auxiliary tool can be used, all the hidden tools disappear when Lian Ling Di Cado decides to take the hidden cloth! At this time, the rules of the game appeared in front of Lin Ling Di Cado.

competition rules

   1. After the start of the game, no alliance or team formation is allowed.

   2. The magic circle cannot be used in the game.

  3. The length of the game is variable, it can be hidden and searched, but there will be one point for each kill, and one point corresponds to one credit.

   Lian Ling. Di Cado looked at the three rules of the game, and felt a little funny in his heart. What can be hidden and searched. Since killing people can get points, those who have no points must be eliminated!

   Hidden is destined to be eliminated directly, right? The rules of the game are really interesting, the length of time is uncertain, isn't this sentence just to give hope to those who want to hide? And the game naturally does not need people who like to hide! I'm afraid there are other hidden rules!

   If you don’t say it now, you don’t let the hidden ones be prepared! When Lin Ling Decardo thought, the game had officially started! While walking, Lian Ling Di Cado carefully explored the surroundings with spiritual threads. This is a kind of enemy detection practiced by Lian Ling Di Cado in the Internet battle games where the use of magic circles is prohibited. method.

It mainly requires mental power control skills, but it can be practiced to the present level. It is still because of the lotus spirit. Dicardo obtained a few crystal fruits in the Ofrais Bona Mowu The crystal fruits are The special spiritual fruit that can improve the concentration of mental power, Lian Ling Di Cado got three this time, although the price is not expensive for Lian Ling Di Cado!

   But each person is limited to only three. Lian Ling Di Cado has taken these three crystal fruits during this period of time, and has repeatedly condensed his mental power three times. It is precisely because of this that now Lian Ling De Cado can send out one hundred meters of his spiritual power thread. Who would pay attention to an invisible spiritual power thread?

   A samurai was walking slowly, and a thread of spiritual power swept across his feet, once. The samurai felt his feet move, looked down, and found nothing.

   At this time, a figure appeared silently behind the samurai, and a short sword appeared, puff! With a soft sound, a hole appeared in the samurai's chest. The samurai fell directly to the ground without saying a word!

  Lianling. Standing quietly on the weapon of thought power, looking at the position of the samurai that has disappeared. Once again release the spiritual power thread, explore all around. Since the beginning of the game, Lin Ling Di Cado has been standing on his mind weapon, and the mind weapon will not make any sound when flying, and the distance of 100 meters corresponds to the flight of the mind weapon in the blink of an eye.

   (Fun game: game that changes IQ 1

  I believe that when we learn, the most difficult thing is to learn new knowledge, and the cognition of new knowledge is the hardest thing. Let's play a game now!

   first said to himself: "Everything written in the book is wrong. Now I will start to find out the source of these errors."

   kept using this sentence to hypnotize myself, and then began to find some knowledge to learn. At this time, you will find that the knowledge you see is easy to learn! )

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