Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 781: Reason with the devil

   The man followed Siman with dull eyes and demented eyes, and the scene where the demon entered the human body viciously, no one saw it because of the confusing spell.

   The two returned to the original room smoothly, and Siman breathed a sigh of relief after entering the room. Just now Siman felt so nervous! Because Siman knew her deception spell, she really confused this person at first.

   At first, this person struggled mentally to resist, but soon Siman could feel that the deceiving spell was no longer resisted!

This shows that the demon is fierce and has entered the person's body, but in fact, if you want to control a person with a bewilderment spell, you will be repeatedly resisted by the controlled person's spirit. In the past, Siman used the eyes of evil spirits to assist him. success.

   Now that the demons have joined fiercely, Siman feels that she has to feel that her confusing spells have made great progress! Although Siman's heart is very complicated, she still hasn't forgotten what she needs now!

   Then he said viciously to the demon through the contract: "Open this man's watch and take a look, and get me a watch quickly. Our next actions will be easier."

  Siman, even though he knew that this demon must be more active than herself in this matter, Siman felt that she still wanted to urge the demon.

  Because of dealing with this demon viciously for many years, Siman has deeply understood that no demon will really consider things for his master.

   Demons usually do something for their master after finishing their own things. And because the demon was afraid of the idol in his spiritual sea, this demon was so fierce that he would listen to his instructions like this.

   If there is no such idol Siman believes, this demon will be vicious and pit himself for the first time, and then it will leave here by itself.

   is convinced of this Siman, so Siman is always on guard against this evil demon. Although Siman used his mental power to communicate with the devil fiercely, he still made the appearance of casting a confusing spell.

It looks like they are competing with the controlled person in mental power, and at the same time continuously increasing the mental power output of the confusing spell, the opponent is also resisting, so the person who casts the confusing spell will look confused. .

   The devil is vicious, looking at this person's information, this person is called Fan Mu. He is a fire and wood dual abilities, and his abilities are all level four. It can be regarded as a medium level among the ability users!

   The devil is vicious and has successfully entered the network system of this planet. Of course, as a demon, he is very familiar with the human network. Otherwise, what will the long life be used for?

   and learning knowledge can improve the ability of the demons to understand. By the way, the Internet is also a very convenient place to find prey. The devil is viciously an internet master who can come and go freely on the internet.

   Of course, for the entire universe network company system, the evil spirit is powerless, but a low-level civilization network is too simple for a devil!

   Of course, it also decided that if it cannot enter the human society to make trouble, then it is naturally a fun thing to enter the human network system to make trouble! Especially these demons have no body, they are pure soul bodies.

   These demons can actually directly enter the virtual reality network of human beings. The Universe Network Company naturally has its own set of defense methods to deal with these demons that can freely enter the Universe Network.

   But this is not a cosmic network, it is a low-level civilization network, and because the planet's gravity is too large, there is no way to drive satellites to ensure network transmission.

  Everything relies on the ground station for signal transmission. A low-level network like this is simply too simple for a vicious demons of this level!

   The devil was found viciously and quickly. An online company that specializes in providing fake identities, after understanding the process of creating a fake identity, quickly drafted a fake identity for Siman.

   and directly bypassed the identity supervision system here, and directly became a replacement identity watch. Put Siman's fake identity directly into the identity information database of this city's supernatural power, and then erase all traces of himself entering this network system.

   After everything was done, the devil looked at the time fiercely, ah! As expected of yourself, vicious lord! Everything was done in just an hour!

   I didn’t expect it to be so easy. I felt badly that the low-level network is really my own paradise! After everything was done, the demon viciously manipulated the man and said to Siman: "Everything is complete, and the reissued identity watch will be sent here directly in two hours."

   This is the vicious use of this possessed body to tell Siman, the voice is very dull, indicating that this person is still controlled by the deceiving spell.

In the contract connection, he said to Siman with spiritual force: "My dear master! I have already prepared a perfect personal information for you. Now when the watch is sent, we can freely enter and leave the city. Up!

   is so convenient! However, one regret is that this Suli City has banned people with supernatural ability from going out! This is what I found when I entered the city system here. Starting this morning, this Suli City has been forbidden to go out!

   And all the supernatural players in the city must participate in this Suli City battle against the beasts to protect the city, haha! Just think about it! Haha! Killing is our devil's favorite thing! Haha! When the time comes, let us fight together! "

   The devil is fierce, and the more he speaks, the more excited he gets, and at this time he is is ready to leave alone, this master has been around for some time! After all, the confuse spell has a time limit, so it's an hour now!

   This spell should be about to expire! Then you should be able to leave this master smoothly! It's awesome!

  Siman naturally knew that his confusing spell should be about to expire! Now that we are done, we should let the deceived person leave. In this way, this demon can leave himself openly for a while!

  Although I didn't want to do this very much, but when I thought of the surveillance from the Offrice Bona Demon Martial Arts Academy, Siman decided not to take any risks, and let the demon go crazy for a while!

   Anyway, this demon is fierce and can't escape the power of the contract. When he needs it, he must come back as soon as possible, so let it leave for some time!

   I want to stay alone for a while! So Siman cast a confusing spell and said, "Go back to your own room! When you open your eyes again, everything is back to normal, and you are still preparing to set off."

   After speaking, Siman looked at the person who was viciously possessed by the devil, walked out of the room with a dull expression, and then returned to his home. Siman couldn't help being funny while watching the behavior of the demon possessed!

   This vicious performance is really hard work! It seems that demons are all born actors, and you have to be more careful when you treat them yourself.

  Although he has a contract with this demon, the devil is notoriously untrustworthy. Reason with the devil, forget it!

   (Light, will be the most suitable spacecraft power. Light can travel through weak matter, and the power of light can have an effect on weak matter.)


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