Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 750: Circle dance

   But if it’s not Lian Ling. Dicardo is going to buy a dress, he has been studying and exercising hard all these years, and there will be a thought to buy a dress! But now that you know it, then come a few more times in the future! Meng. Doming calculated in this way.

  Lian Ling. Dicardo said: "Common robot form."

  The robot nodded: Okay.

   This group of mimic robots changed again, and soon an ordinary all-metal robot was separated from the mimic robot.

   walked in front of Lian Ling. Decado, the robot even made a clicking, clicking sound when walking. Lianling Dicardo glanced at the robot that walked to her side and said, "Don't make noise while walking, I hate the robot that makes noise."

  When Lian Ling. Dicardo finished speaking, the robot's body began to undergo some slight changes, all the lines were smoother, and the legs were closed to change the wheels.

   Seeing such a change in the robot, Lian Ling. Decado nodded in satisfaction. And Meng. Doming, surprised, didn't know what to say!

  Ida Ventimo listened to Lian Ling Dicardo's words and looked at Lian Ling Dicardo in surprise, then said, "A beautiful and gentle woman."

  The robot nodded: Okay.

   So the mimic robot began to change again, and soon a beautiful woman appeared in front of three people. This time, instead of separating a robot from the mimic robot, this mimic robot directly became a beautiful woman.

   This woman came to Da. Ventimo, although it was a woman with a silver body. But Da.Ventimo looked at the robot in front with some surprise. Da.Ventimo thought that this woman was too beautiful! And looking at the gentle type I like, I am a little happy in my heart, but I try to behave as normal as possible.

  All three chose the robot, and then Meng. Doming suddenly didn't want to be with the two foreigners, so he said: "I'm going to choose some formal dresses, so!

   Lotus Spirit, da. Let's choose separately! See you at the top restaurant at 24:00! Room C126, I've already made a reservation. Let's eat together! That's all! I'm going to choose the dress first! "

   finished talking. Doming followed the handsome silver robot! At this time, Da.Ventimo also said: "I want to choose a men's dress, so I will not go with Lian Ling! I will go!"

  达. After finishing talking, Ventimo and the female robot quickly left! Leave Lin Ling. Dicardo did not respond and stood there, Lian Ling. Dicardo reacted for a moment, already knew in his heart that this is a light friend!

   But that's a robot! What about these two guys? Lian Ling. Dicardo thought about it like this, anyway, he didn't like to wander around in a pile of dresses, so he said to the robot around him: "I'll go to a separate room to buy it!"

Lian Ling. Decado, I don’t want to choose from these one-on-one dresses. I don’t want Lian Ling. Decado to wear a dress and enter the ball. Couples wear.

   Therefore, Lian Ling. Decado decided that the rest, those dresses must not be paired with anyone, you must need this dress shop to give you a special dress. Therefore, Lian Ling. Dicardo will propose to go to a separate room to customize the dress.

   The robot's eyes immediately lit up to Lotus Spirit. Dicardo said: Please here! Our fantasy dress shop guarantees that we can provide you with the unique custom dress that suits you best.

   quickly walked through those beautiful dresses, Lian Ling. Dicardo entered a small room, the decoration in the room is very simple. A very comfortable sofa and a small coffee table at a glance.

  Sitting on the sofa, Lian Ling Dicardo said to the robot: "I need some special dresses, such as bug dresses."

  Lian Ling. Dicardo feels that it seems that he can provide the dresses he needs, and here is the casting star. This dress shop should be specially for the Aubrey Bona Mowu Academy. Students make dresses!

  Lian Ling. Dicardo still thinks, what will the bug dress look like? I can't imagine it! I hope this shop is very experienced!

  The robot said: We can provide custom-made 10 kinds of special dresses for the Aussie Bona Demon Academy. Bug dresses are needed for special banquets. We can provide thousands of bug dresses. But you also need to provide some specific requirements.

Lian Ling. Dicardo saw that as the robot said, various types of bug dresses were constantly appearing on the surrounding walls. These bug dresses can be said to be strange, but on the whole, they are very ugly. Dicardo shook his head straight.

   These dresses are too ugly! Lian Ling. Decado felt that he could not accept it at all. So he said, "Isn't there a good looking bug dress? I don't like things that are too ugly."

  Lian Ling. Dicardo feels that his request is very reasonable. After all, the dress needs to participate in the And wearing such a dress, how can you dance with your legs open?

   The robot heard the words of Lian Ling. Dicardo said: The bug dance of the Overbone Bona Demon Academy will only put on one kind of dance music, which is the circle dance. Because the insect dresses worn are indistinguishable from men and women, there is no distinction between men and women when dancing in circles.

   Our dream dress shop can naturally make the dress very beautiful, but the bug dance party of the Overbone Bona Mowu Academy needs not to be beautiful, but to be realistic!

   You see these machine legs are for you to stand and assist, and if the bug dress you wear cannot be realistic, it will also punish you for deducting credits.

  Lian Ling. Dicardo reluctantly selects among some extremely ugly bugs. time flies…….

  When Lian Ling. Decado ordered ten sets of special dresses to leave, the time was close to twenty-four! Lian Ling. Decado entered the elevator and left this dream dress shop, not feeling relaxed and happy, but feeling a little dizzy.

   The dizzy lotus spirit Dicardo came to the room C126 of the top floor restaurant. When the lotus spirit Dicardo entered the door, he saw that there was already a person sitting inside.

   turned out to be Mei Kemei, the man of the feather family, still so beautiful, but since the last meeting, Lian Ling. Decado found that this person seems to have changed a lot.

  Now when I see the lotus spirit, Dicardo finds that this person has not changed a lot, but has become a person by the classics! This should be a transformation!

  Lian Ling. Dicardo, looking at the handsome man who smiled at him, there was a slight throb in his heart. At this time, both of them stood and gave each other a bowing ceremony between the mages, although the range was not large, but they could already see the salute.


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