Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 722: Opportunity to break through the universe

However, I am not discouraged by these Lang Lang. I have been practicing to drag these fogs away with spirit. Of course, when Lang Lang. feels that he has the mental strength to peep at himself, Luo Lang. dare not dare to do so. , And Dibu is not a person who likes to release his energy all the time.

   Therefore, Luo Lang. You can often do exercises in this area. Now Luo Lang. Looking at the flying flying cars that have passed outside, the psychology just laughed!

   There are so many people who can disperse those curses for themselves! Look at the suspension car that is close to the center of the city. Luo Lang. Waiting for the cloth to leave, Luo Lang. Ti can be very sure that the cloth is coming to this place to do things, so he will bring himself.

   And his things will naturally not let himself know, so the hand-off will naturally put himself in a place where he thinks he can't run out. And why should I run?

  Luo Lang. Mention, after preparing to send out all those fogs, if your mind is restored, then run! After all, a pseudo-cosmetic class with no mind, but it is very insecure, Luo Lang. If you don’t want to leave now!

   And these are naturally unknown to Dibu, Dibu put Luo Lang. It’s too simple to think about transferring curses to him. Only in this way can Luo Lang Ti be indulged, and Dibu thinks that as long as Luo Lang Ti is not in contact with people.

   Then the item that transfers the curse should not be able to play any role, and it is handed over and laid out. In a suspended flying car, I don’t feel the curse transferred to myself!

   Therefore, he handed over the judgment that the curse he had imposed on Luo Lang. Ti was already the limit of this cursed treasure, so no curse was transferred to himself.

   Suspended flying car arrived at a hotel, and the cloth was directly brought into the hotel with Luo Lang. Ti, and soon Luo Lang. Ti was handed over and placed in a large room.

The cosmic-grade room is very large, and the room is generally 20 meters high, which is prepared for some tall cosmic-class guests, and now Lang Lang is handed over and closed in such a room. .

   And when he handed away, he gave Luo Lang. Ti blessed a curse that made his whole body stiff and unable to move, and Luo Lang. Ti just let himself use the cloth to curse himself.

   Of course, after the delivery was gone with satisfaction, Luo Lang. Quickly wrapped a small cloud of gray mist with mental energy and sent it out of the body. Luo Lang. The whole body can't move now, but the mental power of Luo Lang. can indeed travel through the entire hotel without any obstacles.

   Of course, Luo Lang. It is known that such hotels are usually below 150 floors, and only people who live below the cosmic level. Therefore, Lang Lang’s spiritual power wraps the small group of gray mist and extends downward carefully.

   as a pseudo-universal level Luo Lang. The mental power is very powerful, but now Luo Lang. Ti has found a star in the room to rest.

So Luo Lang. carefully wrapped the gray mist with this mental force close to this star, and when Luo Lang.’s mental power almost touched this star, Luo Lang.’s spiritual power let go of the fog. .

As expected, the gray fog rushed directly towards the person like Luo Lang. Ti Luo knew. He knew that he had succeeded, and then Luo Lang. Tied back his own spiritual power, and divided several spiritual powers. Those star-rated guests wrapped in a little fog and sent to the hotel.

  Luo Lang. mention, only give everyone a bit of fog, this is to avoid trouble, Luo Lang. mention consider if a hotel's star rating suddenly suffered a serious curse.

   Then the delivery may be immediately noticed! And if there is only a little curse, some people may soon be able to dispel these curses, and those who cannot dispel the curse will not have a great impact on life. After all, there is too little fog!

   In such a day, Luo Lang. I divided out more than 3,000 fogs. Now Luo Lang. Ti found out that the original fogs on the eyes had become significantly thinner.

   And my mind seems to be able to feel some, and at this time this hotel occasionally happened a star, suddenly fell out of luck, no one knows why these stars are suddenly so unlucky.

   This hotel has appeared many times, those who lost things in the stars, and afterwards found that all these stars have forgotten things.

  For a while, the guests in the hotel were in bad luck, either choking when drinking water, or choking when eating, and then flashing to the waist when sneezing, and disturbed when talking.

  Various little things happen constantly, and the employees in the hotel have also appeared in various minor situations. Of course, these little things didn't attract anyone's attention. It's so easy for people to ignore some things.

   And this situation began to spread around after Lang Lang. After restoring his mental strength, when he returned after three days of handing over the cloth There was Lang Lang in the room. Mention this guy!

  Delivery quickly began searching for Luo Lang. However, everything was too late! A pseudo-university mental teacher who has recovered his mental ability, where would it be so easy to find?

  When Dibu used the power of the curse to find a person who was cursed and unable to move, Dibu knew Luo Lang. The treasure in his hand that could transfer the curse was definitely not simple.

  At this time, the Dikkado family also found through the curse contract that the curse imposed on Luo Lang. Ti had been dispersed, and gradually began to disappear because of the excessive dispersion!

   This discovery surprised the people who have been following the matter for the Decado family, and this thing quickly spread to several major forces.

  Luo Lang. mention, totally do not know, now this treasure in his hands has been stared by many people! And Luo Lang. Ti is very happy now. For the first time, he can control the transfer of curses, so Luo Lang Ti found his new usage of the transfer curse pendant.

  And drop. mention, already ready to find a new direction for future development! Luo Lang. Ti, prepare to learn more about curses, and prepare to learn curses.

  And at this time, Luo Lang. realized that it seemed that he didn’t know how to learn curse at all, so where would he go to learn curse? Luo Lang. Ti began to be confused, can not go to the guy who wants to catch himself to learn curse!

   That guy was very proficient in curses. Luo Lang. Tike didn't dare to go to that guy and propose that he wanted to learn curses. After thinking about it, let's put it down. I will continue to prepare to break through the universe!

   Without knowing the reason, after experiencing these things, I mentioned a chance to break through the universe.

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