Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 711: Protection Guidelines

  Diebu is a person who does not like people screaming. Dingbu feels that screaming will make him have an urge to kill, but Dingbu has not yet completed his task this time.

   Therefore, he thought of a rumor in their god's eyes. This is a very old rumor. The super-sensual is a disaster star.

   But the supersense is also a person who can point out the direction, do not walk with the supersense, because they will push the people around them into the abyss at any time for their own sake.

  But if you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, you can interrogate those who have a supersense with the threat of death. They will tell you the answer you can’t find for the sake of survival.

That’s the protection guide that the supersensors themselves bring. Now I want to try whether the protection guides that the supersenses themselves bring in this legend are true. If they are true, then they put the supersenses themselves. It's nothing! So he prepared to give Chao Menglian a chance.

Chao Menglian, like being a straw to save her life, said in surprise: "Really? I can feel the person you are here to really look for. But you have to put me back in that spaceship before I can Tell you what she is hiding there!"

   Chao Menglian, you can now clearly feel the image of a person, and this person Chao Menglian actually really knows, is this woman the one who killed herself in the secret realm?

   This woman is dead this time! That’s fine, after all, you don’t need to seek revenge on this woman in the future! Now let this woman take her life and save me once to Menglianlian!

  After all, this is you, a woman, owes it to you! Chao Menglian suddenly felt that this was an opportunity for God to avenge himself. Such an opportunity must be seized by himself.

  Submitted, in fact, has not taken Chao Menglian out of the Tiger spaceship, it is completely a curse enchantment, encircling Chao Menglian.

  Delivery, once heard the super-sensual, can guide you to find someone who can replace her. Dibu now just wants to try it before leaving, but I didn't expect this super-sensual to really know that the person he was looking for this time was not her.

   It looks amazing! So he handed Chao Zhaolian a look outside the enchantment to show that she was on the spaceship. Dibu said, "How about now! The person I'm looking for is there?"

  Delivery, I am amazed that this super-sensation, can know what he needs so quickly? But from the beginning to the end, I didn't say anything, what do I need to find!

   So how does this supersense know what answer he should give himself? It seems that the ancient legend should be very accurate!

   If this is the case, you can't take this supersense away, because there will be unpredictable danger in the place where there is a supersense.

  Delivery, now I feel that the reason why this shipping star will encounter danger, I am afraid it is related to this supersensor! But why are these industry stars not as unlucky as those star stars?

   I am afraid that there should be someone with good luck in these industry stars! It is said that people with good luck can counteract the bad luck of some super-sensual people, so if you leave with this super-sensual person.

  Delivery, do you think you do not want the next voyage, what bad things will happen? So the delivery completely dispelled the idea of ​​taking away, this super-sensuous person to conduct research.

  Now I just want to know, where is my goal this time, why can't I find it for a few days?

   toward Menglian, seeing the scene outside the enchantment, a little surprised that he did not leave the Tiger spaceship! So Zhao Menglian said with confidence: "I saw an eye, it was an eye pendant."

   As for Menglian, she felt that she had suddenly entered an unspeakable state. When she wanted to answer the delivery question, a strange feeling came out of her body.

   said there was already some excitement in the delivery here: "Yes, it's the eye pendant, it's there."

  I was a little excited to deliver the cloth. If someone here is wearing a pendant with his eyes, then this person must be the one he is looking for! Regardless of whether this eye is the eye of the God Eye organization legend, as long as you get this eye, you will make great contributions to the God Eye organization.

  Thinking about the rewards for the credit, the cosmic-level delivery is a little excited! And now the things that make you get credit are in front of you, how can you let it go like this?

Zhao Menglian said happily in her heart: "It's in the hands of a white-haired girl, and that girl will be magical, right in the mooring boat in the fifty-first position. You can find her when you go there !"

   Zhao Menglian, very happy in her heart, after all, you can now say that you have saved yourself, and let Siman, who hates him so much, die to death!

   What a joyful thing this is! A **** woman who once killed herself, just die for herself! Should I say that I am too wise?

   The Siman is estimated to be in her magic circle these days! So this talent will not find her, and now he has pointed the direction to this powerful strongman, then this Siman can't escape!

   This must be the case. These Siman must have been unable to find this strong man in her own magic circle these days, but now it is not bad to think about her formation.

  Submitted, naturally the entire Tiger spaceship has been figured out, so I went directly to the white-haired girl! Eye pendant! That was a precious eye pendant, even in this spaceship. The white-haired girl had never met him in these days.

   position 51, then the girl has been hiding in the mooring boat these days! Sure enough, it will hide! Now it seems that the legend of that supersense may be true!

   There is also this white-haired girl who will arrange a magic circle. What can I do about this? Although the delivery is cosmic, but the delivery is not good at magic array!

   And in order not to attract cosmic-level attention on the spaceship, the delivery did not dare to use a wide range of attack magic, and the girl should not stay in the magic circle all the time!

   has decided to wait for the white-haired girl to come out! Thinking of handing over here and thinking, this matter is really very troublesome! Hey! Your own small spaceship can't stay for a long time. Attach it to this Tiger spaceship!

  Delivery, when it arrived at position 51, it was already decided! If you can’t find the white-haired girl, then you will first drive in the spacecraft to leave, and then follow this spacecraft to reach the Buddha, you are looking for a maneuver on time! So after walking into the mooring boat, he started to use his own mental power to find it in a small range.

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