Come one, watch a music, put away the body of the second-order Warcraft Leopard, and then said to the first three: "Your speed should be higher! I think if you can step on the flying class, read the weapon It should be faster! And how long can you stay on the mind weapon like this? "

I came to one and felt that it was not necessary to let the top three. At this time, we should adjust to our own speed, and if the mentality of the top three cannot keep going all day.

Then, do you have to wait for the first three? It's better to let him go first, then catch up and then move forward, so that his own speed will not be unable to continue because of the lack of mentality in the first three.

And this should be done, you can speed up the journey as a whole! After all, mental ability rushes on the road, but is limited by how much mental ability, when the first three can accelerate, let him go as far as possible, when he chased him, he can just restore mental ability.

不是 Isn't this just right? And here is a mountainous area, some of which will be very close to flying past, and walking will be far away. This is exactly the situation in front. If the first three are flying, it will be a few kilometers from the map. If I walk with myself, I am afraid that it will take more than ten hours!

The first three nodded after hearing, and said to one, "Boss, I don't hide from you either. I can stay on this mental weapon for ten hours.

And indeed, now it's not my limit speed, but now if I use my feet, I can't catch up with you, of course, if I can, I want to change into a flying weapon.

But isn't this condition now? This weapon is something I have worked hard for many years! "

The first three, I know very well about this journey, and naturally understand why I come to say this now, because the first few kilometers can easily fly by mental weapons.

If you walk with your feet, it will take more than ten hours if you walk with your feet. The top three understand their own characteristics and strengths, and naturally they will not make things that slow down.

And these ten hours are just enough to restore your mind, so you can hurry at full speed again! The first three thought.

After a while, I meditated for the first three words: "In this way, you go to this place in the valley opposite you and wait for me. I will pass by the jungle, and you will recover your mind first.

Then we set a position after meeting, so that we will be faster in this mountain forest. It can also make up for your weakness. "

Laiyi, pointing to the map on the terminal and talking to the first three, at the same time thinking that there is a distance from the map. If the first three use mental weapons to pass through the air, it will be a short distance, and if they walk together on the ground , You must first descend into the valley and then climb up the mountain.

Even at the current rate, it takes at least ten hours. Come to one, I think this arrangement is very scientific now, so that it can be reasonable, so that everyone can exert his maximum value.

Since it's just a hurry, there is no need to beware of Warcraft! And Laiyi also knows that there are not many third-level or higher Warcrafts on this planet, which means that he can now walk freely in this jungle.

After the first three, he nodded and immediately accelerated away. He knew that such an arrangement was the best, and if the mind teacher could travel by himself, the speed would be the fastest, because they could fly in many places.

Now I have given myself such an opportunity. The first three naturally want to save time and quickly recover their mental ability after reaching the designated position.

The physical strength of the first three is not very good. Just like most mentalists, the first three do not have a strong body. Therefore, the first three are very grateful for the arrangement of the first one, and then they will speed up obediently, fly through the woods, and avoid those tree branches and vines.

I came across the huge branch of the tree and saw the jumping, and the eggplant has always been behind the one. Of course, the passing of the eggplant between the trees is impossible to use the soil magic, but the eggplant and the wood magic!

Although the eggplant is fat, his legs are very strong and he can easily jump between trees, so the eggplant is not thrown off.

Come to me, slash a large snake with a knife, and then collect the body of this second-order Warcraft. As soon as Lai Yi was about to move on, a vine came straight towards a roll.

Come one, dodge quickly, and then ten vines roll towards you. Come on, hit a series of fireballs quickly, and head towards the vines.

And these vines burned as soon as they met the fireball, and then the black vines rose from the ground, drew quickly towards them, and no longer avoided them!

After a burst of inflammation, he went towards the black vines that were significantly thicker than other vines. The black-red explosion flames exploded directly when they met the black vines!

Howling! With a sound, the black vine broke into two sections. At this moment, the vines that had been outstretched and were ready to attack all retracted. There was a quiet surrounding, with only half of the vines remaining on the ground, still twisting to prove what had just happened!

Beggar Ding ~ ~ silently follow the previous one and continue to move forward, never do anything to avoid and cover up the way. On the rampage, I walked this route, which is also the most popular way of Warcraft.

For Warcraft and Mozhi appearing on the road, coming is simply sweeping! However, on the way, I did not meet the third-order Warcraft.

I'm jealous, I think I've opened my eyes. This form is the boss's style! Why do you pretend to be dizzy when you follow such a boss!

The first three have been waiting here for several hours. The mental strength has basically recovered, and the first three have already killed some nearby second-order Warcraft here. It can be said that this neighborhood is now very safe.

The first three, have already contacted one, knowing that he will take some time to arrive. So the first three were going to take a rest. This is near the top of the mountain. It is naturally not suitable to rest on a tree, so the first three hid under two boulder.

I started a simple closed-eye meditation, time passed quickly, and it seemed that it was going to be evening! Laiyi has seen the top three meditating under the stones. For Laiyi this is not a good place to set up a camp, especially at night.

When I saw the first three, as soon as I saw it, I stood up and walked over to the first three: "Is there any place nearby to build a camp?"

I do n’t want to set up a camp on the top of the mountain. After all, there are still many nocturnal WoWs who like the top of the mountain at night, so the top of the mountain is the most inappropriate place to build a camp at night!

And now it's a few hours before it's dark. If there is a good place nearby, you can catch it, but the terminal map can't see where it is suitable to build a camp, so I will ask the first three who are familiar with the terrain route.

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