The three-day snack street festival made the soldiers seem to have fallen into a rice tank.

If many people asked them before, what was the most impressive military life?

They will definitely answer, shooting guns, fighting warcraft, baths, gas chamber training, etc. However, all the soldiers stationed on this planet now will all say that it is a snack street.

There are countless delicious snacks with different flavors and customs and cooking methods; there are also many fun games that make people gritted but excited; there are also some things that are usually not available in the military, such as photos of celebrities on sale ...

In the military chat forum, the first ten pages are almost all posts from various snack streets. There are pictures, truths, videos, beauties, and cute babies. Even Warcraft come to join in the fun.

Soldiers go shopping in the morning and browse the forums in the dormitory at night. They read the posts one by one, applauding the ones who have eaten them, and the painful wrists of those who have not eaten them.

Although the snack street has only been open for three days, the heat has not completely subsided after a week.

When you meet, you usually say hello, ‘Is the training finished? ’, ‘have you taken a bath? ’, ‘Have you gone to the cafeteria today’, all have become various sentences containing the word ‘Snack Street’.

Taking advantage of this enthusiasm, an anonymous questionnaire on the evaluation of the top ten most popular foods for the military rations and the top ten popular foods that the Scientific Research Bureau will focus on in the next step has also been sent to everyone in each dormitory.

"1. If you go out on a mission, you can only bring ten kinds of food, what would you choose?"

"2. If you encounter space turbulence, you must discard half of your food. Which of the above will you throw away?"

"3. If at the end of your life, what would your last bite of food be like?"

"4. If you can mail the food from the cafeteria in the military district to your home, ask your family and friends to taste it. Which three would you choose?"

"5. If you give out supper after evening training every day, which one will you choose?"


Liu Weiwei also got a copy of the questionnaire from the Scientific Research Bureau. She also participated in doing it carefully, and found that the topic design was more complicated than she thought.

The ten questions are fundamentally difficult to choose.

It’s uncomfortable to choose ten and throw away five more.

After finally finishing a set, Liu Weiwei picked up the roaring meat bun on the cot and shook it, "This Li Sanpang, last time said that adults don't do multiple-choice questions. Now the questions are so difficult?"

"Xiaoroubao, what do you want to eat for breakfast today, how about vegetable beef porridge?"

She felt very embarrassed by the questionnaire, let alone other people.

People who go to the cafeteria every day know that the set meal they eat every day is almost non-repetitive. Now they can only choose ten kinds. With the fingers and the alteration, the eyebrows can squeeze a flying insect.

The snack street opened the door to everyone's taste, letting them know that the world is big and the food is wide, almost not relying on their superficial imagination to make a comprehensive list.

You can only bring ten... It's really difficult.

However, the questionnaire must be done.

The only thing soldiers can resist is to make a small complaint to the logistics office, or go to the scientific research bureau every day to look at the scientists with resentment.

Many people stayed up all night to do the questionnaires, and the next day they came to the hands of the Li Sanpang research team.

Obviously, these questions weren't made by scientists casually. There was a certain logical connection between the front and back, and there were hidden traps to verify whether the soldiers answered honestly.

The scientists also did it again, almost grabbing the hair off. The point is that they got together yesterday and checked each other's answers, but they found that the sacred food in everyone's mind was not the same.

More than two dozen people have different answers and are of no reference value.

It was not until a total of 23,449 valid questionnaires were collected from the large army to the intelligent system that the scientists looked at the analysis results enthusiastically.

As a result, Li Sanpang took a look and moved to the corner with a low face.

In the analysis conclusion, he has not seen half of the top ten popular foods in a large sample, and he has never seen it!

After being beaten by the tyrant at home, he didn't even finish shopping at the snack street, complaining...

"The degree of overlap is very low." The scientist who got close frowned recently. "The first place kebabs got only 34.59% of the votes, which is less than half."

Another scientist nodded, "The second place roast duck, with a 33.97% vote rate. But the roast duck did not appear on the snack street these three days. It seems that the last sports meeting left a very deep impression on everyone."

The scientists frowned, "There is also the third-ranked pancake Lizi and hot and sour noodles. The votes are close, but the taste is completely different."

"Yes, many people are not used to eating spicy food, and there are obvious differences in the questionnaire."

"Smelly tofu, and Guoguo are also very popular... but the former is used as military rations, but it has a strong smell."

Li Sanpang turned over, he hadn't eaten this pot hat, and he looked unlovable.

Scientists are also very distressed. They did not give the soldiers multiple choice questions, but the consequences of filling in the blanks are very serious. Everyone is crazy, and each answer symbolizes a person's different tastes.

"Some people like heavy flavors, some like sweetness, some have no meat, some like noodles, some like buns, and some must have rice..."

The scientists looked at each other.

"After the lessons of the last hot pot, we still have to reduce the proportion of some heavy-flavored military rations."

"It's better to call Clerk Liu."

Scientists have a terrible headache.

Liu Weiwei was also curious about the results of the questionnaire, but when she received the information from the Research Bureau for help, she was already busy at the second section of the cafeteria outside.

After the scientists' results were sent, Liu Weiwei smiled at the first glance.

She, the original Chinese people, has no way to make the best food choice in her mind, because she loves so much that she can't let go of them one by one. What's more, the soldiers who have just been attacked by the food world? They are now fascinated by the colorful world and have not yet found their original heart.

It is too difficult to decide which snack dishes from different parts of China are male or female. After competing with each other for hundreds of years, she has never seen an official conclusion about the ranking before.

However, she saw that most people listed roast duck and hot pot among the last food choices of their lives, and she couldn't help but **** her mouth.

The men in these military regions have high training intensity, sweat a lot every day, like heavy oil and high fat, and love the thick-tasting pasta.

When you can only choose the same dishes, roast duck, hot pot, and skewers are all delicious with many different ingredients. They are like cheating and answered the multiple-choice questions as multiple-choice questions.

Liu Weiwei smiled and replied to the scientist's message. She promised to go to the Scientific Research Bureau again when she went back in the evening, and she devoted herself to the busy kitchen preparation work.

Three days in the snack street, the small shop outside did not stop.

"Potato sirloin and beef noodles in sour soup." Xu Hui probed the menu and went out to greet the guests again.

Liu Weiwei immediately returned to her senses.

Use the prepared egg white, add salt and dried starch, and gently mix the beef slices in one direction.

Heat oil in a pot, stir-fry **** and garlic until fragrant, add chopped wild mountain pepper and chili sauce, add cooking wine to remove the smell, pour the chicken stock to a boil, then pour out the fragrant hot soup, filter Remove all the ingredients, add salt and white vinegar, add the thick noodles and enoki mushrooms, throw the beef into a large pot and simmer together.

Finally, top with some chopped green onions and coriander.

As soon as he got a copy, Xu Hui rushed in again with a weird expression, "Someone is broadcasting live outside, do we want to stop it?"

In military bases, no one can broadcast live without permission.

Although this store is outside the base, it is not so strict. But the waiter is a soldier in uniform, so everyone has some scruples.

Liu Weiwei was a little worried, put down the spatula and followed Xu Hui out.

As soon as she went out, she saw a girl sitting in the lobby with her back to the kitchen and facing the glass. It was obvious that there was a camera on the table.

Although the anchor girl deliberately lowered her voice, it was still very clear in the small storefront.

"It's a pity that this store has a limited supply. Today I chose the sour soup and beef noodle set meal, but the potato sirloin can only be regretted next time."

"Can you see it? This noodle bowl has a strong sour taste when it is served, but the soup looks pure. This sour taste makes my body feel more hungry."

"The sourness is refreshing and there is a slightly stimulating stamina. Before I move the chopsticks, my mouth has already started to salivate."

"Then I will start first."

"I'll take a sip of the soup first and try it."

"Soup is the essence of a bowl of noodles, and the ancient order of eating in Western food also proves that drinking the hot soup first has an appetizing and slightly full effect."

Liu Weiwei raised her eyebrows in surprise when she heard the voice of the other party.

The other party has some basic knowledge of catering, sounds quite professional, and the voice is familiar.

Before she remembered who it was, she heard the voice of the other party continuing to comment on the live broadcast.

"so spicy!"

The girl was obviously frightened.

"Although the waiter in the store before, yes, the tall military uniforms you saw from the back reminded me that this set meal is of the level of three peppers, but I still want to try it."

"I think I can eat spicy food, but I didn't expect that the dish named Suantang Fei Niu was so spicy."

"The soup looks golden, and it has no similarities with other red and spicy Sichuan dishes, but it has a very strong pickle flavor."

"The pungent spicy taste hides behind the strong sour taste. After lifting your appetite, it attacked the tip of your tongue again, knocking out half of my blood!"

"Sigh... I'll drink my saliva first~"

"I advise everyone to go to the restaurant in the future, and be sure to listen to the advice of the waiter, don't be like me. Those who can't eat spicy children's shoes, be careful about this set meal~"

From time to time, someone in the shop nodded in agreement.

In fact, the diners in the entire lobby have already raised their ears and deliberately paused their conversations. Obviously, they are all looking forward to how the live broadcast will comment on this beef noodle soup.

"Huh...Finally, it's relieved, I'll try the noodles again."

"Huh? The beef is so tender, and the thickness of the slices is just right. It's not too thin to make you feel, and it's not too thick to bite, resulting in a full and satisfying taste after one bite. There are also enoki mushrooms in the soup, which is smooth and lingering. Chewy, the hotter, the more peculiarly refreshing."

"The noodles inside are thick handmade noodles. The spiciness was just right when I ate it. I sucked the whole noodle into my mouth, and tasted the umami of beef and the wild fungus of enoki mushrooms. With the slightly spicy and slightly sour rolling over the tip of the tongue, I chewed Very flexible."

"At this time, I want a bowl of rice, it's a sin~"

The young girl anchor had been explaining, Liu Weiwei listened for a long time, and finally patted her forehead, thinking of the owner of the voice.

"Zhao Linshuang!"

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