Internet 2010

Chapter 127: Humanity Quest


After Wang Wenjun's reform, Menggu Advertising has become more complete in terms of system and has added a lot of personnel.

The testing department is currently preparing a simple plan for WeChat Grayscale release.

For this release, the most basic group of people is the employees of the three companies, Menggu Advertising, Menggu Cloud and WeChat.

On this basis, the testing department is also using Banana's management background to send invitations to a small group of users in an active manner.

These users will become the first batch of internal beta users of WeChat.

While the period was busy, Wen Xuwei quietly handed Lu Zhou something.


Some time ago, Zhong Yuanliang took the loophole question asked by the team leader.

That night, he hurried to block this thing. It took him a lot of time before and after to solve such a problem.

Although the newly added functions became inefficient due to the re-blocking of the loopholes, Zhong Yuanliang could only plan this way first. After all, safety comes first.

However, things were quite unexpected. Even if this seems a little unexpected.

Just today, he saw someone selling the database of

"I grass Lima!"

Zhong Yuanliang struggled to find a trace on his personal computer.

An email sent to him by the organization, a hidden surveillance horse, a back door with a wide open passage.

And precisely, the method of dragging the library on the server is exactly the same as the email written by the "white guest".

"Being a thief, what kind of morals do you pay attention to?"

He shook his head helplessly, he actually believed in these people doing things in the dark, he thought it was just a matter of helping the organization write ddos ​​to make money.

where are they?

Don't forget to put things on the horse, trust? If it doesn't exist, let's squeeze some residual value.

Zhong Yuanliang also understands that once all the channels he has access to can access the database that was dragged out of, then this thing has changed hands countless times in multiple layers before it can be seen by him.

"Will you find me?" He was worried.


last night. .

Lu Zhou listened to Wen Xuwei's words, "It leaked? It won't affect you, right? The circulation is very wide?"

Wen Xuwei shook his head, "It shouldn't have any effect on me, I just went up to take a look and didn't do anything.

Instead, I speculate that this is the leak caused by the email I sent to "

"Oh? You mean internal leaks, and the means you wrote in your email were used?"


Lu Zhou held his forehead and said, "Look at what you can do."

Wen Xuwei didn't care, "Don't look at me like that, if you see it, you will definitely try it out. Here, take this address, find a horn and bring a 'glove' to take a look."

Knowing this, Lu Zhou couldn't bear his curiosity.

Data breaches, are they rare? No, it's too common.

Right now, a loophole in the koukou group relationship that he knows will not be blocked until next year. And it didn't surface to the public until three years later.

, End of the World, Play More, Renren, Dudu Niu......

Lu Zhou believes that when something happens, it is often difficult for Internet companies to react immediately. And these data will be changed hands many times to extract benefits.

When the value of interest is not large, it will begin to flow into the circulation channels of the public.

It happened about 10 years ago, and it was exposed one or two years later, and by 1415, Luzhou could find these libraries in online disks such as Qiandu.

It is hard to believe that billions of data are circulating everywhere. Of course, a lot of related resources will naturally be blocked in the future.

If there is a good thing, collecting these libraries into a general library and then adding the word "social work" is another business of "gaining money".

Lu Zhou shook his head. He glanced at the address that Wen Xuwei gave him. It was a tor site. It was estimated that it was temporary and would be closed at some point.

After he left the company, he found a Starbucks and connected his laptop to the mall's wifi. Jump out of the "Great Wall" through the agent written by myself, and then open the tor, which is what Wen Xuwei called the "set".

Turning himself into "deep black", Lu Zhou typed in the long list of addresses.

Slow loading, until the content is loaded and out, it is thrilling. The subject of the sale is divided into account information and personal information.

The account number only refers to the details of the virtual account, while the latter refers to the multi-dimensional characteristics of a person, such as address, number, bank card number, relationship, etc., to name a few.

He saw one of the columns, it was the details of Yuanlai's library packaged and sold. And the rest, there are some well-known companies in the industry.

Of course, it's hard to tell whether it's true or false. And there is often a process of verifying the transaction.

Lu Zhou glanced at it, and unexpectedly these people had already started to use Bitcoin. The verification process is generally to send a certain amount of transaction. After the other party confirms, it will return a part of the data for you to verify.

Of course, if the amount is too large, you probably won’t be able to use Bitcoin. Lu Zhou noticed that on mt.gox, a platform that has not yet closed down, its price is really not high.

Among other things, Lu Zhou also saw some columns of "spinach" and P2P stuff through the address given by Wen Xuwei.

"Ah." He sighed.

In this matter, Lu Zhou only felt that, in a sense, technology companies were not much different from what they did.

Tech companies get it legally, the dark world gets it illegally.

"It's all about exploring human nature."

Dream Valley Advertising collects user information and makes customized recommendations in order to improve the conversion rate of advertisements and the download rate of applications. Similarly, now Luzhou has also launched the "D+" package to provide such means for more developers.

What about the future? Luzhou also knows that WeChat will only "intensify". Under the control of Luzhou, it needs to know more about users and be more "human".

And gambling magnifies human nature. Borrow, overdraft a future.

A purposeful and targeted marketing can keep an ordinary person in a quagmire forever. But now, 2010, is just the beginning of things, and there will be no shortage of people who seek to open the way.

When one thing is restrained, the company can seek a balance and gain profits in the middle of the balance.

And when it is indulged, man is just a number, like an orphan in this dark world.

They were traded in turns, like old slaves, being exploited layer by layer between turns. Either gamble deeper, or borrow more.

One "steals", the other lures.

Lu Zhou took a sip of coffee, "After all, Old Cheng thought too far."

Products are black and white, and so is the world.

In this gray world, everyone is just a "canary". On the question of whether to go left or right, the choices of countless people more or less affect the progress of the whole.

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