Internet 2010

Chapter 123: no small miracle

A week later, Mengguyun ushered in a very important period of change.

The first is the two new cloud services newly planned by Luzhou for Menggu Cloud, the new service developed by the high-defense ddos ​​after the bandwidth upgrade of the computer room and the optimization of the software level and the commercial SMS issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Of these two items, the first item has been announced on the official website, but it has not actually been officially released. It is only available to the participants of the "Dream Creation Project".

The second item has been officially delivered for use, but the response from developers has not been enthusiastic.

In this regard, Lu Zhou is not surprised. He is well aware that this is a time when security and authentication are less of a priority.

The most important link, that is, the one-to-one correspondence between mobile phone numbers and personal identities has not been formally defined - the real-name system for mobile phone numbers has not yet arrived.

Therefore, for most Internet companies, there is no essential difference between using an email address or a mobile phone number. In other words, this is a habit inherited from the PC application. Like the heart wave scarf, the login account most people use is still the mailbox.

This is like a selective ignore.

However, for Lu Zhou, this was something that had to be done.

The birth of Kik, the product has a "strong relationship network" - mobile phone address book from the very beginning. A user registers kik with a mobile phone number, and the corresponding mobile phone address book will be collected.

From zero to existence, the mobile phone number, a user attribute ignored by ordinary people, endows kik-type applications with great self-growth vitality.

Of course, Lu Zhou also knows that this is a function that can be easily imitated.

But no matter where it comes from, maybe the response of developers is not hot, but the integration of SMS service in Menggu Cloud is mainly for WeChat.

In this transition period, the more important thing is the entry of several teams from the "Dream Creation Project".

Whether it is a "D+" statistical operation component or an SMS platform, what Menggu Cloud has to do is to build a business platform and provide an SDK to developers. What developers can do is to return and obtain data according to the regulations of Menggu Cloud.

The arrival of these teams now means that some virtual technologies and cloud management tools previously built by Menggu Cloud will be officially put into use and tested.

Because today's Chuangmeng team, their internal business codes are all self-customized, which is different from "D+" and SMS, etc. These teams need to write business and upload it to the cloud.

In the middle, Wen Xuwei also sneered at Luzhou, saying that he regarded the team of the Dream Creation Project as the "guinea pig" of Mengguyun. In this regard, Lu Zhou naturally disagreed.

If you have to use "guinea pig" to describe it, WeChat is undoubtedly the biggest one.

Since Cheng Xuyuan was in place, a large number of WeChat's microservices have been deployed on the server for extensive testing. After writing from a certain version, the code of these microservices will be compiled, deployed and periodically stress tested by automated scripts.

It can be said that almost all the places where Lu Zhou thinks there may be problems have been adjusted countless times. If it is WeChat, there may be a problem, but a few things from the Dream Creation team are really a small test.

Of course, it would be a lie to say that Luzhou did not have any idea of ​​actually putting it into production and testing. Someone has to taste the spicy first bite, like Hu Xiaoming of Ali Finance.


"Brother Wen. Which intern did this panel, let him come over." Lu Zhouben was sitting in the seat to adjust the video streaming function of WeChat, glanced at the other screen, and found some question.

He pointed at the intern, "The entire monitoring panel is not a traditional operation and maintenance monitoring suite. Our developers need to know only a small part of the important data. After all, now that we package into the cloud, they can completely ignore the operation and maintenance issues.

As much performance as the container gives, it's as much as it gets at the top. Therefore, this part of the data is a bit too complicated.

You first extract important data, remove the minutiae, and construct a model diagram. Find your Vancouver brother to give the read permission to another warehouse, and pull the system that was made before the Dream Valley advertisement. On the test server numbered 070822.

If you change it on that system, some of the functions you have already written can be reused directly, and you can do the rest according to the system of Dream Valley Advertising.

Come and ask if you don't understand. Report to me before 5pm. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Zhou called for the next one.

"The stability of the two newly added CGis in the WeChat business logic layer today is not very good, and the Host process has just been unable to serve. Who did it, come here. Adjust it a little..."

When Lu Zhou had arranged this question, he had a bright light in his mind again and walked to Cheng Xuyuan.

"In the recent testing period, I plan to reuse the new architecture. Frequent problems occur. This is no longer a small-scale performance problem, but there are certain problems in our logic layer.

I think we need to readjust. "

Cheng Xuyuan nodded when he heard it, "Well. I didn't feel the need to re-architecture at first. But as more and more functions are iterated during this period, once different versions of interface definitions are called, process crashes often occur. The problem.

Moreover, the issue of version release also needs to be re-planned. The whole system engineering becomes more complex as it goes on, so it is better to adjust it as soon as Do you have any ideas? "

Lu Zhou responded, "I have a general idea, but I will sort out the details later. You don't have to think about this issue first, I will set the direction and discuss it with you. After it is confirmed that it can be implemented, we will adopt a new structure."

"What about the release issue?"

Lu Zhou's brows furrowed a little after hearing this. Without him, there would not be enough manpower.

Cheng Xuyuan also understood when he saw his appearance. Now, most of the people in Room A233 are working more than 12 hours a day. Although there is no shortage of time for chatting and farting, it is still quite high-intensity.

"At that time, the Dream Valley advertisement was not done, and if it was done, I took it and changed it. It was barely usable." Cheng Xuyuan said.

Lu Zhou smiled helplessly, "You also have warehouse permissions, but it's not that you don't know that I really didn't do it. Why bother asking this."

"This is the day of the dog. I'm curious to know how you pull the banana up now. How does Hadron iterate now."

"I set a direction for him and let him figure it out for himself."

Cheng Xuyuan was stunned for a moment, and then he poured a large glass of water and was shocked, "That's really a miracle. It's been like this in a few months. It's really hard to be a strong child. done."

It is naturally impossible for Lu Zhou to say that he has a prophet, so that is why Banana can be successful in a short time. But he himself knew that this "prophet" had huge limitations.

And the caution brought about by this self-knowledge is the root of the busy daily life these days.

He said, "Come on. I wrote a small version and released a very simple version. Later, I was too troublesome to remove it and put it in my local repository."

"It's still your boss. You're awesome. I'm convinced."

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