Looking at the strange creature that was knocked to the ground by Xiao Ju, Ye Cheng didn't know what to say.

What a weird place this is.

To have such a weird thing.

After the thing was knocked to the ground by Xiaoju, it got up and ran away.

Boom, boom, boom.

The ground shook.

Ye Cheng watched the thing run away and did not chase it.

This world is too weird, so you have to be careful.

However, before the weird thing could run very far, Ye Cheng discovered that a huge head suddenly lifted up from the ground.

The head is more than twice as big as the flower.

"What the hell is this, Tyrannosaurus rex?" Ye Cheng was stunned.

Although the huge head is somewhat different from the Tyrannosaurus rex I saw in the movie, it's not too different.

The Tyrannosaurus rex opened its huge mouth and bit the delicate flower in one bite, which was actually its head.


There is no doubt that the head was bitten off directly, red liquid sprayed, and the picture looked a little bloody.

"Oh, damn it!"

Ye Cheng no longer stayed, and quickly asked Xiao Ju to shrink and jump on his shoulders, and the two of them left here quickly.

Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the huge Tyrannosaurus rex would not regard them as food.

Ye Cheng came to a towering tree.

This giant tree is as thick as dozens of people hugging each other, and is at least more than a hundred meters high.

This is nothing.

Because Ye Cheng can clearly see that there are many such towering trees in the distance. There are even trees that are taller and bigger than this one. This one is just closer to Ye Cheng.

This is a truly towering tree.

"Let's go up the tree and have a look!"

Nowadays, with Ye Cheng's physical condition, climbing trees is not too easy for him.

He climbed directly to the top of the tree in one breath, overlooking this strange land from above.

When he glanced at it, the shock in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

To the west of the big tree, the sky seemed to have cracked open, and endless sea water poured down from the sky. The spectacular scenery was definitely countless times more spectacular than any waterfall in the outside world.

The water poured down and rolled eastward.

On the winter side of this world, there is a bright red area everywhere, which seems to be a magma area. Sea water flows in the magma area, and immediately emits rich water vapor rising into the sky.

It seems that this huge amount of water vapor has formed a delicate balance with the sea water above, distinguishing this world from the water world above.

And the light of this world seems to come from that magma sea.

The sea surface above reflects the light of the magma to the east to the entire world, so the world looks red and misty.

On the south side are the mountains, which are lush and green.

On the north side, there was a large red plain. It was unclear what the red things on it were. Ye Cheng suspected that it might be grass, patches of grass, but the color of the grass was weird, not green.

But in this world, even if the grass is green, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

"This, isn't it the underground world?"

Ye Cheng had a bold guess in his mind.

Above is the sea. Obviously, the vortex that appeared in the sea may not be caused by the giant squid, but some kind of siphon effect, pulling itself into this world.

As for how he survived at such a high level, it was probably Xiaoju who saved him. Use your own body to resist all harm.

In this case, there is an explanation for the sea water pouring in from the west.

Ye Cheng has also read Journey to the Center of the Earth before and also read some science magazines. Many scientists have said that the underground may be hollow and there may be another world.

He just didn't expect that he would actually be here today.

"Hey, I went to find Yunding Tiangong, but I ended up in this underground world inexplicably. I wonder if Fatty and Duoduo thought I was dead!"

Ye Cheng was not sure how far the hot spring was from the sea below, but since he was missing, he was afraid that the archaeological team would not continue moving forward.

It is even possible that he will come down to find himself.

But whether it can be found is another matter.

Regardless of whether they can find this place or not, Ye Cheng now has to find a way to save himself and get out of here.

However, looking at the sea surface above, which was at least a thousand meters away from the ground, he was really worried. It would be as difficult as climbing to the sky if he wanted to go up.

Unless you have wings and can fly up.


"Can I catch a pterosaur and let him take me to the sea? Then maybe I can leave!" Ye Cheng thought this was a plan.

He looked up at the sky.

There are not only pterosaurs in the sky, but also creatures with wings that look somewhat like birds, but more like dragons.

"Maybe there is some chance!"

Just as he said, Ye Cheng set his sights on those flying animals.

But the process is certainly not that simple.

These flying birds are also very large. Moreover, they have wings after all, so it is not that easy to catch them alive.

Even if he was caught, it was still unclear whether the flying dragon would be willing to take him up.

Therefore, this idea is easy to say, but not so easy to do, and it is full of variables.

Ye Cheng was not in a hurry to take action. He took out some food from his pocket.

Fortunately, this time he brought a lot of food to find the Genting Heavenly Palace. Even if he didn't eat the food here, he would definitely be able to survive for a year and a half.

He gave Xiaoju another bottle of metallic sodium.

This little guy saved his life, and it must have consumed a lot of money.

Xiao Ju suddenly became excited and swallowed the sodium metal. Ye Cheng quickly put him into the portable space temporarily, otherwise the little guy would spit out fire and burn the tree.

While eating, he observed the movements of the flying dragons and looked for their landing spots.

Soon, he made a discovery.

After these flying dragons hover in the sky, they will settle on the cliffs of the southern mountains. It seems that there is the nest of these flying dragons.

The waterfall to the west should be where these flying dragons feed.

Not only do they eat some small terrestrial animals, they seem to prefer eating fish and shrimps in the sea.

After much thought, Ye Cheng decided to go to the west to catch the flying dragon.

The mountains to the south are obviously the lair of these flying dragons, and there may not necessarily be many of the same kind inside. If you go there rashly and take action, you may immediately become a public enemy.

When the time comes and I am besieged by all the flying dragons, even if I really get wings, I am afraid I will not be able to escape and will only die.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, it is more reliable to capture the flying dragon around the waterfall in the west.

Immediately, Ye Cheng climbed down from the tree and started heading west.

However, it is easier said than done. There is no guarantee that you will encounter any dangers along the way. Whether you can reach the bottom of the waterfall safely is still a question.

He must be cautious and prudent.

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