Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber

Six hundred and twenty-six There's a ghost behind it

Ye Cheng looked around cautiously. There might be some hidden danger hidden here.

After all, this is Gutongjing, and there are too many weird things happening there. It’s not surprising if anything happens, and Ye Cheng has to be more vigilant.

However, after looking around, Ye Cheng didn't find any problems or anything that might bring danger.

This is a big pit. Apart from the corridor in front and the vent in the upper left corner, there is no other strange place.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it. Maybe, this person was already sick, and maybe he's getting sick now!" Ye Cheng thought to himself!

After all, if this guy has a heart disease or other disease, he may suffer a cardiac arrest during strenuous exercise or shock!

He reached his hand to the man's neck. There was no beating in the carotid artery. It was almost certain that the man was dead.

He lifted the man up and laid him flat on the ground.

The man's face was a little ferocious, his eyes were round and his mouth was open. It looked like he had encountered something that made him extremely frightened.

Ye Cheng briefly checked and found that there were no wounds on the front of the body, ruling out the possibility of trauma.

His eyes were a little strange, and he thought to himself, "Is this guy really scared to death?"

However, a member of the Wang family knows many things that ordinary people don't know. It stands to reason that the heart should be very strong. If such a person is really scared to death, what kind of things must he have experienced!

Ye Cheng couldn't understand, and he didn't want to think about it anymore.

Curiosity killed the cat, so there is no need to continue research.

Otherwise, it would not be a good thing for him to really study it.

At this moment, it is business to leave here and find Su Nan and the others.

Immediately, Ye Cheng stood up and prepared to leave.

But suddenly, Ye Cheng felt an inexplicable sense of panic in his heart.

The feeling came quickly, as if something was staring at him, and it should be very unfriendly.

Ye Cheng thinks that his senses have always been very accurate. His sensitive senses benefit from the powerful perception of Qilin blood. Several times, he sensed things in advance and helped him get out of trouble.

"Here, what's going on? Is there really something?"

For a moment, Ye Cheng felt that his scalp was going to explode. This feeling was very bad, and it was even possible that the thing that scared the Wang family to death had escaped.

At this moment, he guessed that this thing should be around him.

And in this big pit, the only place to hide something is the vent.

Ye Cheng didn't dare to look.

This thing can scare the Wang family to death, it must be terrifying.

He thought he was very brave, but he didn't want to take the risk. Who knew whether the other party was simply terrifying or had other skills.

His eyes glanced slightly.

I could really see it vaguely,

Something really appeared in the place where the air vent was originally empty.

It seemed to be a grimace, very ghostly, and made people feel very uneasy.

But he didn't look carefully, took a deep breath, jumped up the steps, and ran away.

No matter what it was, he didn't want to pay attention to it, nor did he want to study it. Thirty-six tactics were the best, and it was his best choice now.

Ye Cheng is not a hot-headed person, and he understands that curiosity killed the cat. Sometimes, you still have to be in awe of some things.

Although he doesn't believe it, it doesn't mean that these things don't exist.

Therefore, it is better to avoid some things as soon as possible!

This corridor is not long, but it is winding and full of forks. Ye Cheng himself doesn't know where he is now.

He was spinning around so much that he felt dizzy.

About half an hour later, Ye Cheng stopped!

He was in no hurry to look back.

After waiting for a few minutes, his breathing became more even. He took a deep breath, calmed down, and then slowly turned around.

There is nothing behind him, only endless darkness, and nothing else!

"Huh, luckily I didn't follow you!"

Ye Cheng breathed a long sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Ye Cheng suddenly felt a bit of cold wind blowing on the back of his head.

When I was running, I didn't feel any airflow here.

There are caves everywhere here, just like entering a mouse hole, with no ventilation at all.

But where does this cool breeze come from?

Although the cool breeze was not big, it was like someone blowing air, and it could only be felt at the back of the head.

"I, Cao, don't bring such exciting things!"

For a moment, Ye Cheng felt that his scalp was going to explode and his whole body was in bad condition.


But suddenly, Ye Cheng felt that something was wrong. If that thing was really a ghost, how could it be breathing? It was impossible.

"Could it be that I'm overthinking it?"

Ye Cheng was curious, but he didn't turn his head in a hurry.

Who knows what he will face when he turns around.

Moreover, when he was a child, he used to listen to the old man telling stories. These dirty things liked to pat you on the shoulder and exhale behind you.

If you really turn your head to check, you will play into their hands, and you will have the Yang Fire on your shoulders blown out, and your soul will be taken away directly.

When he thought of this, Ye Cheng did not dare to turn around.

Whatever is scary comes.

Suddenly, Ye Cheng felt something coming up on his back and sticking tightly to his back, but that was all, and the thing stopped moving for an instant.

Ye Cheng also seemed to have been cast a immobilization spell. He was completely frozen there, not daring to move at all.

In this way, he and the thing behind were facing each other, and no one moved. This feeling is really extremely tortured, making people feel inexplicably unsure and full of panic.

Even though Ye Cheng thought that he was very brave along the way, anyone else would be unsure if he encountered such a weird thing in this dark black hole.

If you say you're not afraid, that's a lie.

"What should I do? What should I do? Keep running?"

For a moment, Ye Cheng had no idea and didn't know how to deal with this situation.

Time passed by minute by second, Ye Cheng remained motionless, feeling that his body was going stiff, and the thing behind him was also motionless.

They were facing each other like this, as if they were waiting for the other to make the first move.

Ye Cheng was thinking in his mind whether he should run back again, but after thinking about it, after running for so long without running away, it seemed that there was no point in running anymore, so he might as well just fight.

"Grandma, the ancient black gold sword has the effect of destroying evil spirits. I don't believe it. Even if there is a real ghost, I don't believe you can stop the ancient black gold sword. At worst, I have a sky-swallowing toad that will swallow you directly!" Ye Cheng felt furious.

In fact, his patience has long been exhausted and he plans to give it a try.

The worst case scenario is death, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Thinking of this, Ye Cheng took out the black gold ancient sword quietly, then took two deep breaths and got ready.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around suddenly, raised the black gold ancient sword high, and slashed it from behind.


Ye Cheng shouted, as if to embolden himself.

The black gold ancient sword flashed with cold light and struck down with force. However, when the sword was halfway through, Ye Cheng stopped the sword in mid-air.

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