Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber

One hundred and eighty-eighth song on the ghost ship

It was pitch black inside the ship, except for the sound of the storm outside, it seemed a little dead.

The whole warehouse is filled with a salty smell, like there are a lot of salted fish, the smell is really unpleasant.

Ye Cheng was walking on the decaying stairs, making a creaking sound. He could see that this ship should have been abandoned for a long time, but it was a miracle that it was still able to sail on the sea without being overturned by the big waves.

In his previous life, Ye Cheng had also heard many legends about ghost ships.

All legends have one thing in common, and that is the discovery of a ship at sea without a man!

Some ships still have hot meals on board, and even half-finished dinners, but the people who ate them disappeared out of thin air.

Even, a lot of movies have been made abroad with this theme, which shows the degree of mystery.

"This kind of thing can also make me meet. It seems that I really have Conan's physique!" Ye Cheng laughed at himself.

He held Xiao Shenfeng in his hand.

Although this thing is short, it is very handy, and it is much more convenient than the black gold ancient knife, and it will not cause suspicion.

He stared at the corpse.

The upper body of the corpse was lying on the stairs, and the lower body was still below. Looking at this posture, it seemed as if he was climbing up before he died.

Ye Cheng walked over slowly and crouched down in front of the corpse.

He looked down carefully, frowning.

This corpse has not rotted yet, but it has been shriveled, and it is estimated that it has been dead for many years. A face is buckled on the stairs, and it is difficult to see what it looks like.

There were many barnacles growing in the position of his exposed neck, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Ye Cheng used a small kamikaze to lift the corpse's head up.

This is a man's face, his face is black and blue, his eyes are closed, his mouth is open, and there are also some barnacles on his face, giving people the feeling that he has a layer of psoriasis. Diaphragm.

Ye Cheng checked again and found no wounds on this person's body.

It doesn't look like it was killed by a sea monkey.

He went around the corpse,

Jumped directly into the cabin.

There are a lot of cargo boxes inside, and the tops are tightly covered.

After Ye Cheng opened it, he opened a box and looked at it. He was so frightened by this look that he turned around and retched, and almost vomited.

Inside was a pile of corpses.

The corpses are piled up together, waxed, and several heads are raised high, as if struggling, longing for something.

"Why are there so many corpses in there?" Ye Cheng was extremely puzzled.

As far as he knew, a ghost ship also appeared, but the inside of the ship was empty and there was nothing.

But this one I encountered, but encountered corpses one after another, very strange.

Looking at the appearance of these people, when they were put into these containers, they should still be alive. They should have suffered great pain inside and tried to struggle to get out, but they were unsuccessful.

Ye Cheng opened a few more containers, some of which contained some goods, while others were filled with people.

Do not.

It should be a corpse.

The corpses included men and women, and even children.

It can be seen that they all suffered great pain and struggled hard before they died, but unfortunately, they did not break free.

"What's going on here? It's hard to come by, this is a smuggling boat?" Ye Cheng knew that decades ago, smuggling was prevalent, and many people risked their lives in order to get a bite to eat.

Smuggling will be carried out through various methods, and some people also specialize in this kind of business.

But why are these people dying here?

Ye Cheng found several mummified corpses in the cabin, the same as the man lying on the stairs before.

Before his death, he must have been frightened, and his body was in a crawling motion.

Strangely, none of them had obvious trauma, and they were all covered with barnacles.

He took off a person's shirt, and the skin was covered with barnacles. These barnacles were like cancerous tumors, draining the flesh and blood of these people.

Ye Cheng was quite courageous, but he still felt a creepy feeling in this cabin, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

He couldn't figure out what happened in the ship that year.

Why did these crew members die inexplicably.

The sea is a mysterious place, enough to be awe-inspiring. Even with the development of human beings to the current level of technology, it is still impossible to find out everything hidden in the sea.

Ye Cheng didn't want to stay any longer, he wanted to go up and check if the ship had returned.

dong dong dong...

Suddenly, a voice came from the depths of the cabin.

It sounded like something was knocking on the door.

Ye Cheng's brows immediately wrinkled, "It's hard to come by, is anyone still alive?"

He hesitated, but decided to check the situation.

Ye Cheng walked towards the position where the sound came from!

Passing through the cargo warehouse, behind is the sailor's lounge, and beyond that is the bow. The position of the bow is separated by an iron wall. Steel doors with a large steering wheel-like rotary lock on the door.

Ye Cheng approached and took a closer look. The iron gate was still covered with rubber, which completely separated the inside from the outside.

This kind of sealed room is generally used on large ships to isolate the seawater, but it is a bit strange to put it here!

Just when I was curious, I suddenly heard a strange sound!

Ye Cheng listened, and suddenly felt a tingling in his scalp.

There was a faint singing voice inside.

The voice is very small, but it is melodious and beautiful, and it is very ethereal, like a singer with a peerless voice inside.

Ye Cheng's goosebumps arose.

In this strange cabin, there are people who died inexplicably everywhere, but he heard the strange singing, this Nima is really scary.

Even Ye Cheng felt a tingling in his scalp.

He stood in front of the gate, hesitating whether to open the gate to see the situation. He vaguely felt that the deaths of these people on the ship should be related to the sound inside.

And, probably died because of it.


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