Injustice Superman Starts From Marvel

Chapter 24 Bait·Hole Card

"Ha ha."

Seeing Nick Fury's motherly expression, Heisenberg smiled unceremoniously.

But after laughing enough, Heisenberg waved to everyone.

"It seems that I am interrupting your meeting, so I will tell you about my request."

When the voice fell, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Should things unfold like this?

Isn't it because you saw that we were in a meeting, so you exited politely? are really welcome!

definitely, they dare to think so, but they dare not say so.

And Heisenberg said his intentions along the way.

"I hope you find someone for me, Zebdia Kilgrave, who was a spy.

He has stolen nerve gas from your US Army base, but he made a mistake in his mission and was swallowed by nerve gas, but he gained some madness as a result.

When you are looking for him, never send anyone to contact him, because anyone who comes into contact with him will be easily controlled by him!

In short, I only need you to provide me with his location, and I want to find him and kill him.

My subordinate Erica will act with you, you had better listen to her command, otherwise I will not be responsible for your deaths and injuries! "

After speaking, Heisenberg nodded his head.

"That's it, hurry up and do it, I won't bother you."

When the voice fell, he had already cut through the sky and disappeared without a trace.

In just a few seconds or ten seconds, Heisenberg appeared in the hospital again.

He came to Erica and ordered.

"After the cooperation with S.H.I.E.L.D starts, pay attention to a person named Rumlow. He will be your future teammate, so be kind to him."

Erica and the bullseye heard it, and immediately raised infinite admiration for Heisenberg.

I've only heard that S.H.I.E.L.D planted spies into the gang, but the boss, have you already stuffed yourself into S.H.I.E.L.D?

Even if Rumlow is only the lowest-level Aegis, he can play an extremely important role!

For a while, Bullseye and Erica were full of expectations for the future.


On the other side, Washington Aegis headquarters after Heisenberg left.

A group of people look at me, I look at you...


Dr. Banner couldn't help speaking.

"This...this is the first time I saw him. He has always been so..., strong?"

"Haha, Banner, you also have his power, so you can be as strong as you like!"

Tony said coldly.

Don't worry about whether he drank Heisenberg's wine or talked about the commotion among men.

Not to mention that they only have one meal of fate, no matter how many drinks, Tony can't bear Heisenberg's sense of superiority.

As he himself once said to Pepper, he is destined to be unable to be friends with Heisenberg, and the greatest possibility between the two is what it is now.

imaginary enemy!

Hearing Tony's words, Banner's heart was shocked.

Seriously, at this moment he asked himself seriously.

Why can Heisenberg rely on such a powerful force to frighten Aegis, so that S.H.I.E.L.D actually confessed him high.

What about yourself?

Why do I have to live a life of fleeing from the east, can't eat enough, and live tremblingly?

Why can't I live like him?

As long as I am willing to accept the power of that big guy!

Thinking of this, Banner was stunned.

He figured it out.

He knew why he was not so free and easy than Heisenberg.

Just because his power is not his power, but Hulk's power.

That power does not belong to him, and he is deeply afraid and disgusted by the existence of Hulk.

But he really wanted to live an ordinary life.

So can he master the power of Hulk, or get rid of the power of Hulk?

As long as he can have a peaceful life again, he no longer needs to worry about letting Hulk show up for a while!

At this moment, he had a certain determination.

Without mentioning Banner's psychological activities, the rest of the Avengers are obviously caught in fear of Heisenberg.

"The last time I saw him, he was still a handsome naked man. I thought we would still have a chance to happen to him after we picked him up." Natasha Romanoff greeted him first.

"What happened? The only relationship we can have with him now is his unilateral domination of us!" Hawkeye shrugged.

"Yeah, unilaterally, we can't even refuse his request."

Nick sighed long.

"After all, his requirements are not high at all. He doesn't need this country, he doesn't need to destroy mankind, and he doesn't need to be a new God."

"But we can't satisfy him blindly like this, Nick, I came to the department established by my father as a consultant, not for him as an assistant to an alien!"

Tony's words are quite rude, but it also speaks to Nick's heart.

I saw Nick nodded to Iron Man and said solemnly.

"Then let us exchange information and decide how to control him."

While talking, Nick clapped his hands, and the meeting room suddenly became dark.

The virtual light gathered in the room, and a clear picture appeared in the middle of the round table where everyone was sitting.

And Nick Fury explained in due course."The so-called exchange of information is mainly for me to show some of the secret weapons I have in my hands to you.

You have experienced commanders like Captain, and geniuses like Tony and Banner.

So I hope you will make a selection of my secret weapon.

He is too strong. If something unacceptable happens to us, then we might only have one chance! "

While talking, a beautiful but very thin woman appeared at the center of the round table.

"Jane Foster, a young astrophysicist and also Thor Thor's girlfriend!"

At this point, the virtual picture changed in time, and Jane Foster quickly became the tall and burly Prince Asgard.

"Thor Thor, Prince Asgard, and Crown Prince of Asgard, no one knows how his skills compare to Superman.

But I believe that if we can rely on his girlfriend to contact him who has returned to Asgard, then he will be our help, because an arrogant guy like him is definitely not used to seeing someone more arrogant than him! "

Speaking of this, Nick quietly switched the virtual screen.

The virtual picture of At the moment turned into a heroic but not very beautiful American aunt.

At the moment this aunt is wearing an amazing uniform, launching an attack on countless spaceships in the universe!

In a short moment, everyone in the Avengers jumped up from their stools.

"What the hell is this?"

"Nick, are you sure you are not joking?"

"Who is this, how do I think he is Superman!"

"She is……?"

"She was the former executor of the U.S. Air Force Pegasus program. You can call her Major Carroll, but her code name is Captain Marvel.

She has the Ability of super-light transition, unstoppable strength and physique, but the only problem is.... "

"What is it?" Natasha Romanoff asked.

"She is mainly active in the universe, maybe hundreds of thousands of light years away from us..."

"Okay, okay, okay, okay!"

Iron Man's eyes lit up.

"Is the universe really so bright, so the silence we think is that the earth hasn't got the ticket to the universe yet?"

"That's right!" Nick nodded: "These news will never spread among the citizens. Not everyone can accept the reality that the earth is equivalent to the indigenous people, but fortunately, we also have Captain Marvel that can form a race in the universe. Deterrent strong!"

"But the problem is... Are you sure Captain Marvel is better than me, or better than him, and you still listen to you"

Banner frowned and asked, which made Nick shrug helplessly.

"I'm not sure. If so, he would have become our prisoner."

"So your so-called exchange of information is to use two people who may cause trouble for him, and a gorgeous universe, to draw us a target that is visible and intangible?"

Tony asked unhappy.

Seeing this, Nick patted the table helplessly.

"Indeed, I admit that what I have said is useless, at least for the time being, but like a war, no one knows who will win until the end, and what we are doing is to increase our chances of winning!"

"So..." Banner thought for a while and reminded: "Your original plan was to include him as a member of the Avengers, right, why don't we extrapolate some plans for establishing a friendly relationship with him!""Friendly relationship, do you think we will take the friendly relationship with Japan Island seriously? Do you think Han Island has a chance to get something from our friendly relationship?

When the gap between the strengths of the two parties is too large, the friendly relationship will not exist, Banner. "

"Then, we might be able to find a chance to make the guy in me shine. Although this is dangerous,...maybe it will increase our bargaining chips!"

"It's barely an idea, but something suddenly came to my mind!"

I saw Tony took Banner's words and said to everyone.

"I was suddenly puzzled. Why did he ask us to find the so-called purple man for him just now, and why did he kill the purple man?"


As soon as Tony's voice fell, Natasha Romanoff smiled unceremoniously.

"Please? Your words are too whitewashed, he is just an order, I can't hear the taste of please!"

"OK, that's an order, but why does he want to kill the purple man, is it related to the purple man's Ability, or does he even suffer from the purple man?"

Hearing this, Nick Fury stared in surprise.

"You mean..."

"Yes, my opinion is to find this purple man first and figure out his Ability.

He said that the purple man has the ability to control others. Can this control be a weapon for us to deal with him? Tony said at last.

After listening to Tony's opinion, everyone present looked at each other and thought about it again...

After a while, Captain America stood up.

"It's better to implement several plans together. I will lead the team to find and try to contact the purple man. Natasha Romanoff communicates with Jane Foster. Barton is with me. Tony, as the Iron Man, is ready to support our respective teams. Bar."

After speaking, Captain America turned around and left without stopping.

Until Dr. Banner stopped him.

"Wait, Captain!"

The Banner of At the moment was particularly embarrassed, and he asked Captain America with a little anger.

"What about me, what is my mission?"

"You..., have to admit that your anger is our strongest hole card, so you will only appear on the most critical battlefield!"

"In other words, unless you screw it up, otherwise I can only be their experiment in the base?"

In a moment, Banner turned a little green.

Everyone's hearts suddenly startled.

And Captain America....

Before he could answer, Nick Fury explained to Banner for him.


Just listen to Nick Fury.

"That's not an experiment in your mouth, but to prevent you from appearing like this. In any case, you need to become more calm!"

"and many more!"

Hawkeye interrupted everyone unexpectedly, only to see him raise his hand and say.

"I think we seem to have overlooked one thing. The first thing we need to do is to figure out the authenticity of Krypton, or to find the Kryptonite that may exist on Earth?"

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