Infinite World Projection

Chapter 311: Volunteers (No. 3

  Life is contaminated with dark elements, which is a very troublesome thing.

   The simplest and direct influence is that the living body itself will gradually change under the scouring of dark elements, and some changes will occur.

  Because of these changes, their power will become strong in a short period of time, they will break through their own limits in a short time, break the limit of life, and transform into a new species.

  Final's statement is that the gene sequence was broken and reorganized under the influence of unknown forces, and thus has more possibilities.

  When the gene sequence is reorganized under the influence of the power of dark elements, their power will become more powerful, far beyond the past.

   Of course, the results of this strengthening are not all good.

  Because the influence of this gene sequence change is not stable, it will lead to extremely unstable gene sequence.

   Therefore, the life strengthened in this way often does not have a long life, and it is likely that the gene will collapse at some point and die.

   But even so, this is an extremely effective means.

  Through studying this method, Chen Changming had some ideas.

   The living body itself can be infected by the power of the aura by inscribing the aura pattern, and thus become more powerful, so why can't people do it?

Although    is a high-level life, it is also a member of the living body.

   Those who exist like rabbits and tigers can do it, so should people.

  Since this is the case, can this method be applied to people in this way to achieve the purpose of making people powerful?

   Even, if you use this method, you don't need people to have spiritual roots, you can become more powerful.

  At this moment, Chen Changming had a thought.

   This is an unexpected joy.

  Chen Changming studied the dark elements, but originally wanted to study how to extract the aura in the extreme environment.

   did not expect to hit by mistake, but also researched these.

   can see from his eyes that if this idea can be expanded and applied to a wide range of creatures, even monks, the future is promising.

   Even to a certain extent, even for Chen Changming, it may not be of any benefit.

   Of course, there are many gaps in wanting to turn ideas into tangible results.

  At least, some good enough test products are indispensable.

   At this point, Chen Changming shook his head secretly, and stretched out his hand at will.

   On the spacious test rig in front of him, the huge white rabbit's body shuddered, and the lines in his body started, and then burst open directly.

   The flesh and blood of one place shattered and was cleaned up by Chen Changming, leaving only one thing as the core.

   It is a black crystal, like a beautiful black gemstone, which glows in the dim light and looks very beautiful.

   If you take it out and sell it, you can easily sell a high price.

   Of course, this thing is not just looking good.

   is also amazing in terms of lethality.

   is different from ordinary spiritual crystal, this dark element crystal is full of dark elements harmful to human body.

  If ordinary people hold this dark element crystal for a long time, the whole body will be eroded by the dark element for a long time, and will suffer a lot of damage.

  This is completely opposite to the normal spirit stone.

   Therefore, if you can't master the effective use of this dark spirit stone, this kind of thing is completely useless, but it is still very harmful.

   "In addition, the conversion effect is also a big problem..."

   pinched the dark element crystal in his hand, Chen Changming's thought flashed in his mind.

  The crystal of the dark element on his hand is not too big, just the size of the small fingernail of ordinary people.

  However, it is only such a small size, but it is already the result of the previous rabbit for half a year.

  Compared with Chen Changming's own shot, the efficiency of this transformation is very low.

   But there is no way.

   Since the use of biological energy to provide power, it must be restricted.

   The power that a rabbit can provide is too thin, and the power of his body urges the Lingling Formation, and the final result is not ideal.

   is too slow.

  In Chen Changming's prediction, if you want to achieve better results, it is better to use some large life.

  At least compared to rabbits, these large creatures can provide more biological energy, and the effect will be better.

   "Maybe you can try the giants..."

   holding this dark spirit stone in his hand, Chen Changming's thought flashed in his mind: "By the way, you can also try to strengthen the effect of Gathering Array..."

   flashed this thought in his heart, and could not help smiling.

   Afterwards, he turned away from here and went to other places.

   Time passed slowly.

  A few days later, under the operation of Final, several giants were transported over.


   A crackling sound kept echoing.

   There was a crack in this place, noisy by the roaring giants.

   Listening to these voices, Chen Changming slowly looked up and looked at him.

   is a large iron cage in front of him.

Among the iron cages, several giants with a height of three meters and thick hairs roared in the iron cage, glaring at Chen Changming and others outside.

"how is it?"

  Final was wearing a white robe, holding a stack of documents in his hand, and the appearance of a researcher: "According to your requirements, ten giants of similar age, body type, and blood relationship are suitable for comparative experiments."

   "In order to buy these guys, our cost is very high."

"It's ok."

  Chen Changming shook his head and said: "If there is no accident, after a while, we can come up with experimental results."

   "At that time, money or something is naturally not a problem."

   He spoke softly, not paying much attention to the money in this world.

  Final is actually just talking casually.

   During this half-year period, Chen Changming took out some simple versions of Danfang and refined it through the scientific and technological means of this world, and achieved great results.

  In just a short time, under Chen Changming's two men, there have been more than a dozen companies and many other properties.

   It can be said that the two do not lack money at all.

   spoke lightly and explained a few words, then Chen Changming turned around and left here.

   On the spot, Final looked at Chen Changming's figure, and he was a little bit hesitant.

   It just ended up saying nothing.

   After a moment, when the figure of Chen Changming disappeared completely, there was no figure around him.

   This is a young man who looks pretty handsome, wearing a black robe with a scar before his forehead.

   He came out of the corner, looking at the direction that Chen Changming left: "Captain, are you still unsure?"


  Finar sighed: "At his original level of awakening, your existence cannot hide him."

   "Since he didn't say anything, it should be acquiescence, but he didn't want to intervene......."


  The youth couldn't help but plug: "We want to counterattack back, top-level combat power is essential..."

   "With the strength shown by this awakening king, as long as he is willing to posture to the highest mech, even if it is a starry sky beast, it may not be his opponent..."

   "But he doesn't seem willing..."

  Finar is also a little helpless: "He has allowed me to use so many resources to help you, it is already very kind. In the past six months, thanks to these financial resources, we will develop to this point..."

   "Now people are unwilling, why do we have him join?"

   "Contribute to the parent star and work hard for the independence of the parent star. Isn't this what every parent star should do?"

   said the youth could not help.

   Finaar could not help but glanced at the other party and shook his head secretly.

   For the awakeners of this level, what is the meaning of the so-called parent star?

  With the strength of the other party, they can mix well wherever they go, and belong to the top group of people.

   Moreover, whether the other party is their mother star is not necessarily so.

   "However, although he is not willing to help directly, if his recent plan is successful, it may be of great help to our plan..."

  She thought about it and said so again.

   In the past six months, she has always been with Chen Changming. Although he is not clear about his purpose, he still has some understanding of Chen Changming's experimental subject.

  Chen Changming's recent research is naturally clear to her.

  If this research is successful, it can be quickly applied to the awakeners and increase their combat power.

  If he can persuade Chen Changming to let them bring out the experimental results and apply them to them, they can also increase their strength.

  At this moment, she held this idea in her heart.

   "Just... how to convince him..."

   Afterwards, Finaar was a little worried and began to worry about Chen Changming's opinion.

   She did not know that her worry was completely unnecessary.

In the laboratory beside   , silently listening to the conversation between Finaal and Chen Changming couldn't help but smile.

   "In this year, even the experiment has been delivered to you by yourself..."

   He could not help smiling, the thought flashed in his heart.

  Final's idea is just the experiment in front of you wants to be perfect, then some powerful living individuals must be used as the experiment.

   In these experimental products, it is natural to use the world's top individuals, those who are awakened as appropriate.

   Previously, Chen Changming didn't mean to find some awakeners in the past to use as experiments.

   However, in this world, the awakeners are different from other beings and belong to the top class. They will not be sold at all.

   is a non-sale product that cannot be bought with money.

   As for getting a few of them back, some of them are too obvious and also very troublesome.

   Therefore, Chen Changming has not personally experimented with this idea.

   did not expect that this idea was sitting at home, and some people even sent it to the muzzle themselves.

   If Finaal really wants to send people to him, Chen Changming absolutely raised his hands to agree, how could he refuse?

  Thinking of this, Chen Changming couldn't help smiling, and then walked silently to the side.

   In a corner of the laboratory, a huge groove lay in it.

   And in it, a figure rises and falls in it, not others, it is the seventh-level awakener who was caught by Chen Changming.


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