Infinite Battlefield: Ten Times the Points

Chapter 344 Enchantment Environment and Interview

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After the foundation stone of the guard formation was also upgraded, Su Yang still had 1.95 million guard points left.

After a few more turns in the guard shop, he soon found a nice one.

[Breath of the Divine Tree]: Use it on common tree species, and after using it, it will produce magical changes.

Price: 500 Guard Points

There is a big tree in Su Yang's backyard that has been there since he moved here, and he has been with him for six years.

After buying the breath of the divine tree, he immediately manifested it.

This is a brocade box containing luminous powder, and the powder inside is the breath of the divine tree.

Su Yang took it and flew over the big tree, and sprinkled all the powder in the box.

Guarding the world started at 0:00 in the morning, and each group lasted two and a half hours. By the time they finished the third group, it was already 7:30 in the morning.

So it is daytime.

After returning to the room, Su Yang stared at the tree outside the window, except that the leaves were brighter, everything seemed to be business as usual.

Now this enchantment can control the environment.

Su Yang wanted to see the actual brightness of the leaf, so he tried to change the environment in the barrier to night.

A thought moved, and the next moment, the surroundings suddenly plunged into darkness.

There were several exclamations in the hall, apparently the women were frightened by the sudden change in the environment.


Su Yang hurriedly went out and explained it to them.

"Hmph, you can forgive me if you want to. Give us the power of enchantment, and we will forgive you."

Mu Wanyue crossed her arms and said in a dignified manner.

"Okay, okay." Su Yang smiled and nodded.

The two were naturally joking.

Without this, he would have also given them the enchantment authority.

There's not much to say about this.

After all, in the same home, other family members always have the keys to the home, and they can always decide whether to turn the lights on or off in the home, right?

The few people who got permission were very happy, and Mu Wanyue was the worst.

"We are so dark now, mainly because Su Yang, you only made the night but not the moon."

Mu Wanyue covered her mouth and smiled evilly, revealing her cute little tiger teeth.

She took out a fairy stick out of nowhere, ran outside and waved it towards the night sky: "Come out of the moon! Sprinkle the moonlight on the earth."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge full moon appeared in the night sky in the barrier.

Yet there is still no light.

"The moon itself does not emit light, it reflects the light of the sun." Mu Qingtian pursed his lips and said in a blink of an eye, "But we can control the environment here at will, you can create a moon that will emit light by itself. already?"

"It makes sense."

Mu Wanyue wiped out the moon with a pair of eyes, creating a second full moon in its place.

This time, the orange-yellow moonlight is exceptionally bright!

In this second creation, she also slightly changed the color of the moonlight.

"It seems that something is missing..." Mu Wanyue looked at the night sky and frowned slightly.

Tang Wuyue on the side smiled lightly and waved it casually.

Immediately, bright stars appeared in the night sky, embellishing the dark night of the enchantment beautifully.

A few people walked around the house and came to the backyard, and saw that every leaf of the big tree in the backyard was glowing, emitting a faint fluorescent light.

The clear lake under the tree reflects the full moon and the bright trees, and the lake is full of lush green grass.

——There is only one warehouse, one lake and one tree in the backyard, and the rest are flowers and plants that Tang Wuyue intentionally planted.

"It's so beautiful." The three girls couldn't help sighing when they looked at the fluorescent tree that was half a floor tall.

Su Yang stood behind them, but his eyes shifted to the full moon.

Looking at this full moon, he naturally thought of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

'Well... there is still a peak ranking at noon today, let's take a day off tomorrow. ’

Thinking of the Mid-Autumn Festival, he first thought of a holiday - he planned to give himself a holiday.

Take a day off and do nothing.

Immediately afterwards, he thought of the reunion of the Mid-Autumn Festival.


I have never seen Wu Yue's family. ’

He and the Mu family sisters are both "lonely and widowed", but Tang Wuyue is not.

Su Yang remembered that she would go back every Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese New Year.

Now that he and her are barely a boyfriend or girlfriend, is it time to see their parents in the future?

'Well...forget it, let's take a step by step. ’


Although it was night in the barrier, it was indeed more than eight o'clock in the morning now.

It's sunny outside.

After the group enjoyed the night view of the enchantment, they closed the enchantment environment to let in the sunlight from the outside world.

Of course, the sun in the enchantment is consistent with the outside world, which can allow plants to grow and are the source of energy.

Just because there is the sun outside, there is no need to open a separate one in the barrier.

While several people were chatting in the hall, the doorbell of the courtyard rang.

The three of them turned their attention to Su Yang, and it must have something to do with him without thinking.

The latter raised his eyebrows and went out to the gate of the courtyard.

A bunch of reporters stood outside.

The group had come to interview him before when he rescued hundreds of thousands of people swept into the sea by the tsunami.

It was chaos and disorder.

Now they are lined up in three rows, standing in an orderly manner - this is not a move they will consciously make, and it is obvious that there are people like law enforcement teams maintaining order.

He turned his eyes to the side, and when he saw Hu Xueqian, the god of pigs, and Lin Wanrou, the god of rabbits, standing side by side, there was no surprise in his heart.

This is the first time the outside world has come into contact with the Illusory God, and the first time he has come into contact with the real Su Yang.

In order to prevent accidents, it is reasonable and reasonable for the Shenzhan Bureau to send a god general to maintain order.

In addition to them, there was a hustle and bustle of people standing farther away, with their heads shaking and bustling, all of them staring at this side with shining eyes.

After seeing Su Yang, everyone showed excited expressions.

"Su Yang, Su Yang, Su Yang is out!"

"Phantom God! Phantom God! Phantom God!"


The crowd cheered enthusiastically, mixed with screams one after another.

Su Yang pushed open the iron door and walked out, with a calm face in front of the reporter.

"Ask if you have any questions, as usual, I will answer what I want to answer, and I will not answer if I don't want to."

He felt that he was very relaxed and very free at the moment.

The whole world knows what kind of person he is and what kind of strength he has.

So you can say whatever you want without any scruples.

The reporters had already prepared questions, and they started asking them one by one.

"Hello Su Yang, I would like to ask, is it because you have sufficient strength as your confidence that you chose to self-destruct?"


Su Yang couldn't help laughing and added: "The whole world recognizes me as number one. No matter how humble I am, I can't deny this fact."

‘The interview was really interesting. ' he thought to himself.

The second reporter's question follows on from the previous one: "Can you take the liberty to ask, what is your current level of strength?"

This interview with the Magic God was broadcast live, so when they saw this, the eyes of hundreds of millions of players in the live broadcast room lit up, and they stopped their movements and focused their attention on the screen in front of them.

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