"Major news, great news! The Demon King Aquatic Tree will create a tsunami!"

"According to incomplete statistics, 173 coastal cities around the world have been submerged, with waves as high as 180 meters! It is estimated that more than 10 million people will be affected!"

"Super shocking, Ice Army Ji freezes the tsunami!"

The global tsunami caused by the Demon King Aquatic Tree quickly spread around the world.

A piece of freshly released news is chasing after each other on major platforms, vying for who is the hottest news.

As soon as every piece of news is released, it will reach tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of views in a very short period of time.

Danjiang, a coastal city, was naturally also hit by the tsunami.

But there were no casualties here.

Because Hu Xueqian, the general of the pig god, received news of the battle of the gods, he came here early to take precautions.

On the broadcast screen of Danjiang Satellite TV, this scene was presented to the people watching the station from beginning to end.

On the screen, facing the monstrous waves, the divine general Hu Xueqian looked calm.

I saw her running towards the waves, and when she was about to fall into the water, a piece of ice suddenly condensed under her feet. When she stepped on this piece and jumped to a higher place and was about to fall, the ice appeared under her feet in time for her to take advantage of in the air. leap.

"The Frost Path!"

Looking at the picture on the screen, Mu Wanyue exclaimed, then she turned her head and explained to the three of them: "This is the frost path of God General Hu, which can generate dangling ice cubes under his feet, and use them to complete flight or stay in the air. "

When Hu Xueqian stepped on the ice cube and came to the 100-meter air, she just raised her head and shouted: "Xuanbing to control the prison!"

The next moment, a bunch of huge ice cones fell from the sky and hit the wave crest at a speed far exceeding the speed of the waves!

When the ice pick entered the water, the spray just splashed a few centimeters, and the cold air carried on the ice pick broke out, instantly freezing the small spray a few centimeters high above the crest of the wave and spreading rapidly around!

Wherever the cold air passes, everything is instantly frozen!

In the blink of an eye, the 180-meter-high tsunami completely turned into a giant tsunami-shaped ice sculpture.

Sen Leng's cold air couldn't stop emerging from the ice sculpture,

Frozen fish can also be seen in the crystal clear ice crystals.

Hu Xueqian stepped on the ice and walked back to the ground slowly, her face still calm, as if she had just done a trivial thing.

At this point, the playback screen is over.

"Wow, the gods are so powerful that they can freeze such a huge tsunami in one move."

Mu Wanyue said with admiration: "This is a month ago. No one dared to imagine that human beings would be strong enough to fight a super natural disaster."

A normal tsunami is actually only 20 to 30 meters high, and 180 meters high is already outrageous.

Therefore, Mu Wanyue made it a super natural disaster - even though she knew it was caused by the devil.

"If I traveled back to a month ago, I would be a real superman! Wow!"

"You're still Superman in the eyes of non-gamers..."

Mu Qingtian gave his silly sister a blank look speechlessly.

She turned her head to look at the Demon King's live broadcast, and found that up to this point, the ability that the Demon King had just displayed had not yet been shown.

"Strange? When the Demon King uses a skill, wouldn't the live broadcast show what the Demon King just used?"

She looked at Su Yang suspiciously.

Su Yang spread his hands and shrugged, guessing, "Maybe it's a passive skill. Passive skills are never displayed."

He didn't know if that was the case, anyway, he [Watching Vientiane] didn't see the Demon King's skills.

With a faint sigh, Su Yang's mind flashed the scene of the tsunami coming.

'If it was me, how could I stop this tsunami? ’

'With sword energy? Splitting works, but there is bound to be an influx of seawater into the city. ’

‘Sky Wheel Funeral? It may be blocked for a while, but the sea will still pour in. ’

'...It's only time and space condensed, right? ’

'But this is just delaying time. Once the effect disappears, should the sea flood in or will it flood in. ’

After thinking about it for a while, Su Yang suddenly realized that as powerful as he was, there was still no way to stop the tsunami from causing damage to the city.

If it were other natural disasters, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, what could he do?

Thinking about it, he gradually became entangled again.

'Whether there is such a method has no effect on me personally, there is no need to obtain it specially. ’

‘But this is also my weakness, right? ’

If there is a player's specialty, the current Su Yang items should be:

Output: A, Agility: A, Survival: S, Control: D, Gain: C

If the highest S is the lowest D, his control is at the lowest level.

Su Yang didn't know whether it was necessary for him to improve this, and he was very entangled in his heart.

"What's wrong?"

Tang Wuyue on the side saw it and asked softly.

Su Yang told her about his entanglement.

Unexpectedly, Tang Wuyue laughed immediately when she heard it, she approached Su Yang, her pink and tender jade hands climbed onto his shoulders, kneaded gently for him, and said in her mouth: "What you are struggling with is whether it is necessary to do this specifically. ability."

"Then I will ask you."

"If a control skill that fits your heart needs 10,000 points, will you buy it?"

"Yes." Su Yang hesitated for a second, then nodded.

"How about a million?"

"Um..." He groaned while rubbing his chin.

"Are you thinking about whether it's worth it at this time?" Tang Wuyue asked with a smile.

"Ah, yes." Su Yang blinked his eyes and nodded lightly.

"So it's very simple, you really want this ability in your heart, but you subconsciously feel that the price of getting this thing exceeds the value of what you can use it to play."

"At this level, a normal person would not hesitate any more, and simply choose not to. But you are cautious by nature, and you want to prepare a few more hands in case of anything, and the idea of ​​​​what you want can't be suppressed at all."

Tang Wuyue suddenly increased the strength in her hands, causing the unsuspecting Su Yang's body to tremble slightly.

She showed a wicked smile for a moment, and then came to a conclusion: "When you have this idea, you will definitely do it in the future, so you don't have to think about it."

"...All right."

Su Yang was persuaded.

Tang Wuyue found out his subconscious thoughts, and he thought about it carefully and found that it was really the case.

There is absolutely no incentive to refute.

"Looks like I really need some control."


"Perhaps the third profession can choose a profession with control and gain."

Occupation is limited.

When you have two occupations, the sum of the two occupation levels cannot exceed the current level.

When you have three occupations, the sum of the three occupation levels cannot exceed the current level -20.

Therefore, when the first and second professions are at full level, Su Yang has to upgrade to level 60 to start the third profession.

This obviously cannot be achieved in a short period of time.

So Su Yang just took it as a possibility.

Anyway, it really doesn't really need it now, so it doesn't matter if it's delayed for now.

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