Sensing a trace of disgust in her expression, Du Yucheng couldn't help but smiled wryly: "I was just walking around, but I didn't expect to meet you."

Ai Changhuan got up: "Then leave this place to you, I'll go to another place."

She turned around and was about to leave, but Du Yucheng grabbed her arm: "Wait, can't we have a good talk?"

Ai Changhuan stared at the hand that was holding her arm, without speaking.

Du Yucheng could only let go, and then smiled self-deprecatingly: "Sorry."

Ai Changhuan looked away and said, "What are you talking about?"

"You and Lu Zhanke..."

"I'll take care of the matter with Lu Zhanke myself, so you don't need to ask any more." Ai Changhuan was very indifferent.

Du Yucheng frowned, it was obvious that Ai Changhuan didn't want to say more about her and Lu Zhanke.

He lowered his eyebrows slightly and said, "Okay, I won't ask you again."

Ai Changhuan asked: "Is there anything else? If not, can you answer a question for me."

"What's the problem? Are you Qin Zhan?" Ai Changhuan looked Du Yucheng straight in the eyes, not allowing him to escape in the slightest.


"Wait a minute, don't rush to answer," Ai Changhuan interrupted Du Yucheng, "I have to make it clear to you first, this is the last time I ask you this question, no matter what you have said to me before, show me I choose to forget everything I have ever done. Now, you give me an answer, yes or no, I only believe this time, and no matter what you say in the future, I will never believe it again. Now, Du Yucheng, tell me, what are you doing? Is it Qin Zhan? I only give you ten seconds to answer. Think it through."

"Chang Huan..." Du Yucheng looked embarrassed.

"Ten," Ai Changhuan had already started counting, "Nine..."

"Chang Huan, don't do this."

"Eight, yes or no?" Ai Changhuan continued to press.

"I..." A trace of struggle flashed in Du Yucheng's eyes.

"Seven," Ai Changhuan closed his eyes, unable to bear to look any further, "Six..."

"Chang Huan..." Du Yucheng just sighed deeply, the sigh was so sad that even Ai Changhuan couldn't help feeling sore.

"If you don't say anything, you won't have a chance, because if you keep silent, I will treat it as a denial. There are still five seconds, four seconds..."

"Don't force me..." Du Yucheng's heart was shaken severely, "Chang Huan, don't be like this..."

"There are still three seconds." Ai Changhuan opened his eyes, with tears in his eyes, "Tell me, tell me the final answer."


"Two, one!"


Didn't both Yi and that sentence fall at the last second, and then the whole bamboo forest fell silent.

Ai Changhuan and Du Yucheng looked at each other, neither of them spoke, pain flashed in each other's eyes, but they both pretended not to see it.

Ai Changhuan was in the pain of being deceived, she didn't understand why Du Yucheng did this, and who knew the torment she had suffered during these days.

And Du Yucheng's pain is the pain of having many secrets in his heart but not being able to speak out. The person he loves is right in front of him, and he has to let go and watch her go away. He doesn't know if he will suffer for this decision in the future. Feeling regretful, at least at this moment, that answer was chosen after he went through all sorts of struggles.

"Okay, I see." Ai Changhuan turned her back and wiped her tears quietly, "I won't ask you why you did this, because your answer helped me make a very important decision, I want to thank you .”

"..." Chang Huan, he couldn't say this name anymore, he could only toss and roll in his heart, and then swallowed, just like the bitterness in his throat.

"Goodbye." Ai Changhuan turned around, took a deep look at him, and then passed him by.

"Chang Huan!" He finally couldn't hold back, and called out her name again, but he knew that from now on, it was time to let go.

Ai Changhuan turned her head, looked at him, and smiled slightly: "Du Yucheng, can you do me a favor."

Du Yucheng was stunned.

After talking with Du Yucheng, Ai Changhuan returned to the lobby, Yang Anxin and Pei Mo had already come down, and were sitting there waiting for everyone to gather.

Yang Anxin said: "Today is the day when the Achang people elect the Sun Goddess. I heard that the scene is very big, but it is very lively. Everyone must not act privately later, so as not to get separated again."

Ai Chang laughed happily and said, "Yes."

He bowed his head and fell silent.

Seeing this, Yang Anxin hurriedly leaned over, and asked quietly: "What's the matter with you and Lu Tuan, you were happy when you came here, why don't you seem very happy today, are you still angry about what happened last night? Don't worry, Lu Tuan is definitely not that kind of person. With his conditions, if he wants to be so devoted to a woman, how could he fall in love with that or that?"

She didn't have the nerve to say Ouyang Zhenzhen's name directly.

Ai Changhuan lowered her eyes, yes, even Sister Anxin believed in Lu Zhanke so much, why didn't she believe it? It turned out that her trust in Lu Zhanke was really pitiful, she should reflect.

At this time, Ouyang Zhenzhen also went downstairs, and seeing that Lu Zhanke was not there, he sat aside by himself.

Originally, according to Yang Anxin's warm-hearted personality, she would definitely care about someone getting hurt, but that person was Ouyang Zhenzhen, so she didn't want to go forward and just pretended she didn't see it.

After a while, Lu Zhanke and Du Yucheng also came back.

Lu Zhanke went to Ai Changhuan's side, and Du Yucheng went to Ouyang Zhenzhen's side.

Pei Zhao said, "Now that everyone is here, let's go."

Then he took Yang Anxin out first.

Lu Zhanke and Ai Changhuan followed closely behind, Ouyang Zhenzhen wanted to follow after seeing this, but was held back by Du Yucheng.

"Why are you in a hurry, there will be opportunities in the future."

Ouyang really looked at Du Yucheng: "What do you mean by that?"

"It's not interesting." Du Yucheng quickly chased after him.

Ouyang really looked thoughtful.

When I came here yesterday, I was only focused on eating and didn't buy much. This time, Yang Anxin has been picking things up because she wants to buy some souvenirs to give away.

Ai Changhuan also stood still in front of a jewelry booth. Her gaze was attracted by two doll mobile phone chains. The mobile phone chains were a pair, a man and a woman, each with a half heart drawn on their chests. Together they formed a complete doll. heart of.

And there are words engraved on the back of the two villains.

The back of the male doll is engraved: "I have a wife."

The back of the female doll is engraved: "I have a husband."

Then there are arrows drawn below, pointing at each other.

Ai Changhuan picked it up and looked at it carefully, the corners of her mouth could not help but tickle, she seemed to like it very much, but after rubbing it a few times, she put it down again, because she probably didn't need it for the time being.

After she turned and left, Lu Zhanke also picked up the two dolls and quietly bought them.

The place where the Sun Goddess is elected is in a tower. You don't need tickets to enter the door, and you don't need tickets to watch the show, but if you want a seat with a good view, you have to spend money.

Because they had a child with them, they booked a table on the second floor.

Yang Anxin saw a lot of people carrying a strange thing on their backs on the road, and couldn't help asking: "What are they carrying?"

"It's a musical instrument, called Gourd Xiao. In the Achang people, Gourd Xiao is also called "Love Musical Instrument". It is used by men to express love to women. There is also an activity in this place called Lasa." Lu Zhanke, who has been here several times, said to I still understand this, so I explained it to Yang Anxin.

"Lasa? What's that?"

"Lasa means to change crafts. If a young man falls in love with a girl in the antiphonal song, he will ask the other party to accept the cigarette case by handing over cigarettes. If the woman wants to, he will use a cloak decorated with grasshopper flowers. A towel plus a pack of cigarettes, matches, etc., wrapped in paper, tied with a knot with dyed colored thread, and given to the young man to express the love in his heart. If you don’t like the other party, you can tie a knot, Said that he no longer wants to have this relationship with the other party.”

"It's really interesting." Yang Anxin became interested, "No wonder there are so many young girls who choose the Sun Goddess besides young men. It turns out that they are here to see if there are any handsome young men."

Ouyang looked at Lu Zhanke eagerly, as if he had something to say.

Lu Zhan paused for a moment, then added: "Of course, you can't give it to a married person, otherwise it will be considered as insulting the other party."

Ouyang Zhenzhen's eyes dimmed immediately.

Lu Zhanke looked away, looked at Ai Changhuan who had been silent all the time, and said half jokingly and half seriously: "Actually, husband and wife sometimes give each other gifts. Let's see if the relationship between husband and wife is still as strong as before."

The last two are fabricated by Lu Zhanke, one is to reject Ouyang Zhenzhen, and the other is to test Ai Changhuan.

Seeing this, Yang Anxin immediately understood, and said with a smile: "Then, did you send cigarettes to Chang Huan?"

Lu Zhanke smiled: "I was going to give it away, but I don't smoke, so I have to buy it later."

Du Yucheng looked at Ai Changhuan's face, as if he wanted to see whether she would accept Lu Zhanke's cigarette.

Ai Changhuan said: "It's too boring to just look at it like this. Why don't we go out and buy something to eat, and eat while watching."

"Okay." Lu Zhanke got up, "Why don't we just go, Brother Pei and the others are inconvenient to bring the children."

"En." Ai Changhuan nodded, and walked out side by side with Lu Zhanke.

The place selling snacks was a bit far away, and the two walked side by side without talking, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly deserted.

After a while, Lu Zhanke said, "Didn't you say you should think about it carefully? Have you thought it through now?"

"Not yet." Ai Changhuan replied, "If I have the answer, I will tell you."

She lied, she already had the answer and didn't tell him.

Lu Zhanke smiled and reached out to hold Ai Changhuan's hand: "It seems that we have never walked hand in hand like this."

Ai Changhuan was about to withdraw his hand, but he stopped when he heard this sentence, and then let him hold it.

Lu Zhanke's palms were very hot, and the two of them sweated after holding each other for a while, but they didn't let go.

"When you weren't here this morning, I fixed the phone." Lu Zhanke began to have nothing to say. The phone didn't fall very badly, but the back cover and battery were thrown out. alright.

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