After everyone had dinner, Ling Qianhu told them which places they could not go, and then dismissed everyone to move freely.

Then, he turned and left the playground.

But what he told them was completely meaningless, they could only play in this playground, or go back to the military tent to rest.

But Zhao Gao looked at the sky, and it was only after 6 o'clock in the evening. Go back to sleep?

For Blue Star people, going to bed before 10 o'clock is an insult to young people.

After thinking about it, since you can't think of anything to do, just continue training!

Thinking of this, Zhao Gao directly took the sword and shield, and started training in the corner of the playground.

Raise the shield, block, chop, roll and move.

Zhao Gao devoted himself to every movement.

These skills are all related to himself, the key to whether he can survive in the future. Therefore, Zhao Gao did not dare to be sloppy at all.

Sweat more in peacetime, bleed less in wartime.

In just one sentence, the importance of training is revealed.

In a peaceful society like Blue Star, everyone might just listen to it and not care at all.

But here, it is something that is already imminent, because they will go to the battlefield at any time. If they don't train hard, the next person to die may be themselves.

After all, the human race would not even think about working hard if it wasn't for the imminent danger threatening their lives.

Without stress, there is no motivation.

Time passed slowly, and many people, like Zhao Gao, were training hard in this playground.

Even if their physical fitness is not high and their palms are blistered, they still grit their teeth and persevere!

And this kind of people are people who think very clearly.

They can't resist the talent space, nor can they resist the fact that they are going to the battlefield. Then, becoming strong enough to survive is their only idea.

When the physical strength reaches the limit, rest, and continue training after rest, so repeatedly, I dare not be lazy at all.

One hour, two hours, until three hours later, Zhao Gao stopped training, going back to improve his skill level, and then went to sleep.

Zhao Gao left the playground and walked all the way back to the military tent where he was staying. As soon as he entered, Zhao Gao saw his four roommates chatting passionately.

As soon as Zhao Gao came in, one of them was in his 30s, with a fat body and a Mediterranean haircut. He was three months pregnant and greeted Zhao Gao warmly.

"Oh! The little brother is back."

"Get to know me. My name is Lan Tian. I'm 38 years old. From now on, everyone will be in the same dormitory. We should help each other. Don't be killed when we go to the battlefield." This greasy middle-aged man named Lan Tian , greeted Zhao Gao deliberately.

"Yes, Big Brother Lan is right. One person counts the disadvantages, and two people count the gains. Not to mention, the five of us are together." As soon as Lan Tian finished speaking, a skinny 19-year-old boy followed suit.

Zhao Gao turned his head to look at the young man. The young man smiled innocently and said, "Hi, my name is Bai Ling."

"Moreover, I believe that as long as we are united and become partners who can hand over each other's backs, we will be able to survive." After the young man finished speaking, he stretched out his hand sincerely and handed it to Zhao Gao.

Seeing him like that, Zhao Gao didn't want to refuse too arbitrarily, so he could only shake his hand perfunctorily: "Zhao Gao, let's work hard together in the future!"

In Zhao Gao's heart, what the young man said now can only be regarded as his naive thoughts.

Moreover, that blue sky, at first glance, is the kind of smooth-tongued person in society, the kind who talks about people when he sees people, and talks nonsense when he sees people.

Zhao Gao did not deny that with his character, in a peaceful society like Blue Star, he would definitely live a more nourishing life than ordinary people.

But this is an infinite space battlefield, what is needed is strength, everyone has only been here for a day,

On the second day, think about forming a clique.

Don't you think it's too early?

"Hello, my name is Mu Chenxu! The friend next to me is called Te Lonely." As soon as the young man finished his introduction, a young man around 24 behind him started to introduce him.

By the way, I introduced the young man next to him who is around 23.

"Extremely lonely? Is this a name? It can't be just a code name. I don't want to tell my real name!"

"Mistake, I should have used the code name myself. If someone else has the ability to curse people by name, he must be blind!" Zhao Gao silently thought of this, and nodded to the two as a greeting.

"Let's talk first! I've been training for too long today, and I feel too tired. Now I want to rest and sleep." After saying hello, Zhao Gao was perfunctory and didn't want to continue talking to them.

In Zhao Gao's mind, the chance of them surviving is less than 20%.

A lot of people are using their spare time to cultivate, and they come back to chat and set up a dragon gate formation. This is the way to die!

I'm afraid I haven't figured it out yet, where is this place?

You can survive by forming gangs, and you won't be terrified if you have infinite terror!

Seeing Zhao Gao taking off his armor and lying directly on the bed, the four of them were embarrassed for a while.

They have hot faces and cold butts.

At this moment, in their hearts, they have already begun to believe that Zhao Gao is not the same as them.

The four of them tacitly agreed to exclude Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao, who was lying on the bed, didn't care what they thought, in this infinite space, it was not the time to find teammates.

Moreover, even if he was looking for a teammate, he wouldn't look for such a pig teammate who didn't understand the situation.

This is the truest thought in Zhao Gao's heart.

Lying on the bed, Zhao Gao opened the system panel, checked his stored experience points, and began to upgrade the basic breathing method.

Just after opening the system panel, the system interface was refreshed 7 times, that is to say, another three and a half hours have passed, and his experience points have increased.

"Current storage experience: 397830"

"Elementary breathing method upgraded successfully: level 18 231694"

"Elementary breathing method is upgraded to one level, and one free attribute point is obtained."

"Talent extra income: 0.5 points."

"Possess free attribute points: 18"

Zhao Gao spent 231,694 experience points to upgrade the elementary breathing method once, leaving only 166,136 experience points.

Looking at such a little experience, Zhao Gao began to feel distressed.

Last night, he swore frankly that he would not be bothered by the problem of experience points, but he was slapped in the face tonight.

Now the skill level is only 18. It takes so much experience.

What about the later skill levels?

There are also character levels! Not to mention, it is impossible for me to have only one skill.

Just one breathing method, and it starts to feel difficult.

Zhao Gao couldn't imagine, what would happen if there were more skills in the future?

The more he thought about it, the more Zhao Gao felt his scalp tingle!

Zhao Gao trembled when he thought of the scene of being bald every day because of experience points, he was in the Mediterranean Sea, and when he grabbed his hair, he fell out a lot.

"Don't think about it. The more you think about it, the more annoying you get. Go to bed and sleep, and the problem will be solved in the future!" Zhao Gao thought, and left the problem for the future.

Pull up the straw mat and quilt, and fall asleep like an ostrich.

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