Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 51: It's just cowardly, can't it?

In the face of such enthusiastic 'little fans', Ye Zhi really didn't know how to refuse, so he agreed to their request, but he regretted it after a while. These little sisters, it's called an inch, just shake hands. He also hugged directly.

I hugged and hugged, and after hugging, I took a selfie like crazy.

Taking a selfie is just taking a selfie. The most important thing is that they have no intention of letting go of Ye Zhi at all.

Ye Zhi's heart collapsed: "Why do I have to go to the toilet!!!"


Shen Lu with an indifferent face passed by and stopped in front of them, with an icy aura that seemed to freeze everything, and looked down at these junior girls, "Several junior girls, please, can you step aside a little bit? A little?"

Although it was a question, she used a positive tone.

With a strong taste that cannot be rejected, I have to say that such a Shen Lu is like a domineering queen, her aura is really super strong!

Several little sisters swallowed at the same time, and unconsciously let go of Ye Zhi's hand.


Shen Lu successfully took Ye Zhi away.

"Lulu, thank you."

It's a pity that Queen Lu never existed in front of him, and Queen Shen Lu's face instantly turned into annoyance, "Idiot Ye Zi, don't you know that you are different now? Can you learn to refuse? When you see that they are cute schoolgirls, do you soften your heart?"

Ye Zhi also smiled hatefully, still so gentle, "Pretty girls are not always easy to refuse."

"You're still laughing, don't laugh!"

There is a kind of boy.

Usually it seems quite cold, but whenever he smiles so gently, it is enough to melt everything.

It makes some people unable to resist the mind at all.

"Don't laugh!"

"No laughing, but Lulu, can I trouble you with one thing?"

"What's up?"

"Easy me to the toilet, I can't hold it anymore."


"Don't laugh, I'm super serious."


In the frantic study of the third year of high school, for some people, it has been a long time.

But for Ye Zhi, he felt that every day was very fulfilling, and he continued to accumulate. Without affecting his academic performance, Ye Zhi obtained the permission of the head teacher "Mie Shitai" to allow him to bring a guitar to school.

Between classes and after school in the afternoon, you can relax by playing the guitar.

In fact, bringing the guitar is also convenient for him to find Teacher Wang who teaches music. Although, Teacher Wang said that he has nothing to teach him, but he can still borrow the place of the music classroom.

September 30.

Tomorrow is the National Day holiday. After school, Ye Zhi didn't leave, fiddling with the guitar in the music teacher.

Not alone, there are several of his regular listeners, Han Xia, Chen Li, Bai Mengyue, Shen Lu, and Pei Xinxin. Under the influence of Ye Zhi, there are some people in the class who have a good relationship with him. Come to the music classroom to do your homework, and go back when you're done.

You can also listen to Ye Zhi sing, this is a kind of...

Pure enjoyment.

"Hehe! The news is right! Senior Ye Zi comes to the music classroom every day after school!"

"Great! Am I listening to the scene?"

"Totally Nice!"

"Hehe, I'm really looking forward to it."

Ye Zhi actually quite enjoys the feeling of singing quietly to others. Accompanied by the sound of the guitar, he sang a new song he practiced these days, quietly watching the friends sitting in front of him and the drizzle outside the window.

A touch of warmth flows in my heart.

Isn't this the life he has always longed for?

Love Apartments.

It's Ye Zhi's favorite TV series. I like it, not only because they are funny, but because they describe a life for him that he yearns for but can't achieve: his best friends are all around, and he wants to The one you love lives on the opposite side.

Right now he……

Seems to be about the same. After adjusting the state of his voice, he started with a slightly hoarse voice.


tonight is very long

There is a number that has been stored

from a certain stubbornness

I don't want to delete it, but I don't dare to think about it

I clearly miss you

More and more nervous after thinking about it

can't hide

Have you ever loved, I want to hear you talk

Seriously, could it be me?

fascinated by ghosts

I've been perfunctory too much, why don't I feel sad

I want you to say it yourself, don't just stay silent

Maybe you already answered me

It's really unimaginable

is the most difficult

It's better to have a good time with each other than to procrastinate

I'm self-indulgent, okay, I'll admit it

At least it can be exchanged for relief

I haven't lost myself

If he sang with his usual cool voice, he would definitely not have the slightly vicissitudes of life now. Ye Zhi's singing skills have made great progress. This song is very well grasped. Originally it was just a faint feeling. , but he sang a passionate, rock-and-roll feeling with his smokey voice.

It's like singing...

The feeling of dying an ex is really nice!

It can be seen from a few listeners who are still shaking their heads while writing their homework. In fact, they have all heard this song, and even Ye Zhi has adapted several versions, but today's slightly rock style is the same as they are. The best version I think!

(Modern Brothers version)

But it was just such a song, which severely shocked the little sister outside the door.

One of the little fat girls had round eyes, "I! Go! Go!"

A cute junior girl with a single ponytail, completely sluggish, "I...I don't know what else to say."

"That's too good to hear~ Oh my god, it's really good to sing!"

"This singing skill is really invincible!"

"Super super super nice!"

"Nonsense! I'm Senior Ye Ye, it must be good! Have you recorded it? Have you recorded it?"

"Have you already prepared? Hey, I've recorded all the videos."

"Remember to send me a message when you go Next, it's a song "Not Just Like", and what I sang today is not the original version of Hu Er, it's quiet, cool, and the previous "Talk Really" a completely different feeling, which brings, of course, a different enjoyment to the audience.

This song is obviously a joyful song, but it makes people want to cry when he sings it.


"From today onwards, I'm the ultimate brain-crazy fan of Senior Ye Zi!"

The elementary school girl with a ponytail clenched her fists excitedly, "I don't care, the senior is my only male god, and I won't accept any refutation."

"Oh, then you should go in."

"Don't dare, I'm afraid of being beaten to death by Senior Sister Shen Lu and Senior Sister Xin Xin."


Mawei Elementary School girl shouted angrily, "I'm just a coward now, can't I?!"

Are you all so strong?

"Just be happy."

"Don't be noisy, Senior Ye Zi will continue to sing."

After the girls went back, they uploaded this video to a fan penguin group established by a fan of Ye Zhi. After uploading, the whole group became restless.

"What is this? @Senior Ye is my male god."

Senior Ye Zi is my male god: "[Smiling] Saying so much, anyway, you'll know when you get down."

The avatar is my boyfriend: "What the hell? Don't wait for the next teletubbies. I can't help but hack you to death."

Senior Ye Zi is my male god: "I can guarantee that if you don't go down, you will definitely regret it!"

Addicted to Ye Zi, he couldn't extricate himself: "@All members are giving benefits, giving benefits, brother Ye Zi's new song, I risked my life to record it for you."

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