Immortal Emperor: Reborn in the Mixed City

Chapter 107 does not accept surrender

"The soldiers I taught are here, let's get started." Li Xiaoyun looked at it with pain. These guys really know how to act like a blockbuster.

However, this completely shocked the more than 400 soldiers in the other four military regions.

The strongest among them would not dare to play this kind of operation easily, or they would have to break their legs!

This is not something that can be done with a strong body. It must have enough internal strength to protect the body and offset the strong inertia.

When did the Sharks become such a beast? Simply inhuman!

Huo Miao was completely speechless, everything was false, and they didn't even dare to think about the way they appeared on the stage, and they couldn't even learn!

Tuoba Changjiu and Cheng Shanze also had a fever on their faces. Just now, they also pointed out that Sang scolded Huai for saying that the Shark Special Team was weak, and that Li Xiaoyun could not be a qualified instructor, but now it's better, this is

The spirit of a hundred warriors, all of them have more than a small amount of internal energy!

"Okay, now all the special teams are rushing to the predetermined positions by car, and the competition will officially start in half an hour!" Dongfang Xing is not afraid that the soldiers in his military region will suffer, but now they will suffer more and go to the battlefield.

Eat less guns.

Li Xiaoyun was sitting there looking at the big screen in his spare time. More than a dozen drones relayed non-stop shooting real-time images. The fighting qualities of all parties could be reflected at once.

Huo Miao was so angry that he was trembling all over. He looked at the other party and thought of what he just said. Li Xiaoyun brought a team of warriors without internal strength into the country within a month.

The realm of strength.

Compared with each other, the three of them are waste, and they should all get out!

At this time, the most uncomfortable thing is the four hundred soldiers outside.

They will never be the opponents of those more than 100 fierce people!

At this time, the four captains were sitting in a car to discuss tactics.

"Brothers, we have been relying on fists and feet for the past few years, but today we have to carry guns again!" The captain of the Kowloon special service team said to the team members.

"Let's put it together directly, let's take advantage of our troops to charge, and now if we play close combat again, we will all be wiped out!" Captain Viper said.

"That's right, direct firepower suppression." Captain Jiaolong had seen Li Xiaoyun before, but thinking of the perverted body of the other party, bullets couldn't penetrate.

"Then Instructor Li is really that good? That's too ridiculous, a month!"

"Brothers, let me tell you the truth. Instructor Li resisted five Type 17 bullets within five meters!" Captain Jiaolong paused and added: "Live ammunition!"

"My mother, is that still a human!?" Captain Kowloon touched the pistol on his waist. The 17-type pistol is a pistol specially designed to deal with grandmasters, and its power is comparable to that of a rifle within 50 meters!

"I saw with my own eyes that there are a few red dots left on his back!" Captain Jiaolong said with a wry smile.

"Then we're not looking for abuse when we compete with the apprentices of such a strong man!" Captain Canglang scratched his head.

"Why don't we just surrender. If you have such a kung fu to be abused by the sharks here, why don't you hurry up and learn from Instructor Li!" Captain Viper was the most shrewd and directly suggested.


Captain Canglang grinned, his smile was even uglier than his crying: "Aren't you afraid Lao Fan will beat your ass to blossom?"

"Hey, just now Lao Fan looked at Instructor Li just like he looked at the new uncle. What's he afraid of, he just voted! Maybe he will praise me for being smart in the future." Captain Viper smiled proudly.

In the combat command room of the small building, Huo Miao still couldn't believe that the more than 100 soldiers had reached the inner strength level within a month, but the fact was right in front of him, and he had to believe it.

"However, it is still a battle of annihilation for these 100 people to challenge 400 people. Our odds of winning are not small." Cheng Shanze said with a frown.

Tuoba snorted coldly for a long time, so even if the opponent lost, it would still be honorable to lose. This is an army competition, using firearms, 400 people have an overwhelming advantage over 100 people.


It can be said that it is impossible to win.

"It's okay, don't we still have a backer?"

Hearing Tuoba say this for a long time, Cheng Shanze sneered, "Yes, I almost forgot my secret weapon."

Huo Miao also laughed.

"Secret weapon, what secret weapon." Dongfang Xing was stunned, what the hell were these three doing.

"Haha, the three of us have worked out a method together, which can allow the warriors to exert the strength of a half-step master in a short time, but it requires a lot of resources..." Cheng Shanze said.

"Oh? This is quite new, I wonder if it can be promoted?" Dongfang Xing sneered in his heart, he already knew what the other party was up to!

"It just takes a lot of Kunlun Divine Liquid to refine that kind of medicine pill." Cheng Shanze said with difficulty, "It really can't be refined too much."

"But the strength of the warriors has improved a lot. When it comes to a duel..."

"Is that so, let's discuss it in detail after this exercise."

Huo Miao's expression suffocated. Originally, he wanted to say that he would skip this match and let the strongest on both sides come out for a heads-up.

But at the moment, Dongfang Xing still wants to continue the annihilation war exercise.

Tuoba comforted Huo Miao for a long time and said, "It doesn't matter, four hundred people vs. one hundred people, it's still a gun battle, and we will definitely win."

Cheng Shanze also nodded: "Although my generation of warriors is not afraid of ordinary soldiers, the power of hot weapon group shooting is still very large, and our 400 people will definitely win this exercise."

"Hey, why did the captain command the car to run back?" Fan Yang was stunned when he looked at the big screen.

"What kind of plane are these four boys doing, shouldn't they..." Halfway through Bai Shepherd's words, he was stunned.

I saw a white flag sticking out from the captain's command car.

directly to surrender.

"Hey, these little bastards!" Gao Qingshan was the first to be unhappy. He originally wanted to give the Shark Special Service a prestige, but the other party didn't give him a chance!

"Old Gao, don't be cheap and be good at it." Dongfang Xing couldn't help laughing and laughing, this group of warriors is really self-willed at times.

But there is no way to do it. The shark special team's magic weapon came from the sky, and it took the lead, showing its unequal strength. This exercise really can't be played.

"I'm..." Cheng Shanze was still talking with Huo Miao and the others, but when he saw the white flag, he was speechless!

"A group of little bastards, it's really the opposite! They surrendered without a fight!" Tuoba shouted angrily for a long time, the big face was too hard and too fast!

Moreover, the warriors he taught himself slapped himself in the face!

"Then surrender? If you want to be beautiful, go straight to melee combat!" Li Xiaoyun said indifferently as he took the walkie-talkie.

"Get out of the car, drag the four hundred boys out and beat them up, even if it's a drill, you are not allowed to surrender! Surrender is not accepted!"

Dongfang Xing and the others looked solemn. It seems that this Li Xiaoyun is really the material for being an instructor. He is a natural soldier!

The four captains in the car also had fevers on their faces.

"If you want to use my method to train you, you must first make me look up to you!"

Huo Miao was suddenly startled, what does Li Xiaoyun mean? Could it be that he wants to coach the five military regions? This ambition is too big!

"Instructor Li, do you mean to compete in martial arts cultivation?"

"Yes, I want to see how much they are delayed." Li Xiaoyun glanced at Huo Miao, his eyes full of contempt, this old man is not strong, but his ability to form gangs is very high.

"That's good, then it's up to the strongest of the two sides to decide the outcome!"

"Okay, I have one person on my side, and you can play four of them!"

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