The person standing at the door was Qi Di, whom An Yinong had only seen once. She was dressed as a capable female shopkeeper, and was accompanied by a twelve- or thirteen-year-old girl and a guard.

When An Yinong saw her, he bent over. Emperor Qi was about to stop her, but An Yinong had already bowed and said respectfully in Mandarin: "The student has seen the teacher." The disciple of the emperor, claiming to be the emperor's student, has nothing wrong with it.

It is a smart man, Qi Di raised his hand: "My teacher happened to pass here, so I came to see you."

The residents who pay attention to this place can only understand the word 'teacher', and they also show a kind expression: "It turns out that it is the teacher of our adults, who can teach parents like adults, the teacher must be Also a good guy."

An Yinong led the three people into the door, waiting for the door to close, he bowed again: "Xiaguan..."

Before the words were finished, Emperor Qi directly lifted him up: "As a teacher, you already know, you don't need to be more polite." This means that here they are called teachers and students, and Emperor Qi also Not ready to reveal his true self.


The little girl beside Qi Di looked at him with a smile: "Senior brother."

The emperor became a teacher, and even the princess called him brother. If it weren't for the dignity of this little girl, he would have wanted to slap a baotou.

It was only at this time that Emperor Qi had the heart to look at the things in the yard. She saw two small benches, half eaten melons, a carved brother of a god, and a cat rolling in the vegetable garden. , the dog lying at the door, and the chickens walking around and the rabbit in the cage.

"You don't look like the back house of the yamen, but the yard of a farmhouse."

Qi Di walked over and picked up a piece of watermelon that he hadn't eaten before: "Then the book says that eating melons and fruits all over the world is not as good as Dingsha honeydew melon, I'll see if it's really not enough. "As she said that, she took a bite.

"Well, sweet and hydrating."

"Mother, I want it too." Seeing that Emperor Qi was eating happily, the crown princess acted like a spoiled child.

"Bring it yourself."

"..." An Yinong was embarrassed to tell the emperor that this was what Brother Eagle didn't want.

Qi Di ate a piece of watermelon, wiped his hands and said, "I have seen the post you played, tell me what you think."

An Yinong knew that she was talking about a post from a mutual market, so she also found a small bench and sat down, like a student who was talking to the teacher about her homework, and said her thoughts one by one.

In fact, the essence is to communicate with each other. The open line is a legitimate and reasonable business behavior, and the hidden line is to ease bilateral relations through win-win transactions, and use economic means to indirectly affect the peoples on the prairie.

"Do you mean to issue a mutual market license to the tribes who are pro-me Central Plains, so that they can't get together as a monolith?"

"Yes, the students have investigated and found that salt, tea, and medicine on the grassland are hard currency, which is enough to affect the life and death of a tribe. In addition, we can send people to teach them to grow pasture and herbal medicine, so that Nomads can be fixed in one place. Those who have permanent property not only have perseverance, but also have weaknesses, and they can’t be like before, they can leave after looting.”

An Yinong, who came from modern times, has no hatred for the grassland people, but he did not let down his guard. The matter of ethnic integration is left to future generations. He only hopes that both sides can live in peace and achieve the goal of win-win and harmonious coexistence.

Qi Di nodded, she stood up: "You can walk around with me."

"Yes, but students may need to change up."


Qi Di thought he was just changing his clothes, but ten minutes later, a black-faced bearded man appeared and called her a student.

Qi Di: …It doesn’t have to be.

The two years of wind and sand in the northwest did not ruin this face that should be a flower, but she has witnessed how much black and bearded people have destroyed people.

Emperor Qi recalled that the high-spirited young man in the Jinluan Hall was still like a blazing sun now, and the light in his eyes had never changed. On the other hand, when I think about it occasionally, it feels like a dream.

Several people went out and walked on the long street.

The long street is newly built, and the shops on both sides are also newly built. It is only rented but not sold. The rent is part of the fiscal revenue.

Because the rent is not high, so there are shops on both sides, food and clothing, most people have smiles on their faces, judging from their physical conditions, they are not hungry freeze.

"Chen Xiaoer mutton steamed bun? Is this the Chen Xiaoer in the memorial you handed in last year?"


Emperor Qi still remembers that memorial and the series of uproars that followed. It is not clear where An Yinong was at the border at that time, but the imperial capital was indeed shaken because of his memorial.

The father kills the mother, the son sues the father, the father is convicted of intentional homicide, the death penalty, the son is excusable and innocent.

This verdict violated the traditional morality of Confucian scholars that the husband is the guide for the wife and the father is the guide for the child, so it was particularly noisy. However, as the founding emperor, Emperor Qi's temper was not good, and people were arbitrary. She said: "Since there is no decision, then dialectical."

The court ministers were divided into two factions. Later, one faction won with the support of Emperor Qi, and this faction supported the death penalty.

The main basis for their request to uphold the original judgment is: women, after all, are people, not property. Because she is a human being, she must be judged by the law that treats human beings, not the law that treats property.

is his own father.

In this case, neither punishment nor reward, just acquitted.

To be honest, this kind of thing can happen in this dynasty, because the emperor is the founding queen of the country, and there are female generals and female soldiers under him, and there are also female officials in the court.

Single-sex conditions have been abolished in some examination selections, such as the selection of medical officers and the selection of imperial craftsmen, only the imperial examinations are still being tested. There is also a reason why Emperor Qi chose to establish a crown princess. The crown princess is more suitable for succession, and will not overturn and destroy the system she set.

An Yinong accompanied Qidi down the long street, passed the welfare house, saw the snowflake cattle farm, and visited the reservoir being built for water storage. is an academy that exists for literacy.

There are boys and girls sitting mixed together, and the teachers on the stage treat them equally. They still use the textbooks compiled by An Yinong, which are more interesting and have many children's songs, jingles, and idioms stories.

The children and teachers are playing a small game of sentence making. The children's world is full of naive fantasy, and the sentences they make are also full of fantasy. But the adult who sees it will not be angry, but see a different world through the eyes of the child.

Qi Di stood outside for a while and left, with a small smile on her face, this was the first time she clearly expressed her happiness.

"At the beginning of the performance, cattle should be divided into farming cattle, beef cattle, and dairy cattle. What do you think about this? You must know that cattle have been used for arable land since ancient times, and slaughtering cattle in private will be sentenced. , if you dare to play this, you are not afraid that I will punish you for your sins?" they said as they walked.

"It's not all true since ancient times. We should choose the essence and get rid of the dross. For example, the black cattle in Dingsha are not good at farming, but they grow fast and have good meat quality. If you want to use it as a farm cattle, you are not allowed to breed and slaughter it, isn't it a pity that it has good meat?"

"How much did your three rows of welfare rooms cost?" Qi Di asked again.

An Yinong reported a figure, but it was not as much as expected. He said: "The materials are all local loess, but the wood for the foundation is hard to find. Delivered from elsewhere. The most expensive expense is the hanging kang, but the materials used are not many, so the common people can afford it.”

"How long did it take to fix?"

It's not worse than him." The people of Dingsha County are ignorant and ignorant, but they are also honest and kind, and they are all available to follow their temper.

Poor mountains and bad waters make troublesome people, mostly because of poverty and lack of education.

Qi Di nodded, the house with a big yard can dry grain and grow things, and raise livestock. Forty-two families in three rows, surrounded by a drought-tolerant tree, share a large well.

The welfare room is surrounded by the fields and pastures allocated to them. It is very convenient to farm at sunrise and return home at sunset.

This welfare room is not the only one here. It is said that the seventh set is already under construction. There are also matching furniture in the welfare room, such as the kind that go on and off the bed, or simply get on and off the bed.

Small is a little smaller, enough for three generations of seven or eight people to live. The house is made of good materials, warm in winter and cool in summer.

Qi Di calculated the time: "All these welfare houses were repaired, and the reservoir was repaired, just after you left office. At that time, these will not be counted in your merits."

"Students know that three years is too short, and students can use them at night, which is not enough. Fortunately, His Majesty is wise and talented, and will definitely send the most suitable people to continue to help Dingsha County. People, I have nothing to worry about."

The princess behind her heard this 'flattery', she couldn't help laughing, and closed her mouth again as a quiet listener.


These caravans are both local and non-local. Since Dingsha County has featured products and thieves on the road have been wiped out, there are many more merchants here. There are also many caravans in the two nearby counties - because succulents and some specialties are available in several surrounding counties.

Set aside and let them play by themselves.

"When they are older, they can be sent to school and learn a craft. I think carpenters are good."

"You have to raise cattle, and the wages are too high."

The old man was smiling and talking about the future.

Qi Di suddenly turned his head: "I see that there are young children in the academy. You will not care after they have studied for three years?"

"It doesn't matter. After three years, those children will have to take the exam. If they perform well, there will be a master who will lead them and take them away to learn craftsmanship. Children who have learned will understand better than those who have not learned. Hurry up. Teacher, look at that field, which is a herbal field. There are specialized herbal farmers and a few children working while studying. Also, there is a spice-producing tree, and there are spice-making craftsmen who take care of the children. "

This road is newly built, and the fields on both sides of the road have also been opened up in the past two years.

Although Dingsha is mentioned outside, it is all about the economic animals and plants he introduced, but for An Yinong, the most proud thing he has done for the people of Dingsha is to open up wasteland.

After the guidance of the old farmers, most of the land in the county is the sequence of wheat, soybean and sorghum, which can maximize the use of the land.

The remaining fields are planted with pastures, herbs, and spices.

Sufficient fields provide basic survival needs and stabilize the hearts of Dingsha people.

At the same time, he actively introduced some economic animals and economic plants in Dingsha, which can increase additional income and employment for Dingsha people, killing two birds with one stone.

"These lands were reclaimed by the Dingsha people themselves, and the grains on them were grown by the Dingsha people themselves, including the black cattle and hounds, which were also raised and sold by the Dingsha people themselves. There's not much that can be done, it's just pointing the way."

An Yinong looked at the children who were studying with the teacher in the field: "After the students leave here, the Dingsha people will still be able to cultivate the land and grow grain, raise cattle and dogs, and their children will also be generation after generation. keep going."

Emperor Qi looked at the green fields and woods, it really didn't look like the northwest. She had been here for a while during the war, but now it's only been a few years, and the scenery has changed, with saplings and bushes swaying in the wind. It's like a child in a school who listens carefully with his head raised.

In more than ten years, these saplings will grow up and become pillars.

"Is it just farming and raising cattle? Why don't the children continue to learn?" She asked, "You know, how many new children are born and how many talents are also part of the county magistrate's assessment?"

"Let him continue to learn if he wants to learn, but some children from poor families will definitely make other choices. Moreover, these children are still young, just getting in touch with learning, just take the exam It is also a matter for the next magistrate to be the next magistrate, and you can't pull the seedlings and encourage them."

An Yinong also stood still, the guard did not speak, the princess looked at the two of them thoughtfully.

"If I go back to the teacher, it depends on what a person is seeking. If what I seek is fame and fortune, I will be somewhat unwilling. But what I seek is such a never-before-seen In the process, I have already obtained this kind of happiness, as for the final fruit, it is only incidental."

An Yinong looked at the saplings and the working people: "I said that I wanted to study, and some people asked me why I wanted to study. I said, I want to be an official, and I want the people under my rule. The people will never have to suffer from fleeing the famine."

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