I do it when I think of it, An Yinong really wrote a book, hoping that through the application, the cattle will be divided into farming cattle, beef cattle and dairy cattle, and he also wants to apply and set the Shaxian this kind of fat black cattle is designated as edible tribute cattle for tax deduction and promotion.

Gu Zhengzhong looked at An Yinong who was in high spirits, and did not hold out much hope. Privately slaughtering cattle was a death sentence in the previous dynasty, because cattle were mainly used for farming and traveling, and suddenly a beef cattle was created, and the ministers of the Manchu dynasty did not necessarily agree.

After a few months, the welfare house was repaired under the eyes of ordinary people in Dingsha County and entered the distribution stage.

The magistrate personally brought people into a model room and showed everyone what life would be like if a family of seven lived in.

The houses are square and less than two meters apart. Such a dense building complex can better withstand high winds.

An Yinong brought people in through the front door with two doors. The front door was very beautifully repaired, and there was also a reserved place for the couplet and hanging lanterns. Extending out of the main entrance is a thick and high earth wall, which surrounds the house, which is also used for wind protection.

The piles are neat and tidy, and the man in the family has a hand in chopping wood.

Looking up, you can see two small rooms on the other side of the yard, that is the barn, where five or six sheep and a flock of chickens are raised. For poor households, two barns are enough.

The small hole is for the kettle, and the water is boiled with the residual heat.

The firewood in the stove was burning vigorously.

Then Aynon took them to the next door. Next door is a strange room. The whole room is divided into two sides. One side is empty, and the other side is a full-sided bed. It is very large and can sleep seven or eight adults.

"Lie down and see?" He smiled and looked at the curious people.

These people hesitated, and finally came out a little braver and touched it carefully: "Huh?"

The expression on his face became very strange, and his hands couldn't help touching and touching the bed: "Hot? Hot." He took off his shoes and climbed up, it was natural Sitting cross-legged on it, with a dazed look on his face, and a smirk.

This strangely hot bed is a little hot now, but in the coldest season of the year, it's a life saver.

"Sir, what kind of baby is this? Why is it so warm?" A herdsman couldn't help asking.

"This is a hanging kang." An Yinong explained the use of the hanging kang bed.

The main purpose of the hanging kang is heating in winter. It uses less firewood than the stove, but it can provide the largest area of ​​warmth. In winter, the family is crowded here, I am afraid it will be too hot .

In addition, if you feel that it is too hot or too cold and want to adjust the temperature, you can adjust it with the stove plug. Which specific how to operate, they can be used after the summary.

After listening, the herdsman touched the bed more carefully: "Good baby, good baby."

The shock of the kang bed was too great. After that, An Yinong introduced other rooms and cellars, but they didn't pay attention. But no matter how I said it, I took them around and I probably knew how big the house was and how many rooms it had.

No one dislikes this house, it is not cold in winter, not sunny in summer, the room is large and large, it can raise livestock, and it is close to the well.

"However, such a good house must not be cheap, right? Can you afford it?"

So when the government posted the notice, the people in the county almost couldn't believe it.

No money to pay in three years? There is a large well for every 42 households, and there is no charge for water?

What are you waiting for? Grab it!

People who have a house at home and the house is not bad all look at those poor people who apply with envy and jealousy. But let them also apply, but reluctant.

"The house is good, but my house in the county is not bad. I applied for this house, and the family moved out of the city to live in the suburbs? How inconvenient?"

Those who have a good house feel that the sharing of houses is tasteless, but it is a unique opportunity for these people living in the slums.

The laziest men in the slums get out of bed and look around for jobs to make money.

"I want to buy a house with such a small amount of money. I didn't have it before, and maybe I won't in the future. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

Dry and rainy days, at this time, the county posted a notice, and people beat gongs and drums to go door-to-door to inform:

The county-run masonry and tile kilns continue to recruit workers, rubber grass and tile pine planting workers, herbal medicine farmers, house building, road building…

"The yamen, who was very different in spirit and spirit, beating gongs and drums to inform various places, his voice was hoarse.

This yamen was the first to hit the young master of the Jin family at that time. He is lucky now that he voted for the right person at that time. Now he came out wearing the yamen uniform, and everyone on the road gave thumbs up , proud!

"Can you sell cows and dogs to make money? Is it easy to sell?" The villagers didn't understand.

"It's up to you to decide whether to sell it or not. Our county magistrates have the final say. You don't want to make money? A job of 22 taels a month. Think? Do you want to sign up quickly?" Take a look, and lowered his voice, "I don't talk about ordinary people. The magistrate said it. Those who respond positively will consider him first if they have any benefits in the future."

"What? Will you be able to share benefits in the future?" An aunt patted her thigh, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Raising cattle! How do I sign up?"

Others are also anxious: "And me, I have two hounds at home, it's better to call one!"

The yamen who was directly surrounded by people wiped sweat: "Don't worry, uncles and aunties, come to me to register, don't worry, we have everything."

The news from all over Dingsha County was brought back by the little ghosts, and was compiled by the four 'big secrets' and written into the report. An Yinong listened carefully to the specific situation reported by them, and waited until the middle of the month God, they retreated.

An Yinong yawned, took out the two volumes of the words book, dipped in ink: "At this time, the first volume of words should have been printed and put on the shelf. ?"

Gu Zhengzhong couldn't stop him from staying up all night, so he was grinding ink beside him. A fragrant mist came out from the golden incense burner. In addition to the spices, there were also some special spiritual things that could strengthen the body.

When the monsters outside smelled this smell, they all lay on the wall and were ready to move. But they didn't dare, this magistrate had a murderous golden halo on his body. Once they were malicious, they would be injured.

"I don't know how the reaction will be, anyway, it's a script written by the magistrate, so it can't be without water." An Yinong, who wrote the story for the first time, was not so confident.

However, even if it is unsuccessful, it is a shame for him alone, and it is not a huge loss. But if it succeeds, it will save him countless efforts. To sum up, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so even if he is uneasy, he still chooses to do it.

Qi Di first reprimanded a county magistrate for writing the script, and then changed his tone, indicating that the court had passed the request of 'categorizing cattle and handling them by category', and Dingsha cattle could be used as beef cattle to breed and slaughtering, and selling.

"Emperor Qi was able to grant my request, and there was no accountability. I was actually a little surprised." An Yinong was full of emotion, and it was good to have a boss with the same goals.

Gu Zhengzhong recalled the emperors he had met, and Emperor Qi was really easy to talk, and such unruly things were alright.

For some reason, Gu Zhengzhong was a little unhappy. He didn't want An Yinong to use this sentence on others. But he didn't say anything, just pressed his shoulder: "Meeting you is also the luck of Emperor Qi."

A lot of officials who have passed the ancient and modern science examinations can write poems and talk about soldiers on paper, but only a few can really govern a place and make "poor mountains and bad waters" a "good place".

This kind of minister who can do practical things is what many emperors who have pursuits want most.

"Sir is 'a sage in the eyes of a lover'." An Yinong put down his pen and leaned on Gu Zhengzhong indulgently, "Mr. hard work these days. If I have merit, this merit It should be half of Mr.

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden light on his body that was harvested with countless hard work really distributed half of it to Gu Zhengzhong's body.

Gu Zhengzhong seems to be able to feel the warm love in the golden light. The black flames rolled on his body, but they merged with the golden rays of light wonderfully, and did not harm each other.

A person's words can deceive people, but a person's heart cannot.

"They are all wrong. It's not that people and ghosts have no future, but people with different hearts and ghosts have no future." He thought.

An Yinong's warmth did not last long, and he sat in front of the case again: "The standard for beef cattle has passed, but the application for tribute cattle has not yet. I will write another note, a One letter a month, take your time, don't rush."

"..." Gu Zhengzhong began to suspect that Emperor Qi had done something wrong to meet such a minister.

The matter of housing division has made Dingsha County lively for a while, and now the second batch of welfare housing has begun to be built.

As for the first people to live in...let's not come to attract hatred.

Because the first batch of people living in welfare houses were basically from the slums, An Yinong was a little curious about the current situation in the slums. So one afternoon, after carefully disguising, he went to the slum with Gu Zhengzhong.

Small kettle, but carrying two buckets of water.

The old people at the door still gathered together, but instead of looking for lice on their hair to eat, they were rubbing beans and drying wheat there. Many of them have their own land this year, so they have also gained.

While they were working, they talked about the house, and there was envy and jealousy in the words.

Such a nice house, warm in winter and cool in summer, can raise livestock, and grow some side dishes, how beautiful, how can you not envy the people who move in?

At this time, a man in a special uniform walked out of a small house.

This uniform is a uniform, only for the officials who raise cattle and hounds, and those who wear it are senior breeders invited by the Dingsha County government for 22 taels a month.

An Yinong thought he was familiar, but after thinking about it, he realized that this was the man who looked at him with defensive eyes. But he looks much softer now and has more flesh on his face.

A little girl ran out of the house and brought a kettle to her father. An Yinong also remembered her, the little girl who was holding a piece of skin and tore off the fat on it. Now the little girl is wearing pink clothes with pigtails on her head, and what she is holding is not a leather, but a piece of dough.

An Yinong couldn't see enough, a group of children ran out of the alley with a windmill made of wood and paper in their hands, and ran past him laughing.

Some of them have seen it, and some have not seen it. These children are a little fatter and taller than when they were seen last year, and they are finally dressed in serious clothes, and they are clean.

"Seeing them is like seeing my report card." An Yinong suddenly felt a little emotional. He reached out and held Gu Zhengzhong's hand, wanting to share this feeling.

"Feel some kind of encouragement."

More than money, more than fame, more than anything to encourage.

At this time, the 'vicious' idea resurfaced.

It’s so boring to play with windmills, they should carry small schoolbags, fly freely in the sky of knowledge, and be friends with big characters and arithmetic every day. Bamboo Stew.

This is the life a child should live.

"The Jin family and the Bai family have all been dealt with. It's a pity that the house they left behind is sitting there. Do you want to set up a free school?" He asked Gu Zhengzhong.

"Yi Xue?"

"Hire a gentleman, set up a school, and provide free compulsory education for children in the county, both boys and girls. Until they learn common words and basic arithmetic.

"No, not only do I want to give free money, but I also want to give rewards to children who do well in their studies. Those who do the best in the test can take away the little piglets and a group of little yellow chickens." This can not only motivate children to study hard, but also encourage parents to send their children to read. Why not do it?

Gu Zhengzhong knows that many people will pay to buy school fields for the children of the clan to study for free. And there are also squires who extended such kindness to other children in the village.

However, the magistrate of a county said that it would be mandatory to arrange children in the county to go to school, regardless of gender. This is unprecedented.

He couldn't even tell if the move would be praised or discredited.

Because many people's children are old enough to help at home, perhaps their parents prefer them to stay at home to take care of their children to do housework, or learn to work to earn money.

"If they don't want to let their children go to school, they won't have any job recruitment and welfare sharing in the future." An Yinong said, adding carrots to sticks, they won't listen if they don't believe it.

"Aren't you afraid of objections from the people below?" Gu Zhengzhong asked with a smile.

An Yinong's face was half-bright in the warm light of the dusk, his eyes narrowed: "The blood of the Jin family and the Bai family hasn't dried yet, I think who would dare to object?"

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