In the morning, after training with the grass seedling tortoise and the four-season deer in the ecological park, Yujia went to the Volcanic Vice Park.

During this month, the fire elves mined a lot of fire stones one after another. Yuga took all those fire stones out in the past and handed them over to Suzuki Garden for sale in the shop.

Although Suzuki Sono was curious about why his boss had so many fire stones, he was smart enough not to ask, just like the sharp teeth suddenly started to be available in the store some time ago.

Anyway, the better Yoyo Breeding House develops, the better it is for her. She also knows that her boss is a person with secrets, and she and the boss need to maintain this sense of distance and mystery tacitly.

If the boss doesn't say anything, she doesn't ask or think too much.

Because Yujia's reputation is getting stronger and stronger, the business of the breeding house is getting better and better.

In particular, the battle between Yujia and Wangcai was posted on the Internet by the onlookers, which caused quite a stir.

Wangcai is very powerful and has a good reputation in the circle of trainers. Yujia used an Absolu to give him a string of three, so that more people know the existence of Yujia and Yoyo Breeding House .

Yoyo Breeding House originally sold better products than normal ones, but now it has made a name for itself, and the business in the store suddenly exploded like a blowout.

The wages of all the employees in the store have been greatly increased recently because of this, and they are more dedicated to their work.

But Yuka felt that he might have to recruit another person.

Because after the construction of the Green Shade Gym, Sena Shin will be transferred there as an apprentice in the Gym. There is no way to take care of both ends, and running at both ends will only delay him.

However, this matter has to be considered in the long term.

Now Yoyo Breeding House's business is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more secrets. Youjia's requirements for the selection of candidates have also increased a lot. After all, we are no longer the little unknown breeding house.

Just as Yuka was explaining the sale of Fire Stone to Suzuki Sono, Aunt Mieko walked in with a full basket on her shoulders, smiling.

"Xiaoyou, let me bring you some vegetables."

These vegetables were sent by Luna's grandfather's house. Aunt Mieko's house now has only her and her uncle, and there is no way to finish them. So I simply sent some to Yuga's side. Anyway, Yuga's side is full of people. .

Seeing Aunt Mieko, Yuka's eyes lit up.

Yup! You can find Aunt Mieko! Who could be more trustworthy than Aunt Mieko?

"Auntie, come here, I have something I want to discuss with you."

Yuka took the basket from her aunt with a smile, took Aunt Mieko's arm, and led her to the store.

"You boy! What's the matter with pulling me in a hurry?"

Aunt Mieko looked at Yuka helplessly and said, and followed Yuka into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Yuka put down the basket full of vegetables, and said to Aunt Mieko, "Auntie, it's like this, my store is short of staff right now, I want you to come and help me."

There is also a reason why Yuka thought of looking for Aunt Mieko.

Grandparents Yuka died early, and Aunt Mieko grew up with her father.

Later, my father and mother got married, and my aunt followed my father to live at my mother's house. Before she got married, she worked in the breeding house.

She is doing the sales in the store.

It's just that my aunt got married later and found a job again, so all the things in the store were handed over to my parents.

Now Yujia wants her aunt to come back because of her experience.

After hearing Yuka's words, Aunt Mieko was silent for a while and said, "I don't know if I can do it well!"

She is aware of the current business in Yujia's shop, and she is very happy to be able to help Yujia, but she has not done this business for a long time, and she is not sure if she can do well.

Yujia comforted: "Don't worry, just take your time if you can't do well. You have experience, and I believe you can pick it up soon."

"But...but what about my current job?"

Aunt Mieko still hesitated.

Yujia: "Of course I quit! Your job doesn't pay much, so you might as well come to me!"

Aunt Mei Huizi's current job is to work as an ordinary employee in a small company in the town, and her salary is far lower than that of any employee in the Yoyo Breeding House.

Yoyo Breeding House's ability to make money is very scary now, and there are not many employees in the store, and the salary is raised repeatedly by Youjia, which is basically the same as the income of elite employees in those big companies.

The so-called fat water does not flow to outsiders' fields, rather than recruiting someone who doesn't know the details, it is better to ask Aunt Mei Huizi to come and help him.

Aunt Mieko thought about it, gritted her teeth, and agreed to Yuka.

"Okay, I'm here to help you!"

Upon hearing this, Yujia said happily: "Well, you go to the company to resign as soon as possible, and then come to the store to help me."

After one matter was resolved, Yujia became in a very good mood, and sent her aunt out with a smile on her face.

As soon as she sent her aunt away, Yujia saw Lingyin walking towards her.

"Yujia, I'm already familiar with making incense. When do you plan to let me start working?"

Lingyin's tone was full of dissatisfaction. She had been in Lusha Town for almost two months, and she had nothing to do except study the incense manual Yujia gave her every day.

The reason why Yujia has not asked Lingyin to start making incense is mainly because most of the materials he planted in the ecological garden are still immature.

Yujia: "Well, let's try to make a kind of incense first. After you are proficient in making this kind of incense, we will start to make the next one."

Although the other incense materials have not yet grown well, the materials for the sea tide incense are basically mature, especially the water hyacinth, which is the main material, has grown a lot.

Lingyin was very happy to hear it: "Really, that's great!"

Yuga: "Then I'll send you the materials in the afternoon, and you can start making."

After hearing this, Lingyin left happily.

After sending Lingyin away, Yujia went to the ecological garden to pick materials for making tidal incense with the grass elves. As for the main material, water hyacinth, he asked the Menus living there to prepare it.

In the afternoon, a few Kentaro walked out of the ecological park, carrying a lot of materials to the studio of Xindian, and handed them over to Lingyin.

With a job, Suzune basically didn't leave the studio, and spent the whole afternoon in the studio, with such energy that Misaki, who was working with her, felt inferior.

When the first incense was made, Suzune ran to Yujia excitedly.

"Come on, let's see how the incense I made."

The incense made by Lingyin is placed in a small porcelain cup, which is in the shape of sea blue particles.

Youjia twisted it gently with his hands, and the particles were broken into powder, which still exuded a faint fragrance.

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