After experiencing the attack of Alidos, Yuga and Asha became more careful, because they didn't know when a sudden danger would appear.

It was obviously a dense jungle, but the surroundings were surprisingly quiet. Yujia and the others stepped on the dead leaves and branches all over the ground, making crunching sounds, which seemed very ear-piercing.

At this moment, both Yuga and Yasha heard a roar, and both of them were vigilant and did not make a sound, but walked quietly towards the source of the sound.

Yujia gently pushed aside a branch and leaf, and through the gap, he saw a mongoose chopping with its natural enemy, the rice spoon snake.

Obviously, the characteristic of this mongoose is immunity. The venom of the rice spoon snake has no effect on it, and the rice spoon snake is much weaker than it. At this time, it is pinching the rice spoon snake's neck. Shaking the rice spoon snake vigorously, even Yu Jia, an outsider, felt that the rice spoon snake was miserable.

The growling that Yujia and the others heard was from the badly abused rice spoon snake.

Yujia gently waved at Yasha, signaling her to leave, not wanting to interfere in the struggle between these two natural enemies.

Although the strength of the mongoose chop and the rice spoon snake are not bad, but the qualification Yujia doesn't like it very much, so he doesn't want to provoke them.

Asha, who understood Yuga's meaning, nodded, and left with Yuga on tiptoe.

Away from the battling rice spoon snake and mongoose Zhan, Yuga and Yasha continued to move forward, striving to reach the dormant volcano in the center of the island as soon as possible.

As they walked, a pond appeared in front of Yujia and the others, and there were many lotus leaf boys and yo-yo balls living in the pond.

These lotus leaf boys and yo-yo balls are very weak, but they were not afraid when they saw Yu Jia and the others coming, but looked at them with curious eyes.

Especially the lotus leaf boys, with their dull eyes, are very cute.

Yujia picked two green lotus leaf boys and two green yo-yo balls from the inside and took them in.

The other Renbadouji and Yoyo Ball did not stop Yu Jia at all, maybe they could see that they could not resist Yu Jia's "power"!

Yujia thinks that the two lotus-leaf boys can live in the lake in the sub-garden of the grassland in the future, and let them water the medicinal field every day.

It's just that the number is a little less, it would be great if there were more, Yujia thought, but high-quality elves are hard to find.

He imagined how the lotus leaf boys lined up to the medicine field step by step with the lake water on their heads, oh, it's so cute.

The unscrupulous profiteer Yujia began to think about how to exploit the labor force of the elves again, even the weak Lianye boy!

"There are so many lotus leaf boys and yo-yo balls, why did you only take four of them?" Yasha asked strangely.

Asha knew that Yuga was the owner of a breeding house, so she didn't find it strange that Yuga took in the elves, but she couldn't understand that Yuga picked up the elves every time.

Youjia smiled and lied: "I just pick some that seem to be better developed to subdue, so that it is more valuable to cultivate, and the essence is not too much!"

Yasha is not a breeder, and she can't tell which one is developing well and which one is not developing well, so she believed Yujia's nonsense.

The two continued to set off after resting by the pond for a while.

Just as Yuga and Yasha were rushing towards the center of the island cautiously, Beidou and an elegant cat rushed out of the grass in a disheveled state.

When he saw Yuga and Yasha, he ran and shouted: "Run!"

At first, when Yujia and Yasha wondered why he was running, they saw a large group of bees flying out of the grass following Big Dipper, aggressively.

"Pink Butterfly, Power Grid!"

At Yuga's command,

Numerous electric grids flickering on the branches in front of the needle bees formed a trap area full of dangers, blocking their way.

The big needle bees were afraid of the power grid carrying the current, so they didn't dare to move on. After looking at the Big Dipper and the elegant cat through the grid, they flew away unwillingly.

Seeing the big needle bees recede, Big Dipper and Yamao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much, Yuka." Hokuto wiped the sweat from his brow, and panted.

Yujia asked strangely: "Didn't you act together with your teammates? Why are you so embarrassed by the big needle bee?"

Hearing Yujia's question, Beidou's face froze, and then said with an embarrassed smile: "I...we got separated!"

Looking at him like this, Yujia knew that the matter was definitely not as simple as getting separated, but seeing that he had no intention of talking, he didn't ask any more questions.

"Then what do you do next? Go find your teammates or..."

Beidou was silent and did not speak, and the scene became quiet for a while.

"Why don't you act together with us." Seeing that Beidou didn't speak, Yujia had no choice but to suggest, "Asha, do you think it's okay?"

The team is not Yuga's team alone, so he still asked for Yasha's opinion.

"I'm fine!"

Yasha said indifferently, rather, she felt that the more people there were, the better it would be.

"Really? That would be great!"

Beidou was very happy to see that Yasha agreed to go with them.

Seeing that he would rather be with himself and Yasha than to find his teammates, Yujia knew that something must have happened between him and his teammates.

"This is Yasha, this is Beidou, we will act together for the time being, let's get to know each other!"

Yu Jia gave a brief introduction to the two. After the two got to know each other, a simple three-person team was established.

After the three of them acted together, apart from the elegant cat beside them, Beidou released a cross-shaped bat and Yujia's pink butterfly to guard the air together. After all, it is easier to find problems in the air.

The strength of Beidou is still very good. The levels of the elegant cat and the cross-word bat are both over level 40. If it weren't for the elves whose aptitude is not as good as Yujia, the strength might be stronger than Yujia.

At least Yasha's green Heluga is not as good as these two elves.

Not long after the three of them left, they were blocked by an elf, and it was an elf mongoose that Yuga and the others knew.

The mongoose chop covered in purple venom in front of him was the one that Yujia and the others had seen abusing the rice spoon snake before.

It seems that the rice spoon snake was cleaned up by it.

This mongoose Zhan has a very ferocious personality. After seeing the three of them, he launched an attack without saying a word, and the tearing claw directly greeted Yujia.

But will Absolu of Uga let it do what it wants?

Absolu's surprise attack directly hit Mongoose Zhan's tearing claws, and then Mongoose Zhan was knocked flying.

The meerkat that hit a big tree was so angry that he fell back, thinking that the meerkat has been slashing through the jungle to this day, but was bullied by an unknown soldier. It's too embarrassing, but the smell on this unknown soldier makes people uncomfortable What is the momentum?

The Mongoose Zhan had no time to think about it and raised his two front paws again, and the tearing claws activated again, but this time it was aimed at Absolu.

But before it got close to Absolu, a series of mental sharp blades slashed at the front door.

Its last thought before it fell into a coma was: I think I have been in the jungle for so many years, but...

Leaving the fallen Mongoose Zhan behind, the three walked away.

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