Now that we have decided to take the time to adjust the physical condition of the leader Scorpion King and the three female Scorpios, we must first start with their food.

Yujia decided that for their recent food, they would choose the top-quality energy cubes made by Mei, and forget about the sub-level ones made by Yujia himself.

And recently, their training Yuga will also catch them personally to ensure that the female Scorpio evolves as soon as possible.

On this day, Luna and Lante finally completed the transfer procedures at the trainer school in Lusha Town, and they are about to go to Liuli City to study in the preparatory camp.

The alliance's preparatory camp is different from ordinary trainer training schools. They will not let children go out to travel after the age of 10, but let them stay in school for further studies, similar to taking the academic route.

Moreover, they still conduct militarized management, and they are very strict with the students. It will never be easier than the trainers on the trip. There are very few holidays, and it is not easy for the students to go home once.

Uncle and Uncle Kate decided to personally send the two of them to Liuli City. This is also the only opportunity for the parents of the students to visit the preparatory camp. Parents will not allow them to go to the preparatory camp in the future.

Students can be sure that there is only a holiday at the end of the year.

When Yuga and her aunt went to send Luna and uncle off together, Luna hugged her aunt and cried in the dark.

But it's no wonder that Luna was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she has never traveled far alone, let alone live in a strange place by herself in the future.

On the other hand, Lante, who was traveling with him, was quiet and didn't make much trouble. Unlike Luna, he had a mother who needed to say goodbye. His only relative also accompanied him this time. He didn't know that after Uncle Kate left after arriving at the preparatory camp, he would It won't be the same as Luna.

After sending Luna back to the breeding house, Yuga got busy again.

Recently, Yujia has been doing a lot of things, training the new elf mini-dragon, finding the reason why the carp king cannot evolve, and preparing for the cultivation of Scorpio, all of which can make Yujia turn around.

But not long after Yujia returned to the breeding house, he received a call from Mr. Qianli.

"Mr. Qianli? Why did you remember to call me?" Yujia asked.

Some time ago, the Lightning Bird attack not only affected Luyin Town, but also the large and small towns around the Orange Forest were affected more or less. Orange City.

In addition to the small villages scattered around the Orange Blossom Forest, Guchen Town, Luyin Town, and Kanaz City are the four largest human settlements around the Orange Blossom Forest, the largest of which is Kanaz City, but The closest one is Chenghua City.

Lusha Town and Orange Blossom Forest are connected only to the outermost area, while Orange Blossom Forest is closest to the central area.

So Mr. Qianli, who is a gym trainer, has been very busy recently.

"I heard that you rejected the invitation from the Supervision Bureau for your assessment?" Mr. Qianli's voice came from the other end of the phone.

The Elven Supervision Bureau is the agency directly under the prosecutor. It is a very special department set up by the alliance to deal with special incidents and sudden incidents. You can tell by its name that it has a special position in the alliance.

Joyner, the highest prosecutor Yujia met in Sinnoh, is the highest chief of the Sinnoh Alliance Elf Supervision Bureau.

"That's right."

So it was for this matter, Yuka thought.

"Why did you reject such a good opportunity so easily!" Qianli felt a little bit resentful.

The position of prosecutor is not something that anyone can take if they want to. All the people inside are carefully selected elites, and being able to enter it is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step.

For example, we all know the Heavenly King Challenge, and to participate in the Heavenly King Challenge requires qualifications, either you win the league competition, or you are a gym trainer from all over the world, and there are some people with special identities.

Prosecutors belong to this special status.

Of course, prosecutors have many benefits, so I won’t go into details here, but prosecutors are also a high-risk profession, which is inevitable, after all, there is no free lunch in the world.

In fact, the reason why Yujia was invited was not only that he performed very well in Lusha Town, but more importantly, he was recommended by Joyner.

Although the alliances in various regions occasionally compete, they are still a whole after all, especially the regional supervision bureaus, because of their special status and the closest connection, so the information between them is interoperable.

Of course, Yuga himself didn't know about this.

"Hey, can't this be refused?" Yujia asked in surprise.

On the other end of the phone, Qianli stroked his forehead helplessly, and said, "Why did you refuse? Isn't it good to be a prosecutor? With your strength, you will definitely pass the examination."

Qianli is very optimistic about Yujia. He is not from the Fangyuan area. He has no other relatives in Fangyuan except his wife and children. good future.

It's just that he didn't expect that Yujia's idea was so Buddhist, and a bright future was in front of him, so he pushed it away easily.

Yujia said: "Since I can refuse, it's okay. Of course I refuse because I don't want to be a prosecutor."

Why do you want to be a prosecutor? Not only is it exhausting, but it is also very dangerous. Isn't it good to be the owner of a breeding house honestly? Isn't it nice to sit at home and count money all day long? Why bother looking for guilt.

"Do you know what a prosecutor means?" Mr. Qianli gritted his teeth, feeling that he couldn't communicate with Yujia.

"I knew!"

Of course Yujia knows that he is not a fool. Becoming a prosecutor means that you have stepped into the threshold of the alliance's direct line team, which means that you will have the opportunity to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings or even the champion in the future, and it also means that your future is boundless.

But the point is that Yu Jiazhi is not here!

"Knowing that you still refuse!"

Mr. Qianli almost roared out these words.

Hearing that Mr. Qianli seemed to be going to explode, Yujia hurriedly said comfortingly:

"Okay, Mr. Qianli, I know you are doing it for my own good, thank you very much, but everyone has their own ambitions, some people want to be rich, some people want to be powerful, I just want to run my breeding house well, I really don't care about prosecutors."

After listening to Yujia's words, Mr. Qianli was silent for a while, finally sighed helplessly, and said, "All right, do whatever you like.

But, are you guys all right in Greenshade Town recently? "

Yujia knew that Mr. Qianli was referring to the Lightning Bird, after all, Lusha Town was where the incident happened.

"It's okay, it's been so long, and the people who came here have almost left."

Luyin Town is a small town with insufficient security forces. Qianli was quite worried that Yujia would not be able to cope with such a major incident.

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