I’m the Owner of the Breeding House In the World of Elves

Chapter 223 The King Carp and the Ugly Fish

Yujia watched the wretched uncle move the fish tanks filled with King Carp one by one to the side, and then revealed a large water tank.

Although this water tank is larger than all water tanks, there are only two elves in it.

These two elves are Carp King and Ugly Ugly Fish, but Yujia didn't look down on them at all, because they were two real elves with cyan aptitude.

"Isn't this the carp king and the ugly ugly fish? I thought you were going to show me some treasure!" Although Yujia was excited in his heart, he still said calmly.

The wretched uncle looked at Yujia with an expression of ignorance, and said, "What do you know! This is a very, very, very rare elf with cyan aptitude! I don't know anything!"

The uncle said three ten points in a row, just to highlight how precious the green carp king and ugly ugly fish are.

"Cyan qualified elf?" Yujia pretended to be surprised, the ovals in his eyes were open, just like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world.

The uncle was very satisfied with Yujia's appearance, and said proudly: "This is the pinnacle of our family's cultivation of King Carp and Ugly Fish over the years!"

The reason why Uncle Carp King's family also bred Ugly Fish was mainly because they wanted to see if they could find a breakthrough in the evolution of Carp King from Ugly Fish, but obviously, they failed.

"Is it really an elf with cyan aptitude?" Yujia asked with an effort to pretend to be shocked.

"Of course, why would I lie to you! Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the Lily of the Valley Conference to find a good buyer. It’s not impossible to sell it to you.” The uncle said to Yujia as if you had hit the big luck.

"How much can I get them?" Yujia asked eagerly.

"What do you think of a million dollars?"

The uncle originally wanted to give Yujia the opportunity to bid, but seeing Yujia's ignorant appearance, he was afraid that the price he offered would be too low, so he had to open his mouth.

"The price of 1 million is already very low. Let alone the price of other types of cyan qualification elves on the market, it is difficult to see one. This is the price of my conscience." The uncle looked at Yujia with a look of embarrassment, and continued.

In fact, what the uncle said is right, 1 million elves with cyan qualifications is really not expensive, because elves with cyan qualifications are not a regular commodity circulating in the market.

For elves with high qualifications such as cyan aptitude, it is too late for others to keep them for self-digestion, and there will be extras put on the market, especially the official breeding house of the alliance. They have put cyan aptitude elves on the market over the years. , but few.

How many trainers are there in the alliance? countless! The extremely rare cyan qualified elves couldn't even shake a splash of water in them.

On the contrary, there are relatively more cyan-qualified elves sold by private breeding houses, but they are limited. After all, there is still a gap between their breeding technology and the alliance.

All in all, there are at most one or two cases of cyan-qualified elves that can be heard in the market each year.

"Uncle, even if they are elves with cyan aptitude, they are just carp kings and ugly fish?" Yujia was a little "difficult".

"Hey, my little brother, my price is really not expensive! What else can you choose?" Seeing Yujia's embarrassed look, the uncle's face collapsed.

"Then why don't you sell it to others? The elves with blue aptitude, even the carp king and the ugly fish, can't worry about selling them." Yujia asked strangely.

Although the carp king and the ugly fish are difficult to evolve, you can get the cyan-colored Gyarados and Menus with a little time,

This small price is insignificant. Even if you can't evolve yourself, it's not a loss if you transfer it to someone who can train it, such as the Liuli Gym.

But Uncle Carp King's eagerness to sell to Yujia is a bit strange.

"Oh, little brother, why are you asking so many questions! Just say whether you want to buy it or not! Anyway, there is no doubt that these two of me are elves with cyan aptitude."

Uncle Carp King also wanted to scold his mother. Of course, the elves with cyan aptitude would not worry about selling them, and some people would snatch them up if they were put on the market. But these two of my own are not baby elves anymore. They are both over two years old. It is impossible to sell it in a serious manner.

He is not a desperado, he ran away after finishing one vote, he still wants to do business with peace of mind in the future, it is impossible to blatantly violate the laws of the alliance.

When Uncle Carp King's family bred these two elves with excellent qualifications, he didn't intend to sell them, but wanted to cultivate them into Carp King and Menus, but unfortunately, after several years, they still haven't made any movement .

They can understand that the ugly fish does not evolve. After all, the evolution method of the ugly fish is still unclear, but the king carp is a bit strange.

Although the carp king is much more difficult to evolve than other elves, as long as you cultivate carefully and take the time, evolution can still be done. If you can't do it, it can only show that your cultivation is not dedicated.

Most trainers can't do this "dedicated", so the carp king seems difficult to evolve.

However, this carp king, which has been fully cultivated by the family, cannot be said to be incomplete. Even if its level is very high now, there is still no sign of evolution. The decision to resell the ugly ugly fish that did not evolve.

It's just that these two elves are "old" elves, and they have passed the stage where the alliance allows them to be sold. In addition, the carp king still has some problems, so the uncle is so eager to find a good buyer.

"Uncle, if you make it cheaper, I'll buy them all!" Yujia also guessed at this time, there must be something wrong with these two elves, that's why the wretched uncle is so impatient.

"How about this, 900,000 each, no less." The uncle looked "heartbroken".

"800,000, otherwise I won't buy it." Yujia counter-offered.

Thinking of the carp king's question, the wretched uncle finally gritted his teeth and agreed to Yujia's counter-offer.

When giving the money, there were no formal procedures, and Yujia knew immediately that these two elves were no longer young elves, but he didn't care.

When Uncle Carp King saw Yu Jia, he seemed to know about it, but he didn't tell the truth, and gave Yu Jia a "sensible" look.

Taking Shinji away from Uncle Carp King's stall, Shinji looked at Yuga in amazement and said, "Brother Yu, you are so amazing! You can even buy elves with blue qualifications!"

Shinji's grandfather runs a breeding house. Although he is not very old, he also knows what the elves with cyan qualifications represent. Adding all the elves in their blue sky breeding house, there will be no more than five elves with cyan qualifications. It is the treasure of the town store.

After playing with Yuga for most of the day, Shinji has gradually become familiar with Yuga now, and talking with Yuga has become much smoother.

Yujia explained with a smile: "He is willing to sell the elves to me so easily, which means that both elves must have problems."

"Is there a problem? What's the problem?" Shinji wondered.

Yujia said with a smile: "I don't know what the problem is, I have to go back and look."

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