After finishing the conversation with Mr. Kobayashi, Yuka called Fenglu and said to him: "From today, we will add one more kind of elf for sale."

Feng Lu knew that Yujia had subdued many steel cannon arm shrimp and iron arm gun shrimp, so he also guessed what kind of elf Yujia was talking about.

"Is it the Iron Arm Shrimp?"

Yujia nodded and said, "Yes, but the number of gun prawns is relatively small. We can't do one every month at present, so we set it to one every three months."

"Understood." Feng Lv turned on the computer after speaking, and changed the original three boxes on the main interface to four boxes.

"Then will it start selling this month?" After the modification, Feng Li raised his head and asked Yu Jia.

"Yes, from this month onwards, this is the information about the Iron Arm Shrimp this month." As he spoke, Yujia took out a piece of paper with the information on the Iron Arm Shrimp and handed it to Feng Lu, "Wait Yes, I will ask Zhi Chongxiong to bring it over, take a picture of it, and upload it to the website together with the information on this piece of paper."

An hour later, Feng Li got everything ready, and the photos and information of the gun shrimp were uploaded to the website.

Since the Iron Arm Gun Shrimp is an elf that is only found in the Carlos area, and it is very rare in Fangyuan, its price is the same as the larvae of the dragon elf desert dragonfly, which is 500,000.

Although Yoyo Breeding House's website is oriented to the entire elf world, but because of the rules in the store, the main customer group is Fangyuan.

After the iron arm gun shrimp was put on the shelves, Yujia went back to her room, took out her computer and entered the website of Yoyo Breeding House, wanting to see the reaction of the new elves after it was put on the shelves.

Youjia clicked on the discussion area of ​​the website to see, not to mention, it was quite lively, so Yujia flipped through it casually.

"Another rare elf is on the shelves. I have to say, this Yoyo Breeding House is quite capable."

"It's another elf with green aptitude, hurry up and grab it, or it will be gone if it's too late!"

"The person upstairs, maybe when you post this sentence, you will have no chance!"

"The new elf is called Iron Arm Gun Shrimp? What kind of elf is this?"

"I'm afraid the one upstairs is not a fake trainer! Why don't you read more books if you have nothing to do?"

"That's right, what age is it now, and you still ask this kind of question, if you don't know it, can you check it yourself? The Internet can directly give you 9102 search results!"

"I'll give you a free science introduction, Iron Arm Gun Shrimp, Water Gun Pokémon, attributes, water..."

"Why is the number of this kind of elf less than the other two types? One can only be produced in three months. Then when will we be able to snatch one that is unlucky like us?"

"Did the people upstairs think that high-qualified elves are all leeks? After one crop is harvested, there will be another crop."

"Do you think that the quota for selling elves in this Yoyo Breeding House is just a gimmick. In fact, the elves have already decided in advance who they want to sell to, so we can't grab them no matter what."

"Is the person upstairs sick? What's the benefit of people making such a gimmick? You don't have the ability to say that people are shady, and you can't poop. Do you have to blame the latrine?"

"That is, I like conspiracy theories about everything."

"I advise you to be kind, what good do black people do to you?"


Yujia looked at these comments and thought it was quite interesting. Although there were praises and criticisms, they were generally good. Before, the elves were not worried about selling.

In fact, Yoyo Breeding House has recently attracted a lot of attention among a small group of trainers, especially those who specialize in ground-type elves.

The two signature elves displayed at the Yoyo Breeding House at the beginning are both ground-type elves.

And they are also two extremely rare types of ground-type elves. When these two types of elves were first confirmed to be real, they immediately attracted the attention of many ground-type trainers.

It's just that the number of places released by the Yoyo Breeding House is really too small, and most people have no way to grab it, so this didn't cause any repercussions.

Later, the Yoyo Breeding House launched a ground-based energy cube called "Thick and Heavy". This energy cube has a very good effect and is very suitable for the consumption of ground-type elves. Yoyo Breeding House is also famous among many ground trainers.

So Yoyo Breeding House is still very famous in a small area.

The response to the launch of the new Elf Armor Shrimp has been quite good. Many people complained about the fact that only one will be sold every three months.

However, most people also understand that, after all, it is well known that high-quality elves are not easy to cultivate, otherwise their price would not be so expensive.

Trainers who are familiar with the two elves, Iron Arm Gun Shrimp and Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp, know that they are both very good elves, and it is not difficult to train them, so Yujia is not worried about its sales.

Sure enough, after a while, Yujia received the news from Fenglu that the buyer of the first iron-armed gun shrimp had arrived.

Yo Yo Breeding House generally once someone makes an appointment, the quota on the website will be withdrawn, unless the person who made the reservation is not suitable after the inspection of Yujia or Suzuki Garden, the quota will be reopened on the website.

As soon as the Yoyo Breeding House's quota on the website was withdrawn, there was a reaction in the discussion area.

"This speed is too fast! I hesitated for a while, and it was gone!"

"Sure enough, the Yoyo Breeding House is still the Yoyo Breeding House, and its quota will always be out of your reach."

"Elves are good elves, but it's a bit..."

"Upstairs, you don't want to go, some people want to go!"

"I didn't grab the pair, when will the God of the Emperor of Europe be able to favor me once!"

"Hey, it's always a lie to say that people sell scorpios and mandible ants, but now it's really delicious..."


After casually looking around, he felt that Yoyo Breeding House's current reputation was not bad, so Yujia turned off the computer, called Fenglu, and asked him to give him the information of the customer who ordered the iron-armed gun shrimp this time.

Yujia got the name of the customer that Fenglu gave him, Yujia was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the customer this time turned out to be this person.

This is a real celebrity, almost a household name in the Fangyuan area. Yujia didn't expect the two of them to meet in such a situation, and unconsciously began to look forward to it.

It's just that Yujia didn't expect that, as this person, he would choose to buy elves from Yoyo Breeding House, a small and unknown breeding house.

But thinking about Yuga, I understand that the whole Yoyo Breeding House with Iron Arm Gun Shrimp is probably the only Yoyo Breeding House. Although this kind of elf is not a very rare elf in the Kalos area, I want to find one. It's not easy for those with high qualifications.

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