Two months passed in the blink of an eye, and at the end of August, Aya and the other three took the entrance exam for Green Shadow University as scheduled.

It was Yuga who personally sent them to the examination room.

It was not just Ayaya and the other three who came to take the exam, there were also many students who had been recommended for admission through other channels.

And those students who have graduated from secondary trainer schools and entered the school have already come to sign up one after another.

Because they obtained their quota through special recommendation, Ayaya's exam content was not difficult, and there was not much content to test. It was over in just one day, and then they were waiting for the final results.

While Ayaya, Anlin, and Anmu were still nervously preparing for the exam, Xiaozhi had successfully enrolled in the university in Alola with Pikachu and Hoopa.

The school in Alola started school much earlier than the school in Fangyuan. It started in early August. Xiaozhi, who came to the new area, was full of expectations for his future schooling.

On the first day of September, Aya and his team's exam results were announced on the official website of Green Shadow University and on the school's campus.

Without any accident, all three of them successfully passed the exam. They did not embarrass the Green Yin Gym, nor did they live up to their two months of studying early and late.

Luyin University officially opened on September 10th. Before that, Ayashi and the others came back to celebrate Ayaya, Anlin, and Anmu's successful admission to Luyin University.

Although Yoyo's breeding house is not far from Lvyin University, Yujia decided to let the three children live on campus so that they can better experience campus life.

On the 8th, Ayashi and Anya personally sent their three younger brothers to school and helped them make arrangements for their daily lives before returning.

Luyin Town University has different majors, including traditional trainer majors, cultivator majors, coordination trainer majors, elf doctor majors, etc. Aya and the others were admitted to the traditional trainer majors, and the dormitories are also divided into Together.

The dormitory of Lvyin University is a four-person dormitory, and Aya and their other roommate happened to be Ryota. After knowing this, Yuga was very suspicious that Mr. Hesai used his position as the principal to open the back door.

Ayashi did not stay in Green Shadow Town for long. After sending his younger brother to school, he left with Sena Arata.

On September 10th, Luyin University held its opening ceremony. As the gym trainer of Luyin Town, Yujia was invited and gave a speech on the stage.

Yuga can currently be regarded as the representative figure of Fangyuan trainers. He is very famous among young trainers and has many admirers. It seems that many students choose to enroll in Luyin University because it is located in Luyin Town.

This is a manifestation of the celebrity effect.

The number of students in the first Green Shade University was not large, just over eight hundred, and it is said that a considerable number of them were descendants of the Alliance military.

Most of the Alliance's soldiers are affiliated with the pioneering forces. For the descendants of these people, the Alliance provides educational support. The threshold for them to enter various institutions of higher learning is much lower than that of ordinary students.

Because the Fangyuan Alliance was afraid that Green Shadow University would not be able to recruit anyone in the first year, it allocated some graduates from the secondary trainer school affiliated with the military.

Of course, this is also based on the principle of voluntariness. If people really don't want to follow the principles of Green Shadow University, the military can't force them to come.

All the military-affiliated schools of the alliance are not limited to trainer schools. The students in them are the children of members of the alliance military.

Of course, the enrollment situation of Luyin University is not as bad as the league leaders thought. Although there are not many students in their early eighties, it is enough.

Moreover, the school is newly built and many aspects are still being explored. Having fewer students is not a bad thing.

After the opening ceremony, as expected, Yuga was surrounded by many students, either those who wanted autographs or those who wanted to ask for advice. It took a lot of effort for him to get out.

Half a month after the start of Luyin University, Luyin Town ushered in another major event. The landmark building built by the Alliance in Luyin Town, the Luyin Arena, was completed and opened to the public. At the same time, the Alliance officially announced that Luyin Town The name was changed to Green City, and the former mayor Ishida Kai was promoted to the first mayor.

The upgrade of Luyin Town and the opening of Luyin Arena happened on the same day. On that day, the new Luyin City held a grand event in the arena, and all the prominent people in the new Luyin City participated.

Greenyin Arena is located in the northeast corner of the new Greenyin City. It was originally just a village under Greenyin Town. With the expansion of Greenyin Town, the village was later divided into the current Greenyin City and was affected by it. Remodeling and reimagining of the Alliance.

There are many villages around Luyin Town that have experienced this, and everything is aimed at turning Luyin Town into Luyin City.

The Greenline Arena is a comprehensive training venue specially built for trainers. It covers a total area of ​​more than 80,000 square meters. The main building, the Athletic Tower, has a total of 108 floors. It stands tall in a corner of the new Greenyin City. It can be said that it is A veritable landmark building in Green City.

The original landmark building of Luyin Town was the venue for the gorgeous competition, which was later known as the Luyin Town Gymnasium. It is now outdated.

This large-scale green arena has a place specifically for trainers to train elves, and a place for free battles with other trainers. It also has the largest electronic library in the Fangyuan area. Whether it is a traditional trainer or a breeder, Coordination trainers... can find a place that suits them here.

The most eye-catching one is the competition tower, the main building. It uses the most advanced virtual technology. Trainers can challenge each other level by level. The mastermind of the competition tower control center will provide challenges for them based on the strength of the challenger elves. Generate suitable opponents.

When Yujia participated in the gym trainer assessment, the alliance used similar technology, and the technology used in the competition tower was an upgraded version of the technology at that time.

Although the opponents assigned to challengers by the competition tower mastermind are generated through virtual technology, they all have temporary entities. Except that they are not as flexible as real elves, they are no different from the real ones.

Yujia heard that this technology was found by the Alliance from an ancient ruins, and then a researcher transformed it and combined it with current technology before it was finally completed. Currently, the Green Shade Arena is the first to apply this technology. A place for new technology.

The competition tower can accommodate 10,000 people at a time to challenge at the same time, but most of the facilities are currently closed, because it is impossible for so many people to challenge at the same time, and leaving the facilities open will only waste energy.

Many places in the Green Arena require money to go to, and the same applies to the Arena Tower. This place can be regarded as an amazing gold-selling den. Its biggest blessing to ordinary trainers is probably the free and open electronic library. .

Knowledge is very expensive in the elf world. Although people are not short of money to obtain knowledge online, slightly more advanced knowledge requires a lot of money to browse.

In this way, the role of the electronic library in Green Shade Arena for ordinary trainers is self-evident.

The Alliance is now vigorously popularizing the trainer profession, and it also wants to bring creatures like elves into thousands of households, and the opening of the Green Shade Arena Tower Library is a test project of the Alliance.

For a long time after the competition tower was opened, a large number of trainers would come to Luyin City to see this new training place, which also brought a lot of popularity to the new Luyin City.

The new training method of the competition tower is still very effective for trainers, and even for trainers of Yuga's level, its effect cannot be ignored.

It just costs money.

However, Yuga is not the kind of person who is short of money. After the arena was opened, he directly reserved a level and let some of his main elves permanently stay there and participate in different forms of challenges every day.

Challenges in the competitive tower are divided into random challenges and self-selected challenges.

The random challenge means that the mastermind randomly assigns opponents to the challenger, and the race and attributes of the opponent's elves are random; while the self-selected challenge means that the challenger chooses the attributes or types of the elves in each layer.

Both forms of challenge have pros and cons.

After lunch that day, Yujia saw Duoduo carrying a small package and knew that it was going to deliver food to the elves in the competition tower, so he said:

"Wait a minute, I'll go too."

Today is the seventh day that Yuga's elves have stayed in the competition tower. They have not left the competition tower once in these seven days, and Duoduo delivers food and drink to them every day.

And Yuga has been very busy recently due to the affairs of the new Green City, so he has almost no time to see them.

Fortunately, things have come to an end now, and the rest is what Mayor Ishida should worry about, so he thought of going to see how the elves were doing.

Just when Yuga was about to get up and go out with Duoduo, Kyuubi, who was using his mental power to clear away the dishes, shouted: "Don't leave me behind, I'm going too!"

Yujia asked: "You don't want to wash the dishes?"

Recently, Duoduo has to deliver food to the elves after lunch every day, so the job of washing the dishes falls on Kyuubi. Although Kyuubi doesn't like water, it can control its mental power and likes it without touching the water.

Kyuubi said indifferently: "I'll wash it when I get back. I haven't been to that arena yet. I just want to go and see it today."

Yujia could only nod and said: "Then hurry up."

"Here we come!" Kyuubi quickly sent all the dishes and chopsticks into the kitchen and then ran out.

After returning from Karuna's commercial shooting, Kyuubi has been idle at home for several months, and there is no new job for it, so it is almost getting sick from idleness.

So one person and two elves went out together.

After the expansion of Green City, it was divided into a new area and an old area. The Yoyo breeding house is located in the old area, while the arena is located in the new area.

Yujia walked on the streets of the new district, looking at the people coming and going and the constant flow of people in the new district, and felt that the construction here was indeed good.

Compared with the old district, the new district with obviously better planning and construction is more prosperous. I believe that it will not be long before the center of Luyin City will gradually shift to the new district.

When he arrived at the entrance of the arena, Yuka was surprised to find Aya, Anlin, and Anmu walking towards this direction in a large group of people. Those people were obviously students from Green Shadow University, and Ryota was also among them.

Seeing Yuga, Aya shouted happily: "Master, why are you here?"

Yujia smiled and said: "I haven't asked you yet, why are you three here? You don't have to go to class?"

Ayaya and the others are all their classmates. They know that Ayaya, Anmu, and Anlin grew up together, but they don’t know that they are apprentices at the Green Shadow Gym. At this moment, they see Ayaya and Yuka. He spoke so familiarly that everyone couldn't help but become curious.

One of the classmates who played better with the twins even asked excitedly directly in Anmu's ear: "Do you know the owner of Qingshui Hall? Why haven't I heard you talk about it?"

An Mu said helplessly: "You didn't ask me before. I'd better tell you when I get back."

Anmu had no intention of hiding their relationship with the Luyin Gym. They were locals in Luyin City. There weren't many people in the old district who knew them, so it was impossible to hide it even if they wanted to. Besides, there was no need to hide it.

The other students were secretly winking at An Mu and An Lin, making them very helpless.

After listening to Ayaya's words, Yuga realized that they had made an appointment with their friends to watch the game together.

"You said King Xiba and King Yankai came to Green City?" Yuga asked in surprise.

"Yes, don't you know, Master? I thought you were here to watch the match between King Shiba and King Yankai like us." Aya also said doubtfully, "Many people in our school have heard about it. There should be a lot of people watching this game today.”

"Then I really have to go and take a look." Yuga really didn't know that these two heavenly kings had come to Green City, and he was so busy that he was dizzy. "Let's go in together." Yuga said, greeting Ayaya. , An Lin, An Mu and their classmates entered the arena together.

The students from Lvyin University who were following behind became a little cautious because of Yuga's appearance. You pushed me and I pushed you, as if you didn't know how to speak.

Upon seeing this, Yuga smiled and said, "Just do as usual and just pretend that I don't exist."

"Ryouta, Aya, here!"

After everyone walked into the hall, they suddenly heard someone shouting. Yujia followed the sound and saw Qianhai waving to them.

Yuga subconsciously looked at Aya and asked, "Do you know Qianhai too?"

Aya also replied: "Yes, he is Ryota's friend. I got to know him after meeting him a few times."

"Is that so..." Yuga couldn't help but look at Qianhai a few more times.

However, what surprised Yuga even more was that Qianhai was not only familiar with Ryota, Aya and the others, but also seemed to know the other Green Shadow University students who came with her. She was chatting and laughing with them, and she seemed to have known them for a long time. look like.

As if aware that Yuga was looking at him, Qianhai walked over and asked, "Is Mr. Shimizu also here to watch the match between King Yan Kai and King Shiba?"

Yujia nodded and said, "That's right."

Qianhai wanted to continue talking to Yuga, when a student shouted: "The game between King Yankai and King Xiba is about to begin, let's go in!"

So a large group of people swarmed towards the battle site, and Yuga also hurried up.

The arena that Yuga was going to was not in the same direction as the battle venue, so he could only wait until the game was over before going to see his elves.


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