Now that the Flying Mantises had agreed to surrender, Yuga decided to take them home immediately. He did not use the Poké Balls to collect the Flying Praying Mantises and just let them go with them, thus saving some Poké Balls.

It would cost a lot of money to put all the hundreds of flying mantises in Poké Balls. Even if we use the cheapest red and white balls, it would cost nearly 50,000 yuan.

So Yuga started to walk back with a huge group of elves. With such a long time behind him, it took him much longer to go back than when he came. He walked for most of the day and failed to get back to the island on the same day. Ecological Park.

Seeing that he could not return to the island ecological park before dark, Yujia decided to stay on the island for one more night and continue his journey tomorrow morning. But who would have thought that it would rain heavily on the island in the middle of the night.

This island floats in the middle of the sea, thousands of miles away from the mainland, and it is common for the weather to suddenly change.

Originally, Yuga slept in a temporary tent at night, but the sudden heavy rain forced him to move into the castle built by the Sand-eating Castle Lord.

Because of the heavy rain, it became easier for the Sand-Eating Castle to absorb water and sand, and the castle was built very quickly, so Yuga moved in in time without getting wet.

The flying mantises were originally resting outside, but when the heavy rain came, Yuga still thought of putting them into the elf ball. After all, they couldn't enter the castle of Sand Eater.

But unexpectedly, this group of flying mantises quickly found some large plant leaves and branches, set up simple tents by themselves, and then hid in them. They moved very skillfully.

Obviously this is not the first time they have encountered this situation, and they have already had their own set of methods to deal with it.

The climate of this island is hot and humid, so the leaves of many plants grow very wide, and one leaf is even larger than Yuga's entire body, so it is very convenient to set up tents.

Suddenly woken up by the heavy rain in the middle of the night, Yuga couldn't fall asleep, so he took out a flashlight and stood by the window on the second floor of the castle, silently looking at the heavy rain outside.

In addition to the heavy rain, there was also a strong wind blowing on the island. The big trees outside were swaying in the wind and rain, as if they would be uprooted in the next second.

In addition, Yuga could still vaguely hear the sound of waves.

The place where they spent the night was not far from the coast of the island. The wind and waves were probably too strong, and the sound of waves lapping against the coast could be faintly heard.

In the middle of the night, the rain became heavier and heavier, as if the Milky Way in the sky was leaking. The tents of the flying mantises were no longer useful, and the leaves covering the tops were blown off one by one by the strong wind. As a last resort, Yujia had to They collected the elf balls one by one.

Now the plan to save money was ruined!

Because he went out to collect the flying mantises, when Yuga returned to the castle, his whole body was soaked and he became a complete drowned rat.

Fortunately, he had stored a lot of clothes in the system backpack before, so now he is not worried about not having any clothes to change, but he is a little regretful that he can no longer take a hot bath.

Strong winds blew all night and heavy rain fell all night. Affected by the sound of wind and rain, Yujia didn't sleep all night.

In the middle of the night, probably attracted by the beam of light from Yuga's flashlight, two Bobos and a Bibi fell into the castle of the Sandeater, hoping to take shelter from the rain.

But the Sand-Eating Castle will absorb the vitality of the creatures in its body. For their safety, Yujia had to send them all out again.

The rain outside was too heavy, and Yuga was worried that several Bobo and Bibi birds could not withstand the violent storm, so he placed them on the balcony of the castle. As long as they were not inside the castle, their lives would not be in danger.

Yujia also gave them two basins that he had stored in his system backpack, and asked the Sand-eating Castle Master to place the basins upside down on the balcony and fix the basins with his body to protect Bobo and Bibi from the rain. .

In the early morning, the heavy rain finally stopped, and the island that had been violent all night suddenly became quiet. The rising sun filled the wet island with its radiance.

Yuga was sitting leisurely on the edge of the balcony eating breakfast. Bobo and the Bibi birds poked their heads out of the basin and looked at him eagerly. He had no choice but to tear apart a piece of bread and give it to them.

After breakfast, Yuga walked out of the castle and went to the balcony on the second floor to stretch out and breathe in the fresh air after the rain.

After eating and drinking, Bobo and the Bibi birds flew up to say goodbye to him and expressed their gratitude for taking him in last night and feeding him this morning.

Yujia also waved goodbye to them, planning to put away the Sand-Eating Castle later and leave. However, at this moment, he suddenly heard faint singing coming from a distance.

"Master Sandeater, have you heard anyone singing?" Yujia lowered his head and asked.

The Sand-Eating Castle was quiet for a few seconds, and then gave a positive answer. There was indeed singing, and the sound was particularly beautiful, ethereal and distant, but the singing seemed to reveal sadness.

Probably because it was a bit far away, Yujia could only vaguely hear the singing, but could not judge what the singing meant, so he decided to go and have a look.

Quickly putting away the things in the castle and putting the Sand-Eating Castle Lord into the shadow space, Yujia released his fast dragon and rode up, following the faint singing voice and chasing after him.

The sound seemed to come from the coast.

With Kuailong's speed, Yujia saw the coast in just a few minutes.

After a night of heavy rain, a lot of seaweed, shells and other things washed up on the shore. There were also more giant claw crabs, giant tongue clams and other elves on the beach and in the rocks.

Yujia rode a dragon and landed on the beach, frightening the two crabs that were fighting for food and ran into the water. At the same time, the singing became more and more clear.

The meaning of the song is not clear, it seems to be some kind of inherent sound that conveys information, but Yuka really feels the sadness, anxiety and fear conveyed in the song.

Yuga walked along the beach, and at the end was a pile of strange-shaped rocks. On one of the huge rocks, a blue-white elf was singing to the endless sea.

It's more like wailing than singing.

Western Lion and Hairen

Attributes: water, fairy

Features: Wet sound

Gender: Female

Qualification: Qing

Level: 44

Skills: Slap, Water Gun, Charming Sound, Water Jet, Round Pupil, Foam Beam, Singing, Moon Power, Loud Sound, Temptation, Water Cannon, Water Tail, Song of Destruction.

Yuga didn't expect that the one singing was actually a Western Lion. This island is within the scope of the Kanto Continent. Logically speaking, spirits like the Western Lion shouldn't appear here.

Yuga had no intention of hiding, so Xishi Hairen quickly noticed him and plunged into the sea without any hesitation.

Yujia did not stop him. He walked to the edge of the reef to investigate the situation, but found that the Western Lion Hairen did not escape, but was floating on the sea with his belly turned over and his face in pain.

Seeing Yujia coming, the Western Lion Hairen still wanted to dive into the water, but as soon as its tail swung, it made a painful inhalation sound, and the sea water was dyed red little by little with blood.

Only then did Yuga notice that there was a palm-long wound on the tail of the Western Lion Hairen. At this time, the wound had been torn and seemed to be a little infected.

"Are you OK?"

Yujia quickly jumped into the sea and carried the Western Lion Hairen from the water to the reef. Originally, the Western Lion Hairen wanted to struggle, but it was very weak at the moment and wasted a lot of energy because it kept singing, so it couldn't. Open the arms of Yuga.

"You are injured, let me help you take care of it!"

Saying this, Yujia began to clean the wounds of the Western Lion and Hairen. The Western Lion and Hairen had no strength to resist. Seeing that Yujia seemed to have no ill intentions, he remained motionless and allowed Yujia to move his hands on its big tail. foot.

As a trainer who travels frequently, Yujia has a large number of commonly used medicines in his system space.

He first cleaned Xishi Hairen's wound with clean water, then used a knife to cut off the rotten and infected parts of the wound, and then applied medicine to it.

During this period, Xishi Hairen gasped in pain, but she endured not moving.

After the wound was treated, Yuga used his healing ability to speed up the healing of its wound. However, Xishi Hairen's wound was not a new one, it should have been there for some time, so it was impossible to fully recover immediately.

By this time, the Western Lion Hairen had collapsed and was lying motionless on the rocks. Yujia took out the energy cube and fed it to its mouth.

"Come on, eat something to replenish your strength."

Xishi Hairen swallowed the energy cube obediently, and after a while she felt her body became much more relaxed.

Seeing that Xishi Hairen was fine, Yujia began to think about how to trick it home, so he asked: "Why are you here alone and still injured so seriously?"

The behavior between Yujia and Yujia had made the Western Lion Hairen put down its guard, so it told Yujia about its experience.

It turns out that the Western Lion Hairen got separated from his own kin, and his song was used as a signal to call out to his kin.

The Western Lion Hairen and his fellow tribesmen were originally on the move.

Affected by the ocean currents, the Western Lion and Hairen and their kind will migrate from one place to another every once in a while.

During their migration not long ago, the ocean current they were following suddenly became abnormal for some reason. The Western Lion and Hairen were separated from their fellows in a daze, and their tails were seriously injured because they hit a boulder on the bottom of the sea.

In order to pursue his kin, the Western Lion Hairen ignored his injuries, which continued to worsen. At this time, it rained all night, and he encountered a tornado and was taken to this unknown sea area.

The heavy rain last night caused huge waves on the sea. The injured Xishi Hairen was washed to the shore by the waves in a coma, and his injuries worsened.

After waking up this morning, the Western Lion Hairen could not leave because of her serious injury, so she could only sing songs on her back on the rocks.

In fact, it knew in its heart that even if it sang here, its fellow humans would not be able to hear it, but it was helpless and didn't know what else to do besides singing.

After hearing what Xishi Hairen said, Yujia said with a worried look on his face: "It's not easy for you to find your kin, and you're still injured!"

It is because Xishi Hairen knows this that she is so helpless.

Yujia saw that Xishi Hairen was stunned and didn't respond, so he took the opportunity to say: "Why don't you go home with me first? After your injury is healed, it will be the same when you come to the same clan again. Staying here now will not only waste your time, but It’s not conducive to your recovery either.”

No matter what, let’s go home first.

"I'll send you back after your injury is healed," Yuga said again.

Xishi Hairen finally had a reaction after hearing this. He hesitated for a while before slowly nodding.

So Yujia took the Western Lion Hairen and rode the dragon back to the island ecological park.

The place where Xishi Hairen stayed was not far from the island ecological park. It only took Yujia more than three hours to get home on Kuailong. Even if he really wanted to send Xishi Hairen back by then, it wouldn't take much time. .

As soon as Yujia arrived at the island ecological park, he saw Duoduo running over in a hurry. He didn't notify Duoduo when he left, which made Duoduo anxious in the past two days.

Seeing that Yujia came back safely, Duoduo breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was a little angry. He stared at Yujia for a long time, turned around and left without saying a word.

Keke, who also rushed over, winked at Yujia, as if to say: Look, you are angry!

Yujia quickly handed the Western Lion Hairen to Coco, and asked him to place the Western Lion Hairen in the lake space of the Island Ecological Park, and then went to chase Duoduo.

The water in the lake space has a healing effect, and the presence of the Western Lion and Hairen in it is beneficial to the recovery of injuries.

Duoduo left the island ecological park and returned home to start cleaning. Yujia chased after him and said with a smile: "Duoduo, I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

"Tabunai~Tabunai~" No, you can do whatever you want to eat.

Duoduo didn't even raise his head.

Yujia flattered her and said, "My craftsmanship is not as good as yours. I want to eat what you cook."

"Tabunai~" What do you want to eat?

Duoduo still didn't look up.

Yuga continued to flatter you: "As long as Duoduo does it, I like it."

"Tabunai~Tabunai~" Oh, it's a pity that I am very busy now and have no time to cook.

Duoduo did not cook for Yujia as he wished, so Yujia had to do it himself.

Not only that, Yujia didn't get much food in the next two days. He either had to cook it by himself or go to the paradise restaurant to eat.

This shows how angry Duoduo was about Yuga disappearing for two days without saying hello!

As for the flying mantises brought back by Yujia, he has already arranged them.

After using innovative medicine on them, those with high qualifications were assigned to the insect paradise, while those with low qualifications went to the new garden.

There are already a certain number of flying mantises in the Insect Paradise, and now some of them have been added. The flying mantis group has begun to take shape, and I believe it will be on the shelves soon.

Although this was a happy event, Duoduo's lukewarm attitude in the past two days really made Yujia very uncomfortable.

Yujia came out from the ecological park after watching the newly arrived Flying Mantis. He saw Jiuwei walking leisurely and said angrily: "You will enjoy it. Look at how you tricked me. If it weren't for you, Duoduo would have given birth to such a big child." Are you angry?"

Kyuubi rolled his eyes and said, "Why didn't you say I cheated you when you subdued the flying mantis!"


Yujia was choked and couldn't speak for a long time.

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