Yuka opened her confused eyes in the morning, and after sitting up from the bed, she habitually glanced at the system's trainer shop.

Although this shop has always been the virtue of the tree fruit and the pokeball appearing alternately for so many days, but Yuka thinks that there is still a dream, in case a golden item comes out!

No, he saw at a glance that a blue box was mixed into the many white boxes, and it was a primary qualification evolution pill.

However, in Yuga's elves, except for the straight bear, which is a yellow talent, the other elves are all green and above, that is to say, this primary qualification evolution pill can only be used by the straight bear.

However, during this period of time, Zhichongxiong did indeed help him a lot. In addition to guarding the door of his own shop, he also helped the almost dolls to take care of the trees and fruit forests, and looked after the flower fields. They were very diligent.

In particular, one of the farming skills of the Straight Bear Club is really good at farming, and the tree orchards and flower fields in the main garden of the ecological garden are really well-organized by him.

After washing up, Yuka found the straight bear lying there at the door of the store, and called it to the ecological garden.

Although Zhichong Xiong didn't know what Yuga was looking for, he still followed up obediently.

Like the straight bear, the big desert dragonfly, the king Yan, the almost doll, the desert dragonfly leader, and the scorpion leader, these are older elves who are not the main elves of Yuga, and they will not participate in the morning skill training.

They are relatively old and already have their own mature habit of using skills, Yuka does not want to change them forcefully.

After arriving at the ecological park, Yuga took the primary qualification evolution pill out of the system backpack, and then handed it to Zhichong Xiong, saying, "Eat this, it's very good for you."

The elves are very sensitive to things that are beneficial to them, and the straight bear knew that this thing must be beneficial to him the moment Yuga took out the Aptitude Evolution Pill.

He ate the Aptitude Evolution Pill that Yuga handed over in one bite, and rushed straight to the bear and felt that his whole body was warm and very comfortable, but he didn't know what changes had happened to him.

Only Yuka's wisdom eyes, the change of the straight bear will be clear at a glance.

straight to bear

Attributes: General

Gender: Male

Ability: Pick up

Qualification: Green

Level: 46

Skills: Frolic, Plough, Crash, Sand-Push, Headbutt, Smell Detection, Cleave, Shadow Ball.

There was no surprise in the aptitude of the straight bear, it smoothly changed from yellow to green, and the level was slightly increased by one level.

After watching the situation of the straight bear, Yuka crouched down and patted its head, and said with a smile: "Okay, you have eaten the food too, go play by yourself."

Although I don't know what the effect of the food Yuka just gave me, I feel that I can't be wrong. That thing must have brought me unexpected benefits, so I am even more grateful to Yuka.

After helping Zhichong Xiong complete the evolution of his qualifications, Yuka stayed in the ecological garden and accompanies the elves on today's skill training mission.

The training of other elves is a daily task, and each of them can complete their own training tasks independently. After all, they have followed Yuga for some time, and these trainings have gradually become their habit, even if sometimes Yuga does not have time to accompany her. They train and they can do it well.

The only thing that worries Yuka is Hua Yedi's understanding of the misty field.

After so many days of practice and attempts, Mosaic still failed to use the mist field successfully.

For this reason, Miao Yedi not only felt very depressed, but also became a little irritable.

Seeing Hua Yedi looking a little irritable, Yuka had to comfort it and said, "Hua Yedi, we don't have to worry, just take it slow, we have time."

Hua Yedi heard Yuga's comforting words,

Although he nodded in agreement on the surface, his mood didn't seem to improve, and Yuka looked a little worried.

In the end how can you learn to mist the field?

Yuga himself is not a person with fantastic ideas, and he can't think of a good way to help Hua Yedi to understand the misty field, so he had to call the almost doll who was training with the elf baby over there. .

Under the careful guidance of almost the dolls, the big milk cans have been able to use the healing bells smoothly, so it has turned to be responsible for the training of caring for the elf babies.

Yuga asked towards the almost doll who was walking towards him: "Baby doll, do you remember how you learned the mist field at the beginning?"

Hearing Yuga's question, the doll almost shook his head in confusion.

Yuka asked in a daze, "You learned it naturally?"

Almost the doll nodded.

Yuka asked again: "No special training? No special things?"

Almost the doll nodded again.

Is this the difference in qualifications? Almost the doll is a natural cyan aptitude elves, and even if the flower pedicle uses the primary aptitude evolution pill, the aptitude only changes from yellow to green.

Yuga also found that the yellow-qualified straight bears were inferior to the green-qualified Da Wangyan in terms of skills, but their levels were almost the same, they lived in the same environment, and they were good friends for a long time.

This is the gap in strength caused by the gap in qualifications.

After almost the doll didn't get good inspiration, Yuka began to think about how to make Hua Yedi learn the mist field.

Almost all the conditions required to use the mist field have been told by the dolls, so why can't the flowers be used?

Just as Yuga was thinking hard, the Great Desert Dragonfly flew out from the gate of light in the sub-garden, and was about to fly out of the ecological park.

Looking at the great desert dragonfly flying in front of him, Yuka suddenly understood.

Yes, the flower pedicle is just the flower pedicle, it is not Mrs. Hua Jie, and at its current level, it does not have the conditions to study the mist field.

If Hua Yedi wants to learn the skill of Mist Field, the prerequisite is that it must be at least level 40, but Yuga's Mist Field is only level 30, which is far from the level required for learning Mist Field. , unless it is genetic.

There is no level limit for Mrs. Hua Jie to learn the mist field. As long as Hua Yedi evolves into Mrs. Hua Jie, it will naturally have all the conditions for learning the mist field.

Yuga had always thought that Hua Yedi needed a good foundation to be suitable for evolution, but she never thought that this would limit its growth.

In fact, if Hua Yedi wants to evolve into Mrs. Hua Jie, she can complete the evolution through the Stone of Light at about level 19, and Yuga's Hua Yedi is already at level 30 and can already evolve.

In fact, one advantage of elves that require props to complete evolution is that evolution is relatively easy.

We all know that even if the general elves reach the level, they may not be able to complete the evolution smoothly, and they have to go through a lot of hard training and tempering.

For elves that need to evolve with props, as long as the props are in place, they can complete the evolution immediately. Of course, the value of evolution props is self-evident. In short, it is the word "burning money".

This is probably the so-called "when God closes this door, he will open another door for you", and the two evolutions had their pros and cons at the time.

To evolve naturally, you have to give time and energy; to evolve immediately, you have to give your wallet.

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