"Yes, the nuclear bomb explosion killed the death crowd, but Godzilla's biological structure is extremely special. After years of research, we found that Godzilla likes nuclear radiation very much. For him, a nuclear explosion is a delicious meal. meal!"

Speaking of this, Dr. Landa seemed a little excited.

Godzilla disappeared after the battle with the hordes of death, and the earth returned to peace, which is a good thing.

But without the monsters, the position of the Emperor Organization has become very awkward. For the United States, the Emperor Organization has become a tasteless one.

Over the years, the US government has received less and less funding, which has led to a large reduction in the personnel of the Emperor Organization, and the equipment cannot keep up with the times, and it may be disbanded at any time.

But the situation is different now. Godzilla reappeared, rekindling Dr. Landa's hope and enthusiasm.

Jack frowned, and looked at Dr. Landa: "This should be a secret, why are you telling us this?"

Dr. Landa said with a smile: "Because I want to invite you to join the Emperor Organization. Only those who have seen the giant beast can understand that the ancient giant beast is not a legend. There are still many secrets waiting for us to discover in this world? Where did the ancient giant beast come from?" Come on, what role did it play in the process of human evolution? Don't you want to explore these mysteries?"

Jack and Ruth looked at each other, really moved.

They are just at the age of youth and enthusiasm, with a strong thirst for knowledge. In addition to love, life also needs life and goals.

Especially after seeing Godzilla with their own eyes, the two were both terrified and fascinated by such an ancient creature.

Since the pursuit of stimulation, then follow through to the end.

Moreover, Jack also wants to make a career. He has a very adventurous spirit. Now that the opportunity is in front of him, he certainly wants to give it a go.

Landa is someone who has been there. After seeing the two people's emotions, he said seriously: "Tell me about your experience in detail. This is very important to the emperor's organization and even all human beings."

Buttoning a big hat gave Jack and Ruth a sense of mission.

The black assistant on the side secretly gave Dr. Landa a thumbs up.

It feels like this wave of flickering has stabilized.

In fact, Dr. Landa did this, but it was also a helpless move.

Today is the period of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, and the Emperor Organization has been unable to produce decent results for a long time. Those capitalists who cannot see the return are naturally unwilling to invest.

And the good resources are all divided up by the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau and other departments. If he didn't run fast, he probably wouldn't even be able to drink the soup!

After leaving his contact information, Dr. Landa hurried to look for other survivors, and they all said the same thing.

However, most rich people don't care about it, only a few are interested and choose to join the emperor's organization.

Not to mention changes in the outside world.

Inner Earth.

Along the way, Han Shaoqing was an eye-opener.

"It's almost here, the ancestral land of the King Kong clan is just ahead."

Godzilla's heartfelt voice came, and Han Shaoqing quickly climbed onto Godzilla's shoulders, looked around, and saw a magnificent scene.

In front of the plain, there is a towering mountain. From a distance, there seems to be only a thin line between the lower peak and the upper peak.

It's as if heaven and earth are connected, it's really spectacular!

Seeing this scene, Han Shaoqing couldn't help but think of the myths and legends he had seen before time travel.

For example, the female snail fills the sky!

According to "Historical Records Bu San Huang Ben Ji", the water god Gong Gong rebelled and fought with the fire god Zhu Rong.

Gonggong was defeated by Zhu Rong. In a rage, he hit Buzhou Mountain with his head, causing the sky to collapse and the earth to sink, and the water of the Tianhe River poured into the world.

Nuwa couldn't bear the suffering of the living beings, so she smelted five-color stones to mend the sky, folded the feet of the turtle to support the four poles, flattened the flood and killed the beasts, so that all spirits could live in peace.

I used to listen to fairy tales as if they were stories, but I still felt that there were some unreasonable things.

After entering the earth's core world, Han Shaoqing had a whim, if the person who recorded the female snail mending the sky at that time was in the earth's core world, then everything seemed much more reasonable.

The earth core world is a spherical inner space, which is located under the surface world, and there are connection points with the surface world, such as Buzhou Mountain, Kunlun Mountain, Chengdu Zaitian, Jianmu and other pillars.

If Gonggong breaks the pillar of Buzhou Mountain, it will inevitably destabilize the world in the center of the earth.

And the water of the Tianhe River is poured into the human world, the premise is that the water must be above the human world.

It can be seen that after the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, a huge anti-gravity channel appeared, and a large amount of mountains, rivers, or seawater poured into the inner world through this channel.

Coincidentally, in the history of foreign countries, there were also records of the destruction of the world by a great flood.

It's just that God saw the evil deeds full of corruption, violence and lawlessness on the earth, and gradually couldn't stand it anymore, so he decided to launch a great flood to cleanse all creatures in the world.

There is a good man named Noah, who is the ninth grandson of Seth in the previous article. He behaves in accordance with God’s teachings, making God feel that this world is still worth saving, so he issued a decree to ask Noah to build an ark and move everything in the world. All kinds of creatures bring a male and a female to avoid disasters.

In the end, they escaped through the ark and re-established order.

Is this really just a coincidence?

Perhaps this is what happened in the same period, so there are many similarities, but human records are relatively one-sided, and with their own brain-filled plots, they become different fairy tales.

If this assumption is true, then the origin of human beings is likely to be in the inner world.

According to the Darwinian theory of evolution, apes evolved into apes, and apes evolved into humans.

But so far, no fossils have been found in the transition period of the evolution from apes to humans.

In other words, between 7 and 20 years before the apes evolved into humans, traces of humans disappeared from the earth for 130,000 years.

Where was humanity during this time?

Boldly assume that during the period of the apes, in order to avoid some catastrophes, some apes somehow reached the inner world of the earth, after many thousands of years of evolution, they became humans, and finally multiplied civilization.

As for how human beings come to the ground from the inner world?

This problem also has a corresponding story in the mythology, that is, Jedi Tiantong.

According to the "Shan Hai Jing", in ancient times, there was no distinction between human beings and gods, monsters were rampant, and many races lived together in one place. Later, the Zhuanxu family cut off all the passages between heaven and earth.

Since then, the gods can't mess around, and the monsters can't offend.

It can be seen that in ancient times, human beings lived together with monsters in the center of the earth, and then returned to the surface under pressure.

Then cut off the passage to prevent the earth core monster from coming out to harm people.

Later, I don't know what happened, and the records were lost.

Or the former human ancestors were afraid that future generations would open the anti-gravity channel connecting the earth's core world and release the earth's core monsters, deliberately concealing this history.

As the world goes by, the secret disappears with the passing of the ancestors of mankind.

Of course, these are all Han Shaoqing's idle thoughts.

Han Shaoqing didn't know what the original world was like, but in the Marvel world, God and the Eastern Heaven really existed.

But when Han Shaoqing asked Godzilla if there were humans in the inner world of the earth.

Godzilla's answer is that the inner world was indeed inhabited by humans, and the Titans were regarded as gods, or totems.

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