I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

223-Mr. Lin's small class starts

Lin Jie looked at the young man standing at the front, and said with a smile: "Since you are interested in my book, I will do my best to make you understand the meaning of this book, chat by the way, and let you 'return from evil'" I think that since you came here voluntarily, you should be aware of it. The young man in front of him had a light golden head and also had ear studs and lip studs. He was blue and black at the moment. He looked very unruly and had a personality. At first glance, he thought he was a hip-hop rap player. In addition, there are some unknown black tattoos on his neck and hands, which are probably non-mainstream characters. He has become a very typical social youth. Lin Jie's opinion on the organization of blood banquet- There's never been a good feeling. The first time I heard about it, I thought it was some kind of pyramid selling organization, which specially deceived the elderly. Later, I found out that this is not the case. The nature of this organization turned out to be even worse! Participated in organizing the trade of various contrabands, and helped the Dome Church to control the believers. I don't know how many dirty things have been done. It's a real evil force. And the image of the young man named Ye Falcon in front of him fits the blood banquet's impression in his mind very well. It is a bad standard. It looks bad at first glance, and his thinking is questionable and needs to be corrected. As a former motherland gardener and chicken soup expert, Lin Jie's heart and hands are already ready to move. Ye Ji couldn't help swallowing secretly, facing the bookstore owner's kind smile, especially the cat in Lin Jie's arms was also looking at him, which made him feel the pressure behind him. But in the end, the fanatical worship of the other party prevailed. Ye Falcon took a deep breath and said: "Yes, I am very interested in your writings, and I also admire you very much, and I hope to get your advice.

This is what Wilde has told before, and they all already know that this great omniscient evangelist has a unique hobby, or the means he uses to observe everything in this world, and that is to pretend that he is- An ordinary bookstore owner. So they had better-- ..no, they had to act according to this person's design, otherwise Mr. Lin would be very likely to be displeased. "After leaving the blood feast, we all studied under the guidance of Lord Wilde. Because of our limited ability, we could only learn a part of this book, but still felt very rewarding. Ye Falcon continued: " After reading your book, I deeply feel that everything I have done in the past is wrong, and only broad and great knowledge is the right choice to follow. Lin Jie raised his eyebrows. This young man in society is a little different from what he imagined. Unlike his very reckless appearance, he actually seems to be very polite. . . It can even be said to be very slick. It seems that he is real I learned something from the book. Boss Lin nodded in relief, and then asked in a spring-like tone: "Which part did you study? Ye Falcon shook again and said, "The first part... that is the summary of the whole book. The basic part, but its content is absolutely not basic. It describes the communication channel between "people" and "gods", completely deconstructing and reorganizing Ye Falcon's previous cognition, and even giving him a new understanding of filthy blood. understand. --I just saw the introduction part, introducing what is ritual, what is folklore, and what is the relationship between ceremony and folklore. Sure enough, for people in other worlds, there is still a certain threshold for understanding those native earth examples and terms. If it is not a basic scholar like Lao Wang, it is indeed difficult to learn. Lin Jie reassured: "Don't be nervous, don't worry, take your time, what do you have that you don't understand? Ye Ji was so moved that he almost cried, the great Lord is so generous and kind, it makes him sore. My heart has been cured. The pain of studying under the compulsion of Wilde the Faceless these days has turned into relief in an instant. "I want to know what place blood occupies in the communication between man and God. ? The night train asked the question that he most wanted to know. Because the most important source of power for the hunter is the filthy blood, and the filthy blood comes from the dream beast. Combined with what was written in the corpse ordinance, it made him wonder if, assuming a god, they could also get their power from the blood of a god. But so far, no one has succeeded. Because the most important feature of filthy blood is the infection of reason. The higher the concentration, the higher the level, and the more unbearable it is for hunters. It's not that no one has obtained the blood of the god-level dream beast, but no matter what materials are used to reconcile it, there is no way to keep the hunters who receive the filthy blood awake. This "P recipe of food" allowed him to find a new direction. Lin Jie was really surprised, his expression changed from casual to serious. Is

It seems that he underestimated the heroes of the world, and it is really commendable that this unscrupulous young man in front of him can ask such in-depth questions. He already has his own understanding and thinking about the book he wrote. This shows that he is really looking into it, not just ranting. Ritual, in many cases, is the way for people to communicate with God. The gods here refer not only to the thinking gods embodied by human beings, but also to nature in general. For example, praying for good weather is an expression of human desires. "That's a good question. Lin Jie complimented himself, and then said sternly:" Blood is indispensable in various sacrificial ceremonies, and the reason lies in the spirituality of blood. "Spirituality?" Ye Falcon murmured again. Lin Jie nodded, and he spoke with a teacher's aura, just a blackboard podium: "In sacrifice, people believe that blood has spirituality, and blood is a kind of bond , can give souls to dead things, and can also communicate with potential souls, including gods. These are not entirely his previous research results, but also part of the feeling that he has learned the spells on the human book. Ye Falcon muttered to himself. Language: '"Can give soul to dead things, give dead things. . . I understand! His eyes lit up, and he murmured very fast: "The spirituality of blood is the residue of the soul, so filthy blood will affect people's reason. , it will be affected no matter what, but the dead will not, so the blood of god-level filth is really

The purpose is not on people, but for enchanting! Lin Jie didn't hear clearly: "? What do you understand? Ye Falcon gratefully thanked Boss Lin, and danced to the side. Lin Jie looked kindly. Looking at this silly child, he sighed. He decided to give up the treatment and looked at the next one: "I remember your name as a bookworm? What's your opinion? The scholar who was named - had a nervous face, like being called by a teacher in class. Just like asking a question, he stammered out his thoughts.

"Section Chief, emergency! Claude suddenly opened the door of the conference room. Joseph, who was in a meeting with other staff members, immediately stood up, looked at the door, checked his eyes, turned his head and said sorry to the others, He walked out of the door. "What's wrong? What's going on in the bookstore?" Joseph walked to the corner and asked casually. Claude whispered: "Wilde finally appeared!

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