I’m From The World Of Punishment

Chapter 1804: Go home and see

The bullet pierced the gangster, not killing him but silencing his energy.

The easy thing to deal with with enhanced people is that their "energy" is more material-oriented, that is, they are powerful because of energy and matter, and also have distinct properties because of energy and matter, making them easy to be targeted by material means.

Especially for powerful medicines that are extremely powerful, the relationship between them and the body becomes more tense, instead of complementing each other.

Luo Huai walked up and simply looked at the clothes of the man in black to see if he was a group of guys he had met before.

Unfortunately, the clothes were just ordinary clothes, and no medicine samples were found in the clothes.

There was a siren outside the alley approaching quickly. Luo Huai had already called the police before he came. The police must have heard the gunshot just now.

"Uncle, get up. You should still be able to walk, right?" He helped Yang Shan, who was still paralyzed on the ground, at least he could still stand.

"Thank you... thank you." Yang Shan still looked very uneasy, without any joy at being rescued.

Luo Huai had just arrived and didn't hear the conversation between them. He could only tell something about him from his lost look.

"Uncle, are you being threatened?"

"Yeah." Yang Shan nodded.

Although he was rescued, the other party was obviously committing the crime in a gang. If the other party wanted to retaliate, what ability could he, who was weak, have to resist?

There is no sense of security.

"..." Luo Huai found that the corners of his mouth were trembling.

Just a few simple words of comfort and pretentious remarks may not be able to convince him.

So Luo Huai patted him and said, "Uncle, let me take you home first."

"Oh, yes, go home, I have to go back quickly." When Yang Shan mentioned home, he suddenly remembered what he had been thinking about just now. His stiff body moved but he couldn't find the direction.

"This way." Luo Huai had no choice but to take a few steps forward to show him the way.

"How do you know where my home is?"

"I found it." Luo Huai walked in front and said to himself without looking back.

"Found it?" Yang Shan was puzzled and finally asked, "Who are you?"

"Just a non-staff policeman passing by." Luo Huai didn't intend to explain more and urged Yang Shan to hurry up, "Uncle, the police have surrounded this place. If you don't follow me, you may have to be taken away and cooperate for the night. Investigated.”

"Oh." Yang Shan didn't mind being taken away, but before that he still wanted to go back to see his wife and apologize to her.

A siren police car drove past, and Yang Shan was a little nervous, but the police car didn't stop them. They just looked at Luo Huai's ID and passed by.

There were sounds of fighting in the building from which he escaped, and the remaining gangsters were fiercely resisting the police.

"Is it really okay if we just leave like this?"

"I want you to go back and see your family to make sure you are safe. I will take you to the police station later." Luo Huai shook his hand, took out a pair of handcuffs and turned them around twice, "Uncle, you shouldn't need to wear these."

"No, no, no." Yang Shan knew it was a joke, but he still shook his head in fear.

Even though he was a professional, he didn't dare to think about going to jail.

"Thankfully you woke up early, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to turn back if you had joined those guys."

Yang Shan immediately lowered his head, frustrated.

"I just can't find a way to become stronger," he said.

"Uncle, I have said before, eat well, sleep well and exercise well. I am not lying to you." Luo Huai said, "Unless you have other reasons."

"I..." Yang Shan seemed to have something to hide.

"It's just the two of us on this road, let's talk about it."

"I was kicked out of the original adventure group." Yang Shan probably felt that he had no face to lose anymore, so he said it simply.

"Did you make a mistake?"

"I'm too weak." Yang Shan recalled the scene when he was kicked out of the team by unanimous vote, clenching his fists unconsciously, "They said I was of no use at all and would only be a hindrance."

"What position do you hold on the team?"

"A warrior is just an ordinary warrior with no advantages or specialties, so when more powerful warriors came to the team, I became a liability."

"Really? If you are an old employee, you should have signed a contract, right? I kicked you casually and didn't get liquidated damages?"

"No." Yang Shan said in a low voice, "They didn't drive me away directly, but they started to find fault with me constantly, pointing out any areas where I didn't do what I wanted, and sometimes they even tried to force me to do something difficult."

It was also during that time that Yang Shan suffered denials and accusations from his teammates almost every day, so that he also had problems with his mentality later on and began to make more mistakes.

In the end, even a few friends in the team who had a good relationship with him felt that he had a big problem.

"Well, it's a very typical technique." Luo Huai looked through the cases and found a lot of similar incidents.

It's just that Yang Shan didn't report it to the police.

He himself fell into doubts about himself, so that he stayed at home and gave up on himself for the next few months. UUkanshuwww.uukanshu.com

Until the news about the harbor was released, his wife hoped that he would come out of the shadows and persuaded him to come to this new place and start over from the previous environment.

The problem is that he has given up on himself for several months, his skills are seriously rusty, and he always hits a wall wherever he goes.

So another blow made him unable to even listen to his wife's comfort, and then so many things happened.

"Uncle." Luo Huai listened to what he said intermittently before saying, "You should know that the body metabolism rate of professional people is very high, right?"

"I know...I'm going to work out."

"Uncle, you're being perfunctory again." Luo Huai could hear the carelessness in his tone. After all, it was just a stimulus from the crisis, and it was impossible to completely change a person all at once.

So he stopped, and Yang Shan stopped too. Then he realized that he had walked to the edge of the house unknowingly, but it was not the main entrance.

Looking at the figure reflected in the light on the window, he couldn't wait to go in, but Luo Huai held him back.

"What?" Yang Shan was puzzled.

Luo Huai said slowly: "Uncle, just stand here and watch for a while."

Through the window, you can actually vaguely see inside.

The woman inside the house didn't notice the two people outside. She was busy taking care of the furniture in the room - there were many things that needed to be taken care of in the new home, but her husband ran out.

"Just watch quietly for a while, uncle. Then you may know why you have to cheer up."

"..." Yang Shan didn't respond, he was already watching silently.

Leaving his daily perspective, he saw his devoted wife from an unprecedented perspective, which stung him like a needle.

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