I’m From The World Of Punishment

Chapter 1729: sleepy eagle

"Hoo! Hoo!"

The giant eagle didn't fly into the sky again, it found that these little bugs on the ground didn't seem to have any threat to itself, so it fell to the ground.

The giant eagle with a wingspan of nearly 20 meters is as tall as four or five people even if it stands on the ground with its wings folded. Moreover, it is obviously a monster and knows how to use energy.

The air in the entire street flowed as it descended, becoming more and more turbulent, and finally plunged the entire street into a storm.

The sky is clear and bright, but people are blinded by the dust.

Ordinary people who were successfully evacuated hurriedly hid in the underground shelter of the building. This is an underground structure that every medium and large building will have, and it is a rigid requirement of the official design drawings.

All of a sudden, the city became empty, only the huge monster, and a few suitors of armor still standing on the street faced it.

Even ordinary security guards were evacuated into the building.

"Captain, how do you fight!" Although Xu Qingshu mustered up some courage after saving a few people, Tang Xueyu still had more combat experience.

"Around the building! The eagle's ground movement is not flexible, we will restrain its movements!" Tang Xueyu quickly thought of a countermeasure and informed Xu Qingshu through the communication between the armors.

Then she immediately said to the communication channels of other security guards: "Others go to the car to get the No. 3 composite material rope!"


People in the dark and in the light are all in action.

According to the reminder of the armor, Xu Qingshu kept running and turning around in the street, using street lights and street signs to restrain the giant eagle's movements.

"Captain! Here's the rope!" A dozen security guards came with four or five bundles of rope. Both ends of the rope have speargun-like structures that can be fired, and there are claws at the top The structure is all high-strength materials.

Tang Xueyu immediately shouted to the running Xu Qingshu: "Qingshu, jump on the ice!"

When Xu Qingshu heard this, he immediately lowered his head to find the fire hydrant on the side of the road, and before he could turn on the valve, he kicked it down.

"Bah!" Immediately, a jet of water sprayed out, spraying the surrounding roads with water.

He immediately aimed his arm at the water-soaked road, and shot a stream of energy matter from the energy jet at the front of the gauntlet.

Immediately after the matter hit the ground, it spread along the surface, instantly condensing the water into a layer of ice.

In addition, the water tank dropped by the giant eagle made the street very wet, and there was a slippery piece of ice on the street.

At this time, the giant eagle running over with its huge body swayed unexpectedly slipped and tilted, even if it used its wings to maintain balance in a hurry, it would inevitably slip out.

The huge body knocked down a small vertical traffic light and crushed a good piece of green belt.

The structure of the eagle's claws is not suitable for standing on a hard surface, especially the harder ice after freezing.

Although the giant eagle can immediately use the tips of its claws to provide friction to regain its foothold, the guards on the side are already prepared and will not allow it to stand up easily.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The rope was shot out and passed over the eagle's body. As the rope body straightened, the heavy rope fell down and circled several times around the eagle's neck and body with the help of inertia.

Xu Qingshu jumped up and grabbed the end of the rope when he saw the right moment. Before the giant eagle could tighten the rope, he quickly buckled the claws of the end of the rope on the traffic barrier on the sidewalk by the sidewalk. The low metal poles on the side of the road are only as high as the calf, which can prevent vehicles from parking on the sidewalk.

This metal rod is rectangular, buried deep in the concrete floor, very firm.

The security personnel at the other end also quickly buckled the end of the rope to the barrier.

Almost the next moment when both ends of the rope were buckled at the same time, the originally wobbly rope suddenly tightened, and the soft rope was as hard as a steel bar, very straight.

The Giant Eagle discovered the problem and began to struggle, but the No. 3 composite material rope is a special-grade high-strength rope. It was specially prepared by Tang Xueyu and Luo Huai two days ago after inquiring about monsters. How can a flesh and blood body break free easily? It's open.

Taking advantage of the fact that two ropes were successfully fixed, Xu Qingshu quickly cooperated with the security personnel to continue launching the ropes. As long as all five bundles of ropes were successfully tied, the giant eagle would not be able to fly.

The giant eagle was not very flexible on the ground, but it became even more restrained after being tied with two ropes around its neck and wings, and the latter two ropes soon wrapped around its body.

It could hardly stretch its legs and claws, but it still stood, trying to stand up, the rope was stretched so tight that it became so thin that it even got caught in the feathers, which caused more damage than those bullets before .

After a stalemate for quite a while, no one dared to attack, because the monster's strength was so frightening that the four ropes seemed to be crumbling.

There is also a rope. Tang Xueyu observes the monster's current way of exerting force, and thinks: "If it can be wrapped around its legs to pull it down, then it will not be able to exert force like this."

With the slippery road surface, as long as you wrap it up and pull it together with several teams of armored vehicles, it should work.

She told Xu Qingshu about this plan, this action is suitable for the two of them, it is too dangerous for other people without armor to get close to the monster~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After activating the armor, she quickly ran to get the rope and rushed towards the giant eagle.

Of course the giant eagle would not turn a blind eye, its body was restrained, but its neck could still move, and its sharp beak pecked down like lightning, but Tang Xueyu dodged them one by one.

Xu Qingshu ran behind the giant eagle.

"Go on!" Tang Xueyu launched the rope and passed under the giant eagle. Xu Qingshu jumped and caught it!

But the giant eagle found the doorway, suddenly raised a claw to grab the rope, and pulled it hard.

The power of a monster is dozens of times that of a human, even if it is wearing armor, it is still the same, let alone this kind of monster that has been strengthened.

The rope was pulled instantly, and the two of them couldn't hold it at all. Tang Xueyu let go of the rope, but Xu Qingshu just grabbed the rope tightly and didn't want to let go. Before he could stand still, he was pulled over in an instant.

Although the giant eagle can't see what's going on behind it, it can feel an object from the pull of the rope, and with the perception of energy, it is sure that it is the little bug that spews cold air.

So it loosened its claws, threw off the rope, then retracted it, and kicked back.

The tip of the claw hit Xu Qingshu's chest. Although it was a sharp weapon, he still felt the power of a monster at this moment.

The striker struck the bell, but it was the bell that wailed.

Xu Qingshu could no longer hold the rope in his hand, and flew upside down from the giant eagle, flew straight to the end of the street and smashed into the glass window of a shop.

Armor prevents a person from being pierced, but at the cost of withstanding all the force of the blow.

After a successful blow, the giant eagle immediately became imposing, raised its head and screamed, and the wind was fierce.

The four ropes became more and more precarious.

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