I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 18 018 Aunt Xue

Chapter 18 018. Aunt Xue

The students played until nearly 3 o'clock in the morning before they dispersed one after another.

Basically, many people are drunk.

Xu Xin was not drunk, but just a little tired.

Shooting in the first half of the night, and finishing the editing in the second half of the night... I guess he is the only one in this world.

Didn't drive.

After all, I drank.

He found a substitute driver, and under the strange eyes of the buddy, he stuffed the Ferrari's pitifully small trunk in the front, and carried a few boxes on the passenger seat. He said goodbye to everyone and returned with the equipment. Arrived home.

He threw the clothes smelling of cigarette smoke into the dirty clothes basket and took a hasty shower. This time he didn't even read a book and simply closed his eyes.

When I woke up again, it was already noon.

After hurriedly washing up, he dialed Yu Zhen's phone number:

"Teacher Yu, where are you?"

When he arrived at school, he first went to the equipment room to return the equipment. Carrying a box of film and a notebook, he found Yu Zhen in the school cafeteria.

"Already finished filming? So fast?"

Yu Zhen was a little surprised.

Xu Xin nodded, and after chatting about the shooting last night, he pointed at the film:

"Teacher Yu, I have to go home. Can you please find someone who can edit this film..."

"You do it yourself, and I'll let someone teach you."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Zhen shook her head:

"As a director, although editing is a course for the next semester, I think you can already touch it. The works you shoot are like your own children. For the first child, it is best not to hand it over to others, but It’s best if you grow up with it yourself.”

"Uh...but this is homework..."

"It's okay, I allow you to teach after school starts."

Take a look, it turns out he is the deputy director of the department.

Speak with confidence.

In this case, what else is there to say...

"Thank you, Teacher Yu."

"Yeah, it's okay...eat, and while you're eating, talk to me about your first filming experience."


The two started chatting over a piece of pickled fish from the school cafeteria.

There was a lot to talk about, and the meal lasted nearly an hour.

Finally, Xu Xin left the school with the roll of film.

I called and booked a flight to Zhang Fei EEDS Airport at 4pm.

After returning home, he kept the film box in the safe. With nothing to do, he simply went to the bookstore near Laishijia Hutong.

After picking and choosing, I selected two photography books that were barely relevant to my profession, and then I packed a suitcase from home and walked to the airport.

I arrived at the airport at around 2 o'clock, smoked three cigarettes at the door, and went straight through the security check.

As he was about to board the plane, he called Xu Daqiang:

"Dad, go back and arrive in Dongsheng at six o'clock~"

"Saying!? Are you being kicked back by your husband?"

Xu Daqiang's voice was full of surprise.

Xu Xin was speechless:

"No, no, I've finished my homework."

"Oh~~~Okay, let Xiao Li pick you up. What do you want to eat tonight? Abalone?"


I don’t know if dad really likes abalone or what.

Xu Xin simply obeyed him and said:

"Then abalone, brother? Did you come back from the mine?"

"You're back."

"Okay, see you tonight, Dad."


After hanging up the phone and switching to airplane mode, Xu Xin, holding a book in his hand, walked to the first-class boarding gate and boarded the plane directly.

The journey was uneventful. There was no scene where the stewardess came over to ask for a phone number, and I didn’t meet any big stars...

Just kidding, who would go to Dongsheng, a place where big stars don’t shit?

After flying for two hours, he finally got off the plane at 6 o'clock.

Carrying my luggage to the exit of EEDS Airport, I immediately saw the Lexus 570 with Shaanxi K and lots of 6's on it.

And a 30-year-old buddy standing by the car waving to him.

That was Dad’s driver, horse boy, and secretary who worked part-time as a waiter, paid the bills, and ran errands.

Li Hao.

"Brother Li."

After shouting, Xu Xin walked over.

Li Hao smiled and said:

"Well, I'm back! Come on, give me the things and you get in the car."

Xu Xin was not polite and sat in the passenger seat.

His eyes were a little sore from reading all the way and he planned to lie down for a while.

Unexpectedly, I searched for the adjustment button on the chair and pressed it for a long time, but there was no response at all.


When Li Hao got in the car, Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"Brother Li, why doesn't this seat move?"

"Uh... your dad broke it two days ago, and then we couldn't find any accessories here. It creaked when it was turned on, so we took a steel bar and welded it under. Want to sleep? How about that? Go to the back?" (Author's personal experience)


Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

"Forget it, let's just go."

He rolled down the window, lit a cigarette, and looked at the very familiar road, he said.

Xu Xin's mother died very early.

I have never enjoyed happiness in my life.

After his mother left, Xu Daqiang pulled the two brothers together to farm during the busy farming season and push a tricycle to sell instant noodles during the slack farming season until a mineral vein was discovered in the village.

After receiving the first three million yuan in compensation in his life, Xu Daqiang, who was very creative, started a mixing station with several uncles and brothers in the village.

The cement used in all Xujiawan coal mine auxiliary plant projects must come from Xujiawan's mixing station.

Otherwise, your mine will not be built.

Although it sounds a bit barbaric, this is indeed the case.

The mixing station made a lot of money, and the coal mine also had collective shares from the villagers.

Xu Daqiang, who reaped the dividends from the coal mine, opened another coal washing plant.

After the coal washing plant was built, people from Xujiawan monopolized the coal stamping business for trucks entering and exiting the warehouse.

After saving a lot of money, he opened a second coal washing plant just two years later. At the same time, he and the villagers invested in a coal coking plant.

After the coal mine was completed, he and the villagers focused on several small coal mines.

Let’s not talk about the thrilling past events of the past for the older generation.

The current Xu family is considered a prominent family in the entire Yulin area, not to mention in Xujiawan.

Xu Xin’s brother is called Xu Miao.

It is said that when the two sons were born, the gentleman in the village counted them.

One life lacks water, and the other life lacks gold.

His brother is seven years older than him.

Just got married last year.

The woman's family is in good condition. She is not engaged in business, but in another way.

Xu Miao and she were college classmates. They met from fellow villagers at first, but they didn't know each other's family. After I found out later, everything fell into place.

My father-in-law lives in Xi'an all year round, and it is estimated that he will be more than ten years away from retirement.

Xu Miao is currently in charge of all business at home.

Because his brother had never received much love from his mother since he was a child, Xu Miao always felt that he owed Xu Xin.

The relationship between the two brothers is indescribable.

No, as soon as he arrived at Shenmu, at the entrance of the newly opened "Linzhou Yanbaochi", Xu Xin saw Xu Miao standing in the cold wind in front of a row of Rolls-Royce, Land Rover, Hummer and other luxury cars. Waiting for yourself.

There was a girl standing next to her.

That was his sister-in-law, Zhang Qianqian.

"Brother, sister-in-law!"

Before Li Hao's car stopped, Xu Xin had already jumped out of the car and rushed to Xu Miao's side.

The brothers shared a big hug.


Xu Miao smiled happily, hugging her brother without letting go, and said to his wife next to him:

"Our big star is back."

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing out here? It's so cold."

"It's just your sweet mouth."

Zhang Qianqian smiled, pinched Xu Xin's cheek and said:

"Let's go into the house and talk. Dad is impatient."


Xu Xingang agreed, but was pulled back by Xu Miao:


"……What's the matter?"

Xu Xin was a little puzzled when his brother whispered:

"Everyone is happy that you are back today. The second, third, and fourth universities are all here. Don't let our dad get off the stage. Do you hear me?"


Xu Xin was stunned at first, but immediately understood what his brother meant.

He asked something specious:

"Changed again?"


"That's...ok, got it."


Xu Miao was stunned. Looking at Xu Xin's expression, she was speechless for a moment:

"What do you know?"

"Oh, if you know it, you know it. Let's go, let's go, I miss our dad, let's go."

Forcibly pulling Xu Miao, Xu Xin followed Zhang Qianqian into the door of this hotel, which far exceeded the luxury level of the county town.

After going upstairs and turning a few corners, as Zhang Qianqian opened the door, Xu Xin saw the three tables of guests in the majestic second-hand smoke.


Looking at the dark-skinned middle-aged man sitting on the main seat with a face full of joy, Xu Xin shouted.

"Hahaha! What a baby!!"

Xu Daqiang waved to Xu Xin:

"Come on, come on, our artist is back!"

A group of middle-aged people wearing gold and silver began to applaud upon hearing this.

It was as if Xu Xin was really a great artist.

Xu Xin walked quickly to his father, gave Xu Daqiang a big hug, and then looked at the young girl who also stood up and looked a little uneasy, but she was a beauty in both appearance and figure.

The other person looks to be about the same age as himself.

Fair skin and beautiful appearance.

She was looking at him a little awkwardly and awkwardly.

So, he took the initiative to speak:

"Hello, aunt. I'm Xu Xin. Thank you for taking such good care of my dad."

Let alone girls, even Xu Daqiang was stunned.

The first reaction was to look at the eldest son.

But I saw Xu Miao looking at Xu Xin as if he was mentally ill...



The two men looked at each other, and finally, Xu Daqiang, whose eyes were full of joy, patted his son on the shoulder and said:

"Just call Aunt Xue."

"Hey, okay, hello Aunt Xue, I'm Xu Xin, just call me Xiaoxin."


The girl who was wearing makeup said she was not a monster, but even if she said she was charming, she quickly shook hands with Xu Xin:

"Hello, Xiao...Xiaoxin."


Xu Xin nodded, then looked at the other elders and the group of his younger students on the table next to him, and said with a smile:

"Dad, let's drink first? Let's talk while drinking?"

"Ah, yes, come on, come on, pour some wine, pour some wine! Our artist is back, and you are not allowed to leave until you get drunk tonight! Whoever leaves will be a coward!"

Following Xu Daqiang's words, Xu Xin took his seat.

The family dinner began.

Busy and lively.

Welding car seats with steel bars is a real thing, I have personal experience. Only it's not a 570, but a Q7. I think back then, when I heard the driver say that the automatic seat under my seat was welded to death by steel bars, my outlook on life at that time is hard to describe now... and this is specially marked because some readers don't believe it, including I said before that playing cards can cost up to a million dollars... these are all true. Even now, I saw demolished households betting "square meters" in cards the year before last. One apartment is gone in one night... Therefore, the novel is derived from reality but is higher than reality. Some are artistic processing, but some are based on what the author has seen and heard. But again, thank you for your love, please don't take it seriously and just laugh it off.

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