I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 834 Hidden Darkness


Batman... no, he became Bruce Wayne again at this time.

The Bruce Wayne who lost his parents when he was young and was raised by the gray-haired old man in front of him.

"Master Wayne, I'm sorry. I wanted to find her before you did, but unfortunately I was delayed."

Ah Fu gritted his teeth, still pointed the gun at the doctor, and said in a deep voice: "Master Wayne, you should know that no matter what choice you make, I will support you, even if you want to destroy this damn city. But she...can't!"

Bruce Wayne quietly took a step forward, stood in front of the doctor, and asked in a deep voice: "Why?"

Ah Fu said nothing.

"Answer me, Afu, why?"

Ah Fu's lips trembled slightly, but he still didn't speak.

At this time, the doctor smiled and said: "It should be for the secret in the USB flash drive, right?"

Bruce Wayne took out the USB flash drive and frowned: "What is hidden in it?"

The doctor smiled in a teasing tone: "You'll know if you open it and take a look."

"Shut up!" Ah Fu said coldly, "Master Wayne, please put down the USB flash drive and leave. Just pretend that nothing happened, okay?"

Bruce Wayne shook his head: "Afu, you know this is impossible."

There was a stalemate between the old and the young. Afu couldn't pull the trigger, and Bruce Wayne couldn't pull the trigger.

After a while, the doctor yawned and said lazily: "You two, let's make a quick decision, okay? Either shoot me to death, or tell the secret. It won't last forever." That’s not the way to go.”

Bruce Wayne took a deep breath and simply reached out and took off his helmet, revealing a young and handsome face full of resoluteness.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Ah Fu's hands trembled slightly. After a moment, he sighed, slowly lowered the muzzle of the gun, and whispered: "Master, please open the USB flash drive. After you know this secret, You know why I did it."

The armor on Bruce Wayne's body naturally has a USB flash drive reading socket, but he would not insert the USB flash drive rashly, just in case there is a virus inside that he cannot isolate. He reached out and drew circles in the air, and a space door bursting with sparks immediately opened. Then he reached out and took out a laptop from the space door.

This move made everyone, including Ah Fu, stunned.

Bruce Wayne opened his laptop with a calm face, inserted the USB flash drive, and saw that the 500G space was filled with video files. He casually opened the first video, and a shrill cry of a child rang out, and then Bruce Wayne's face turned ashen.

The video should be shot with a professional camera and the picture should be very clear. There is a girl standing in the picture, she looks to be five or six years old at most. The naked little body was covered with scars and bruises, and the little face was covered with tears, and he was crying loudly.

In front of the girl, stood a man in a neat suit. He wears a huge owl mask on his face, and except for a pair of eyes, his other facial features are completely obscured by the mask. He held a belt in his hand, smiled evilly at the camera, and raised the belt high again.

The screams, begging for mercy, and painful cries resounded again.

Bruce Wayne looked sideways slightly, suppressing the anger in his heart and watching the video patiently. The horrific abuse lasted for more than half an hour. In the end, there was no trace of good skin left on the girl's body and she was lying on the ground dying. The man exhaled with satisfaction, dropped the belt, and staggered to the side. .

Just as the video was about to end, the voices of two people talking were heard outside the camera.

"How did it feel for the first time?"

"It's great, it feels like I've been given a new lease of life."

Before he finished speaking, the video ended abruptly.

But Bruce's eyes were as wide as bells, looking extremely frightened.

Because from these two short conversations, he had already heard the identity of one of them.

After being stunned for a while, Bruce suddenly went crazy and quickly opened the remaining videos. The other video scenes are basically the same. They are all children under the age of ten, but they are of different genders and different skin colors. But without exception, they all suffered inhuman abuse and beatings.


Bruce couldn't hold it on any longer, so he suddenly closed the notebook and slammed it on the ground. Seeing that the notebook had been smashed into pieces, he still felt upset, so he simply waved his hands, and a ball of flames appeared out of thin air and engulfed the notebook.

Seeing that the USB flash drive also fell into the fire, Ah Fu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Unfortunately, the doctor's next words made his face change drastically: "It's useless if you burn it. I have plenty of these USB flash drives."

Ah Fu raised his gun and was about to step forward to question the doctor. After calming down, Bruce quickly raised his hand to stop him, turned to the doctor, and asked in a deep voice: "Where did you get these videos?"

The doctor laughed disdainfully: "Is it exciting? Is it good-looking? After watching it, do you feel great, as if you have regained a new lease of life? After all, you are that person's biological son..."

Before she could finish speaking, Bruce suddenly took action, grabbed her neck, lifted her directly into the air, and said through gritted teeth: "These videos are all fake, right?"

The doctor looked at Bruce indifferently and said with difficulty: "You should be able to tell whether these videos are real or fake."

Bruce took a deep breath, threw the doctor to the ground with his backhand, turned his back to Alfred and asked coldly: "Are these the secrets you mentioned?"

Ah Fu opened his mouth, hesitated for a while, and then sighed: "That was a mistake I made when I was young..."

"Mistakes you made when you were young?" The doctor covered his neck that was pinched purple and laughed mockingly, "Yes, just the mistakes you made when you were young have ruined the lives of at least a hundred children. This Mistakes are really not worth mentioning.”

Bruce looked at the doctor and asked in a deep voice, "Are you one of those children?"

"Of course, otherwise you think I'm so into these videos?"

The doctor tried to stand up, lying on his neck, staring at Bruce without fear:

"Fortunately, your father likes to let others record him when he does these things. Maybe he wants to wait and reflect on it later. Unfortunately, he never thought that those people would dare to make a private copy. And he would not even know that. To think that among those children who should have been silenced, there was actually a little girl who survived."


Bruce closed his eyes in pain.

Yes, the children in the video were abused like that, how could they not be dealt with in the end?

For a moment, Bruce felt that his world view had collapsed.

The image of his father who taught him to be friendly, kind, and responsible since he was a child, and who in his mind was a real man, was shattered at this moment.

Bruce slowly opened his eyes: "So you plan to make all this public when the court case comes?"

"That's right." The doctor sneered, "Of course you can also choose what your father did back then, kill me and cover up all this!"

She took a step forward: "What would you choose? Bruce Wayne!" Remember the website address, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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