I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 775 Spiritual Storm

Just when Magneto's hand was about to grab Laura, an extremely terrifying mental storm suddenly erupted in everyone's minds. Not to mention Magneto, Logan, and Laura, even Professor X who was sitting in a wheelchair was thrown into the air and fell hard to the ground.

Only the seemingly weak Charles broke free from Logan's arms, floating in mid-air like a balloon.

This terrifying mental storm erupted from him.

"Damn it, Charles' ability is out of control again!"

Logan was lying on the ground, unable to lift his head under the pressure of this terrible mental storm. Although Charles' loss of control allowed him and Laura to temporarily get rid of Magneto's control, it also put them in trouble at the same time.

If you don't inject the medicine into Charles' body as soon as possible to calm him down, I am afraid that everyone present today will die tragically in his terrible mental storm.

Logan tried his best to turn his head to look at Cary, and the medicines were all on his side. Although he was only twenty or thirty meters away from him at this moment, the distance of twenty or thirty meters seemed so obvious at this moment. distant.


The steel claws protruded from the fist, and Logan inserted the steel claws deeply into the ground, pulling himself hard to crawl towards the Caliban bit by bit. When he crawled up to Karibai, poor Karibai's eyes were bloodshot, and he was already foaming at the mouth.

After Logan retrieved the needle from Cary, he found himself facing another problem.

That's how the needle was injected into Charles.

At this time, Charles was floating in the air, and Logan could use his steel claws to insert into the ground, like pulling a carrot, and move over bit by bit, but it was impossible to fly up bit by bit.


Logan opened his eyes wide, and was surprised to find that he actually started to fly. Although the speed was very slow, he had indeed left the ground. Turning his head to look around, he saw that not far away, Magneto was trying to reach out and aim at himself.

Needless to say, it was Magneto who made the move.

Although it is unclear whether Lao Wan is an enemy or a friend at this time, Logan understands that everyone must cooperate if they want to survive. Under the control of Magneto, Logan rose to Charles's side bit by bit. After he pierced the needle in his hand into Charles' neck and injected the medicine, the terrifying mental pressure disappeared instantly.

"Logan, take Charles, let's go!"

Magneto roared, and swung outward forcefully,

Logan, who had just caught Charles, flew away with a whoosh.

One flew out, and Laura.

As for the Cary version, Magneto has no time to save him. I saw him with messy gray hair, standing up tremblingly, pointed at the other Professor X, and gave him a firm grip. The parts of the wheelchair, which had already fallen apart, flew up out of thin air, condensed into javelins, and flew towards Professor X.

Magneto has made up his mind to kill this blackened professor.

At this moment, a person swooped over from the side, and only heard a few "puff, puff, puff!", the javelin pierced the white wings. The angel protecting Professor X's pierced body was gradually drenched in blood, but because of his protection, the javelin did not hit Professor X's vitals, but one stabbed his shoulder.

Professor X, who woke up instantly because of the pain, immediately activated his ability and controlled Magneto again. Magneto, who was stunned again, waved his hand, and the angel pierced by the javelin flew away, and threw it to the ground like used up garbage.

Professor X clutched his bloody shoulder, without even looking at the angel who died protecting him, gritted his teeth and said, "Hank, did you hear me? Release that experimental subject and let Wolverine take him, Let's go after Laura together."

"Experimental subject? X-24?" Hank was a little surprised. "We haven't conducted experiments yet, so we don't know if we can control him."

"It would be better if it got out of control, so that we can kill those two bastards more brutally," Professor X gritted his teeth, "That damned old guy and that old wolf, I want them to die!"

Hank froze for a moment: "Okay, I will send someone to transport the X-24 as soon as possible."

"As for you..." Professor X cut off the connection with Hank, and looked at Magneto fiercely, "I originally spared your life for the sake of the original Eric, but now it seems that there is no need to keep you. Just be my puppet bodyguard."

On the highway, unmanned trucks roared and shuttled. In this world, the AI ​​intelligence of these unmanned trucks is not high, and they will only follow the established route and will not avoid obstacles ahead.

Therefore, on the highway, you can see small animals that were killed...and ordinary cars that were scrapped.

Presumably for trucking companies, neither animals nor humans matter as much as making a profit. Instead of spending a lot of money to research and improve AI, it's better to just run into it. It doesn't matter if you kill an animal, even if you kill a person, it's just a matter of losing some money.

After all, in Mexico, human life is not worth much at all.

Logan hugged Charles, and Laura followed, hiding by the side of the highway to see if he could get a ride. At this time, an RV pulling the cargo compartment came, and it was driving normally, but an unmanned truck rushed up from behind. Amidst the harsh car horn, the RV dodged to the side in fright, and lost control.

The RV rushed down the roadbed, and the cargo compartment at the back was unhooked, and two horses ran out of it. Seemingly frightened, the horse ran wildly on the road, and unmanned trucks flew by next to it, and a bloody scene might appear at any time.

A black couple got out of the RV and tried to pull the horse back in a panic, but how could the frightened horse be so comforting.

At this moment, Logan rushed out from the nearby cornfield and grabbed a horse by the mane. Perhaps sensing the terrifying aura emanating from Logan's body, the tall horse snorted twice before obediently stopping.

After handing over the horse to the black man who ran over, Logan caught up with another horse, and that horse also calmed down obediently.

"Thank you, buddy." The black man shook Logan's hand, "If it wasn't for you today, I'm afraid I would go bankrupt."

He looked Logan up and down. After the battle just now, Logan was dirty from head to toe, just like a tramp.

The black man frowned and said, "Man, are you okay, is there anything I can do for you?"

"I really need your boss," Logan sighed, "Can you give us a ride? Just go to the nearest city and get rid of it."


The black man frowned, and followed Logan's pointing hand, and saw Laura, who was also dirty and in a state of embarrassment, in the cornfield, supporting Charles, who was slumped on the ground with a haggard face.

"Are you a family?" The black man nodded with a sigh of relief on his face, "If you have no objections, you can come to my house, take a shower and change into clean clothes, and then go on the road, how about it?"

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